New Yahoo Finance URL - yahoo-finance

Since the previous Yahoo Finance download URL is not working anymore, I are now left with something like this:
Does anybody know how the period1 (and period2) translate into a date (and viceversa)
Any help appreciated!

It looks like they are just unix time stamps, or the seconds from the Epoch. Here is a website that can covert the information for you:

This is oriented at recreating (kinda) the old functionality. I am running Fedora with Chrome.
(1) Figure out your user agent string for your web browser (I googled something like "what's my user agent string" and quickly found a page that would print it out for the browser you are using). It will be something like "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) ..."
(2) Install a package that will export a "cookies.txt" file for Chrome (also googled for something like "Chrome export cookies.txt" and quickly found a chrome extension that would export a cookies.txt for a page you are viewing).
(3) Go to the historical downloads page for a symbol of interest at Yahoo finance. Save the "crumb" in the download link (like you have above) and the cookies.txt for that page.
(4) Now you can use wget to get data. The command will be something like:
The period1=... is the UNIX timestamp (seconds since 1970-Jan-1 00:00:00 GMT) of the start date and period2=... is the UNIX timestamp of the end date.
I was able to programmatically download a number of symbols this way. The column ordering of the resulting CSV file had changed from the old ichart API and the number of errors I found in the historical data was noticeably higher than the already quite high error rate in the data.
No guess on how long this will work or if it is stable over a long period of time. YMMV.

They are unix timestamps, or seconds since Epoch.
Quote taken from
What is the unix time stamp?
The unix time stamp is a way to track
time as a running total of seconds. This count starts at the Unix
Epoch on January 1st, 1970 at UTC. Therefore, the unix time stamp is
merely the number of seconds between a particular date and the Unix
Epoch. It should also be pointed out (thanks to the comments from
visitors to this site) that this point in time technically does not
change no matter where you are located on the globe. This is very
useful to computer systems for tracking and sorting dated information
in dynamic and distributed applications both online and client side
The following C# code helps to convert between DateTime to Unix Timestamp
//credits to ScottCher
private static DateTime UnixTimestampToDateTime(double unixTimeStamp)
//Unix timestamp Is seconds past epoch
return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddSeconds(unixTimeStamp).ToLocalTime();
//credits to Dmitry Fedorkov
private static double DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(DateTime dateTime)
//Unix timestamp Is seconds past epoch
return (dateTime.ToUniversalTime() - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds;
NOTE: make sure you round it up to zero decimal before substituting into period1 and period2

The period1 and period2 are just timestamps (POSIX timestamps). I think you can use any time of the date that you want to use. For example, for 2014-05-20, you can use any time from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59. (Update: Yahoo has just made a change here. You have to use a time that is after market close time, otherwise the data will miss the last day. I think 18:00:00 is working fine.)
I have put together some quick Python3 code to use that new API. Please check out GitHub for source code yahoo_quote_download.


How to get apple's CF Absolute Time OR core data supported timestamp using terminal shell command?

date +"%s" - this command is giving output like: 1623847472
I want output like: 645540272 using shell command
I have tried date command's mostly all options but no success yet.
The date command doesn't have this option because it's not originally a macOS command line tool and uses a different reference date. It also doesn't support using alternate reference dates. You would need to adjust the value to make up the difference.
The date command uses the Unix time reference of January 1, 1970 UTC. Core Data and most other macOS and iOS frameworks use the Mac reference date of January 1, 2001 UTC. The difference between these reference dates is 978307200 seconds.
If you're using bash, you can get the number of seconds since the macOS reference date with
echo $((`date +"%s"` - 978307200))
That takes the Unix reference date, which %s prints, and subtracts the difference between the two reference dates to get the time since the macOS reference date.

Is timezone just an offset number or "more information"?

