POST request timing out on request to APN server - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to set up Apple Push Notifications through a Rails back-end. I'm using the NetHttp2 gem to create the connection and jwt to sign my tokens.
Here's a sample of the responses I get when trying various combinations of post requests. I get a quick response if I omit the "authorization" header, and similar if I give it garbage or a fake token. But if I use the actual token that I've encoded, the connection times out. I have no idea what Apple is doing on the back-end - I get no message at all.
[22] pry(main)> request =, '/3/device/adknerulkdf2345nl',
body: "{ 'aps' => { 'hello' => 'hello' }", headers: { "apns-topic" => "something" })
=> #<NetHttp2::Response:0x007fbee8226c90 #body="{\"reason\":\"MissingProviderToken\"}", #headers={":status"=>"403", "apns-id"=>"690A959F-27F0-5B5C-1173-0316D6CE4C91"}>
[23] pry(main)> request =, '/3/device/adknerulkdf2345nl',
body: "{ 'aps' => { 'hello' => 'hello' }", headers: { 'authorization' => "bearer garbage", "apns-topic" => "something" })
=> #<NetHttp2::Response:0x007fbeebbbf060 #body="{\"reason\":\"InvalidProviderToken\"}", #headers={":status"=>"403", "apns-id"=>"8EF335C7-1F05-1D99-5425-CCF200960626"}>
[24] pry(main)> request =, '/3/device/adknerulkdf2345nl',
body: "{ 'aps' => { 'hello' => 'hello' }", headers: { 'authorization' => "bearer snwekrwunlsdfu.sdlfknweru.awepi234np2", "apns-topic" => "something" })
=> #<NetHttp2::Response:0x007fbee7f38f88 #body="{\"reason\":\"InvalidProviderToken\"}", #headers={":status"=>"403", "apns-id"=>"C3B48281-C7F1-22B0-6159-0FD0B79C1D43"}>
[25] pry(main)> request =, '/3/device/adknerulkdf2345nl',
body: "{ 'aps' => { 'alert' => 'hello' }", headers: { 'authorization' => "bearer #{token}", "apns-topic" => "something" })
SocketError: Socket was remotely closed
How do I debug this? Is there a way to view what is happening on the Apple server?
If not, has anyone set this up and has some tips? Honestly, I am not at all sure I am properly encoding the JWT token. I am attempting to use my p8 token from Apple and am using the 'ES256' settings but I don't know how to validate it. If I make another request with my token + garbage, it also hangs forever.
Here's the rest of the relevant code:
client ="",
{ connect_timeout: 100000})
token = JWT.encode({'alg': 'ES256', 'kid': APNS_KEY_ID},
( #p8key), 'ES256',
{'iss': TEAM_ID, 'iat':})
After much heartache, the solution
I'm still not totally sure what was going on with Apple, but the answer was with my token encoding. The proper format is:
token = JWT.encode(
"iss": TEAM_ID,
header_fields= {
"kid": APNS_KEY_ID
It seems if you give Apple something with the format authorization => bearer WHATEVER it will hang forever trying to authenticate.
The JWT library is very particular about order and keys (as of 6/29/17).


