It possible to boot freertos over network? - xilinx

some words to my system.
Im work on the Xilinx development-board zc706.
The basic example of freertos are running.
Now the question is: How i can boot the application over network?
A freertos application is a bare-metal approach.
Typically a loader like u-boot is been used, but the examples I find, was only for the linux use-case.
With the XMD console its possible to load the u-boot in the memory
XMD% source ps7_init.tcl
XMD% ps7_init
XMD% dow u-boot
Processor started. Type "stop" to stop processor
Processor Stop Condition Unknown
Processor Reset .... DONE
Downloading Program -- u-boot
section, .text: 0x04000000-0x040524d7
section, efi_runtime_text: 0x040524d8-0x040524fb
section, .rodata: 0x04052500-0x040650d1
section, .hash: 0x040650d4-0x040650ff
section, .dtb.init.rodata: 0x04065100-0x0406866f
section, .data: 0x04068670-0x0406b31b
section, .got.plt: 0x0406b31c-0x0406b327
section, efi_runtime_data: 0x0406b328-0x0406b3ff
section, .u_boot_list: 0x0406b400-0x0406c71f
section, .rel.dyn: 0x0406c720-0x04077d5f
section, .bss: 0x0406c720-0x040ad29f
Download Progress..
Setting PC with Program Start Address 0x04000000
XMD% run
The result ist seen with on a com port:
U-Boot 2017.01-00012-g374a838 (May 29 2017 - 17:55:04 +0200)
Model: Zynq ZC706 Development Board
Board: Xilinx Zynq
I2C: ready
DRAM: ECC disabled 1 GiB
MMC: sdhci#e0100000: 0 (SD)
SF: Detected s25fl128s_64k with page size 512 Bytes, erase size 128 KiB, total 32 MiB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
In: serial#e0001000
Out: serial#e0001000
Err: serial#e0001000
Model: Zynq ZC706 Development Board
Board: Xilinx Zynq
Net: ZYNQ GEM: e000b000, phyaddr 7, interface rgmii-id
eth0: ethernet#e000b000
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Device: sdhci#e0100000
Manufacturer ID: 27
OEM: 5048
Name: SD16G
Tran Speed: 50000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 3.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 14.5 GiB
Bus Width: 4-bit
Erase Group Size: 512 Bytes
reading uEnv.txt
** Unable to read file uEnv.txt **
Copying Linux from SD to RAM...
reading uImage
** Unable to read file uImage **
I have build the FSBL with the flag FSBL_DEBUG:
(Project -> Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> ARM gcc compiler -> Symbols)
The I build the bin file only with the boot loader partion and put it on the SD card:
Xilinx Tools->Create Boot Image
The problem is, that the SDK needs a file with name u-boot.elf. The extention was not there after the build of u-boot.
So now I have a TFTP-Server running on my host and the u-boot find the uEnv.txt file, but the cmd in this file doesn't run:
How I can setup the u-boot an give the right loadAddress to loadthe freeRTos elf-file?
The tftpboot cmd seems to be:
tftpboot [loadAddress] [bootfilename]
tftpboot 0x80400000 vlm-boards/14726/uImage
What is the load address of the zc706 board?
The connection an the download with the TFTP-server seems to work:
But after starting with the "go" cmd a reset occur.
Zynq> setenv ipaddr
Zynq> setenv netmask
Zynq> setenv gatewayip
Zynq> serverip=
Zynq> ping
Using ethernet#e000b000 device
host is alive
Zynq> tftpboot 0x8000 FreeRTOS_HelloWorld.elf
Using ethernet#e000b000 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'FreeRTOS_HelloWorld.elf'.
Load address: 0x8000
Loading: ###############
2.8 MiB/s
Bytes transferred = 205675 (3236b hex)
Zynq> go 0x8000
## Starting application at 0x00008000 ...
undefined instruction
pc : [<0000fa60>] lr : [<3ff443c4>]
reloc pc : [<c40cda60>] lr : [<040023c4>]
sp : 3eb20cf4 ip : 0000001c fp : 3ff4437c
r10: 3eb1f9b0 r9 : 3eb21ee8 r8 : 3ffaef30
r7 : 00000000 r6 : 00008000 r5 : 00000002 r4 : 3eb2f9b4
r3 : 00008000 r2 : 3eb2f9b4 r1 : 3eb2f9b4 r0 : 00001084
Flags: nZcv IRQs off FIQs off Mode SVC_32
Resetting CPU ...
resetting ...
Thx in advance