I live in a country where they change the time twice a year. That is: there is a period in the year when the offset from UTC is -3 hours (-180 mins) and other period where the offset is -4 hours (-240 mins)
|------- (offset = -3) -------|------- (offset is -4) -------|
start of year mid end of year
My question is:
the "timezone" is just the number representing the offset? that is: my country has two timezones? or the timezone includes this information?
This is important because I save every date in UTC timezone (offset = 0) in my database.
Should I, instead, be saving the dates with local timezone and saving their offset (at the moment of saving) too?
Here is an example of a problem I see by saving the dates with timezone UTC:
Lets say I have a system where people send messages.
I want to have a statistics section where I plot "messages sent v/s hour" (ie: "Messages sent by hour in a regular day")
Lets say there are just two messages in the whole database:
Message 1, sent in march 1, at UTC time 5 pm (local time 2 pm)
Message 2, sent in august 1, at UTC time 5 pm (local time 1 pm)
Then, if I create the plot on august 2, converting those UTC dates to local would give me: "2 messages where sent at 1 pm", which is erratic information!
From the timezone tag wiki here on StackOverflow:
TimeZone != Offset
A time zone can not be represented solely by an offset from UTC. Many
time zones have more than one offset due to "daylight savings time" or
"summer time" rules. The dates that offsets change are also part of
the rules for the time zone, as are any historical offset changes.
Many software programs, libraries, and web services disregard this
important detail, and erroneously call the standard or current offset
the "zone". This can lead to confusion, and misuse of the data. Please
use the correct terminology whenever possible.
There are two commonly used database, the Microsoft Windows time zone db, and the IANA/Olson time zone db. See the wiki for more detail.
Your specific questions:
the "timezone" is just the number representing the offset? that is: my country has two timezones? or the timezone includes this information?
You have one "time zone". It includes two "offsets".
Should I, instead, be saving the dates with local timezone and saving their offset (at the moment of saving) too?
If you are recording the precise moment an event occurred or will occur, then you should store the offset of that particular time with it. In .Net and SQL Server, this is represented using a DateTimeOffset. There are similar datatypes in other platforms. It only contains the offset information - not the time zone that the offset originated from. Commonly, it is serialized in ISO8601 format, such as:
If you might need to edit that time, then you cannot just store the offset. Somewhere in your system, you also need to have the time zone identifier. Otherwise, you have no way to determine what the new offset should be after the edit is made. If you desire, you can store this with the value itself. Some platforms have objects for exactly this purpose - such as ZonedDateTime in NodaTime. Example:
2013-05-09T13:29:00-04:00 America/New_York
Even when storing the zone id, you still need to record the offset. This is to resolve ambiguity during a "fall-back" transition from a daylight offset to a standard offset.
Alternatively, you could store the time at UTC with the time zone name:
2013-05-09T17:29:00Z America/New_York
This would work just as well, but you'd have to apply the time zone before displaying the value to anyone. TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE in Oracle and PostgreSQL work this way.
You can read more about this in this post, while .Net focused - the idea is applicable to other platforms as well. The example problem you gave is what I call "maintaining the perspective of the observer" - which is discussed in the same article.
that is: my country has two timezones? or the timezone includes this information?
The term "timezone" usually includes that information. For example, in Java, "TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings" (link), and on Unix-like systems, the tz database contains DST information.
However, for a single timestamp, I think it's more common to give just a UTC offset than a complete time-zone identifier.
[…] in my database.
Naturally, you should consult your database's documentation, or at least indicate what database you're using, and what tools (e.g., what drivers, what languages) you're using to access it.
Here's an example of a very popular format for describing timezones (though not what Windows uses).
You can see that it's more than a simple offset. More along the lines of offsets and the set of rules (changing over time) for when to use which offset.

