Groovy parameters are not visible in shell part of a Jenkinsfile - jenkins

I'm facing a problem in Groovy script wherein the variable is not accessible in shell script part.
def a=20;
println ("a is: $a");
a is: 20
def a=20;
println ("a is: $a");
sh '''echo a is $a''';
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [echo a is $a]
Possible solutions: use([Ljava.lang.Object;), is(java.lang.Object), run(), run(), any(), with(groovy.lang.Closure)
How can i get $a = 20 in the shell part sh. In other words what operations are required to pass the variable $a in shell script part.
I'm writing this script in context of a Jenkins pipeline where i'm facing a problem that groovy variables are not visible in the shell part.

this works:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
script {
// a is accessible globally in the Jenkinsfile
a = 20
// b is only accessible inside this script block
def b = 22
sh "echo a is $a"
sh "echo b is $b"
post {
always {
sh "echo a is $a"
You should use double quote for the shell statement and not triple single quote.


Accessing parameters in Jenkins

How do I access this variable in a shell script.
I have tried
echo params.$STATES;
echo $STATES;
Output for the first one is params. . Output for the second one is an empty string. The output I am expecting is the string I am passing when I build that job with parameters.
If you are using the 'Execute Shell' block in a Freestyle Project, you will need a $ (dollar sign) before the variable. Since you already tried this, there could be an issue not wrapping variable within {}
try echo ${STATES}
More info on curly braces around variables,
See: codeforester answer on usage of curly braces around shell variables
If you are using a Jenkinsfile without a shell block (valid in Scripted and Declarative)
Use dollar sign with double quotes
echo "$STATES"
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
echo "$STATES"
or without Double quotes and dollar sign
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
If you are using a Shell block in the Jenkinsfile pipeline, use
sh "echo $STATES" or sh "echo ${STATES}"
(as in the Freestyle Execute Shell block, Double quotes are needed for interpolation)
String interpolation in Jenkinsfiles
Handling parameters in Jenkinsfiles

How do I use sh in Jenkins Global library

I am creating my own global library for Jenkins, which I have hosted on github, and to simplify some run-of-the-mill tasks, I wanted to add a function that returns the GIT tag.
Therefore I created something like this:
class Myclass{
static String getGitTag() {
return "${sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git tag --sort version:refname | tail -1').trim()}"
... which results in this error:
No signature of method: static
So I'm left with two questions:
Is the solution to import the sh() library that Jenkins' groovy flavor obviously already has imported? (and if so how)
What is the best practice here? I am wondering why there isn't a GIT_TAG global variable when you use declarative pipelines, and something like this should (in my opinion) be easy as pie.
EDIT #1:
static String getGitTag() {
stdout = "git tag --sort version:refname | tail -1", returnStdout: true)
return stdout.trim()
produces a similar error:
No signature of method: static is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [[returnStdout:true, script:git tag --sort version:refname | tail -1]]
EDIT #2:
static String getGitTag() {
def stdout = "git tag --sort version:refname | tail -1".execute()
completes, but the output is blank. Running the same command with pwd returns / which indicaes that the environment is not set, which makes sense, since all the commands running under Jenkins are designed to rununder pipelines
EDIT #3:
I went hunting for the import. Stumbled across the Jenkins CI project on github and started searching the many repositories. Found a promising one... and put a file called pwd.groovy in /vars with this content:
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.durable_task.ShellStep
static String getPWD() {
def ret = true, script: "git tag --sort version:refname | tail -1").trim()
echo "currently in ${ret}"
The error I got is a variation of the same. I guess since itsa plugin, the definition is different...
hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: static is applicable ...
Option 1) Use Groovy execute to run cmd and get its output as below
tag = "git tag --sort version:refname | tail -1".execute().text
Option 2) Use Jenkins pipeline step sh.
One concept need to get clear: the context of sh is global function is when sh used directly inside Jenkinsfile.
In your case, sh is used outside the Jenkinsfile. To make better understand I give an example Jenkinsfile.
pipeline {
stages('foo') {
steps {
sh 'pwd'
// In above sh step, there is an implicit `this` which represents the
// global object for Jenkinsfile, you can image sh 'pwd' to 'pwd'
// Thus if you want to use `sh` outside Jenkinsfile, you must pass down the
// implicit `this` into the file where you used `sh`
To address your issue
// ReleaseUtil.groovy
static String getGitTag(steps) {
// here `steps` is the global object for Jenkinsfile
// you can use other pipeline step here by `steps`
steps.echo 'test use pipeline echo outside Jenkinsfile'
steps.withCredentials([steps.string(credentialsId: 'git_hub_auth', variable: 'GIT_AUTH_TOKEN')]) {
steps.echo '....' '....'
return true, script:"git tag --sort version:refname | tail -1").trim()
// Jenkinsfile
import com.stevnsvig.jenkins.release.ReleaseUtil
pipeline {
stages('foo') {
steps {