Yahoo DSP API Authentication Error: Access Token

I have been following the guide to obtain an Access Token for Yahoo DSP API through:
I get to the part Generate a JWT Access Token, and request an access token (with all the headers and paramenters).
When posting a request, I get an error: 'Internal Server error', which in the error codes in the documents says: Try Again Later (without further explanations). I am assuming the request went through and there is something wrong on their side.
Yahoo has no user help suppport. If anyone could please shine some light other than "Try Again Later".
Thank you
Unfortunately, Yahoo DSP API docs isn't the most intuitive and straightforward docs there is and it requires a little effort to find and do the right thing.
Although, this collection helped me out when trying to obtain an Access Token from Yahoo DSP API (check the pre-request script):
Not sure in which programming language are you doing the integration for Yahoo DSP API, but if you need a PHP code sample, here's what I used:
$response = $this->httpClient->request(
'form_params' => [
'grant_type' => 'client_credentials',
'client_assertion_type' => 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer',
'client_assertion' => $this->prepareSignedJWT(),
'scope' => 'dsp-api-access',
'realm' => 'dsp'
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
Where prepareSignedJWT being:
private function prepareSignedJWT()
$header = [
'typ' => 'JWT',
'alg' => 'HS256'
$body = [
'aud' => '',
'iss' => $this->config->getClientId(),
'sub' => $this->config->getClientId(),
'iat' => time(),
'exp' => time() + 600, // 10 min from time of creation
$encodedHeader = base64_encode(json_encode($header));
$encodedBody = base64_encode(str_replace('\/', "/", json_encode($body)));
$token = $encodedHeader . '.' . $encodedBody;
$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $token, $this->config->getClientSecret(), true);
$encodedSignature = base64_encode($signature);
return $token . '.' . $encodedSignature;
And $this->config is just an config object I use in the code.
Hope you find this answer useful, Cheers.

Service now oauth grant flow error with

I follow the article OAuth authorization code grant flow to get tokens
Initially I made request:****534e4e81b7f
and the response after allowing access to:
after that to get token:<***>&client_id=<***>&client_secret=<***>
When I did request this, throwing error
{"error_description": "access_denied","error": "server_error"}
Can't I get access_token and refresh_token in json format?
At last worked,
after getting code from earlier steps,i made a php request looks like::
$client = new Client();
$post_data = [
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'code' => 'your code',
'redirect_uri' => '<callback_url>',
'scope' => 'useraccount'
$auth = base64_encode('<client_id>:<client_secret>');
$res = $client->request('POST', '', [
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $auth,
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
'form_params' => $post_data
dd(json_decode($res->getBody(), true));
The response contains accesstoken and refresh token.
Check step two{the auth code}&redirect_uri={the_same_redirect_url}&client_id={the_same_client_identifier}
you are using

Google Drive API watch 400 error Ruby on Rails

I'm implementing the google drive api using the OAuth2 gem (ruby on rails). I'm not using the client library because I'm also integrating other API's, so I'm trying to make all these calls as modular as possible. I'm having trouble with the this request: POST
I keep getting this error:
{"errors"=>[{"domain"=>"global", "reason"=>"required", "message"=>"entity.resource"}],
"code"=>400, "message"=>"entity.resource"}: { "error": { "errors": [ { "domain":
"global", "reason": "required", "message": "entity.resource" } ], "code": 400,
"message": "entity.resource" } }
which is not very useful. It may not be Google. It could be OAuth2, but I don't think so, because the debugger gets to the response after making the connection. Well, at this point, I don't know anything, so any help is appreciated. There is THIS GUY who has exactly the same error code as me, as well as the same conclusion.
Anyway, the relevant code parts:
First, the parameters I pass to OAuth2::AccessToken's post method(I need more than 10 rep to post another link, but here is the doc can click on the request method to see how the params are handled)
base_url = request.protocol + request.host_with_port
channel_id = (0...50).map { ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] }.join
body_post = {:id => channel_id,:type => 'web_hook',:address => base_url + "/googledrive/webhook"}
headers = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
response = makeApiCall(token,"google_drive","/changes/watch","post",{},body_post,headers)
All this does is built my request with my the appropriate request body and headers for the call
Here is the relevant part from makeApiCall (at the line is where the request is made, and where it breaks)
params = {"oauth_consumer_key" => ENV[key], "access_token" => token.token}.merge(params)
#body = Rack::Utils.build_query(body)
opts = {
:params => params,
:body => body,
:headers => headers
response = token.get(base + path,:opts => opts)
response = + path,:opts => opts)
This is my first or second post, so forgive me if I messed anything up.
Okay, after struggling for so long, I figured out why it wasn't working. I forgot to do this:
So that my body was actually in application/json form.
Also, this line:
response = + path,:opts => opts)
should be this:
response = + path,opts)
simply because I'm not assigning the opts key, but the variable that I'm passing. Silly me.

