I am trying to upgrade my iOS app with the latest FacebookSDK. Facebook recommends the use of CocoaPods for upgrades. I was already using another 3rd party SDK that also uses CocoaPods. For the existing 3rd party SDK, it requires the use of use_frameworks! in the podFile. However, when I run 'pod update' and then build my app, I get the following errors:
Unknown type name FBSDK_EXTERN [facebook header file]
for each Facebook header file that uses this extern. How can I resolve this apparent incompatibility between podFile requirements of these two different SDKs?
My podFile looks like the following:
platform :ios, '8.0'
def shared_pod
pod 'apptentive-ios', '~> 4'
pod 'FacebookSDK'
target 'myApp' do
target 'myOtherApp' do
Alternatively, how can I resolve the 'Unknown type name FBSDK_EXTERN' to allow my app to build?
I also had the same problem.
I believe this can be cause by CocoaPods cache.
The best approach (and worked for me) is
go to the /Pods folder
delete the problematic framework folder (may be
named FBSDKLoginKit)
run pod install --repo-update again
if that doesn't work try resolving your pod to the previous version
pod 'FacebookSDK', '4.37.0'
Had the same error when tried to compile FBSDKShareKit 4.38.1 with FacebookSDK 4.37.0. Updating FacebookSDK to 4.38.0 fixed this issue.
I tried Francisco's solution without success, downgraded to 4.37.0 and suddenly still got the same error (even though I had this version installed right before trying to update).
What then helped was simply cleaning Xcode's build folder, building now works for me.
I updated Xcode to version 10 recently and started to receive a strange error when trying to build my project. I'm currently on Swift 4.0 and I did try to upgrade to swift Version 4.2. But when I did I received this same error in many of my frameworks.
Command Compile Swift failed with a nonzero exit code
So far I've deleted the derived folder. Updated all pods, also deleted all pods and reinstalled them using the terminal commands below.
sudo gem install cocoapods-deintegrate cocoapods-clean
pod deintegrate
pod clean
pod install
This didn't work to fix my issue. However, I found something that could work which was adding arm64 architecture in Build Setting -> valid architectures and enabling automatic code But, when I checked it was already there and code signing was enabled already.
Additionally, I do have a few other build errors that have to do with frameworks.
Value of type 'SwiftMessages.Config' has no member 'presentationContext'
Missing argument for parameter 'backgroundColor' in call`
I opened issues with the developers of each of these frameworks to seek help with these issues.
Issue On SwiftMessage GitHub
Issue On WhatsNewKit GitHub
When I click presentationContext it brings me to the struct within the SwiftMessages Framework. Usually, when I've had the "has no member" warning I cannot click to see the original place where it exists.
I assume this has something to do with cocoa pods, but haven't been able to find a solution yet. What can I do to correct this issue? If anyone could help would be deeply appreciated been stuck on this for a day now.
The two frameworks latest builds were for swift 4.2. When I changed the version of each framework to one that was built in swift 4.0 I got the project to build.
Make sure that, your project Swift Language Version is in the proper version. SwiftMessages 6.0.0 works with Swift 4.2.
I solved this way:
Comment all pods in your .pod file
From your terminal, run the command pod install --no-repo-update
Open Xcode perform a clean and rebuild the project
Now open your .pod file and uncomment the first library
From your terminal, run the command pod install
Repeat steps 2 - 3 - 4 -5 for each uncomment library in your .pod file
I hope it can be of your help.
Make sure that, Your project build settings Optimization Level is in No Optimization[-Onone].
for pod SwiftMessages if your app is not swift 4.2 you need to user the version 5.01
pod 'SwiftMessages', '~> 5.0.1'
and it will work like a charm
Set Swift version to 4.2 then pod deintegrate, pod install, fix this problem for me. Thanks #alejandro-iván
Good Morning!
Do a clean. using"commond + shift + k
Close Xcode.
Navigate to project directory where the Podfile exist.
Do pod update/pod install
Open x.xcworkspace
This error happened to me when I used same class name in two different groups. Then I renamed one of the classes and the problem was solved
All of the answers were helpful to me. In my case, I only install frameworks manually but this kind of problem also happens. I tried all of the answers and was still getting this issue during the build. Curiously, while coding, I could cmd-click and resolve all of the "missing" components. I also cleaned and deleted derived data, restarted Xcode, etc.
