package xxx.genexus.common does not exist compiling an Android application on Genexus 15 U4 - genexus-sd

I have converted a KB from GX EV3 U11 to GX 15 U4 but there are errors during Android compilation.
========== DeveloperMenu Compilation for Android (Android) started ==========
callmake.bat "C:\KB\EncuestasMoviles15\CSharpModel\mobile\Android\gxcommon\GXAMake.exe" "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91\bin\javac.exe" developermenu ec\com\inalambrik\encuestasmoviles\ options:
GeneXus Java Make v1.0
warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6
ec\com\inalambrik\encuestasmoviles\ error: package does not exist
public void execute([] aP0 ,
ec\com\inalambrik\encuestasmoviles\ error: package does not exist
private void execute_int([] aP0 ,
ec\com\inalambrik\encuestasmoviles\ error: package does not exist
private AV14geolocation ;
ec\com\inalambrik\encuestasmoviles\ error: package does not exist
private[] aP0 ;
I think there is a problem with built in modules (maybe version or file location).

I resolve this by making calls to clientinformation, clientstorage and geolocation API only on clientstart event.

Related missing '#include <pthread/sched.h>' while building Unity project for iOS

I am building a Unity app for iOS. I am using iOS Project Builder, which allows building iOS apps on Windows. It uses Cocoapods to install Frameworks.
I have this error:
Building the dependency project UnityFramework...
WARNING: this project contains shell scripts, which CANNOT BE RUN on Windows
without being translated first.
WORKAROUND: for now, please remove your assets & plugins having shell scripts
in their build phases, or translate them to batch scripts and call them in a
pre-packaging script (or ignore this warning if the scripts are non-critical)
In Xcode project: Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj
shell script found:
diff "${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock" "${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock" > /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
# print error to STDERR
echo "error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run pod install or update your CocoaPods installation.\" >&2\n exit 1\nfi\n# This output is used by Xcode outputs to avoid re-running this script phase.\necho \"SUCCESS\" > \"${SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0}\"\n
These scripts might be non critical - attempting to proceed anyway.
+ Preparing output directory...
+ XCFrameworks: 0 supplied
+ Libraries: 9 supplied, 0 built
+ Frameworks: 0 supplied, 0 built
+ Pruning compilation results...
+ Pre-parsing project files...
+ Building UnityFramework for iphoneos (configuration: Release)
+ [armv7] Compiling ./Classes/Unity/
./Classes/Unity/,13): error: missing '#include <pthread/sched.h>'; 'sched_yield' must be declared before it is used
C:\Users\IRAKLI\iOS Project Builder for Unity\SDK\usr\include\pthread\sched.h(40,12): note: declaration here is not visible
extern int sched_yield(void);
1 error generated.
Full log:
OS: Windows 10 64 bit
Unity Version: 2020.3.12f1
iOS Builder: 3.35.4
iOS SDK: 14.5
Firebase: 9.0.0
Any help would be highly appreciated.

How to compile RocksDB for IOS?

