How do I update a placeholder image with an async image? - dart

I'm using a manager class to either pull images from a cache or make a network request. I'm using a placeholder image. What's the best way to replace that placeholder image when the proper image is retrieved?
final ItemManager _manager;
final Item _item;
var _itemImage =
new Image.asset('assets/images/icons/ic_placeholder.png');
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Container(
child: _itemImage,
_loadImage() async {
var file = await _manager.itemImageForImageUrl(_item.imageUrl);
_stickerImage = new Image.file(file);

The FutureBuilder class is designed for cases like this. I would modify _loadImage to return the image instead of setting a member variable. Then you can get rid of initState and modify your build() method as follows:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new FutureBuilder(
future: _loadImage(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<Image> image) {
if (image.hasData) {
return; // image is ready
} else {
return new Container(); // placeholder
As an aside, you should never mutate member variables of your State without calling setState. Your build function won't be called and this is something that the linter will eventually complain about (as soon as we implement it). But FutureBuilder is a much better fit for your use case because you won't have to worry about what happens if your State is disposed by the time the image finishes loading.

I'd recommend using flutter_image "to load images from the network with a retry mechanism."
You can pair it with a placeholder like this:
new FadeInImage(
placeholder: _itemImage,
image: new NetworkImageWithRetry(''),


Correct Flutter widget sequence to pull data on app load

I am running into an issue with flutter when I try to read data from local storage when the app loads.
I have an inherited widget that holds authentication information for the current user. When the app loads I want to look into local storage for session tokens. If the session tokens exist I would like to update the inherited widget with this information.
My screens are dynamic. If it knows the user is authenticated it takes them to the requested screen, otherwise it takes them to the register screen.
The issue I am running into is that I cannot update the inherited widget's state from an initState() method from a widget that depends on the inherited widget (My router widget)
How can I read from local storage when the app loads and update the inherited widget?
Error when running app:
flutter: ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY WIDGETS LIBRARY ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
flutter: The following assertion was thrown building _InheritedAuthContainer:
flutter: inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(_InheritedAuthContainer) or inheritFromElement() was called before
flutter: RootState.initState() completed.
flutter: When an inherited widget changes, for example if the value of Theme.of() changes, its dependent
flutter: widgets are rebuilt. If the dependent widget's reference to the inherited widget is in a constructor
flutter: or an initState() method, then the rebuilt dependent widget will not reflect the changes in the
flutter: inherited widget.
flutter: Typically references to inherited widgets should occur in widget build() methods. Alternatively,
flutter: initialization based on inherited widgets can be placed in the didChangeDependencies method, which
flutter: is called after initState and whenever the dependencies change thereafter.
Router Widget (Root)
class Root extends StatefulWidget {
State createState() => RootState();
class RootState extends State<Root> {
static Map<String, Widget> routeTable = {Constants.HOME: Home()};
bool loaded = false;
bool authenticated = false;
void initState() {
if (!loaded) {
AuthContainerState data = AuthContainer.of(context);
data.isAuthenticated().then((authenticated) {
setState(() {
authenticated = authenticated;
loaded = true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
initialRoute: '/',
onGenerateRoute: (routeSettings) {
WidgetBuilder screen;
if (loaded) {
if (authenticated) {
screen = (context) => SafeArea(
child: Material(
type: MaterialType.transparency,
child: routeTable[]));
} else {
screen = (conext) => SafeArea(
child: Material(
type: MaterialType.transparency, child: Register()));
} else {
screen = (context) => new Container();
return new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: screen,
settings: routeSettings,
Inherited Widget method that checks for auth and updates itself which triggers a rerender of my router widget
Future<bool> isAuthenticated() async {
if (user == null) {
final storage = new FlutterSecureStorage();
List results = await Future.wait([ 'idToken'), 'accessToken'), 'refreshToken'), 'firstName'), 'lastName'), 'email')
if (results != null && results[0] != null && results[1] != null && results[2] != null) {
//triggers a set state on this widget
identityToken: results[0],
accessToken: results[1],
refreshToken: results[2],
firstName: results[3],
lastName: results[4],
email: results[5]
return user != null && (JWT.isActive(user.identityToken) || JWT.isActive(user.refreshToken));
void main() => runApp(
child: AuthContainer(
child: Root()
What is a correct way of checking local storage on app load and updating the inherited widget that holds this information?
Actually you cannot access InheritedWidget from an initState method. Instead try accessing it from didChangeDependencies.
void didChangeDependencies() {
if (!loaded) {
AuthContainerState data = AuthContainer.of(context);
data.isAuthenticated().then((authenticated) {
setState(() {
authenticated = authenticated;
loaded = true;
Another way would be to schedule the data fetch in initState with SchedulerBinding. You can find the docs here
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
// your login goes here
Note: remember the didChangeDependencies will be called whenever the state or dependencies of any parent InheritedWidget changes. Please look at the docs here.
Hope this helps!
While the answer by #hemanth-raj is correct, I would actually advocate a slightly different way of doing this. Instead of constructing the AuthContainer with no data, you could actually do the user session loading before you construct your widgets and pass the data in directly. This example uses the scoped_model plugin to abstract away the inherited widget boilerplate (which I highly recommend over writing inherited widgets manually!) but is otherwise pretty similar to what you've done.
Future startUp() async {
UserModel userModel = await loadUser();
model: userModel,
child: ....
void main() {
This is more or less what I do in my app and I haven't had any problems with it (although you'd probably want to put in some error handling if there's any chance of loadUser failing)!
This should made your userState code much cleaner =).
And an FYI, what I've done in my UserModel is have a bool get loggedIn => ... that knows which information needs to be in there to tell whether the user is logged in or not. That way I don't need to track it separately but I still get a nice simple way to tell from outside the model.
Do like this as example given in this :
void addPostFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback) {
// Login logic code
Schedule a callback for the end of this frame.
Does not request a new frame.
This callback is run during a frame, just after the persistent frame callbacks (which is when the main rendering pipeline has been flushed). If a frame is in progress and post-frame callbacks haven't been executed yet, then the registered callback is still executed during the frame. Otherwise, the registered callback is executed during the next frame.
The callbacks are executed in the order in which they have been added.
Post-frame callbacks cannot be unregistered. They are called exactly once.

