I would like to make a 5-band audio equalizer (60Hz, 230Hz, 910Hz, 4kHz, 14kHz) using AVAudioEngine. I would like to have the user input gain per band through a vertical slider and accordingly adjust the audio that is playing. I tried using AVAudioUnitEQ to do this, but I hear no difference when playing the audio. I tried to hardcode in values to specify a gain at each frequency, but it still does not work. Here is the code I have:
var audioEngine: AVAudioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
var equalizer: AVAudioUnitEQ!
var audioPlayerNode: AVAudioPlayerNode = AVAudioPlayerNode()
var audioFile: AVAudioFile!
// in viewDidLoad():
equalizer = AVAudioUnitEQ(numberOfBands: 5)
let bands = equalizer.bands
let freqs = [60, 230, 910, 4000, 14000]
audioEngine.connect(audioPlayerNode, to: equalizer, format: nil)
audioEngine.connect(equalizer, to: audioEngine.outputNode, format: nil)
for i in 0...(bands.count - 1) {
bands[i].frequency = Float(freqs[i])
bands[0].gain = -10.0
bands[0].filterType = .lowShelf
bands[1].gain = -10.0
bands[1].filterType = .lowShelf
bands[2].gain = -10.0
bands[2].filterType = .lowShelf
bands[3].gain = 10.0
bands[3].filterType = .highShelf
bands[4].gain = 10.0
bands[4].filterType = .highShelf
do {
if let filepath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "song", ofType: "mp3") {
let filepathURL = NSURL.fileURL(withPath: filepath)
audioFile = try AVAudioFile(forReading: filepathURL)
try audioEngine.start()
audioPlayerNode.scheduleFile(audioFile, at: nil, completionHandler: nil)
} catch _ {}
Since the low frequencies have a gain of -10 and the high frequencies have a gain of 10, there should be a very noticeable difference when playing any media. However, when the media starts playing, it sounds the same as if played without any equalizer attached.
I'm not sure why this is happening, but I tried several different things to debug. I thought that it might be the order of the functions so I tried switching it so that audioEngine.connect is called after adjusting all of the bands, but that did not make a difference either.
I tried this same code with using an AVAudioUnitTimePitch, and it worked perfectly, so I am dumbfounded as to why it does not work with AVAudioUnitEQ.
I do not want to use any third-party libraries or cocoa pods for this project, I would like to do it using AVFoundation alone.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
Looking through the documentation, I noticed that I had messed with all of the parameters except bypass and it seems that changing this flag fixed everything!
So, I believe the main issue here is that each AVAudioUnitEQ band must not be bypassed by the provided system values rather than the values the programmer sets.
So, I changed
for i in 0...(bands.count - 1) {
bands[i].frequency = Float(freqs[i])
for i in 0...(bands.count - 1) {
bands[i].frequency = Float(freqs[i])
bands[i].bypass = false
bands[i].filtertype = .parametric
and everything started working. Furthermore, to make an effective equalizer that allows the user to modify individual frequencies the filtertype for each band should be set to .parametric.
I am still unsure on what I should set the bandwith to, but I can probably check online for that or just mess with it until the sound matches a different equalizer application.
i'm currently working a musician app. In my app notes should be played with a specific duration. I don't get into detail when the notes are played. Basically there is a ui view (a vertical line) which is moving and when this hits my other ui views (rectangle) it should be played a note. Important here: the note should be played until the line is not hitting the rectangle anymore.
The note playing is no problem but I don't find any duration. Also it should be possible to play the same note multiple times with a delay.
So I tried to make this work with AudioKit cause it's seems like the best greatest solution for audio. But it has so much stuff. I took a look into their examples and found this:
let bundlePath = Bundle.main.bundlePath
let soundPath = ("\(bundlePath)/sounds")
let akSampler = AKAppleSampler()
let mixer = AKMixer(akSampler)
try! akSampler.loadSoundFont(soundPath, preset: 0, bank: 0)
AudioKit.output = mixer
do {
_ = try AudioKit.engine.start()
} catch {
print("AudioKit wouldn't start!")
do {
try akSampler.play(noteNumber: myNote.rawValue, velocity: 100, channel: 1)
} catch let e{
Unfortunately I can't pass any duration and when I call akSampler.stop(noteNumber: myNote.rawValue) it also stops the other notes with the same type.