I've been trying to compile the rocksdb platform for iOS for a while now.
The simple git clone the repo and run
TARGET_OS="IOS" make static_lib -j8
fails with a spew of errors, and I'm not sure where I can also add the preprocessor directives.
I have then been looking at wrappers, and trying to compile them for a later version: : This uses a rocksdb version of 6.4.7, and uses CocoaPods to compile the rocksdb library and the swift wrapper. I have tried cloning the rocksdb repo into the upstream folder, and then use this 'rocksdb.swift' pod in an Xcode Project.
Here are the changes I made in the pod spec(v6.22.1 being the one I need to compile.)
(librocksdb.podspec) = 'librocksdb'
s.version = '***6.22.1***'
s.summary = 'rocksdb bindings for Swift. Cocoapods and SPM support. Linux support.'
(rocksdb.swift.podspec) = 'rocksdb.swift'
s.version = '***6.22.1***'
s.summary = 'rocksdb Wrapper for Swift. Cocoapods and SPM support. Linux support.'
s.dependency 'librocksdb', '~> ***6.22.1***'
The pod install now fails as it cannot find the 'new' version of librocksdb so I add both librocksdb and rocksdb.swift to my Podfile with the :path => format.
The pod then installs, and the Xcode project has this error
/.../librdb/librocksdb/rocksdb/memtable/ 'rocksdb/write_buffer_manager.h' file not found : Along similar lines to the previous wrapper, I tried changing the versions and then compiling. This meant some changes in and scripts. Fails with
monitoring/ error: "No thread-local support. Disable perf context with -DNPERF_CONTEXT."
#error "No thread-local support. Disable perf context with -DNPERF_CONTEXT."
1 error generated.
monitoring/ error: "No thread-local support. Disable iostats context with -DNIOSTATS_CONTEXT."
#error \
1 error generated.
monitoring/ error: "No thread-local support. Disable iostats context with -DNIOSTATS_CONTEXT."
#error \
monitoring/ error: "No thread-local support. Disable perf context with -DNPERF_CONTEXT."
#error "No thread-local support. Disable perf context with -DNPERF_CONTEXT."
1 error generated.
1 error generated.
In file included from cache/
In file included from ./util/hash.h:26:
./util/fastrange.h:60:5: error: unknown type name '__uint128_t'
__uint128_t wide = __uint128_t{range} * hash;
./util/fastrange.h:60:24: error: use of undeclared identifier '__uint128_t'
__uint128_t wide = __uint128_t{range} * hash;
./util/fastrange.h:60:35: error: expected ';' at end of declaration
__uint128_t wide = __uint128_t{range} * hash;
./util/fastrange.h:53:35: error: unused parameter 'hash' [-Werror,-Wunused-parameter]
static inline Range Fn(uint64_t hash, Range range) {
./util/fastrange.h:53:47: error: unused parameter 'range' [-Werror,-Wunused-parameter]
static inline Range Fn(uint64_t hash, Range range) {
5 errors generated.
I try adding the relevant flags to the CFLAGS variable, and also add the -std=c++17 flag to attempt to resolve the uint__128 issue.
This then fails with
./cache/lru_cache.h:269:11: error: aligned deallocation function of type 'void (void *, std::align_val_t) noexcept' is only available on iOS 11 or newer
virtual ~LRUCacheShard() override = default;
cache/ note: in defaulted destructor for 'rocksdb::LRUCacheShard' first required here
./cache/lru_cache.h:269:11: note: if you supply your own aligned allocation functions, use -faligned-allocation to silence this diagnostic
virtual ~LRUCacheShard() override = default;
1 error generated.
This is not resolved using by changing the IOS_SDK_VERSION to a newer version in the script.
I was hence looking for someone who has compiled a recent version of rocksdb/a wrapper of rocksdb for iOS and am looking for guidance.
Try RocksDB 6.x version, from 7.0 RocksDB need C++17。
Dropping some compiler support in 7.0#9388
#Xcode Version 13.2.1 (13C100)
$ brew install git
$ brew install cmake
$ git clone
$ git checkout v6.29.5
$ export PORTABLE=1
$ export TARGET_OS=IOS
$ export ROCKSDB_LITE=1
#disable int128
$ export TEST_UINT128_COMPAT=1
$ export DEBUG_LEVEL=0
$ make V=1 VERBOSE=1 -j16 static_lib

How to build DCMTK 3.6.1 libs for iOS?

