How to setup gitlab container registry inside docker? - docker

I have got gitlab running inside the docker container on my localhost. I want to test gitlab container registry also in my localhost. But I don't know how to setup container registry inside docker container. I am using this instruction: and I have tried to do steps from "Installations from source", but it doesn't created "Container Registry" option in repo settings in gitlab ui. So there is one option: "Omnibus GitLab installations", but there is requirement to use https.


GitHub Container Actions in Containerised Runner

I have deployed a pool of self hosted GitHub runners as pods to my kubernetes cluster. Some of our pipelines contain jobs which run container actions. Is it possible to run those jobs in this type of runner?
Docker in Docker is configured in the deployment, and I can build docker images and push them to the container registry.
I note that the GitHub docs state:
If you want to run workflows that use Docker container actions or service containers, you must use a Linux machine and Docker must be installed.
I've struggled to find any definitive answers to this online

What does this mean? "Requres the gitlab docker runner, with "pass-thru" to the host docker socket."

I am trying to run KinD in a gitlab (docker) runner. I was using the example from this gist:
I have search through gitlab ci docs but still haven't found anything about setting: "pass-thru" to the host docker socket?

GitLab build docker on kubernetes runner

I've just connected my gitlab account to an existing kubernetes cluster. Then I generated a private runner on the cluster. In the pipeline, I wanted to build a docker image, but I always get the error, can't connect to the docker daemon. I realized, probably because privileged is not true, but I can't really find the solution, how can I create the private runner as a privileged one.
edit: I created the runner through the gitlab GUI, and there I clicked the install runner button.

How to start docker registry as a local process, not run in container?

The official doc provides a way to run docker registry on containers, but given the situation that it is not allowed to run the registry in the container, how to start docker-registry without docker?
There are multiple options. You can use one of the following repository manager to easily setup a docker private registry and use that.
Sonatype nexus
GitLab container registry

Jenkins: connection between docker container with jenkins master and docker container with jenkins slave

I run docker container with Jenkins master. I run docker container with Jenkins slave (slave image) and exposed port 8082:8080.
I created docker network to make containers see each other and it works (ping works).
I installed Docker Plugin on Jenkins master. I checked IP address of the slave container and tried to use it in the master's configuration, but master cannot connect to slave:
I think I'm doing something wrong. Any ideas what else should I do?
First check your docker daemon listening on your DockerURL and then try Testconnection
sudo dockerd
check API listening on
or provide your certs path to credential section.
certs path usually will be %userprofile%/.docker
It is throwing HttpHostConnectException because you are using tcp in the Docker URL field. Use http. Check the configuration document here.
I solved my problem.
Here is nice tutorial about setting up master in docker container and slaves aslo in docker containers. It doesn't use Docker Plugin.