How to access groovy variable from pipeline into shell script?

I've a global variable in pipeline say BACKUP_DIR_NAME and in shell script which is inside pipeline, I want to build path using it hence have following code -
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('First') {
steps {
script {
sh '''
echo "Directory path is "$BACKUP_DIR_PATH
When executed this, I can see value of BACKUP_DIR_NAME is evaluated as empty. Could you please help me to correct above code?
You mix two types of variables in your sh step. In the first line, you are trying to access the Groovy variable and interpolate its value to construct shell variable. In the second line, you expect to access this shell variable.
To satisfy the first part, you need to use double quotes to construct a Groovy string that supports variables interpolation. To satisfy the second part, you need to escape \$ to prevent $BACKUP_DIR_PATH from being interpolated.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('First') {
steps {
script {
sh """
echo "Directory path is "\$BACKUP_DIR_PATH

iterate over environment variables in Jenkins Pipeline Groovy [duplicate]

Given a jenkins build pipeline, jenkins injects a variable env into the node{}. Variable env holds environment variables and values.
I want to print all env properties within the jenkins pipeline. However, I do no not know all env properties ahead of time.
For example, environment variable BRANCH_NAME can be printed with code
node {
echo ${env.BRANCH_NAME}
But again, I don't know all variables ahead of time. I want code that handles that, something like
node {
for(e in env){
echo e + " is " + ${e}
which would echo something like
BRANCH_NAME is myBranch2
I used Jenkins 2.1 for this example.
According to Jenkins documentation for declarative pipeline:
sh 'printenv'
For Jenkins scripted pipeline:
echo sh(script: 'env|sort', returnStdout: true)
The above also sorts your env vars for convenience.
Another, more concise way:
node {
echo sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'env')
// ...
The following works:
def printParams() {
env.getEnvironment().each { name, value -> println "Name: $name -> Value $value" }
Note that it will most probably fail on first execution and require you approve various groovy methods to run in jenkins sandbox. This is done in "manage jenkins/in-process script approval"
The list I got included:
You can accomplish the result using sh/bat step and readFile:
node {
sh 'env > env.txt'
readFile('env.txt').split("\r?\n").each {
println it
Unfortunately env.getEnvironment() returns very limited map of environment variables.
Why all this complicatedness?
sh 'env'
does what you need (under *nix)
Cross-platform way of listing all environment variables:
if (isUnix()) {
sh env
else {
bat set
Here's a quick script you can add as a pipeline job to list all environment variables:
node {
echo(env.getEnvironment().collect({environmentVariable -> "${environmentVariable.key} = ${environmentVariable.value}"}).join("\n"))
echo(System.getenv().collect({environmentVariable -> "${environmentVariable.key} = ${environmentVariable.value}"}).join("\n"))
This will list both system and Jenkins variables.
I use Blue Ocean plugin and did not like each environment entry getting its own block. I want one block with all the lines.
Prints poorly:
sh 'echo `env`'
Prints poorly:
sh 'env > env.txt'
for (String i : readFile('env.txt').split("\r?\n")) {
println i
Prints well:
sh 'env > env.txt'
sh 'cat env.txt'
Prints well: (as mentioned by #mjfroehlich)
echo sh(script: 'env', returnStdout: true)
The pure Groovy solutions that read the global env variable don't print all environment variables (e. g. they are missing variables from the environment block, from withEnv context and most of the machine-specific variables from the OS). Using shell steps it is possible to get a more complete set, but that requires a node context, which is not always wanted.
Here is a solution that uses the getContext step to retrieve and print the complete set of environment variables, including pipeline parameters, for the current context.
Caveat: Doesn't work in Groovy sandbox. You can use it from a trusted shared library though.
def envAll = getContext( hudson.EnvVars )
echo envAll.collect{ k, v -> "$k = $v" }.join('\n')
Show all variable in Windows system and Unix system is different, you can define a function to call it every time.
def showSystemVariables(){
sh 'env'
} else {
bat 'set'
I will call this function first to show all variables in all pipline script
stage('1. Show all variables'){
steps {
The easiest and quickest way is to use following url to print all environment variables
The answers above, are now antiquated due to new pipeline syntax. Below prints out the environment variables.
script {
sh 'env > env.txt'
String[] envs = readFile('env.txt').split("\r?\n")
for(String vars: envs){
Includes both system and build environment vars:
sh script: "printenv", label: 'print environment variables'
if you really want to loop over the env list just do:
def envs = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'env').split('\n')
envs.each { name ->
println "Name: $name"
I found this is the most easiest way:
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'master'
stages {
stage('hello world') {
steps {
sh 'env'
You can get all variables from your jenkins instance. Just visit:
node {
sh 'printenv'
You can use sh 'printenv'
stage('1') {
sh "printenv"
another way to get exactly the output mentioned in the question:
envtext= "printenv".execute().text
{ envvar=it.split("=")
println envvar[0]+" is "+envvar[1]
This can easily be extended to build a map with a subset of env vars matching a criteria:
envtext= "printenv".execute().text
{ envvar=it.split("=")
if (envvar[0].startsWith("GERRIT_"))
envdict.each{println it.key+" is "+it.value}
I suppose that you needed that in form of a script, but if someone else just want to have a look through the Jenkins GUI, that list can be found by selecting the "Environment Variables" section in contextual left menu of every build
Select project => Select build => Environment Variables