Using pytz to associate zipcode of US with their UTC Offset and related DST offset

Task: Given every zipcode of locations in US, I need to get the exact utf_timeoffset and exact dst(daytime savings offset), but I can ignore zip_code belonging to AP/FPO/DPO.
I need take into account of the timezone differences inside each state, and also need care about the exception of Hawaii, Arizona and several zipcode in PR, VI when it comes to daylight savings between Mar 11 2013, 2:00 and Nov 3 2013, 2:00.
I wonder if there is a standard module existing in Pytz(the famous timezone s/w package), because I can't located any proper function with zip_code parameter. Besides, I am perfectly fine with other package than pytz, and also any other programming languages other than Python.
At the same time, with some handmade code, I have managed to get "time_zone name" and "utf_time offset" for each zip_code. Based on provision of some websites, I also managed to get a copy of dataset containing zip_code and their daylight savings flag. A.K.A the current dst policy for each zip_code in US)
So far It works fine, but I dont really trust my own code, didn't get a way to validate its correctness.
No, pytz do not have such a functionality. See also: Mapping US zip code to time zone
Do you have the option to use the raw ZIP code data? Because if you do, it might be very helpful to use a zip code database such as the kind you would find here. They have the ZIP code associated with specific time zones as well as daylight savings info for each one. Looks like the annual price is currently $139 for 12 monthly updates.
I don't work there but I know a lot about ZIP codes and addresses since I work at SmartyStreets.