I tried to find a solution with AVFoundation like so:
engine = AVAudioEngine()
sampler = AVAudioUnitSampler()
engine.connect(sampler, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: nil)
guard let bankURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "sounds", withExtension: "SF2") else {
print("could not load sound font")
... init engine
sampler.startNote(60, withVelocity: 64, onChannel: 0)
But same result. Also the same case that I can't pass any duration.
I also digged into MIDISequencer's but it seems that they generating a sequence which I can play but this does not fit on my problem.
Does someone has a solution here?
The laziest solution would be to just schedule a stop with asyncAfter when you trigger the note, e.g.,
func makeNote(note: MIDINoteNumber, dur: Double) {
sampler.play(noteNumber: note, velocity: 100, channel: 0)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + dur) {
self.sampler.stop(noteNumber: note)
A better solution would probably use either AKSequencer or AKAppleSequencer. Both allow you to create sequences on the fly by adding individual notes with a specified duration (in musical time, i.e., number of beats). AKSequencer is considerably more accurate, but AKAppleSequencer has more readily available code examples on the web. A little confusingly, the current AKAppleSequencer used to also be called AKSequencer, but their interfaces are sufficiently different that a quick look at the docs for the two classes will tell you which you're looking at.
Your question is asking about how to schedule MIDI events which is precisely what these classes are designed to do. You haven't really given a clear reason why generating a sequence doesn't fit your problem.
I am using AudioKit to mix WAV files together with MIDI files.
I also need to save the result in a separate file.
To mix the WAVs and MIDIs I am using an AKMIDISampler with an AKSequencer like this:
func add(track: MixerTrack) -> Bool {
let trackSampler = AKMIDISampler()
try trackSampler.loadWav(track.instrument.fileName)
trackSampler.connect(to: mixer)
let sequencer = AKSequencer(filename: track.midi.fileName)
return true
} catch {
return false
I am using the SongProcessor example from AudioKit's examples for ideas on how to use AKOfflineRenderNode.
The thing is the example works with AKAudioPlayer instances and not sequencers as I am using. I believe I cannot use players because I need to mix the WAV and MIDI files, and I was only able to achieve that using sequencers.
My first question is: Is it possible to create files from sequencers the same way it is done in SongProcessor with players?
I was able to save an m4a file but the result is weird. First, if I don't set the rate manually to a number like 40, it is veeery slow to play all the notes. And when I set ti to a value like that,I can hear the sequence playing but at wrong rates. At some moments the beats play correctly but they often start playing too slow or too fast at different times.
Is there something I am doing wrong? Is this a bug with AKOfflineRenderNode or is it just not mean to be used like this?
Here is the code I use to save the mix to disk:
func saveMixToDisk() -> URL? {
do {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let name = UUID().uuidString.appending(".m4a")
let documentDirectory = try fileManager.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor:nil, create:false)
let fileURL = documentDirectory.appendingPathComponent(name)
offlineRender.internalRenderEnabled = false
let duration = sequencers.first!.length.seconds
for sequencer in sequencers {
sequencer.setTime(AKDuration(seconds: 0).musicTimeStamp)
for sequencer in sequencers {
sequencer.setRate(40) // I would like to find a way to avoid having to set this, since this value is hardcoded and I don't know how to find the correct one. (When I only play through the sequencer inside the app the rate is perfect, but it gets messed up when rendering to URL)
try offlineRender.renderToURL(fileURL, seconds: duration * 10)
for sequencer in sequencers {
sequencer.setTime(AKDuration(seconds: 0).musicTimeStamp)
offlineRender.internalRenderEnabled = true
return fileURL
} catch let error {
return nil
Any help is very much appreciated. I can't seem to be able to get this to work, and sadly I don't know of any other options in iOS to achieve what I need.
Instead of using AKOfflineRender, try the new AudioKit.renderToFile in AudioKit 4.0.4: https://github.com/AudioKit/AudioKit/commit/09aedf7c119a399ab00026ddfb91ae6778570176
I think you need to use this method in iOS11
[AudioKit renderToFile:file duration:self->_audioDurationSeconds error:&error prerender:^{
[self.voicePlayer start];
I am using the rate property of AVPlayer to change the playback speed of an audio sample. It seems to always apply pitch correction, but I want no pitch correction so that when it speeds up it gets higher like a record or an old tape player. Is there any way to shut off pitch correction altogether in AVPLayer?