How to access parameters in a Parameterized Build?

How do you access parameters set in the "This build is parameterized" section of a "Workflow" Jenkins job?
Create a WORKFLOW job.
Enable "This build is parameterized".
Add a STRING PARAMETER foo with default value bar text.
Add the code below to Workflow Script:
print "DEBUG: parameter foo = ${}"
Run job.
DEBUG: parameter foo = null
I think the variable is available directly, rather than through env, when using Workflow plugin.
print "DEBUG: parameter foo = ${foo}"
I tried a few of the solutions from this thread. It seemed to work, but my values were always true and I also encountered the following issue:
I managed to use parameters in groovy jenkinsfile using the following syntax: params.myVariable
Here's a working example:
print 'DEBUG: parameter isFoo = ' + params.isFoo
print "DEBUG: parameter isFoo = ${params.isFoo}"
A more detailed (and working) example:
node() {
// adds job parameters within jenkinsfile
defaultValue: false,
description: 'isFoo should be false',
name: 'isFoo'
defaultValue: true,
description: 'isBar should be true',
name: 'isBar'
// test the false value
print 'DEBUG: parameter isFoo = ' + params.isFoo
print "DEBUG: parameter isFoo = ${params.isFoo}"
sh "echo sh isFoo is ${params.isFoo}"
if (params.isFoo) { print "THIS SHOULD NOT DISPLAY" }
// test the true value
print 'DEBUG: parameter isBar = ' + params.isBar
print "DEBUG: parameter isBar = ${params.isBar}"
sh "echo sh isBar is ${params.isBar}"
if (params.isBar) { print "this should display" }
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] properties
WARNING: The properties step will remove all JobPropertys currently configured in this job, either from the UI or from an earlier properties step.
This includes configuration for discarding old builds, parameters, concurrent builds and build triggers.
WARNING: Removing existing job property 'This project is parameterized'
WARNING: Removing existing job property 'Build triggers'
[Pipeline] echo
DEBUG: parameter isFoo = false
[Pipeline] echo
DEBUG: parameter isFoo = false
[Pipeline] sh
[wegotrade-test-job] Running shell script
+ echo sh isFoo is false
sh isFoo is false
[Pipeline] echo
DEBUG: parameter isBar = true
[Pipeline] echo
DEBUG: parameter isBar = true
[Pipeline] sh
[wegotrade-test-job] Running shell script
+ echo sh isBar is true
sh isBar is true
[Pipeline] echo
this should display
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS
I sent a Pull Request to update the misleading pipeline tutorial#build-parameters quote that says "they are accessible as Groovy variables of the same name.". ;)
Edit: As Jesse Glick pointed out:
Release notes go into more details
You should also update the Pipeline Job Plugin to 2.7 or later, so that build parameters are defined as environment variables and thus accessible as if they were global Groovy variables.
When you add a build parameter, foo,
it gets converted to something which acts like a "bare variable",
so in your script you would do:
node {
echo foo
If you look at the implementation of the workflow script, you will see that when a script is executed, a class called WorkflowScript is
dynamically generated. All statements in the script are executed in the context of this class. All build parameters passed down to this script are converted to properties which are accessible from this class.
