Setting time zone in service fabric cluster - timezone

Is it possible to set the timezone of a service fabric cluster to something other that UTC (CET for example)?
I know it is not the best approach, but if it would be supported it would save my team a lot of time.


I can only select a region but no zone for Google Cloud Run (fully managed) services: which zone should I choose for my Google Cloud SQL server?

I have a fully managed Google Cloud Run service running in Frankfurt. I was not able to choose a zone but only a region, so I took "europe-west3". For my Google Cloud SQL server I can and have to choose a zone. I want to select the same data center for my SQL server and my service to keep the distance short and connections fast but I don't know which zone I should use (a, b, c). Do you know a way to determine which zone fits best to a fully managed Cloud Run Service?
Unfortunetly you cannot choose a Zone to deploy your Cloud Run service, the control goes only until Region. However, this is not something that you should be worried about, as you can see in this documentation:
A zone is a deployment area for Google Cloud resources within a region
That means that even thought the resources might not be in the same Cluster or VM, they are still very close geographically and very likely to be in the same Data Center, and as mentioned in the same documentation:
Locations within regions (Zones) tend to have round-trip network latencies of under <1ms on the 95th percentile.
So you are looking at a very low latency between your resources anyway, to the point that might not even noticible.

Cloud Run Inter Zone Egress

I have a question on inter-zone egress charges on Google Cloud Run (managed). As I understand there is no control over which zones Cloud Run chooses. So potentially when deploying several microservices talking to each other, there could be significant charges.
In kubernetes this can be alleviated via service topology (preferring same zone or even same host if available). Is there anyway to achieve this with Cloud Run?
According to Cloud Run pricing and internet egress pricing cost stays the same
independent if apps are within the same zone or not.
Now if you plan to have heavy traffic between your apps you should consider using different setup. Either GKE or Cloud Run for Anthos will allow you to setup communication between your apps through internal IP addresses which is free of charge assuming they are in the same zone. Refer to this table.

Default number of availability zones for an AKS Kubernetes cluster?

I need to know how does AKS create its Kubernetes clusters from HA perspective. Specifically, I need to know what is the default number of availability zones when an Azure AKS clusters is created.
Currently AKS does not support Availability Zones.
EDIT: this is no longer true.
AKS already supports Availability Zones in many regions, see
It uses the zones you pass as --zones when you create the cluster. It will use only one (single AZ) by default if you don't set anything.

Kubernetes Deployments across the Datacenters

Is it possible to failover the traffic from a mysql k8s deployment running in one datacenter to a deployment running in another datacenter along with its storage?
If yes , Do we need to spread the same k8s cluster on multiple datacenters or we have to run separate k8s clusters in each datacenter?
How k8s will ship or manage the storage volume across the datacenters? Do we need a special type of cloud storage for that purpose?
note: I just qouted mysql as an example of application that needs to store some data , it can be anything stateful that needs to carry over its data volumes. it is not that kind of HA like mysql-HA , it is just starting serving the application as it is from somewhere else automatically along with its data. any application that stores data to volume.
How can we achieve HA for our stateful application across the datacenters using k8s.
You don't need to use Kubernetes to achieve HA.
I would recommend using MySQL Replication(i.e. Master/Slave configuration) to achieve HA. More info in the docs on how to set replication up.
In one data center, you would have a Master, and in your other data center, you would have the slave. You can even have multiple slaves in multiple data centers.
If problems arise on the master, you can automatically failover to a slave using the mysqlfailover utility. This way you have your data in 2 data centers that is in sync.
I'm not sure if this exactly fits your use cases, but it is one option for enabling HA on your MySQL database.

How do I change the timezone of my db2 service on Bluemix

The title should say it all. I have a service on Bluemix. From what I see there are two regions I can set up an application - US South or UK. Because it was set up quite some time ago when and it grew substantially, I don't want to move my service from US South to UK or change all of my time related queries either. Is there a way I could change the timezone of my DB2 service to match my current timezone / region (Irish Summer Time) without moving the whole application "overseas"?
A DB2 instance (including currently both "SQL Database" and "dashDB" services on Bluemix) takes its timezone setting from the underlying operating system. Unless there is an option to select the timezone when you provision either service (which, in my opinion, there must be), I'm afraid you'll have to move the service physically.
There is no setting for timezone for Bluemix dashDB instances, users, tables or columns.
There is also no information on timezone setting in Web GUI; you must query the DB.