How to fetch a list of images based on previously downloaded information?

I have 2 rest API, one is for data and another one is for images. So I do:
fetch data.
loop over the data.
inside each data loop, then fetch the image.
But what happens is that all loaded image always use the last image of the list. This is how I do it:
//this is the list fetch
stream: myBloc.myList,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<List<Result>> snapshot){
if (snapshot.hasData) {
//build the list
return buildList(snapshot);
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text(snapshot.error.toString());
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
Widget buildList(AsyncSnapshot<List<Result>> snapshot) {
return GridView.builder(
gridDelegate: new SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(crossAxisCount: 4),
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
//fetch the image
stream: myBloc.imageById,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<dynamic> snapshotImg){
if (snapshotImg.hasData) {
} else if (snapshotImg.hasError) {
imageProvider: null,
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
and this is my BLoC class:
class MyBloc {
final _repository = MyRepository();
final _fetcher = PublishSubject<List<Result>>();
final _fetcherImage = PublishSubject<dynamic>();
Observable<List<Result>> get myList =>;
Observable<dynamic> get myImageById =>;
fetchResultList() async {
List<Result> result = await _repository.fetchMyList();
fetchImageById(String _id) async {
dynamic imgBinary = await _repository.fetchImageById(_id);
dispose() {
final categoryBloc = CategoryBloc();
Did I miss? It's not possible to have bloc Observable inside another bloc?
But what happens is all loaded image always the last image of the
You have a single stream for the images in your BLoC so all corresponding StreamBuilders from your GridView's rows will update only with the last value in the snapshot(and you end up with the last image).
If you are sure you only have a few images that you want to show in your GridView, you could make the fetchImageById() method to create a stream for that particular image, keep a reference to it and then return it. The returned stream you could then pass to the row StreamBuilder instead of myBloc.imageById, this way your rows StreamBuilders will have a different data source. When the image is loaded you could add it to that specific stream(based on the id) and your row will be updated only with that specific data. Some code:
//fetch the image
Observable<dynamic> imageStream = myBloc.fetchImageById([index].Id.toString());
return StreamBuilder(
stream: imageStream,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<dynamic> snapshotImg){
// rest of code
In your BLoC you'll have:
Map<String, PublishSubject<dynamic>> _backingImageStreams = HashMap()
Observable<dynamic> fetchImageById(String _id) {
PublishSubject<dynamic> backingImgStream = _backingImageStreams[id];
if (backingImgStream == null) {
backingImgStream = PublishSubject<dynamic>();
_backingImageStreams[id] = backingImgStream;
// i'm assuming that repository.fetchImageById() returns a Future ?!
In the more general case, I think you need to change your code from a StreamBuilder for a FutureBuilder. In your widget you'll have:
Widget buildList(AsyncSnapshot<List<Result>> snapshot) {
// ...
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
//fetch the image
Future<dynamic> imageFuture = myBloc.fetchImageById([index].Id.toString());
return FutureBuilder(
future: imageFuture,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<dynamic> snapshotImg){
// rest of your current code
Then you'll need to change your BLoC method fetchImageById(). As you're dealing with images you'll want to implement some sort of cache so you'll be more efficient:
to not download the same image again if you already have it(and be fast in showing it to the user)
to not load all the images at once and clutter the memory(or completely fail)
The BLoC code:
class MyBloc {
// remove the imageId observable
// A primitive and silly cache. This will only make sure we don't make extra
// requests for images if we already have the image data, BUT if the user
// scrolls the entire GridView we will also have in memory all the image data.
// This should be replaced with some sort of disk based cache or something
// that limits the amount of memory the cache uses.
final Map<String, dynamic> cache = HashMap();
FutureOr<dynamic> fetchImageById(String _id) async {
// atempt to find the image in the cache, maybe we already downloaded it
dynamic image = cache[id];
// if we found an image for this id then we can simply return it
if (image != null) {
return image;
} else {
// this is the first time we fetch the image, or the image was previously disposed from the cache and we need to get it
dynamic image = // your code to fetch the image
// put the image in the cache so we have it for future requests
cache[id] = image;
// return the downloaded image, you could also return the Future of the fetch request but you need to add it to the cache
return image;
If you just want to show the image to the user, just make your fetchImageById() to return a future from the image fetch request(but you'll make a fetch request every time the widget is built).