I am currently using Swift 3, but Objective C answers are welcome, too.
Not sure if this is possible using an AVPlayer, but if you're just using it to play audio you can easily do this with an AVAudioEngine:
var audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayerNode()
var engine = AVAudioEngine()
var speedControl = AVAudioUnitVarispeed()
// engine setup:
do {
let file = try AVAudioFile(forReading: "myFile.mp3")
engine.connect(audioPlayer, to: speedControl, format: nil)
engine.connect(speedControl, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: nil)
audioPlayer.scheduleFile(file, at: nil)
try engine.start()
} catch {
// changing rate without pitch correction:
speedControl.rate = 0.91
Actually, this is possible with AVPlayer --
let player = AVPlayer(url: fileURL)
// to turn off pitch correction:
player.currentItem?.audioTimePitchAlgorithm = .varispeed
Using AVAudioUnitTimePitch is what you need. Changing rate property (default is 1.0) will change speed of audio without pitch changing.
I am trying to play a video using MPMoviePlayerController for an iOS app in Swift.
My goal is to be able to play system music with something like apple music, then open my app and have the audio mix in, but I want my app to be able to take control of MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.
How can I use AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback, withOptions: .MixWithOthers) while still set the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter?
Google Maps mixes in audio while taking setting MPNowPlayingInfoCenter. Below is how I am trying to set the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter:
func setMeta(){
if let player = PlayWorkoutViewController.player{
let coverArt = MPMediaItemArtwork(image: UIImage(named: "AlbumArt")!)
let dict: [String: AnyObject] = [
MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork: coverArt,
MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackRate: player.currentPlaybackRate,
MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyElapsedPlaybackTime: player.currentPlaybackTime,
MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration: player.playableDuration
MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.defaultCenter().nowPlayingInfo = dict
The above function works when I am not trying to play outside music with an option (.MixWithOthers) at the same time, but while I am trying to play outside music with the option (.MixWithOthers) the info center does not update.
Edit 1: Just to make things super clear, I already having video playing properly I am trying to play video with other background audio while being able to set MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.
This isn't currently possible in iOS. Even just changing your category options to .MixWithOthers causes your nowPlayingInfo to be ignored.
My guess is iOS only considers non-mixing apps for inclusion in MPNowPlayingInfoCenter, because there is uncertainty as to which app would show up in (e.g.) Control Center if there are multiple mixing apps playing at the same time.
I'd very much like it if iOS used a best-effort approach for choosing the "now playing app", something like this:
If there's a non-mixing app playing, pick that. Else..
If there's only one mixing app playing, pick that. Else..
If there are multiple mixing apps playing, just pick one :) Or pick none, I'm fine with either.
If you'd like this behavior as well, I'd encourage you to file a bug with Apple.
Have you tried implementing your own custom function to update the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter? Recently I was using an AVAudioPlayer to play music and needed to do the updating manually.
This is basically the function I called upon a new song being loaded.
func updateNowPlayingCenter() {
let center = MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.defaultCenter()
if nowPlayingItem == nil {
center.nowPlayingInfo = nil
} else {
var songInfo = [String: AnyObject]()
// Add item to dictionary if it exists
if let artist = nowPlayingItem?.artist {
songInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyArtist] = artist
if let title = nowPlayingItem?.title {
songInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyTitle] = title
if let albumTitle = nowPlayingItem?.albumTitle {
songInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyAlbumTitle] = albumTitle
if let playbackDuration = nowPlayingItem?.playbackDuration {
songInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration] = playbackDuration
if let artwork = nowPlayingItem?.artwork {
songInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork] = artwork
center.nowPlayingInfo = songInfo
I am not sure if doing this upon a movie being loaded will override the MPMoviePlayerController, but it seems worth a shot.
Additionally, they have depreciated MPMoviePlayerController and replaced it with AVPlayerViewController, so thats also worth looking into.
