Cant find package manager console in visual studio for mac - visual-studio-mac

I am using Visual studio for mac. I need to install some packages but I can't find package manager console for that.
Visual studio version: Preview 1 (7.0 build 347)

A commenter reports this extension crashes VS Community 2019 for Mac version 8.5 (Build 3183). I haven't upgraded to it, so I can't speak to this. Anyone with information/fix/alternate approach, please chime in down in the comments.
At least in Visual Studio Community 8.4.8 build 2, you can find it under Visual Studio-->Extensions, using search term "nuget":
It took me so long to find this I hope it helps someone else find it faster!

Similar to Xamarin Studio, you have to use its dialog,
As there was no cross platform PowerShell, Xamarin Studio lacks of Package Manager Console. It might come one day in Visual Studio for Mac. We will see.

You can follow the NuGet CLI reference and install it
An excerpt from that link provided reads:
Behaviors may vary slightly by OS distribution.
Install Mono 4.4.2 or later.
Execute the following commands at a shell prompt:
# Download the latest stable `nuget.exe` to `/usr/local/bin`
sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/nuget.exe
# Give the file permissions to execute
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/nuget.exe
Create an alias by adding the following script to the appropriate file for your OS (typically ~/.bash_aliases or ~/.bash_profile):
# Create as alias for nuget
alias nuget="mono /usr/local/bin/nuget.exe"
Reload the shell. Test the installation by entering nuget with no parameters. NuGet CLI help should display.

I found a good reference for mac users:
Thanks for the reference and it works for me.


CMake - could not find any instance of Visual Studio [duplicate]

When I am trying to install CMake I get the error:
Visual Studio 15 2017 could not find any instance of Visual Studio.
I am using Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2017. The CMakeOutput.log file writes:
The system is: Windows - 6.1.7601 - AMD64
Any ideas?
I ran into the same error and performed the following steps to resolve the issue:
Open Visual Studio
Go to Tools -> Get Tools and Features
In the "Workloads" tab enable "Desktop development with C++"
Click Modify at the bottom right
These steps resulted in the "Visual C++ tools for CMake" feature being installed, but the other optional C++ features included in this workload may also helpful for what you are trying to do.
After the Visual Studio updater finishes installing try re-running the command. You may need to open a new command window.
In my case, I installed Visual Studio, selecting the workloads and modules that I wanted, but I ignored the request to reboot, assuming that shutting down the computer at the end of the day and restarting it the following day would suffice. I was wrong.
The following day I tried a cmake build and got the "could not find any instance of Visual Studio" error. After several attempts to resolve, I re-ran the installer, made no changes to the configuration, and clicked Modify. This time I let it reboot the computer. The reboot took a long time. After which my cmake build worked.
If you have already installed the workload Desktop development with C++ and still getting the following errors while using visual studio 2022 for flutter
Visual Studio 16 2019
could not find any instance of Visual Studio.
Building Windows application...
Exception: Unable to generate build files"
Solution: Follow these steps,
Edit your_flutter_path\packages\flutter_tools\lib\src\windows\build_windows.dart, and change the constant on line 28 from Visual Studio 16 2019 to Visual Studio 17 2022
Delete flutter_tools.stamp and flutter_tools.snapshot from your_flutter_path\bin\cache\
Run flutter clean in the project
I had the same issue "could not find any instance of Visual Studio"
but with Visual Studio 2019 (Community Edition) and I just had to configure the VS160COMNTOOLS variable so that CMake correctly detects Visual Studio.
export VS160COMNTOOLS="/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/Common7/Tools"
With Visual Studio 15 2017, the variable you need should be VS150COMNTOOLS.
NB: in my case, in a Travis-CI workflow, I installed Visual Studio using the commands (no need to reboot):
choco install visualstudio2019community
choco install visualstudio2019-workload-nativedesktop # required
With only the first package, CMake detection of VS2019 failed.
I was configuring a Jenkins build node and could successfully run CMake GUI manually but command line use or builds using the CMake plugin would fail with:
Visual Studio 16 2019 could not find instance of Visual Studio.
-A x64 parameter was added with no change in result.
The problem was that CMake could not determine the Windows SDK version.
By adding CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION parameter CMake was then able to find Visual Studio.
-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0.18362.0 (use your windows SDK version)
windows 10 system build: 19042
CMAKE 3.19.4
VS 2019 Professional 16.8.4
Jenkins 2.235.1
Full command line that worked:
"C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake" -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -A x64 -D CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0.18362.0
When using VS 2017, be aware that this is really VS 2015, and CMake identified it as VS 2017 2022 which is not the version of VS 2017 I had, that gave me this error. So the conclusion I offer is to try different versions, specifically the 2015 one.
I had a similar issue where installing libzmq in my npm project was throwing the same error and that wasn't getting solved by enabling "msbuild" under "Desktop development with C++" in the Visual Studio installer.
My solution ended up being to reinstall the Windows build tools for npm with the following command.
npm install --global windows-build-tools
Note: Remember to run the command prompt (or whatever terminal you are using) as admin before running this.
If the CMake used to work with the installed Visual Studio and is broken someday, then the problem could be VS requires system reboot to complete some update.
For quick verification, rename HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup\Reboot to like HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup\Reboot.bak, then re-run cmake which should succeed. Don't forget to rename the registry back and reboot the system if this is the problem.
In my case, I was selecting different version of visual studio in that configuration dialog box whereas I installed different version.
Do select the same version.
Above solutions did not solve this issue for me. After installing node.js from apparently a correct version of windows-build-tools was installed
I reinstalled the Visual Studio 2019(my former one is 2017 version ) with all those settings required(my cmake version is 3.23.0),and it works. So try to install different versions.
In my case, the problem was gone after I deleted the previous cmake result directory and then ran cmake again.
if you have installed two or more Windows 10 SDK, delete them excluding latest one.
Try downloading the windows-build-tools package.
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools --vs2015
This step should be the end-all-be-all solution to fixing node-gyp problems. For most people, that’s true. NPM has a package called windows-build-tools that should automatically install everything you need to get node-gyp working, including the Microsoft build tools, compilers, Python, and everything else required to build native Node modules on Windows.