Spotify Web API Bad Request Error "invalid_client" when refreshing token

I'm building an app in Rails using the Spotify web API. I built a method to refresh a user's token, but am receiving a 400 error. According the the Spotify Web API docs, the header of my request needs to be in the following format:
Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded client_id:client_secret>
Using Httparty gem, here's the POST method to refresh the access token:
def refresh_token
client_id = "foo"
client_secret = "bar"
client_id_and_secret = Base64.encode64("#{client_id}:#{client_secret}")
result =
:body => {:grant_type => "refresh_token",
:refresh_token => "#{self.oauth_refresh_token}"},
:headers => {"Authorization" => "Basic #{client_id_and_secret}"}
Here's what "result" ends up being:
=> #<HTTParty::Response:0x7f92190b2978 parsed_response={"error"=>"invalid_client", "error_description"=>"Invalid client secret"}, #response=#<Net::HTTPBadRequest 400 Bad Request readbody=true>, #headers={"server"=>["nginx"], "date"=>["Sun, 31 Aug 2014 22:28:38 GMT"], "content-type"=>["application/json"], "content-length"=>["70"], "connection"=>["close"]}>
I can decode client_id_and_secret and it returns "foo:bar", so I'm at a loss as to why I'm receiving a 400 error. Any insight is much appreciated.
Found the issue... it was with the Base64 encoding in Ruby. Apparently (as shown in Strange \n in base64 encoded string in Ruby) using the Base64.encode64('') method adds an extra line within the code. Using Base64.strict_encode64('') solved the issue.
Updated code:
def refresh_token
client_id = "foo"
client_secret = "bar"
client_id_and_secret = Base64.strict_encode64("#{client_id}:#{client_secret}")
result =
:body => {:grant_type => "refresh_token",
:refresh_token => "#{self.oauth_refresh_token}"},
:headers => {"Authorization" => "Basic #{client_id_and_secret}"}

Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request - OAuth 2.0 POST

I am working with YouTube APIs for my college project, and I keep getting an error. Here I send them to the authorisation page to log in, when they allow access it sends the $_GET['code'] string back. Then I send this along with some other data and it should send back a JSON object. Instead I am just getting
Warning: file_get_contents(
[function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request
failed! HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request in on line 27
I have replaced my domain with just for security
'client_id' => urlencode(' '),
'client_secret' => urlencode('secret'),
'redirect_uri' => urlencode(''),
'grant_type' => urlencode('authorization_code')
$params =
array('http' =>
'method' => 'POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1',
'header' => 'Host:\r\n'.
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => $postdata
$context = stream_context_create($params);
$result = file_get_contents('', false,$context);
else //If code isnt set, user must have come here erroniously or has denied access to this program
//header( 'Location:' ) ;
file_get_contents is going to make a GET request to the url specified, but oauth2/token needs a POST request.
See reference Google OAuth2, PHP HTTP.
if you are using oauth2, goto libraries/oauth2/provider.php and uncomment the code line 182 shows
$ci = get_instance();
->post($params, array('failonerror' => false));
$response = $ci->curl->execute();
Here's how to do the Google oAuth properly:
$config = (object) array(
$sJSON = file_get_contents('',FALSE,
'ignore_errors' => TRUE, // see errors in response instead of empty on error
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => array(
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
'content' => http_build_query(array(
'grant_type' => 'refresh_token',
'client_id' => $config->CLIENT_ID,
'client_secret' => $config->CLIENT_SECRET,
'refresh_token' => $config->REFRESH_TOKEN
You can then use json_decode() to parse $sJSON into an object and then retrieve the access_token property.
For those who are wondering how to get the CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, and REFRESH_TOKEN, watch this video. It's not easy. In my case, I needed to do this for Google Adwords API. So, I had to get my Developer Token and Login Customer ID from Then, I had to go to with this guide to generate a Client ID and Client Secret. Then, I followed this guide to learn how to get my Refresh Token.
