How to use translation in global validation with redux-form validation - translation

When trying to use validation in a global validator with this code:
errors.fieldMissing = [translate('aor.validation.fieldMissing')];
I get the following error:
Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `errorText` supplied to `TextField`, expected a ReactNode.
Without the translation(), just setting the error to an array of a string, everything works as expected.
How can translation() be used in global validation?

For example(edited from AOR example posts):
<SimpleForm defaultValue={{ average_note: 0 }} validate={(values, props) => {
const errors = {};
['title', 'teaser'].forEach((field) => {
if (!values[field]) {
errors[field] = [props.translate('aor.validation.required')];
A short example of translate hoc and translate props:
import { translate as translator } from 'admin-on-rest';
const Title = translator(({ record, translate }) => <span>{record ? translate('title.product', { name: }) : ''}</span>);


How to get a value from SecretString returned from AwsCustomResource (service: 'SecretsManager', action: 'getSecretValue') as plain text?

I'm modifying the code from this workshop to do cross-account rather than cross-region.
The first thing I did was install and configure cdk-assume-role-credential-plugin and bootstrapped.
In the workshop they use a AwsCustomResource to get around the cross-region limitation of StringParameter.valueFromLookup.
static valueFromLookup(scope, parameterName) Requires that the stack this scope is defined in will have explicit account/region information. Otherwise, it will fail during synthesis.Using an AwsCustomResource allows them to override the region from stack.
const targetKeyLookupCR = new cr.AwsCustomResource(this, 'TargetKeyLookup', {
onUpdate: { // will also be called for a CREATE event
service: 'SSM',
action: 'getParameter',
parameters: {
Name: props.targetKeyIdSsmParameterName
region: props.targetRegion,
physicalResourceId: cr.PhysicalResourceId.of(
policy: cr.AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromSdkCalls({resources: [parameterArn]})
Unfortunately you cannot override account of stack in a similar fashion. Adding an assumedRole does not help either. It always looks for parameter in stack's account.
I tried to use SecretsManager & AwsCustomResource to get around that cross-account limitation:
const targetKeyLookupCR = new cr.AwsCustomResource(this, 'TargetKeyLookup', {
onUpdate: {
service: 'SecretsManager',
action: 'getSecretValue',
parameters: {
SecretId: props.targetKeyIdSsmParameterName
assumedRoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/MultiRegionS3CrrKmsCmkXacct',
region: props.targetRegion,
physicalResourceId: cr.PhysicalResourceId.of(
policy: cr.AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromSdkCalls({resources: [parameterArn]})
const secretString = targetKeyLookupCR.getResponseField(dataPath);
The code above returns a string that looks like this.
"{"password":"/];asdf(5;{ASDF=L%UuVxasDFHg`(:l","MyKeyID":"arn:aws:kms:us-west-1: 111111111111:key/1111a22b-3c44-5ddd-66e7-f8f9999a1111"}"
I can see it in CloudWatch:
2021-08-14T04:34:15.641Z c5ae47f7-1e4a-43a3-a475-d0d16ea7e1be INFO Responding {"Status":"SUCCESS","Reason":"OK",...
"SecretString":"{"password":"/];asdf(5;{ASDF=L%UuVxasDFHg`(:l","MyKeyID":"arn:aws:kms:us-west-1: 111111111111:key/1111a22b-3c44-5ddd-66e7-f8f9999a1111}"...}
In the workshop they use the response directly:
role.addToPolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
resources: [targetKeyLookupCR.getResponseField('Parameter.Value')],
actions: ['kms:Encrypt'] }));
To get the Value of MyKeyID, I've tried...
JSON.parse and splitting the string. No matter what I try ends up with an error like 'Unexpected token $ in JSON at position 0' or 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined'
This led me to, which I definitely thought was going to be the answer! It was not. More 'Unexpected token $ in JSON at position 0' errors.
const stack = cdk.Stack.of(this);
const secretString = targetKeyLookupCR.getResponseField('SecretString');
const jsonString = stack.toJsonString(secretString);
const jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonString);
From this I got a different error that indicates it has the right string, but just can't parse it properly. Unexpected token p in JSON at position 3 at JSON.parse ().
const secretString = targetKeyLookupCR.getResponseField('SecretString');
const cfnJson = new CfnJson(this, 'cfn-json', {
value: secretString,
// #ts-ignore
const myKeyId = cfnJson.MyKeyID || '*';
This is because CfnJson adds quotes around string:
"Value": {
"Fn::Join": [
"Fn::GetAtt": [
I'm not sure how to proceed. How would I get the ARN from secretString as plain text?
I guess I was looking for a more elegant solution, but this works...
const secretString = targetKeyLookupCR.getResponseField('SecretString');
const myKeyId =,cdk.Fn.split('"', secretString));
It splits the secretString into an array using double quote as delimiter
cdk.Fn.split('"', secretString)
and selects the 7th item from array produced by split, <array>)

