Linked lists in practice - memory

I have some questions about the ideas proposed in this video.
The speaker shows an array that holds values and pointers, and he also shows a separate "free" linked list, that is updated whenever an item is added/removed.
Why are these used? Doesn't using an array / limiting yourself to a set of free nodes defeat the purpose of a linked list?
Isn't one of the perk of using a linked list the ability to traverse fragmented data?
Why use these free nodes, when you can dynamically allocate storage?
The proposed structure, to me, doesn't seem dynamic at all, and is in fact a convoluted and inefficient array.

The approach you mention makes sense in certain use cases. For example if the common case is that the array is 90% full and most of the time is spent iterating over it, you can very quickly loop over an array and just skip the few empty items. This can be much, much faster than "pointer chasing" which plain linked lists use, because the CPU's hardware prefetcher can predict which memory you will need in advance.
And compared with a plain array and no free list, it has the advantage of O(1) allocation of an element into an empty slot.


single vs double Linked list

There is a table I found below
My question is whether or not it is true that a single and double linked list have the same operation run times like the table seems to show. I would think in the deletion case for example, a double linked list would be better since we have access to previous. So is the table wrong on that being O(n) for singly linked lists?
If they are all the same, does this similarity hold for a circular one as well?
Here is my answer to your question:
No matter whether the double linked list enable you have access to previous or not, it doesn't affect the time complexity we calculate in terms of Big O notation, I think it does give you some convenience though.
Yes, they are all the same, and the similarity holds for a circular one as well.

When would I use a linked List vs a Stack in C++

I know that in a linked list you dont need preallocated memory and the insertion and deletion method is really easy to do and the only thing I really know about stack is the push and pop method.
Linked lists are good for inserting and removing elements at random positions. In a stack, we only append to or remove from the end.
Linked List vs Array(Stack)
Both Arrays and Linked List can be used to store linear data of similar types, but they both have some advantages and disadvantages over each other.
Following are the points in favour of Linked Lists.
(1) The size of the arrays is fixed: So we must know the upper limit on the number of elements in advance. Also, generally, the allocated memory is equal to the upper limit irrespective of the usage, and in practical uses, upper limit is rarely reached.
(2) Inserting a new element in an array of elements is expensive, because room has to be created for the new elements and to create room existing elements have to shifted.
For example, suppose we maintain a sorted list of IDs in an array id[].
id[] = [1000, 1010, 1050, 2000, 2040, …..].
And if we want to insert a new ID 1005, then to maintain the sorted order, we have to move all the elements after 1000 (excluding 1000).
Deletion is also expensive with arrays until unless some special techniques are used. For example, to delete 1010 in id[], everything after 1010 has to be moved.
So Linked list provides following two advantages over arrays
1) Dynamic size
2) Ease of insertion/deletion
Linked lists have following drawbacks:
1) Random access is not allowed. We have to access elements sequentially starting from the first node. So we cannot do binary search with linked lists.
2) Extra memory space for a pointer is required with each element of the list.
3) Arrays have better cache locality that can make a pretty big difference in performance.

What kind of sort does Cocoa use?

I'm always amazed by the abstractions our modern languages or frameworks create, even the ones considered relatively low level such as Objective-C/Cocoa.
Here I'm interested in the type of sort executed when one calls sortedArrayUsingComparator: on an NSArray. Is it dynamic, like analyzing the current constraints of the environment (particularly free memory) and the attributes of the array (length, unique values), and pick the best sort accordingly, or does it always use the same one, like Quick or Merge Sort?
It should be possible to test that by analyzing the running time of the method relatively to N, just wondering if anyone already bothered to.
This has been described at a developers conference. The sort doesn't need any memory. It checks if there is a sorted range of numbers at the start or the end or both and takes advantage of that. You can ask yourself how you would sort an 100,000 entry array if the first 50,000 are sorted in descending order.

Is it ever preferable to sort GUI elements instead of sorting the data and have the GUI show the sorted data?

A related question about sorting may be relevant to answering this one. I've realized that VirtualTreeView offers a sorting method of it's own, but it seems to work slower than just sorting through the data itself, and letting the GUI refresh.
Is it ever "good practice" to manipulate GUI elements instead of the data that they display, and why?
Typically you want to maintain a separation between the underlying data and the visual representation of that data. With that in mind, one would typically prefer to implement sorting at the GUI level rather than lower down at the data level.
For example, this allows you to show multiple views of the same data, differently sorted. That's the sort of benefit you reap from maintaining clear separation between model and view.
In your case your implementations of the two options have shown a performance difference. What I would take from that is that it is possible to optimise your sorting when implemented at the GUI level. That's how I would approach the problem.
I would not sort the data, just an index. You say you collect data in lists and these lists are then grouped in a grouplist. Instead of sorting the data, I would leave the data as they are and generate a simple list (or lists) with references to the data and sort that. Use that list to populate the virtual listview.
That would be the kind of intermediate layer David mentions. By keeping several indices, you can sort on different criteria without having to sort the underlying data.

Delphi array elements alphanumeric sort order?

Is the best way to sort an array in Delphi is "alphanumeric".
I found this comment in an old code of my application
" The elements of this array must be in ascending, alphanumeric
sort order."
If so ,what copuld be the reason?
There's no "best" way as to how to sort the elements of an array (or any collection for that fact). Sort is a humanized characteristic (things are not usually sorted) so I'm guessing the comment has more to do with what your program is expecting.
More concretely, there's probably other section of code elsewhere that expect the array elements to be sorted alphanumerically. It can be something so simple as displaying it into a TreeView already ordered so that the calling code doesn't have to sort the array first.
Arrays are represented as a contiguous memory assignment so that access is fast. Internally the compiler just does a call to GetMem asking for SizeOf(Type) * array size. There's nothing in the way the elements are sorted that affects the performance or memory size of the arrays in general. It MUST be in the program logic.
Most often an array is sorted to provide faster search times. Given a list of length L, I can compare with the midpoint (L DIV 2) and quickly determine if I need to look at the greater half, or the lesser half, and recursively continue using this pattern until I either have nothing to divide by or have found my match. This is what is called a Binary search. If the list is NOT sorted, then this type of operation is not available and instead I must inspect every item in the list until I reach the end.
No, there is no "best way" of sorting. And that's one of the reasons why you have multiple sorting techniques out there.
With QuickSort, you even provide the comparison function where you determine what order you ultimately want.
Sorting an array in some way is useful when you're trying to do a binary search on the array. A binary search can be extremely fast, compared to other methods. But if the sort error is wrong, the search will be unable to find the record.
Other reasons to keep arrays sorted are almost always for cosmetic reasons, to decide how the array is sent to some output.
The best way to re-order an array depends of the length of the array and the type of data it contains. A QuickSort algorithm would give a fast result in most cases. Delphi uses it internally when you're working with string-lists and some other lists. Question is, do you really need to sort it? Does it really need to stay an array even?
But the best way to keep an array sorted is by keeping it sorted from the first element that you add to it! In general, I write a wrapper around my array types, which will take care of keeping the array ordered. The 'Add' method will search for the biggest value in the array that's less or equal to the value that I want to add. I then insert the new item right after that position. To me, that would be the best solution. (With big arrays you could use the binary search method again to find the location where you need to insert the new record. It's slower than appending records to the end but you never have to wonder if it's sorted or not, since it is...