How to rebuild widget in Flutter when a change occurs

Edit: I've edited the code below to feature the method that fetches the data along with the widgets that build the train estimates (replacing any API information along the way with "API_URL" and "API_STOP_ID"). I hope this even better helps us figure out the problem! I really appreciate any information anyone can give -- I've been working very hard on this project! Thank you all again!
Original post:
I have a ListView of ListTiles that each have a trailing widget which builds train arrival estimates in a new Text widget. These trailing widgets are updated every five seconds (proven by print statements). As a filler for when the app is fetching data from the train's API, it displays a "no data" Text widget which is built by _buildEstimatesNull().
However, the problem is that "no data" is still being shown even when the app has finished fetching data and _isLoading = false (proven by print statements). Still, even if that was solved, the train estimates would become quickly outdated, as the trailing widgets are updating every five seconds on their own but this would not be reflected in the actual app as the widgets were built on page load. Thus, I need a way to rebuild those trailing widgets whenever they fetch new information.
Is there a way to have Flutter automatically rebuild the ListTile's trailing widget every five seconds as well (or whenever _buildEstimatesS1 is updated / the internals of the trailing widget is updated)?
class ShuttleApp extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
return new ShuttleState();
class ShuttleState extends State<ShuttleApp> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new MaterialApp(
home: new HomeScreen(),
class HomeScreen extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
return new HomeState();
class HomeState extends State<HomeScreen> {
var _isLoading = true;
void initState() {
const fiveSec = const Duration(seconds: 5);
new Timer.periodic(fiveSec, (Timer t) {
var arrivalsList = new List<ArrivalEstimates>();
_fetchData() async {
final url = "API_URL";
print("Fetching: " + url);
final response = await http.get(url);
final busesJson = json.decode(response.body);
if (busesJson["service_id"] == null) {
globals.serviceActive = false;
} else {
busesJson["ResultSet"]["Result"].forEach((busJson) {
if (busJson["arrival_estimates"] != null) {
busJson["arrival_estimates"].forEach((arrivalJson) {
globals.serviceActive = true;
final arrivalEstimate = new ArrivalEstimates(
arrivalJson["route_id"], arrivalJson["arrival_at"], arrivalJson["stop_id"]
setState(() {
_isLoading = false;
Widget _buildEstimateNull() {
return new Container(
child: new Center(
child: new Text("..."),
Widget _buildEstimateS1() {
if (globals.serviceActive == false) {
} else {
final String translocStopId = "API_STOP_ID";
final estimateMatches = new List<String>();
arrivalsList.forEach((arrival) {
if (arrival.stopId == translocStopId) {
if (estimateMatches.length == 0) {
return _buildEstimateNull();
} else {
return new Container(
child: new Center(
child: new Text(estimateMatches[0]),
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF171717),
appBar: new AppBar(),
body: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: new TextStyle(color: const Color(0xFFaaaaaa),),
child: new ListView(
children: <Widget>[
new ListTile(
title: new Text('S1: Forest Hills',
style: new TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, fontSize: 20.0)),
subtitle: new Text('Orange Line'),
contentPadding: new EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16.0, horizontal: 16.0),
trailing: _isLoading ? _buildEstimateNull() : _buildEstimateS1(),
class ArrivalEstimates {
final String routeId;
final String arrivalAt;
final String stopId;
ArrivalEstimates(this.routeId, this.arrivalAt, this.stopId);
Thank you so much in advance for any help you can give! I really super appreciate it! :)
There are a few ways you could tackle this. It is slightly difficult however to tell what's going on without seeing a bit more of your code - specifically how you're getting the data and what you're doing with it. But I think I can give you a sufficient answer anyways.