I followed Russes' instructions found at
With a fresh copy of his "afab" git branch, I built Xcode project for x86 arch with the command line:
cmake -DIOS_PLATFORM=SIMULATOR64 -G Xcode ../dcmtk.public
or for arm arch with:
cmake -DIOS_PLATFORM=OS -G Xcode ../dcmtk.public
However, my Xcode project can't be successfully built because of, at least, the following errors:
List of Xcode errors on file (for eg. "No class named Implementation in OFCharacterEncoding")
The compilation with Unix makefiles gives the same errors in my case:
Scanning dependencies of target ofstd
0% Building CXX object ofstd/libsrc/CMakeFiles/ofstd.dir/
dcmtk.public/ofstd/libsrc/ error: no class named 'Implementation' in 'OFCharacterEncoding'
class OFCharacterEncoding::Implementation {};
dcmtk.public/ofstd/libsrc/ error: out-of-line definition of 'getLocaleEncoding' does not match any declaration in
OFString OFCharacterEncoding::getLocaleEncoding()
/usr/local/include/dcmtk/ofstd/ofchrenc.h:97:21: note: member declaration does not match because it is const qualified
const OFString &getLocaleEncoding() const;
dcmtk.public/ofstd/libsrc/ error: out-of-line definition of 'setConversionFlags' does not match any declaration in
OFCondition OFCharacterEncoding::setConversionFlags(const unsigned flags)
19 errors generated.
make 2: ofstd/libsrc/CMakeFiles/ofstd.dir/ Error 1
make 1: ofstd/libsrc/CMakeFiles/ofstd.dir/all Error 2
make: [all] Error 2
I don't understand what is wrong in my configuration:
MacOs Sierra 10.12.2
Xcode 8.2
CMake 3.7.1 (I have the same issue previously with 3.5.2 version)
GNU Make 3.81 (for Unix makefiles compilation)
Apple LLVM version
Darwin version of host: 16.3.0
Building for minimum iOS version: 10.2 (SDK version: 10.2)
I'm not sure about the first error message but
/usr/local/include/dcmtk/ofstd/ofchrenc.h:97:21: note: member
declaration does not match because it is const qualified const
OFString &getLocaleEncoding() const;
seems to indicate that you are mixing an old version of "ofchrenc.h" (stored in "/usr/local/...") with a more recent version of "" (stored in your working directory).

Cocos2d-x compilation error

I just downloaded the Cocos2d-x SDK and tried to compile the hello world example with the following result:
<code>The Selected NDK toolchain version was 4.8 !
Android NDK: WARNING: Ignoring unknown import directory: /home/sytrox/Downloads/cocos2d-x/template/multi-platform-cpp/
Android NDK: WARNING: Ignoring unknown import directory: /home/sytrox/Downloads/cocos2d-x/template/multi-platform-cpp/
Android NDK: WARNING: Ignoring unknown import directory: /home/sytrox/Downloads/cocos2d-x/template/multi-platform-cpp/
Android NDK: jni/ Cannot find module with tag '2d' in import path
Android NDK: Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is properly defined ?
Android NDK: The following directories were searched:
Android NDK:
make: Entering directory `/home/sytrox/Downloads/cocos2d-x/template/multi-platform-cpp/'
jni/ *** Android NDK: Aborting. . Stop.
make: Leaving directory `/home/sytrox/Downloads/cocos2d-x/template/multi-platform-cpp/'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 166, in <module>
File "./", line 153, in build
do_build(cocos_root, ndk_root, app_android_root,ndk_build_param,sdk_root,android_platform,build_mode)
File "./", line 89, in do_build
raise Exception("Build dynamic library for project [ " + app_android_root + " ] fails!")
Exception: Build dynamic library for project [ /home/sytrox/Downloads/cocos2d-x/template/multi-platform-cpp/ ] fails!</code>
Which cocos2d-x version are you using? Seems like you didn't define your env variables correctly. Please have a look at this tutorial and make sure you define the following variables:
COCOS2DX_ROOT : should point to the root directory of cocos2d-x
ANDROID_SDK_ROOT : Should point to the root directory of the Android SDK
NDK_ROOT : Should point the to root directory of the Android NDK
NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION : Which Android NDK toolchain should be used
See the problem is that the system is not able to compile the
So, if you open from the bin directory where you have unzipped the file
it runs smoothly.
The thing is Python3.x is not able to compile the Phython2.x code.
So we must change the path in environment variable so the system doesn't a python2 file with the help of python3 compiler.
1.Go to Control Panel, then type path or environment in search bar Evnvironment variables
3.Just delete any C:\Python34 or anything starts with python3.x and add C:\Python27 path where you have installed.
Video link:

How to use MsBuild MsDeployPublish to target local file system?