Cannot create Q# projects

I'm new to quantum computing and I've been trying to follow instructions on to dive into this field, but I've run into a problem. Every time I'm trying to create a new Q# application project, I get the following error message
The project file cannot be opened. Unable to find package Microsoft.Quantum.Sdk. No packages exist with this id in source(s): Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.202\Sdks\Microsoft.Quantum.Sdk\Sdk not found. Check that a recent enough .NET SDK is installed and/or increase the version specified in global.json.
and I can't find that package myself either.
I've tried to install Microsoft.Quantum.Development.Kit-0.16.2104.138035 several times, with both .NET 3.1.408 and 5.0.202. I'm using VS 2019 16.9.4 Community Edition on Windows 10.
Looks like is not listed as a valid package source in your computer, so dotnet can't find the QDK packages online.
Try running this command:
dotnet nuget add source -n
And then try building your Q# project again.
It's unclear to me why is not listed as a source, though; it should be included by default when you install the .NET Core.

How do I update Visual Studio for Mac / Xamarin Studio from a terminal?

I run some mac build agents linked to TFS / DevOps Server. From time to time Visual Studio / Xamarin Studio gets some updates, I want to update Visual Studio via SSH or on via a local Terminal.
On windows I found an UI and Terminal (Command Line) approve:
I can do something like this on command line for Windows:
vs_enterprise.exe update --quiet
I found that How-To (which is UI-driven) for a Mac. This steps I do at the moment for every update on each build agent:
I found that here on StackOverflow:
How to install Visual Studio for Mac from Terminal (Mac OS)
How can I update Visual Studio for Mac / Xamarin Studio from the Terminal? Is there a similar command-line tool like "vs_enterprise.exe update --quiet" from the windows world for macs?
Doesn't seem like there is anything built into Visual Studio to let you update from command line.
There is vstool in /Applications/Visual which seems to let you update add-ins from command line. But nothing that seems to update Visual Studio itself.
You could perhaps use a third party tool such as homebrew and let that update Visual Studio for you.
Install VS:
brew cask install visual-studio
Update casks later:
brew cask upgrade
Not sure if that helps you much though.

Is there a way to install F# 3.0 without Visual Studio?

I was hoping to upgrade to F# 3.0 but I can't find either a packaged F# 3.0 compiler on Microsoft site, nor if there is an express version to use. Is it possible to install F# 3.0 for use from the command line or a simple IDE and if so, how?
The standalone version of F# is not available yet, but F# tools for Visual Studio Express have been released just 2 days ago, so you can get F# 3.0 for free.
Announcing F# Tools for Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web!
As far as I know, there are definitely plans for open-source release (that can be integrated with MonoDevelop) and it would make sense to have a stand-alone installer too (otherwise you could still just compile the open-source release), but I don't think there are specific dates for that.
The easiest way I've got it to run:
Essentially using the direct download link on the Web PI tools.
I have successfully make a standalone F# 3.0 works without Visual Studio 2012.
First, find a workstation with F# 3.0 installed. (source)
Duplicate all the things to destination workstation.
-> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\F#
-> C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\FSharp
-> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\FSharp*
Install .NET 4.5 at destination.
Export all the registry item with FSC.exe string to destination.
Export all the registry item with FSharp string to destination.
f# 3.0 registry.rar
if you don't know how to export the registry items, please download this file and use powershell to import all this .reg file.
PowerShell script: (put the .reg files into c:\xxx suppossedly )
cd c:\xxx
dir *.reg | %{ ('reg import "' + $_.Name + '"') | cmd }
I'm assuming most of you seeking an answer to this question by now probably wouldn't mind the most recent version, which is 4.0. You can download this as a standalone at F# 4.0 . This does not include the supporting assemblies and will fail by itself. So you'll also have to download and install the Microsoft Build Tools 2015 . Should be all set to go from there, no installing the mega-massive visual studio. Of course if you need an IDE you'll need to seek out a free one.
You can use Nuget CLI to install the F# Compiler Tools without relying on Visual Studio. As a plus, this procedure does not require admin rights.
Visit and download the latest nuget.exe file.
Instruct your browser to save the file to a folder of your choice.
Add the folder where you placed nuget.exe to your PATH environment variable to use the CLI tool from anywhere.
Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where you want to install F# Tools.
Run "nuget install FSharp.Compiler.Tools -Version {version}", where {version} is replaced with a version from
Add the 'tools' directory to your PATH Environment Variable and then you will be able to use fsc and fsi from the command line.
There is not currently a standalone version of F# 3.0. However, one has been promised
I run F# 3.0 from the cygwin command line on Windows 7. You need to know a little about Linux/Unix to use cygwin, but the basics are not too difficult. You need the basic cygwin shell (command interpreter) and an editor. I am used to vi, so cygwin has vim (there exists a nice F# syntax color addon to vim).
You need to:
Install visual studio in order to get F#
in /users/myname/.bashrc add the location of Fsc.exe, which in my case is
/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/F#/3.0/Framework/v4.0
to your PATH.

Webapplication.targets missing when building a MVC4 project in MonoDevelop on OS X 10.7.4

I am trying to build a test MVC4 project on OS X 10.7.4 using Mono 2.10.9. I created a new empty MVC4 web application in Visual Studio used git to transfer the source code from Windows to Mac OS X. I then ran xbuild for .nuget package restore, but when I build in monodevelop I get a weird error:
/Users/tamasnagy/Developer/Spellbound/Spellbound/Spellbound.csproj: Error: /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/2.10.9/lib/mono/xbuild/Microsoft/VisualStudio/v10.0/WebApplications/Microsoft.WebApplication.targets: Project file could not be imported, it was being imported by /Users/tamasnagy/Developer/Spellbound/Spellbound/Spellbound.csproj: Imported project: "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/2.10.9/lib/mono/xbuild/Microsoft/VisualStudio/v10.0/WebApplications/Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" does not exist. (Spellbound)
What could this mean? This also happens when I simply create a new MVC project in MonoDevelop and press build. Any ideas?
Create a symlink:
cd /usr/lib/mono/xbuild/Microsoft/VisualStudio/v9.0
ln -s v9.0 v10.0
I have the same exact ubuntu 12.04 distro on two different computers and could not figure out why mono would compile on one computer and not the other. But oh well, symlink solved the problem.
Change your csproj file to import v9.0, as so...
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v9.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" />
Mono's MSBuild implementation (xbuild) does not have an implementation of the targets for ASP.NET projects.
You might be able to build in MonoDevelop. Make sure you have the experimental xbuild integration turned off in MonoDevelop preferences.
I know this is an old question, but it came up when searching for how to use WebApplications.targets on OSX, so it's still worth answering. With the current version of Mono (5.x), Webapplication.targets is included, so now all you have to do, is to set the VSToolsPath, and everything should just work.
If you are using standard bash shell, the .profile file is the place to put it:
export VSToolsPath=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/mono/xbuild/Microsoft/VisualStudio/v15.0/