The simple way of doing this is to either:
Have a StatefulWidget which keeps track of the build estimates for all of the items in the list. It should request data from your API, get the results, and then call setState(() => this.listData = data);. The call to setState is what tells the widget that it needs to rebuild.
Have a StatefulWidget for each item in the list. They would all each perform an API request every 5 seconds, get the results, and then each would call setState(() => this.itemData = data);. This means multiple calls to the API etc.
The advantage of #1 is that you can batch API calls, whereas the advantage to #2 is that your build would change less overall (although the way flutter works, this would be pretty minimal)... so I would probably go with #1 if possible.
However, there is a better way of doing this!
The better way of doing this is to have some sort of API Manager (or whatever you want to call it) which handles the communication with your API. It probably would live higher up in your widget tree and would be started/stopped with whatever logic you want. Depending on how far up the widget tree is, you could either pass it into each child or more likely hold it in an InheritedWidget which could then be used to retrieve it from each list element or from the overall list.
The API manager would provide various streams - either with a bunch of named fields/methods or with a getStream(id) sort of structure depending on your API.
Then, within your various list elements, you would use StreamBuilder widgets to build each of the elements based on the data - by using a StreamBuilder you get a ConnectionState object that lets you know whether the stream has received any data yet so you can choose to show an isLoading type widget instead of the one that shows data.
By using this more advanced method, you get:
If your API changes, you only have to change the API manager
You can write better testing as the API interactions and the UI interactions are separated
If you, later on, use push notifications for updates rather than pinging a server every 5 seconds, that can be incorporated into the API manager so that it can simply update the stream without touching the UI
EDIT: as per OP's comments, they have already implemented more or less the first suggestion. However, there are a few problems with the code. I'll list them below and I've posted the code with a couple of changes.
The arrivalsList should be replaced each time a new build is done rather than simply being changed. This is because dart compares the lists and if it finds the same list, it doesn't necessarily compare all of the elements. Also, while changing it in the middle of a function isn't necessarily going to cause problems, it's generally better to use a local variable and then change the value at the end. Note that the member is actually set within setState.
If serviceActive == false, the return was missed from return _buildEstimateNull();.
Here's the code:
class HomeState extends State<HomeScreen> {
var _isLoading = true;
void initState() {
const fiveSec = const Duration(seconds: 5);
new Timer.periodic(fiveSec, (Timer t) {
var arrivalsList = new List<ArrivalEstimates>();
_fetchData() async {
var arrivalsList = new List<ArrivalEstimates>(); // *********** #1
final url = "API_URL";
print("Fetching: " + url);
final response = await http.get(url);
final busesJson = json.decode(response.body);
if (busesJson["service_id"] == null) {
print("no service id");
globals.serviceActive = false;
} else {
busesJson["ResultSet"]["Result"].forEach((busJson) {
if (busJson["arrival_estimates"] != null) {
busJson["arrival_estimates"].forEach((arrivalJson) {
globals.serviceActive = true;
final arrivalEstimate = new ArrivalEstimates(
arrivalJson["route_id"], arrivalJson["arrival_at"], arrivalJson["stop_id"]
setState(() {
_isLoading = false;
this.arrivalsList = arrivalsList; // *********** #1
Widget _buildEstimateNull() {
return new Container(
child: new Center(
child: new Text("..."),
Widget _buildEstimateS1() {