I'm trying to replicate the Visual Studio 2010 "Publish..." command (applicable to Web Application projects) where I would in the UI choose Publish Method: "File System".
My attempt at this is...
%msbuild% /t:MsDeployPublish /property:MsDeployServiceUrl="file:///d:\MyDeploymentFolder";MsDeployPublishMethod="File System" "d:\MySourceFolder\Project.csproj"
... and having tried a method of "FileSystem", "File System", "Local", and a few others.
The error I get implies that MsDeploy is still trying to push to an IIS server:
"D:\MySourceFolder\Project.csproj" (MsDeployPub
lish target) (1) ->
(MSDeployPublish target) ->
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web
.Publishing.targets(3847,5): error : Web deployment task failed.(The metabase k
ey '/lm/w3svc' could not be found.) [D:\MySourceFolder\Project.csproj]
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.P
ublishing.targets(3847,5): error : \r [D:\MySourceFolder\Project.csproj]
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.P
ublishing.targets(3847,5): error : The metabase key '/lm/w3svc' could not be fo
und.\r [D:\MySourceFolder\Project.csproj]
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.P
ublishing.targets(3847,5): error : Unable to access the IIS configuration syste
m. Please make sure you have IIS 7 (or later) installed.\r [D:\MySourceFolder\Project.csproj]
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.P
ublishing.targets(3847,5): error : Retrieving the COM class factory for compone
nt with CLSID {2B72133B-3F5B-4602-8952-803546CE3344} failed due to the followin
g error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REG
DB_E_CLASSNOTREG)). [D:\MySourceFolder\Project.csproj]
How can I target the file system for deployment, as Visual Studio normally lets me in the GUI?
As per my answer from Using MSBuild, how do I build an MVC4 solution from the command line (applying Web.config transformations in the process) and output to a folder?
msbuild ProjectFile.csproj /p:Configuration=Release ^
/p:Platform=AnyCPU ^
/t:WebPublish ^
/p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem ^
/p:DeleteExistingFiles=True ^
Or if you are building the solution file:
msbuild Solution.sln /p:Configuration=Release ^
/p:DeployOnBuild=True ^
/p:DeployDefaultTarget=WebPublish ^
/p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem ^
/p:DeleteExistingFiles=True ^
You can also target the project via the solution using the /t:SolutionFolder/Project:Target syntax:
msbuild Solution.sln /t:SolutionFolder/ProjectFile:WebPublish ^
/p:Configuration=Release ^
/p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem ^
/p:DeleteExistingFiles=True ^
I gave up trying to get MSBuild to copy deployable web files (and not do anything else but that), so I scripted it in PowerShell and am really happy with the result. Much faster than anything I tried through MSBuild. Here's the gist (literally):
function copy-deployable-web-files($proj_path, $deploy_dir) {
# copy files where Build Action = "Content"
$proj_dir = split-path -parent $proj_path
[xml]$xml = get-content $proj_path
$xml.Project.ItemGroup | % { $_.Content } | % { $_.Include } | ? { $_ } | % {
$from = "$proj_dir\$_"
$to = split-path -parent "$deploy_dir\$_"
if (!(test-path $to)) { md $to }
cp $from $to
# copy everything in bin
cp "$proj_dir\bin" $deploy_dir -recurse
I don't think you are being specific enough with what you are telling msbuild.
Pulled this out of one of my bookmarks on the subject, hopefully it will help:
