Bintray does not link new artifact to Jcenter - publishing

We have a maven package published to Bintray and linked to Jcenter.
In version 1.1.0 we've added a new artifact to the package: koptional-reactor-extensions, and uploaded release to Bintray.
All the artifacts are visible on Bintray without problems:
However Jcenter only shows artifacts that were already published and does not show koptional-reactor-extensions:
Neither Bintray's Gradle plugin nor Bintray web ui shows why it does not show up and how can we link new artifact to the Jcenter, this is very, very confusing.
P.S. Previously I was able to solve similar issue only by asking a question on StackOverflow so I'm doing it here again (I've also contacted Bintray through Inbox on website but with no luck).
And to be clear, I've never had such problems with

Thank you for your submitting this issue.
We have managed to resolve the issue you were experiencing.
The issue occurred due to the reason of artifactID that was not approved.
Usually in order to add packages to JCenter, we add only packages under 'groupID/groupID/artifactID'. Usually we approve only one path for package, but since we wanted to expedite the resolution for your issue we decided to approve the package with only groupID. (i.e /com/gojuno/koptional).
This means that all three artifactIDs (koptional, koptional-reactor-extensions, koptional-rxjava2-extensions) are now approved and synced to JCenter.
We hope this clarifies. Please let us know if you encounter any other issues.
Best Regards,
Yonatan Brand
JFrog Support


I am trying to report what is an issue with repository, regarding the build of VLC therein. What discusion groups and tags should I use?

I am trying to report what I believe is an issue with repository, regarding the build of VLC therein.
Since the repository has hundreds of packages thereon, there seems to be nobody who wants to claim ownership of items posted there.
Rémi Denis-Courmont #Courmisch · 4 minutes ago Maintainer
Sorry but this is not a suitable venue to report issues with, which people here have zero control over.
After several attempts at emailing individuals at, I tried posting the issue as an issue in the code repository at and got my finger smacked again.
My issue is that hundreds of downloads from the repository are getting a version of VLC that cannot properly play DVD menus. This only happens for those using the repository, so that rules out Windows and other non-RPM repositories.
I have about three pages of screenshots and instructions to quickly reproduce the problem. I think it may be a build issue, but cannot prove that to be the case. doesn't want it: by emails tell me "it is a package maintainer issue", and they don't want it. [[private emails]]
Anyone know anyone who might know who maintains VLC on Or where I might best post that question to reach a proper audience?
There is a VLC tag here, but not an "RPMfusion" one.
Thank you.

Upstream universal package artifact feed

I am trying to add a universal package feed as upstream source for another universal package feed in a different ADO project (but same org) but I do not find in the UI the right buttons.
According to this documentation it should be possible to upstream in the same org:
Am I missing something here?
Universal Packages does not yet support upstream sources, but will very soon (no dates to share, sorry). If the docs suggest otherwise, they may have gotten out ahead of us.

Bintray does not sync one of the artifacts of the package to the jcenter

We've published a package with two artifacts in it (android and os) to Bintray:
Then we've enabled sync with jcenter for this package, but only one of the artifacts is in sync (android is synched while os is not):
I contacted Bintray through Inbox on, Contact Us on, Email and Twitter and haven't received reply anywhere, this issue is blocking for the project.
I saw similar issue was resolved through StackOverflow Bintray and JCenter not in Sync, so this is my hope.
An inclusion to JCenter always uses an allocated path prefix to avoid accidental file overwrites by other users. However, the 'commander' package contains files with no common base path:
'/com/gojuno/commander/os' AND '/com/gojuno/commander/android'
The best practice we recommend is creating a new package and not creating more than one path prefix for a package. If you wish keep working like this, please note that you will have to submit an inclusion request for each path prefix.
As for now you may proceed working on the same groupID path prefix with your different sub-modules.
We hope this clarifies.
usually when changing the artifact path you won't be able to resolve your content through JCenter although it was previously included.
The reason for this is that the inclusion of your 'commander' package in JCenter is for the files’ path.
Therefore, it was originally included under the path prefix 'com/gojuno/commander/android/'.
However, we have re-linked your package on the GroupId level (com/gojuno/commander) so every sub-module of your 'commander' package, will be added automatically and be synced with JCenter.

Gerrit to add notes to Mantis bug

I would like to have an easy way to add gerrit codes changes with bug reference to the relevant mantis bug.
I have seen some nice example here
But the use an old php scripts that's not part of mantis anymore and seems to be replaced by the source-intergration plugin that you need to configure for every single project you have. I am looking at adding this for lot's of projects. I rather just copy a hook script in the hook folder for all projects.
Gerrit 2.7
MantisBT 1.2.15
No ready solution so I created my own plugin extending the source-integration plugin. Let's see if my boss allows me to contribute this as part of the source-integration plugin.

Atlassian Jira SVN Plugin Help

I have installed Jira and the subversion plugin (with success from what i can tell from the administration panel - subv. plugin installed).
I then add a repository that I have created on the file system, BUT i cannot see an option which will link/connect a new or existing project to a SVN repository. What i want to do is link a project with a repository so I can track commits made to the project (link commits with issues). After some searching i found that this is possible but I cannot figure a way to do it.
Do I need another plugin for that? I have tried googling for the last hours but I cannot find anything related.
The way SVN-Jira linking works by default is to simply put the issue identifier of the Jira issue in the comment when committing to the SVN repository.
It can be helpful to enable comment editing in the repository, if you have past commits or users who forget to add comments when committing.
Example commit comment:
Fixed problem with login. See issue MYJIRAPROJECT-26 in issue tracker.
There's a service in Jira which scans the SVN repository at regular intervals, and builds a cache of any SVN revisions where an issue identifier appears. Depending on the polling interval, it make take a few minutes for the commit to show up in Jira.
The polling time is controlled by the JIRA Service for the SVN plugin. See Admin, Services.
you can enforce that future subversion commits require a jira issue reference for more reliable--than relying on your programmer's word ;)--jira-subversion integration
the jira commit acceptance plugin can be configured to block commits that don't include a valid (defined by subversion-jira project mapping and/or regular expression as appropriate to your situation) jira issue reference in the commit comment
reliable jira-subversion linkage availability allows handy stuff like:
Integration with issue trackers