The solution is:
The Xilinx SDK supply as an output an Elf-File, which the u-boot understands:
tftpboot 0x000000 FreeRTOS_ZC706_HelloWorld.elf
bootelf 0x0

tftpboot 0x0 hello.efl; bootelf 0x0;
works in Uboot 2019.2 version and FreeRTOS.elf.
For the other core, you need to convert it to bin format using arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary hello.elf hello.bin. tftpboot it under the correct memory postion. And fire it up in the CPU0 code.


uboot fails to execute load cmd from uboot.env

I am working with
U-boot v2021.10
BeagleBone Black rev C
I've created an uboot.env image with mkenvimage tool from file
loadfromsd=load mmc 0:1 0x82000000 /zImage; load mmc 0:1 0x88000000 /am335x-boneblack.dtb
set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootfstype=ext4 rootwait
uenvcmd=setenv auotload no; run set_bootargs; run loadfromsd; printenv bootargs; bootz 0x82000000 - 0x88000000
The problem is in files loading to memory with load cmd in first line.
Full message from start is:
U-Boot SPL 2021.10 (Oct 14 2021 - 20:41:20 -0700)
Trying to boot from MMC1
U-Boot 2021.10 (Oct 14 2021 - 20:41:20 -0700)
CPU : AM335X-GP rev 2.1
Model: TI AM335x BeagleBone Black
DRAM: 512 MiB
ti_sysc target-module#9000: failed to get fck clock
WDT: Started with servicing (60s timeout)
NAND: nand_base: timeout while waiting for chip to become ready
nand_base: No NAND device found
0 MiB
MMC: ti_sysc target-module#7000: failed to get fck clock
Loading Environment from FAT... OK
<ethaddr> not set. Validating first E-fuse MAC
Net: eth2: ethernet#4a100000, eth3: usb_ether
=> run uenvcmd
4295456 bytes read in 282 ms (14.5 MiB/s)
'ailed to load '/am335x-boneblack.dtb
bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootfstype=ext4 rootwait
Kernel image # 0x82000000 [ 0x000000 - 0x418b20 ]
ERROR: Did not find a cmdline Flattened Device Tree
Could not find a valid device tree
Actual error is
=> run uenvcmd
4295456 bytes read in 282 ms (14.5 MiB/s)
'ailed to load '/am335x-boneblack.dtb
P.S. My u-boot fails to recognize ${} substitutions properly, and usage of
set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} root=/dev/${bootpartition} rw rootfstype=ext4 rootwait
caused and error
syntax error:
rootfstype=ext4 rootwait0n8
this 0n8 was appended after rootwait and shouldn't be there. So I've written this "straight" file without variables.
Thanks to sawdust for info that carriage return character matters and overrides first letter of error msg - I've got an idea that it also matters for path to file in load cmd, and it matters.
If I use space+\r, NOT just \r - everything works fine.