if (globals.serviceActive == false) {
return _buildEstimateNull(); // ************ #2
} else {
final String translocStopId = "API_STOP_ID";
final estimateMatches = new List<String>();
print("arrivalsList length: ${arrivalsList.length}");
arrivalsList.forEach((arrival) {
if (arrival.stopId == translocStopId) {
print("Estimate match found: ${arrival.stopId}");
if (estimateMatches.length == 0) {
return _buildEstimateNull();
} else {
return new Container(
child: new Center(
child: new Text(estimateMatches[0]),
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF171717),
appBar: new AppBar(),
body: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: new TextStyle(color: const Color(0xFFaaaaaa),),
child: new ListView(
children: <Widget>[
new ListTile(
title: new Text('S1: Forest Hills',
style: new TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, fontSize: 20.0)),
subtitle: new Text('Orange Line'),
contentPadding: new EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16.0, horizontal: 16.0),
trailing: _isLoading ? _buildEstimateNull() : _buildEstimateS1(),
Instead of clearing and re-using the arrivalsList, create a new list every time the data is fetched. Otherwise Flutter is unable to detect if the list has changed.
Also, the code would clearer if you called setState whenever you change the list.
_fetchData() async {
final url = "API_URL";
print("Fetching: " + url);
final response = await http.get(url);
final busesJson = json.decode(response.body);
if (busesJson["service_id"] == null) {
globals.serviceActive = false;
setState(() {
_isLoading = false;
} else {
final newArrivalsList = new List<ArrivalEstimates>();
busesJson["ResultSet"]["Result"].forEach((busJson) {
if (busJson["arrival_estimates"] != null) {
busJson["arrival_estimates"].forEach((arrivalJson) {
globals.serviceActive = true;
final arrivalEstimate = new ArrivalEstimates(
arrivalJson["route_id"], arrivalJson["arrival_at"], arrivalJson["stop_id"]
setState(() {
arrivalsList = newArrivalsList;
_isLoading = false;
A few side notes:
I'm not sure if you actually want to clear the list before you fetch the data. If the state was updated properly, that would cause a flicker every 5 seconds.
I'm not sure if you simplified the code, but calling the _fetchData method every five seconds may become a problem if the network is slow.
If you are certain that you want a child widget to rebuild every time you call setState() and it is stubbornly refusing, you can give it a UniqueKey(). This will ensure that when setState() triggers a rebuild the child widget keys will not match, the old widget will be popped and disposed of, and, the new widget will replace it in the widget tree.
Note that this is using keys in sort of the opposite way for which they were intended (to reduce rebuilding) but if something beyond your control is hindering necessary rebuilds then this is a simple, built-in way to achieve the desired goal.
Here is a very helpful Medium article on keys from one the Flutter team members, Emily Fortuna:
I am not sure if this is what your looking for but and im probably late on this but i believe you can use a change notifier efficiently to achieve this. Basically a change notifier is hooked to your backed logic() for instance an api data fetch. A widget is then registered with a change notifier of the same type as the change notifier provider. In event of data change, the widgets registered with the change notifier will be rebuild.
For instance
// extend the change notifier class
class DataClass extends ChangeNotifier {
Response res = get('https://data/endpoint')
void onChange() {
Every time there is change in data you call the notifyListeners() that will trigger rebuild of consuming widgets.
Register you widget with a changenotifier
class View extends StatefulWidget {
Widget create(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider<ModelClass>(
builder: (context) => DataClass(auth: auth),
child: Consumer<ModelClass>(
builder: (context, model, _) => View(model: model),
You can also user a Consumer for the same. Get more on this from the Documentation

