Show different footer depending if page is protected or not - Umbraco -

So, I implemented a protected area on my Website (with umbraco) which has a Login when you want to access a page that normal users don't have access to. I am using the Login Snippet and the Login Status Snippet Macro that umbraco provides.
Like this:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
I am showing it on the footer but right now it is always visible but I only want it to be visible when you are on a page that is protected.
Is there any way to do it?
Thank you in advance!

I simply verified if he is Logged in or not. Using the Umbraco Macro Snippet it is quite easy to find out.
#if (Umbraco.MemberIsLoggedOn())
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">


Rails with Angularjs on reloading the page , the content rendered from angularjs disappears

I am using Rails with Angularjs . So, i have link called "Notes" and when i click "Note" it takes me to url "http://localhost:3000/#/notes" and renders some templates through angularjs.
When i reload the page , the templates didn't reload and when i click the link "Note" again then only it renders those templates.
So my simple question is On reloading the page , why all the contents that is rendered through angularjs disappears and how to fix this.
<div class="row">
<div ng-include="'index.html'"></div>
<div class="nav-list">
<a ui-sref="notes"> Notes </a>
<a ui-sref="users"> Users </a>
<div class="main-wrapper">
.state('notes', {
url: '/notes',
templateUrl: 'template/pages/notes/index.html',
controller: 'NotesIndexController'
.state('users', {
url: '/users',
templateUrl: 'template/pages/users/index.html'
I changed the above scenario to this
<div class="row">
<div class="nav-list">
<a ui-sref="notes"> Notes </a>
<a ui-sref="users"> Users </a>
<div class="hero-wrapper">
<div class="hero-content">
<div class="hero"></div>
<div class="main-wrapper">
This fixed my problem but what is the difference between above two scenarios . Why it is behaving differently . Thanks
You need to troubleshoot each piece of your application separately. You don't have a "Rails and AngularJS" problem; you have either a problem with your Rails API (which is serving up JSON to Angular) or you have a problem with your Angular client (which is receiving proper data from your API but isn't displaying it properly) -- or both.
I'd start at the Rails side; use an API testing tool like Cocoa Rest Client to simulate requests to the Rails API and ensure the response data is in the format you'd expect. Once you've verified that, you've reduced this from a maybe-also-Rails problem to a pure Angular problem, and you can troubleshoot the Angular app in isolation (eg. by feeding it dummy JSON instead of having it talk to the Rails app).
Good luck!

MVC - Best way to add outer element

I have been developing with MVC for a few years and this is a nagging issue I have encountered several times. I do not like any of the ways I have handled this in the past so I thought I would ask here.
Let's say I have a series of nested DIVs on my view:
<div id="outer">
<div id="inner1">
<div id="inner2">
At runtime I want to add another element, a DIV or anchor, inside of the outer div but have it contain the inner DIVs.
<div id="outer">
<div id="newone">
<div id="inner1">
<div id="inner2">
How would you recommend handling this?
I imagine this would have more to do with JavaScript than with the server-side code. And since ASP.NET MVC comes with jQuery, you may as well make use of the wrap() function. Something like this:
$('#inner1').wrap('<div id="newone"></div>');

how to handle inline c# code to show div tag

I would like to show div tag based on TempData["flag"], which comes from controller.
Code 1:
<div class="error_text">
<div id="loginError" style="visibility:" +#TempData["flag"] class="errortext">
incorrect data
Code 2:
I tried with if condition as below. Its working, but I would like to go with the above code.
#if ((bool)TempData["flag"])
<div class="error_text">
<div id="loginError" class="errortext">
incorrect data
How can TempData be handled in the div tag (code 1)
You can integrate the razor code straight into the html attribute.
<div class="error_text">
<div id="loginError" style="visibility:#(((bool)TempData["flag"]) ? "visible" : "hidden")" class="errortext">
incorrect data
EDIT I just noticed based on your second code section that the flag is just a bool value in your program, so I updated the code sample above to account for this.

Filling Sidebar Implementation with Rails and Bootstrap

This is mostly an implementation question for a webapp I'm trying to develop. I'm relatively inexperienced so I want to check if my idea for implementation is decent or if there's a much easier way.
The Problem
I want to create a scrollable sidebar that automatically fills with small containers that hold a user profile photo and their name. The basic idea is that a user is a member of a class and the sidebar should hold all of their classmates. The sidebar should be a fixed size and the user should be able scroll down through their classmates and click on a user if they want visit their page.
My Ideas For Implementing
It seems to me that I will need to use some embedded ruby to direct the filling process. Some psuedocode would be something along the lines of "For every user in this class, create a container with their picture and name". I haven't given a lot of thought as to actually handle this step but I'm mostly concerned with the actual html structure.
My idea is to do something like this:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span2">
<!-- for each user in class -->
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span">
<!-- Load appropriate user data -->
</div> where appropriate...
Is this the "proper" way to go about implenting this? I haven't been able to find much information on the idea and visit an example site's source code isn't all that helpful as the sidebar is already filled...
I would separate your sidebar HTML and logic into a partial, E.g. "app/views/shared/_sidebar.html.erb". From there on, you can accept a collection of data from whatever view you're rendering.
View file
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid">
<%= render "shared/sidebar", collection: #users %>
Sidebar partial
<div class="span2">
<% #users.classmates.each do |e| %>
<%= %>
<% end %>

Is there a way to do a rails "yield/content_for" in GRAILS?

In rails, I'm used to use the yield/content_for to site mesh. (
I can't find in Grails documentation a way to do this... Could you help me?
Here is the situation:
I have a layout containing this:
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="container">
<div id="header">
<g:render template="/layouts/header"/>
<g:render template="/layouts/menu"/>
<div id="container-homepage">
<div id="subfooter">
<div id="content">
<div id="left">
<div id="logo_sub_header"></div>
<div id="right"></div>
And I want to be able to add a html snippet (search tool bar for example) juste above the container-homepage div. A partial could do the trick.. if this search tool bar was always the same. The thing here is that this search bar depends on the page i'm visiting.
I could also just change the position of the container-homepage div to put it directly into the view, and not the layout, but then i'll have to to it in ALL the views, and that's not DRY.
Any ideas?
I think you have two solutions:
the g:render tag is the best option if your content block will not change based on a custom page.
Anyway I would take a look ah this link
because g:pageProperty it is the most elegant and flexible solution.
Perhaps the g:render tag is what you're looking for? It allows you to render a template anywhere within your view (including in other templates). You can also pass in a model for the template to use.
Note the section at the bottom of that page on naming conventions -- template view gsp filenames should begin with an underscore (though that underscore is not supplied in the render tag). There's mos def a way to override this, but things work automagically if you put the underscore there.