I eventually got it working by inducing these additional steps:
On each of the framework project/targets (including my own):
Verify consistent Swift version (4.2 in my case)
Set Build for Active Architecture Only to No
Set Valid Architecture to arm64, armv7 (to match with base project)
Set Optimization Level to None (for Debug)
Set Compilation Mode to Whole
I had several frameworks (homegrown) plus my app. Somehow they ended up being out of sync as far as the Swift version. Make sure that all frameworks are the same version. In my case, they all needed to be set to Swift 4.2. If you haven't done the migration to 4.2 then remember that Xcode helps with this: Edit -> Convert -> To Current Swift Syntax.
only for re-install pod using that command pod install
see below attachment
In my case I connect an actual iphone not simulator and run the app once on it, It solved the problem. But connect iphone firstly, then choose it from this menu, then press run button.
The problem will solve too.
I stumbled upon this problem when upgrading to Xcode 10.2 and Swift 5. After trying everything I found this in the release notes:
The Swift compiler may crash during a build when the Thread Sanitizer
is enabled. (48719789)
And sure enough, efter turning off Thread Sanitizer my project could be compiled without errors again.
So if you get this error and have Thread Sanitizer enabled - turn it off!
Same issue happened to me in Xcode 10.2, it was a Xcode bug..!
So, I opened in older Xcode version(9.4), and it worked fine. Then I updated to the Xcode 10.2.1 after it's release -> Clean and build your project, now my problem solved.
I'm having the same problem, my Xcode version is 10.2.1 (10E1001),
Cocoapods version is 1.7.0.beta.2.
I returned to Cocoapods 1.6.1 and the problem was solved.
The specific steps are:
pod deintegrate to cancel the integration.
Uninstall all Cocoapods.
for i in $( gem list --local --no-version | grep cocoapods );
gem uninstall $i;
Install the stable version of Cocoapods. For now it's 1.6.1.
gem install cocoapods
Clean Project and empty DerivedData
pod install
Recompile the project
In my case it was a code error:
self.myDto.map{ (dto)} in
var stringValue = (dto.value(forKey: "name") as! String)
return stringValue
Just removed that stringValue variable fixed the problem.
I just had the same error message and none of the answers here and in the duplicates of this question were applicable to my project or helpful.
I kept on reading through the error messages and came to a realisation that I had stupidly named two seperate swift files in different folders with the same name intending to change one, but before I got to change one, I tried to run my project and have been annoyed for the last hour.
Bottom line, don't accidentally name your files the same name and read your error codes thoroughly!
target 'XYZ' do
# Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for xyz
pod 'SwiftyJSON'
pod 'Localize-Swift'
pod 'Alamofire'
pod 'Kingfisher'
pod 'Tabman'
pod 'RSSelectionMenu'
pod 'Pushbots'
pod 'ACProgressHUD-Swift', '~> 1.4'
pod 'SKPhotoBrowser'
pod 'ZoomableImageSlider'
pod 'RSSelectionMenu'
pod 'DropDown'
pod 'ImagePicker'
I updated platform :ios, '10.0' to 11.0 and the error disappeared. Change your platform or OS version and check. Hope that could help.
Specify your pod's version for example pod 'RealmSwift', '~> 5.3.5'
or uncomment # platform :ios, '9.0' in your Podfile
I faced this issue on Xcode 14. Add this on podfile bottom.
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
# some older pods don't support some architectures, anything over iOS 11 resolves that
config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '12.0'
I am trying to install a Pod in my IOS/iPhone project using Xcode 9.3.1.
My target app is configured to use Swift 3.3.
After adding the following line to my podfile...
pod 'Concorde'
I ran...
pod install
The pod installed normally. However, upon compilation, I receive a mess of compiler warnings and errors like "NSUrlResponse was obsoleted in Swift 3". It seems the Swift version I have (3.3) is too new.
The Swift version configured for the build target is also 3.3.
It looks like an older Swift is required for this Pod. However, is there a simple way to determine which Swift version is required for the pod?
I checked the CocoaPods.org web site and the page does not show the Swift version required for the library.
I also checked the podspec, where I expected to find that version number requirement.