Flutter: Access data from InheritedWidgets without context?

I see that I can access InheritedWidgets inside the build() method like this: final inheritedWidget = ChronoApp.of(context); but what if I want to access it somewhere else, say in initState() which has no context. How would I do this?
What I found to work for me is getting the parent context and using it in the didChangeDependencies() function that is called after initState. Like this
// TODO: implement context
BuildContext get context => super.context;
void didChangeDependencies() {
bloc = LoginBlocProvider.of(context);
bloc.isAuthenticated.listen((bool value) {
setState(() {
isLoading = false;
if (value) {
Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (BuildContext context) => HomeScreen()
From de didChangeDependencies() docs:
This method is also called immediately after initState. It is safe to
call BuildContext.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType from this method.
I'm still trying to fully understand this feature but this is what worked for me
According to this docs context should be available in initState using the context getter.
The framework associates State objects with a BuildContext after creating them with StatefulWidget.createState and before calling initState.

How do I insert widgets at the top of a ListView?

Brief Note:
In all of my code examples you will see things like material.Widget instead of just Widget. This is because I like to name my imports like this for example:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' as material;
My Question:
I am trying to make a ListView show newly added Widgets at the top of the list. I have a simple stateful widget that only contains a list of models (classes that contain necessary information to construct the widgets that are going into the ListView), and should construct ListView's children based off of that list.
class Page extends material.StatefulWidget {
final List<CardModel> cardModels;
_PageState createState() => new _PageState(cardModels);
class _PageState extends material.State<Page> {
List<CardModel> cardModels;
material.Widget build(material.BuildContext context) {
return new material.ListView(
children: => new Card(cardModel.cardID)).toList(),
The behavior that I expect from this is that whenever the build method is called (and setState is properly used), that the ListView should be reconstructed properly and contain child widgets in the order of the list. It successfully does this if I simply add new models to cardModels sequentially:
cardModels.add(new CardModel(nextID++));
You can see widgets get added sequentially with their id's incrementing properly:
However, I want newer widgets to be inserted at the top (which would be shown with higher ids at the top). In order to accomplish this, I try inserting new models at the beginning of the list:
cardModels.insert(0, new CardModel(nextID++));
Unfortunately, instead of seeing the correct widgets, I just get widget with id 0 over and over again:
I know that the list of models is being updated correctly because I can print it out and see the ids in descending order. I am assuming that there is something about how flutter detects changes to widgets that is causing this behavior, but after a lot of reading, I still have not been able to figure it out. Any help would be much appreciated. Also, I call set state in the widget that ends up building the page (the widget containing the ListView) as one of its children:
btn = new FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () => setState(_pageController.addCard),
tooltip: 'Upload File',
child: new Icon(Icons.file_upload),
_pageController is the object that modifies the list of models. If this is not enough information, let me know and I am happy to provide more code or answer any questions.
There is a simple quick fix, using the didWidgetUpdate override,
by checking if the cardModels object in the oldWidget is the same in the cardModels being passed as a parameter.
like so
void didUpdateWidget(covariant Page oldWidget) {
if (widget.cardModels != oldWidget.cardModels) {
cardModels = widget.cardModels;
Full example below
class Page extends material.StatefulWidget {
final List<CardModel> cardModels;
_PageState createState() => new _PageState(cardModels);
class _PageState extends material.State<Page> {
List<CardModel> cardModels;
void initState(){
cardModels = widget.cardModels;
void didUpdateWidget(covariant Page oldWidget) {
if (widget.cardModels != oldWidget.cardModels) {
cardModels = widget.cardModels;
material.Widget build(material.BuildContext context) {
return new material.ListView(
children: => new Card(cardModel.cardID)).toList(),
Turns out, the Card widget I made did not need to be stateful. I changed it to stateless and it solved the problem. No idea why having them as stateful would break it though.
On FloatingActionButton change the function to insert new item and then invoke setState like:
cardModels.insert(0, new CardModel(nextId++)) ;
setState(() {
cardModels = cardModels;
Hope that helped!
