GeoExt Tree Panel Align Left - openlayers-3

I am new in ExtJS 6 and GeoExt3 but how do I align layers to my tree panel to the left of the panel. The layers are showing but on the right, I have tried align: 'left' on the panel and its not working, please help.

It seems that you have a border layout. Setting region: "west" for the treepanel wrapper container should solve your problem.


Angular Material: MatTooltip large active area arround prevents timely hiding and access to below elements

I have a menu of small menu items tightly packed together.
After upgrading to Material 14.0.5 the matTooltip appears to have an outer active area of about 3 mm outside its borders. In other words, the tool tip does not hide if I point mouse cursor outside the menu item/element and the pointer is still close to the tool tip - witin about extra 3mm outside the tool-tip borders. In my case the tool tip keeps covering the neighboring items and prevents accessing them if my cursor is close to the tool-tip. I would need to have the too-tip hide as soon as the cursor leaves its borders. It worked fine for me before the upgrade as there was no such area around the tool-tips. Is there a way to reduce the active area around the matTooltip to zero? I tried changing the margins and padding but it did not help.
This appears to work:
::ng-deep .mat-tooltip {
margin: -4px !important;

Tile layout for highcharts legend items

There is a way to configurate highcharts in order to display legend items as a tile? Or maybe just using the horizontal layout but aligning the items in columns?
At left is an example of how it looks now using the horizontal layout and at right is what I want (it's not a real screenshot but just something I made using paint)
Thanks in advance!
You can set itemWidth
legend: {
itemWidth: 80

Jquery mobile grid layout with text areas

I need to create a a 2x2 grid for a mobile website where the cells are text areas. The problem is that when I do this there doesn't seem to be a way where the text boxes all join together at the inner-most corner. All I am able to achieve is two separate text boxes on top of two other separate text boxes none of which are touching vertically of horizontally. I have tried to manipulate the margins, padding, and borders, but nothing works. Thanks for your help!
Working example:
CSS used:
.ui-input-text {
border-radius: 0 !important;
margin:0 !important;

align chart columns left/right

I'm trying to align columns to the left in my chart. By default they are in the middle.
I can't find anything about this in the API documentation.
Here is a jsFiddle test.
In the highcharts api, have you examined the group padding feature?
plotOptions: {
series: {
groupPadding: 0
If the columns appear too wide when you set the groupPadding to 0,
you can still play with the pointPadding.
(If that doesn't fit your needs, I guess I'm a bit perplexed,
because I don't see how having chart columns aligned to the left,
then followed by a big blank space on the right, would make
for a well-designed chart...)
you can trying using the margin option
or the margin left option
or the spacing left option

Layout of panels with splitters

I have a question about layout with TPanels and TcxSplitter from DevExpress.
The main form has some panels A to G. A - F is collected in one panel ABCDEF.
ABCDEF contains 3 panels:
AB, CDE and F.
Panel CDE contains panel CD.
Between all limits between panels there are a TcxSplitter from DevExpress.
The problem is that the user can take the splitter between ABCDEF and G and move it to left so it reach panel AB and cover panel CDE. I don't want to allow that.
Instead I want panel CDE have a minimum width of say 5 pixels. Then the width of panel AB should be shrinked. Hopefully I explained good enough :)
I have tried to set a constraint.minwidth = 5 on panel CDE but the panel can still be hided. Maybe Devexpress have some nice solution for this ?
cxSplitter has MinSize property, from what I see in a test app, it is respected when resizing. Since there is only 1 MinSize property, it is checked for panels on either side of splitter, so you can't specify say 50 pixels minimum for one side and 100 for the panel on the other side of the splitter. Make sure the AutoSnap property is false though.
But there is also a OnCanResize event on the splitter, so you can prevent resize there as well.
Also, since you're using devex I would suggest you use either dockSite/dockPanel or LayoutControl v2 instead of plain Delphi TPanel.
Try this property