U-Boot writes incorrect CRC in env

I'm using u-boot on raspberry pi 4, A/B booting from USB attached SSD, integrated with mender without yocto. Everything works fine except the env saving: initially configured to use MMC and offsets, fw_printenv complained about a bad CRC and output the default config instead. I changed the env saving to FAT files on the boot partition, and I'm now troubleshooting 2 issues:
uboot.env does not get written by issuing saveenv in the u-boot prompt
uboot-redund.env gets written but its CRC is incorrect.
I'm checking the CRC by issuing the fw_printenv command from linux. Its config file states:
/boot/u-boot/uboot-redund.env 0x0000 0x4000
U-Boot is compiled with 0x4000 as env size, and using hexdump to check the file shows a correct file with a length of 0x4000.
When booting up, u-boot outputs the following log over TTL serial:
U-Boot 2021.07-rc2-00246-gd64b3c608d-dirty (Jun 16 2021 - 12:16:24 +0200)
DRAM: 7.9 GiB
RPI 4 Model B (0xd03114)
MMC: mmcnr#7e300000: 1, emmc2#7e340000: 0
Loading Environment from FAT... In: serial
Out: vidconsole
Err: vidconsole
Net: eth0: ethernet#7d580000
PCIe BRCM: link up, 5.0 Gbps x1 (SSC)
starting USB...
Bus xhci_pci: Register 5000420 NbrPorts 5
Starting the controller
scanning bus xhci_pci for devices... 3 USB Device(s) found
scanning usb for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
which shows that u-boot does load the env from FAT correctly.
How can I investigate further why u-boot does not write uboot.env, and why when it does write uboot-redund.env, writes it with a wrong CRC from fw_printenv's point of view?
env save
In function env_fat_save only one file is written. If CONFIG_SYS_REDUNDAND_ENVIRONMENT is defined, alternatively either file CONFIG_ENV_FAT_FILE_REDUND or file CONFIG_ENV_FAT_FILE is written.
You have to execute the command env save twice if you want to write both files.
Command env infoindicates which instance was written last via field env_valid:
=> env select FAT
Select Environment on FAT: OK
=> env info
env_valid = invalid
env_ready = true
env_use_default = false
=> env save
Saving Environment to FAT... OK
=> env info
env_valid = redundant
env_ready = true
env_use_default = false
=> env save
Saving Environment to FAT... OK
=> env info
env_valid = valid
env_ready = true
env_use_default = false
When using fw_printenv you must specify the configuration which matches your U-Boot build. By default file /etc/fw_env.config is used. You can pass the configuration file on the command line:
tools/env/fw_printenv -c fw_env.config
This is what your configuration file could look like:
uboot.env 0x0000 0x2000
uboot-redund.env 0x0000 0x2000
There is an example file in tools/env/fw_env.config explaining the available fields.

How to retrieve the flashed binary in ESP8266

I was able to flash a micropython binary which I'd cross compiled some 6 months ago, and it was working fine. It was built from master branch at that point of time, and I did not save the code, nor the binary.
Today, when I again compiled, the binary is having problem at a point. So I want to revert back to the old binary, only problem is I'm not sure what commitID/build the master was at at that point of time ~6 months ago when my compiled binary which works fine was created.
I do have an ESP which has that binary flashed into it. So I was thinking if there is a way to retrieve the binary from the ESP?
Please let me know if this can be done somehow via ampy, etc..
Or suggest me some workaround. I'm already trying to find out the approximate commit around that time, and would cross compile again, which I'm not sure if would work as expected.
Regardless of which firmware you loaded onto your ESP8266 module (NodeMCU, MicroPython, Arduino, etc.) you can use to dump the flash content to a file like so:
./ -p PORT -b 460800 read_flash 0 0x200000 flash_contents.bin
read_flash is the command, 0x200000 the argument for the upper memory bound (2MB).
For reading the firmware as a BIN file
For reading the firmware as a BIN file you need FIRST to connect correct the FTDI with the pins on the IR module
FTDI to IR Module as follows
FTDI 3.3 V to IR 3.3 V,
FTDI GND to IR IO0 (flash mode - IMPORTANT otherwise it will not work),
Then run the command (if the COM port is 5 and the name to extract the bin is flash-contents, otherwise you replace them to match your COM and the name you wish to have) – important the baud rate to be 9600 -p COM5 -b 9600 read_flash 0 0x200000 flash_contents.bin
Below is the outcome for me (running under python 3.10.2 on windows 11):
PS F:\> -p COM5 -b 9600 read_flash 0 0x200000 flash_contents.bin v3.2
Serial port COM5
Detecting chip type... Unsupported detection protocol, switching and trying
Detecting chip type... ESP8266
Chip is ESP8266EX
Features: WiFi
Crystal is 26MHz
MAC: 10:52:1c:f8:b7:c7
Stub is already running. No upload is necessary.
2097152 (100 %)
2097152 (100 %)
Read 2097152 bytes at 0x0 in 2215.2 seconds (7.6 kbit/s)...
Hard resetting via RTS pin...
PS F:\>
Remember the -p COM5 -b 9600 read_flash 0 0x200000 flash_contents.bin is for 2MB memory
but it is well run with -p COM5 -b 9600 read_flash 0 0x100000 flash_contents.bin for 1MB memory as it was in my IR Module
I reduced the speed of reading the flash memory of my esp8266
460800 for "46080" I took a zero.
and successful
My system is a windows 10
C:\Users\POSITIVO\Downloads\esptool-master\esptool-master> -p COM6 -b 46080 read_flash 0 0x400000 flash_contents3.bin v3.0-dev
Serial port COM6
Detecting chip type... ESP8266
Chip is ESP8266EX
Features: WiFi
Crystal is 26MHz
MAC: 2c:3a:e8:42:b9:f7
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
4194304 (100 %)
4194304 (100 %)
Read 4194304 bytes at 0x0 in 937.7 seconds (35.8 kbit/s)...
Hard resetting via RTS pin...