Edit: Also I would check to make sure that you are properly receiving remote control events, as this impacts the data being displayed by the info center.
To play the video in swift use this:-
func playVideoEffect() {
let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("egg_grabberAnmi", ofType:"mp4")
let url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(path!)
self.moviePlayer = MPMoviePlayerController(contentURL: url)
if let player = moviePlayer {
let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
player.view.frame = CGRect(x: frame.size.width*0.10,y: frame.size.width/2, width:screenSize.width * 0.80, height: screenSize.width * 0.80)
player.scalingMode = MPMovieScalingMode.Fill
player.fullscreen = true
player.controlStyle = MPMovieControlStyle.None
player.movieSourceType = MPMovieSourceType.File
var timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(6.0, target: self, selector: Selector("update"), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
// And Use the function to play Video
When using an AVAudioPlayerNode to schedule a short buffer to play immediately on a touch event ("Touch Up Inside"), I've noticed audible glitches / artifacts on playback while testing. The audio does not glitch at all in iOS simulator, however there is audible distortion on playback when I run the app on an actual iOS device. The audible distortion occurs randomly (the triggered sound will sometimes sound great, while other times it sounds distorted)
I've tried using different audio files, file formats, and preparing the buffer for playback using the prepareWithFrameCount method, but unfortunately the result is always the same and I'm stuck wondering what could be going wrong..
I've stripped the code down to globals for clarity and simplicity. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. This is my first attempt at developing an iOS app and my first question posted on Stack Overflow.
let filePath = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("BD_withSilence", ofType: "caf")!
let fileURL: NSURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: filePath)!
var error: NSError?
let file = AVAudioFile(forReading: fileURL, error: &error)
let fileFormat = file.processingFormat
let frameCount = UInt32(file.length)
let buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(PCMFormat: fileFormat, frameCapacity: frameCount)
let audioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
let playerNode = AVAudioPlayerNode()
func startEngine() {
var error: NSError?
file.readIntoBuffer(buffer, error: &error)
audioEngine.connect(playerNode, to: audioEngine.mainMixerNode, format: buffer.format)
func start() {
var error: NSError?
let frameCapacity = AVAudioFramePosition(buffer.frameCapacity)
let frameLength = buffer.frameLength
let sampleRate: Double = 44100.0
func play() {
func scheduleBuffer() {
playerNode.scheduleBuffer(buffer, atTime: nil, options: AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferOptions.Interrupts, completionHandler: nil)
if playerNode.playing == false {
let time = AVAudioTime(sampleTime: frameCapacity, atRate: sampleRate)
else {
// triggered by a "Touch Up Inside" event on a UIButton in my ViewController
#IBAction func triggerPlay(sender: AnyObject) {
Ok I think I've identified the source of the distortion: the volume of the node(s) is too great at output and causes clipping. By adding these two lines in my startEngine function, the distortion no longer occurred:
playerNode.volume = 0.8
audioEngine.mainMixerNode.volume = 0.8
However, I'm still don't know why I need to lower the output- my audio file itself does not clip. I'm guessing that it might be a result of the way that the AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferOptions.Interrupts is implemented. When a buffer interrupts another buffer, could there be an increase in output volume as a result of the interruption, causing output clipping? I'm still looking for a solid understanding as to why this occurs.. If anyone is willing/able to provide any clarification about this that would be fantastic!
Not sure if this is the problem you experienced in 2015, it may be the same issue that #suthar experienced in 2018.
I experienced a very similar problem and was due to the fact that the sampleRate on the device is different to the simulator. On macOS it is 44100 and on iOS Devices (late model ones) it is 48000.
So when you fill your buffer with 44100 samples on a 48000 device, you get 3900 samples of silence. When played back it doesn't sound like silence, it sounds like a glitch.
I used the mainMixer format when connecting my playerNode and also when creating my pcmBuffer. Don't refer to 48000 or 44100 anywhere in the code.
audioEngine.attach( playerNode)
audioEngine.connect( playerNode, to:mixerNode, format:mixerNode.outputFormat(forBus:0))
let pcmBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer( pcmFormat:SynthEngine.shared.audioEngine.mainMixerNode.outputFormat( forBus:0),