If I define an environment variable (eg. VersionNum) under Jenkins Global Properties, can I update the value within a pipeline script? I was hoping to use it to store version information and update according to script execution results.
What I want to do is write a pipeline script like:
node {
stage {'Stage1') {
VersionNum = '5'
that will update the global environment variable so the new value that will persist and can be used by other Jenkins jobs.
Rather than try to use the global environment variable, I read a properties file with the Pipeline Utility Steps plugin:
def props = readProperties file:"${WORKSPACE}\\BuildVersion.properties"
MajVersion = props['MAJOR_VERSION'].trim()
MinVersion = props['MINOR_VERSION'].trim()
Then if I change a value, I write it back with:
bat "(echo MAJOR_VERSION=${MajVersion} && echo MINOR_VERSION=${MinVersion}) \u003E \"%WORKSPACE%\\BuildVersion.properties\""
I am setting a Jenkins. I am programming with my pipeline using Global Pipeline Libraries to be able to increase reusability. Scripts are object oriented and in Groovy. Information about the concept can be found there
I don't manage to retrieve the Jenkins specific environment using my library script. I would like for instance to access:
I tryied to use env.WORKSPACE but it is returning a NULL. I manage to retrieve it directly in the pipeline but this is not my goal.
I am using Jenkins 2.303.1.
Depending on how you write your scripts, you might need to inject the Jenkins environment. For example, if you go for a more object oriented way
// vars/whatever.groovy
import ...
def myTool = new MyTool(this)
// src/.../MyTool.groovy
import ...
class MyTool {
private final jenkins
MyTool(steps) {
this.jenkins = jenkins
def echoBuildNumber() {
// Jenkinsfile
node {
echo env.BUILD_NUMBER // echoes build number
whatever.myTool.echoBuildNumber() // echoes build number
So the env which you are looking for can be accessible using like this in groovy script
How can I set a new environment variable from within a Jenkinsfile using declarative pipeline?
I know that I can read environment variables using env like this one for example ${env.JOB_NAME}.
But how can I set a new environment variable which can be be used by my build script for example. I want to do something like below. Is this the correct way?
stage("build_my_code") {
steps {
sh 'MY_ENV_VAR="some_value"'
sh './my_script.sh $MY_ENV_VAR'
You can use script step to run Groovy script in declarative pipeline,
Then in script step to set environment by env.xxx=yyy
stage("build_my_code") {
steps {
script {
// the MY_ENV_VAR environment variable should not exist,
// not allow to overwrite value of an existing environment variable.
sh './my_script.sh $MY_ENV_VAR'
I have a declarative pipeline job (this is not multi-branch pipeline job using Jenkinsfile) without parameters but some stages are conditional based on value in environment variable:
stage('deploy-release') {
when {
environment name: 'GIT_BRANCH', value: 'master'
steps {
sh "mvn deploy:deploy-file -B -DpomFile=pom.xml -Dfile=target/example.jar -DrepositoryId=maven-releases -Durl=${NEXUS_URL}/repository/maven-releases/"
I want to trigger the job from external system but I need to pass correct value of given environment variable. Is there some way how to do that via Jenkins Remote API?
For passing value of given environment variable, you need to define parameters with the exact same name as that of environment variable for your job by selecting "This build is parameterized".
You can refer Parameterized Build
I am building a declarative JenkinsFile, I have some common variables that I want to be shared across some Jenkins projects and jobs.
So I created a jenkins shared library, but for some reason i can't get my Jenkins file to to read the common environment variables from common groovy.
pipeline {
environment {
and in my groovy i had:
def call() {
a = "abc"
b = "abc"
It throws error that commonEnv() is not allowed in environments.
What is the possible way to achieve such behaviour.
You could write a Groovy method that sets the common environment variables. Please refer this Stack Overflow question to know how to do this. Include that method in Jenkins pipeline shared library.
Now call this Groovy method in declarative pipeline of each of your jobs. Remember that in a declarative pipeline, you may use Groovy only inside the script step. So, your pipeline would look something like:
pipeline {
stages {
stage("First stage") {
steps {
script {
// call to Groovy method that sets environment variables
// other steps
// other stages
Hope, it helps.
Since you need to have environment variables that are shared across all Jenkins projects and jobs, you should set them up on Jenkins instance level rather than on a Jenkins project or job level.
So, instead of doing it in a Jenkinsfile (which will do it at Jenkins job level), I will do it in Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Global properties > Environment Variables:
The environment variables could then be read in the pipeline script from Jenkins Global Variable env:
echo "This is my Jenkins global environment variable ${env.MY_ENV_VAR_NAME}"
I need to read some vars created inside another job. Easier to be explain with pseudo code:
my job:
build job:"create cluster" //this job will create some vars (cluster_name)
//used this var from my job
echo "${cluster_name}"
The best will be with declarative pipelines but I can always use script {}
Firstly in your create cluster job you need to put that variable into environment variable. You can do it this way
//create cluster Jenkinsfile
env.CLUSTER_NAME = cluster_name
Then in your upstream job you can receive that variable using a result of build step.
def result = build job: 'create cluster'
echo result.buildVariables.CLUSTER_NAME