Beaglebone Black doesn't boots up with the yocto-image

I am working on yocto-project to create images for BBB.I cloned the project git clone -b pyro git:// then initiated the build process. Baked it with bitbake core-image-sato and got the build directory with files.
I created 2 partitions on SD card with 64M for root and rest(15+GB) for boot.
Copied MLO and u-boot-beaglebone.img to the root partition.
Untared the core-image-sato-beaglebone.tar.bz2on root partition and then copied zImage-beaglebone.bin, zImage-am335x-bone.dtb, zImage-am335x-boneblack.dtb under boot partition.
When I tried to boot BBB found that u-boot expects uEnv.txt and get stuck there. The yocto build directory doesn't have any uEnv.txt, so how to write own uEnv.txt ? This is the u-boot prompt.
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
gpio: pin 53 (gpio 53) value is 1
mmc0 is current device
micro SD card found
mmc0 is current device
gpio: pin 54 (gpio 54) value is 1
SD/MMC found on device 0
reading uEnv.txt
** Unable to read file uEnv.txt **
gpio: pin 55 (gpio 55) value is 1
** File not found /boot/uImage **
I added uEnv.txt in root partition with text as
This time u-boot tries to read a uImage from /boot directory but I have zImage whats this conflict now? How should I resolve it?
SD/MMC found on device 0
reading uEnv.txt
32 bytes read in 4 ms (7.8 KiB/s)
Loaded environment from uEnv.txt
Importing environment from mmc ...
gpio: pin 55 (gpio 55) value is 1
reading /boot/uImage
** Unable to read file /boot/uImage **
It seems that U-boot is not able to find the uEnv.txt file. Try these configurations. You might need to modify some of the configuration based on your environment.
sudo vim uEnv.txt
loadzimage=load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${loadaddr} ${bootdir}/${kernel_file}
loadfdt=load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${fdtaddr} ${bootdir}/${fdtfile}
mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk0p2 ro
mmcrootfstype=ext4 rootwait fixrtc
mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} root=${mmcroot} rootfstype=${mmcrootfstype} ${optargs}
uenvcmd=run loadzimage; run loadfdt; run mmcargs; bootz ${loadaddr} - ${fdtaddr}
Copy zImage and dtb to the boot partition :
sudo cp -v /<path_to_kernel>/arch/arm/boot/zImage <path_to_boot>/boot/
sudo cp -v /<path_to_kernel>/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack.dtb <path_to_boot>/boot/

Upgrading NodeMCU devkit from 0.9.6 to 1.5

I am trying to upgrade a new NodeMCU devkit 1.0 which came with nodemcu-firmware 0.9.6, to a much newer build. I am using esptool on OS X 10.11.3, following the instructions from
I verified that I could connect to the NodeMCU and see the Lua prompt before beginning.
After "successfully" write the new flash:
kirsch$ ./ --port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART write_flash 0x00000 nodemcu-dev-8-modules-2016-02-06-03-56-03-integer.bin 0x3fc000 esp_iot_sdk_v1/esp_iot_sdk_v1.4.0/bin/esp_init_data_default.bin
Erasing flash...
Took 1.56s to erase flash block
Wrote 410624 bytes at 0x00000000 in 39.6 seconds (83.0 kbit/s)...
Erasing flash...
Took 0.09s to erase flash block
Wrote 1024 bytes at 0x003fc000 in 0.1 seconds (85.4 kbit/s)...
However, if I reset the chip all I get from the chip at the dreaded (by me) 74880 baud is:
load 0x40100000, len 28292, room 16
tail 4
chksum 0xef
load 0x33333333, len 858993459, room 4
I also tried placing esp_init_data_default.bin at address 0x7c000.
Any help is appreciated!
You should start esptool with a few more command line arguments to make sure it uses the correct SPI flash modes for your v2 devkit 1.0 (confused about those names?). The v2 devkit uses SPI mode DIO, flash size 32mbit and SPI speed 40MHz. That translates to
kirsch$ ./ --port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART write_flash -fm dio -fs 32m -ff 40m ...