For example, you can do:
node {
If you are curious, here is a workflow script I wrote which attempts to print out the build parameters, environment variables, and methods on the WorkflowScript class.
node {
echo "I am a "+getClass().getName()
echo "=========="
echo getBinding().getVariables().getClass().getName()
def myvariables = getBinding().getVariables()
for (v in myvariables) {
echo "${v} " + myvariables.get(v)
echo STRING_PARAM1.getClass().getName()
echo "METHODS"
echo "======="
def methods = getMetaClass().getMethods()
for (method in methods) {
echo method.getName()
echo "=========="
properties.each{ k, v ->
println "${k} ${v}"
echo properties
echo properties["class"].getName()
echo "======================"
echo "env is " + env.getClass().getName()
def envvars = env.getEnvironment()
envvars.each{ k, v ->
println "${k} ${v}"
Here is another code example I tried, where I wanted to test to see
if a build parameter was set or not.
node {
groovy.lang.Binding myBinding = getBinding()
boolean mybool = myBinding.hasVariable("STRING_PARAM1")
echo mybool.toString()
if (mybool) {
echo getProperty("STRING_PARAM1")
} else {
echo "STRING_PARAM1 is not defined"
mybool = myBinding.hasVariable("DID_NOT_DEFINE_THIS")
if (mybool) {
echo getProperty("DID_NOT_DEFINE_THIS")
} else {
echo "DID_NOT_DEFINE_THIS is not defined"
Use double quotes instead of single quotes
e.g. echo "$foo" as opposed to echo '$foo'
If you configured your pipeline to accept parameters using the Build with Parameters option, those parameters are accessible as Groovy variables of the same name. See Here.
You can drop the semicolon (;), drop the parentheses (( and )), and use single quotes (') instead of double (") if you do not need to perform variable substitutions. See Here. This clued me into my problem, though I've found that only the double (") is required to make it work.
To parameter variable add prefix "params."
For example:
Don't forget: if you use some method of myParam, may be you should approve it in "Script approval".
You can also try using parameters directive for making your build parameterized and accessing parameters:
Pipeline syntax: Parameters
agent { node { label 'test' } }
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
parameters {
string(name: 'suiteFile', defaultValue: '', description: 'Suite File')
echo "${params.suiteFile}"
Hope the following piece of code works for you:
def item = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem('MyJob')
def value = item.lastBuild.getEnvironment(null).get('foo')
The following snippet gives you access to all Job params
def myparams = currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(ParametersAction)
for( p in myparams ) {
pMap[] = p.value.toString()
Please note, the way that build parameters are accessed inside pipeline scripts (pipeline plugin) has changed. This approach:
Is not working anymore. Please try this instead:
def myBool = env.getEnvironment().containsKey("MY_BOOL") ? Boolean.parseBoolean("$env.MY_BOOL") : false
As per Pipeline plugin tutorial:
If you have configured your pipeline to accept parameters when it is built — Build with Parameters — they are accessible as Groovy variables of the same name.
So try to access the variable directly, e.g.:
print "DEBUG: parameter foo = " + foo
print "DEBUG: parameter bar = ${bar}"
