Xcode 8.3 settings - ios

I am new to Xcode and have two questions.
Main.storyboard: I want to see the whole iPhone, but now 2/3 of the screen is a white background. How to fit it to show only the whole device ? link
I noticed that when I get an exception, there are some new windows opened in Xcode and I just can't get back to my previously opened stuff without manually closing these new windows and starting again which is pretty frustrating; how can I prevent it ?
Additional explanation: first problem
a) I set zoom and resize the window (upper image)
b) I click button in upper right corner (middle image)
c) Now I click this button once again to go back - but everything gets messed up and I need to manually resize it again here
I just want my device to be fixed as it is in AndroidStudio for example.

The solution for your first problem is like right click on the main.storyboard then you will see a menu of options where you can set the appropriate zoom level
Please provide some screenshots for the second problem.


Calabash Tracking Of Closing A Side Menu

Sorry for the confusing title but I can't get my head around to find the right words for this scenario:
We have an iOS app that has a top-left menu button. If you tap it, a side menu opens and most of the screen (incl. the menu button) are slid to the right.
for Calabash I need to track the ID of the view that is slid to the right. Any tap on the whole slid-to-right view area will close the menu. The menu icon itself seems to have no other function than being a visual help and its accessibility ID cannot be found by Calabash while the menu is open.
Does anyone know how iOS handles this kind of navigation? To sum it up:
We have an initial view open with a menu button.
If button is tapped, menu slides in from left and current view is moved to right (mostly out of the screen).
You can now tap any of the remaining visible area of the initial view and the menu will close again (the menu button seems to receive no touch during this).
I need to figure out to what assign an accessibility ID to so that Calabash can 'imitate' a tap on the slid-out, initial view to close the menu.
Have you tried using the Accessibility Inspector in the Developer Tools of Xcode? This might help you in seeing whether or not you can interact with the slid-out menu.
Also if you haven't tried using the calabash command tree - I'd give that a go as well. For that open the menu you're trying to interact with use the command calabash-ios console > console_attach > tree.
You will be able to see the whole view hierarchy here, you can even run tree before and after the menu pops out to see if it makes a difference.

Xcode run button disappearing

I have a problem with Xcode 7.1.1. The upper part of the UI (the container of the run button, manage scheme etc.) keeps disappearing when I close another opened project. If I have two project opened, closing one, the problem occcurs. I can't bring it back, the only option that I have is to close Xcode and open it again. Here's some screenshot of the page and the view menu.
The toolbar is visible, you can see it in the second and third screenshot, but its content it's hidden.
Anyone having the same problem or some solutions?
XCode will open the project with the interface configured the same way as the last file that was opened. If your interface is opening with the toolbar and project navigator minimized it means that you double clicked a file and opened it in its own window. XCode thinks that this was the last file opened so it uses this as the default.
To resolve right click on the top of the window and selecting "show toolbar"
You can also hide same way by right clicking and hide toolbar.
Keyboard shorcut: cmd + alt + T
Or in the menu: View>Show Toolbar
For showing:
... and for hidding:
In XCode Preferences. You can set the behaviour of the toolbar. I suspect,it must be set to hide.
i used this way and worked for me
View -> Show Toolbar

iOS9: Select fields in UIWebView breaking app

We are testing how our app, which contains an UIWebView, copes with the new Split View functionality for iPads. And doing so we have run into trouble with select fields.
When the user taps a select field, a popover with the available options appears. However, when the app is resized (by pulling the divider of the split view to the left or right), we see a blank screen or a select list that takes up all of the available space and which cannot be dismissed.
Any ideas?
It seems like the best solution for now would be to dismiss the popover as soon as the resize event is fired. Hopefully, Safari will soon be updated to dismiss popovers automatically, when web views are resized.
In the meantime, you can hook up a resize handler to the window:
window.addEventListener("resize", resizeHandler);
function resizeHandler() {
This appears to be a bug in the popover in Safari. When I go through similar steps, the layout of the web page changes to fit the new dimensions. However, the popover is not re-positioned with the select field. The result is that it is detached from the field that presented it.
Following these steps, I was able reproduce your issue, but to a lesser extent than what you described:
With the split bar to the right of the iPad, tap on the select box.
Move the split bar to the center of the iPad.
The popover is no longer attached the to the select field.
Here's a screen shot of the detached popover:
Here's the original select field position:
The problem still exists with iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.3 beta 2.
You can reproduce it with every third-party browser.
An HTML Select input on iPad is not working in Slide Over or Split View 1/3 width.
Currently there is no workaround possible,
expect not to use HTML select.
I have descriped details on the following side.

ECSlider slight changes, Up to Down Menu Iphone

I am working with ECSSlider (https://github.com/edgecase/ECSlidingViewController) for iPhone. Need to make some changes in it. I need to show menu by sliding DOWN the top menu and then after selecting option slide back UP the top menu. I have tried making changes in it but couldn't get the desired results. Changed code is at:https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ujzfsvirktkxz4/ECSlidingViewController-master%20copy.zip
Please guide me if you know the way.

Is there any way to make the iPad simulator bigger?

It kind of annoys me how small the iPad simulator is... Some apps I have in mind I have difficulty testing because of the small size of the iPad simulator. Is there anyway to make it larger than it currently is?
Menu Bar: Window->scale as shown in comments by chpwn.
You can always zoom the screen in. Usually something like control-scroll but check your mouse or trackpad system preferences. command-option-backslash toggles antialiasing if you need to see magnified pixels when zoomed in.
in iPhone Simulater menu bar go to
window > scale > 100%
To add to this, you can create a keyboard shortcut to make it easier:
goto System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard shortcuts
click small "+" at bottom of list
drop down Application list and scroll to bottom, choose Other
browse to /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications (at least on my machine)
choose iOS Simulator
for Menu Title enter "100%" without the quotes
for Keyboard Shortcut, press your shortcut key e.g. Cmd-F ('F'ull screen)
click Add and you're done
close and restart the simulator and press Cmd-F
press command 1, Command 2, or, Command 3. it will change the screen size. Easy fix!