You can try terminal command,
pod try "pod name"
this will clone the repo automatically for you to test the framework on the fly
there you can check out whatever you need.
Plus reading the description on GitHub helps too
Also i recommend using highly popular pods, as they tempt to be more stable.
read the reviews about the framework, and try to find other alternatives for it.
New update: You can try to preview .podspec file inside the Repo on github sometimes you can find the Swift Version of that Pod example : here
I have an objective C iOS app using the Parse SDK.
In the process of moving this app from Parse.com to a self hosted Parse-Server, I need to update the Parse SDK to the latest version. For this update I decided to go with CocoaPods.
This is the first time I touch CocoaPods (after reading and hearing so much good about it).
I found my way, following what I could read here and also based on a few CocoaPods tutorial I quickly viewed.
Having my project "ready", when buiding it I get this error:
#import <ParseUI/ParseUI.h> -----> File not found.
Obviously things have changed place. And I tried a couple of unsuccessful solutions.
So here is my question:
How do I need to change the settings of my project, now that I am using CocoaPods?
In order to use Cocoapods with parse and Parse UI you need to do the following steps:
Create a new file and name it Podfile. This file should be located on your IOS project root folder.
The Podfile should contain at least the following structure if you want to use parse IOS SDK and ParseUI
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'Parse'
pod 'ParseUI'
# Put more pods in here..
Notice to the platform, you may change it to the minimum version that your app can run on and the use_frameworks! will install all your pod as frameworks and this is mandatory if you like to consume Swift libraries.
Open terminal and navigate to your IOS root directory and enter pod install. This command will install all the pods and dependencies into your project.
After installing you will no longer use the IOS project file from now on you will use a new file which called workspace. The workspace will contain both your project files and the pods project/frameworks files.
Build your project, fix some error (if there are) and run it to make sure that it works as expected .
More CocoaPods commands that you need to know are:
pod update - update all your pods to the latest release or to the release that was mentioned in the Podfile
pod update update specific pod to the latest release or to the release that was mentioned in the Podfile
pod outdated - display out to date pods that are being used inside your project.
As you may be aware of it, Google now switch to Firebase instead of Google Analytics. So I tried to integrate it to my current working project. Admob is also integrated to my project with Pods.
I have followed Google's document and created a new pod and re-install with firebase. After it , now my project does not build.
Here is error
Use of unresolved identifiers "GADBannerView"
Try switching your imports to just:
#import GoogleMobileAds;
Everything should work as it was before, but using the module map is a great a way to pull in the headers rather than directly importing.
I have resolved it with:
-delete all pod related files from my project folder
-pod init
-re-add my required pods
-pod install
So I get this error as well with GADRequest errors even on Google's sample Banner project.
I fixed it with #Ian Barber's suggestion with #batgun's answer, of updating cocoapod version to 1.0.0 by running
$ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
then deleting all cocoapod items then install them again.
When I was in cocoapod version lower than 1.0.0, when I run pod install again, I still had errors, like "Use of unresolved identifier 'GADRequest'"
I retyped the whole thing and worked perfectly. When I was still not in cocoapod 1.0.0 version (i think it was 0.39 version), I can only find GADRequestError and not GADRequest.
When I retry extracting the original project now, do pod install and run the app, It doesn't throw any errors now.
I believe this has something to do with cocoapod version but it is not in google admob instruction to update it on.
I was trying to figure this out since the day of the release and losing hope for firebase because it was the sample basic banner project and it doesn't work!
I can verify it has something to do with cocoapod version.
I was trying to do the Google's Codelab 'FriendlyChatSwift' practice project since the release and throws a bunch of errors after running pod, not finding bunch of classes.
$ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
I deleted the existing downloaded pods and related (ProjectName.xcworkspace, PodFile.lock, /Pods)
Run pod install
Build and Run of the project
It worked perfectly. I also tried running the project before doing this steps and It had bunch of errors.
I had this same issue and this helped me get setup the way I needed it but I don't think anyone touched on my exact issue. Thought I'd provide that just in case someone was looking.
After I cleared everything out and ran pod init I noticed that the generated pod file has use_frameworks! set in it. Once I added that everything was solved. Stupid mistake on my part since you need use_frameworks! for swift projects but leaving that out lead to a lot of random not found errors showing up and going away at random. Hope this helps someone.