Trying to Script a Search Result into a Netsuite Entity Field

Having two issues with this. One is that I keep getting an error when trying to upload my script. The other is that one version that I did get to upload, didn't load any value into the field (ie. field blank after script ran)
The error I keep getting on upload is "Fail to evaluate script: All SuiteScript API Modules are unavailable while executing your define callback." And although I've made drastic changes to the script, it still won't allow me to upload.
*#NApiVersion 2.x
*#NScriptType ScheduledScript
define(['N/search', "N/record"],
function(search, record) {
function loadAndRunSearch(scriptContext) {
var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch1088'
}); (result) {
var countt = result.getValue({
name: 'number'
var entity = result.getValue({
name: 'internalid'
var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.CUSTOMER,
id: entity,
isDynamic: true,
var vfield = objRecord.getField({
fieldId: 'custentity_orders_12m'
objRecord.setValue({fieldId: 'custentity_orders_12m', value: countt});;
return {
execute: loadAndRunSearch
That's the script stripped down to the bare bones (FYI still doesn't upload), and the script that uploaded was basically a more complicated version of the same script, except it didn't set the field value. Can anyone see where I've gone wrong?
You haven't returned the entry function.
*#NApiVersion 2.x
*#NScriptType ScheduledScript
define(['N/search', 'N/record'],
function(search, record) {
function loadAndRunSearch(scriptContext) {
var mySearch = search.load({
id: 'customsearch1088'
}); (result) {
var countt = result.getValue({
name: 'number'
var entity = result.getValue({
name: 'internalid'
type: record.Type.CUSTOMER,
id: entity,
values: {
'custentity_orders_12m' :countt
return {
execute : loadAndRunSearch

unable to understand why validateOpt will return `None` instead of `JsError`

In the following code, I am unable to understand why validateOpt might return value JsSuccess(None) instead of JsError
def getQuestion = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async{
implicit request => {
val body: AnyContent = request.body
val jsonBodyOption: Option[JsValue] = body.asJson => { //body is json
val personJsonJsResultOption = jsonBody.validateOpt[Person]//check that json structure is correct
personJsonJsResultOption match {
case personSuccessOption: JsSuccess[Option[Person]] => { //json is correct
val personOption = personSuccessOption.getOrElse(None) //why would getOrElse return None??
personOption match {
case Some(person) => {
... }
case None =>{ //I am not sure when this will be triggered.
case e: JsError => {
.getOrElse(//body is not json
validateOpt by design considers success to be not only when body provides actual Person but also when Person is null or not provided. Note how documentation explains why JsSuccess(None) is returned:
* If this result contains `JsNull` or is undefined, returns `JsSuccess(None)`.
* Otherwise returns the result of validating as an `A` and wrapping the result in a `Some`.
def validateOpt[A](implicit rds: Reads[A]): JsResult[Option[A]]
Seems like your requirement is that Person must always be provided to be considered successful, so in this case validate should be used instead of validateOpt.

Zapier Cli: Not able to set authentication.connectionLabel dynamically

Following the developer docs, I have attempted numerous variations trying to achieve this.
I would like to extract the label from the token payload, if not I can build it from the /me response body.
This is my latest attempt:
var jwtDecode = require('jwt-decode');
const getTokenFields = (z, bundle) => {
var sub = jwtDecode(bundle.authData.token)['sub']
return sub;
const getLabelField = (z, bundle) => {
var sub = jwtDecode(bundle.authData.token)['sub']['label']
return sub;
const authentication = {
type: 'session',
test: {
url: '{{process.env.AP_HOST}}/me'
fields: [
key: 'token',
type: 'string',
required: true,
helpText: 'See settings to get your token'
sessionConfig: {
perform: getTokenFields
connectionLabel: {
perform: getLabelField
module.exports = authentication;
the only thing that I can get to work is:
connectionLabel: "{{bundle.authData.token}}", but it looks terrible!
connectionLabel: "{{bundle.authData.responsefield}}" feels like it should be something that should work but it doesn't either
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
Instead of connectionLabel: {perform: getLabelField}, it should just be connectionLabel: getLabelField. You can also use a string that pulls from the bundle (like you're seeing) or any data that comes back from the designated test endpoint (see here).
There should be validation that prevents what you have (that'll error when you run zapier validate) but if that comes back clean then definitely let us know.

Breeze named saves do not work as expected

I tried to use the named saves as below and as explained in the release notes here, but it dosen't work and returns:
Uncaught Error: The 'entities' parameter is optional or it must be an array where each element must be an entity => breeze.debug.js:724
proto.check => breeze.debug.js:724
proto.saveChanges => breeze.debug.js:11150
The function is:
var sendEmail = function () {
var option = new breeze.SaveOptions({ resourceName: 'sendMail'})
return manager.saveChanges({ saveOptions: option })
function saveSucceeded(saveResult) {
log('La email è stata invata.', saveResult, true);
function saveFailed(error) {
var msg = 'Invio della email è fallito: ' + getErrorMessages(error);
logError(msg, error);
error.message = msg;
throw error;
Any help appretiated!
The writeup in the release notes has the wrong syntax. I will have it fixed.
The first arg to EntityManager.saveChanges is always a list of entities, or it can be null to indicate all entities. The 2nd arg is an optional SaveOptions instance. See here. So your expression should be
var option = new breeze.SaveOptions({ resourceName: 'sendMail'})
return manager.saveChanges(null, option)