Mapping US zip code to time zone [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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When users register with our app, we are able to infer their zip code when we validate them against a national database. What would be the best way to determine a good potential guess of their time zone from this zip code?
We are trying to minimize the amount of data we explicitly have to ask them for. They will be able to manually set the time zone later if our best guess is wrong. I realize zip codes won't help with figuring out the time zone outside the US, but in that case we'd have to manually ask anyway, and we deal predominantly with the US regardless.
I've found a lot of zip code databases, and so far only a few contain time zone information, but those that do are not free, such as this one. If it's absolutely necessary to pay a subscription to a service in order to do this, then it will not be worth it and we will just have to ask users explicitly.
Although language isn't particularly relevant as I can probably convert things however needed, we're using PHP and MySQL.
I just found a free zip database that includes time offset and participation in DST. I do like Erik J's answer, as it would help me choose the actual time zone as opposed to just the offset (because you never can be completely sure on the rules), but I think I might start with this, and have it try to find the best time zone match based on offset/dst configuration. I think I may try to set up a simple version of Development 4.0's answer to check against what I get from the zip info as a sanity test. It's definitely not as simple as I'd hope, but a combination should get me at least 90% sure of a user's time zone.
Most states are in exactly one time zone (though there are a few exceptions). Most zip codes do not cross state boundaries (though there are a few exceptions).
You could quickly come up with your own list of time zones per zip by combining those facts.
Here's a list of zip code ranges per state, and a list of states per time zone.
You can see the boundaries of zip codes and compare to the timezone map using this link, or Google Earth, to map zips to time zones for the states that are split by a time zone line.
The majority of non-US countries you are dealing with are probably in exactly one time zone (again, there are exceptions). Depending on your needs, you may want to look at where your top-N non-US visitors come from and just lookup their time zone.
I created an Open-Source (MIT licensed) MySQL database table that cross-references zip codes and timezones and uploaded it to
It is sourced from four locations (primary Yahoo PlaceFinder API - thanks #Chris N)
See the README file for more information and instructions.
If you want, you can also get a feel for the timezone by asking the browser
Josh Fraser has a nice write up on it here
var rightNow = new Date();
var jan1 = new Date(rightNow.getFullYear(), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var temp = jan1.toGMTString();
var jan2 = new Date(temp.substring(0, temp.lastIndexOf(" ")-1));
var std_time_offset = (jan1 - jan2) / (1000 * 60 * 60);
The second thing that you need to know is whether the location observes daylight savings time (DST) or not. Since DST is always observed during the summer, we can compare the time offset between two dates in January, to the time offset between two dates in June. If the offsets are different, then we know that the location observes DST. If the offsets are the same, then we know that the location DOES NOT observe DST.
var june1 = new Date(rightNow.getFullYear(), 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
temp = june1.toGMTString();
var june2 = new Date(temp.substring(0, temp.lastIndexOf(" ")-1));
var daylight_time_offset = (june1 - june2) / (1000 * 60 * 60);
var dst;
if (std_time_offset == daylight_time_offset) {
dst = "0"; // daylight savings time is NOT observed
} else {
dst = "1"; // daylight savings time is observed
All credit for this goes to Josh Fraser.
This might help you with customers outside the US, and it might complement
your zip approach.
Here is a SO questions that touch on getting the timezone from javascript
Google has a specific API for this:
dstOffset: 0,
rawOffset: -18000,
status: "OK",
timeZoneId: "America/New_York",
timeZoneName: "Eastern Standard Time"
They require a unix timestamp on the querystring. From the response returned it appears that timeZoneName takes into account daylight savings, based on the timestamp, while timeZoneId is a DST-independent name for the timezone.
For my use, in Python, I am just passing timestamp=0 and using the timeZoneId value to get a tz_info object from pytz, I can then use that to localize any particular datetime in my own code.
I believe for PHP similarly you can find "America/New_York" in
Ruby gem to convert zip code to timezone: (forked from
> ActiveSupport::TimeZone.find_by_zipcode('90029')
=> "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
It's fast, small, and has no external dependencies, but keep in mind that zip codes just don't map perfectly to timezones.
This will download a yaml file that will map all timezones to an array of their zipcodes:
curl > timezones_to_zipcodes.yml
"Eastern Time (US & Canada)" => ["00100", "00101", "00102", "00103", "00104", ...]
"Central Time (US & Canada)" => ["35000", "35001", "35002", "35003", "35004", ...]
If you prefer the shortened timezones, you can run this one:
curl > timezones_to_zipcodes.yml
"EDT" => ["00100", "00101", "00102", "00103", "00104", ...]
"CDT" => ["35000", "35001", "35002", "35003", "35004", ...]
I've been working on this problem for my own site and feel like I've come up with a pretty good solution
1) Assign time zones to all states with only one timezone (most states)
and then either
2a) use the js solution (Javascript/PHP and timezones) for the remaining states
2b) use a database like the one linked above by #Doug.
This way, you can find tz cheaply (and highly accurately!) for the majority of your users and then use one of the other, more expensive methods to get it for the rest of the states.
Not super elegant, but seemed better to me than using js or a database for each and every user.
In addition to Doug Kavendek answer. One could use the following approach to get closer to tz_database.
Download [Free Zip Code Latitude and Longitude Database]
Download [A shapefile of the TZ timezones of the world]
Use any free library for shapefile querying (e.g. .NET Easy GIS .NET, LGPL).
var shapeFile = new ShapeFile(shapeFilePath);
var shapeIndex = shapeFile.GetShapeIndexContainingPoint(new PointD(long, lat), 0D);
var attrValues = shapeFile.GetAttributeFieldValues(shapeIndex);
var timeZoneId = attrValues[0];
P.S. Can't insert all the links :( So please use search.
See these links for the Olson database: (yes, ftp)
Also note, that if you happen to be using Yahoo geocoding service you can have timezone information returned to you by setting the correct flag.
There's actually a great Google API for this. It takes in a location and returns the timezone for that location. Should be simple enough to create a bash or python script to get the results for each address in a CSV file or database then save the timezone information.
Request Endpoint:,-77.047119&timestamp=1458000000&key=YOUR_API_KEY
"dstOffset" : 3600,
"rawOffset" : -18000,
"status" : "OK",
"timeZoneId" : "America/New_York",
"timeZoneName" : "Eastern Daylight Time"

Discrepancy between System and Db times

I have a rails application and I store all time in UTC in the database for TimeZone differences' purposes. I also expire a record instead of deleting it by setting "effective_end_date" field in the table to current time. Then I use named scope as follows in the model:
named_scope :valid, :conditions => ['(effective_end_date IS NULL OR effective_end_date > ?)
AND (effective_start_date IS NULL OR effective_start_date < ?) ',,]
This seems to work fine on my Mac dev machine but once I move to production there seems to be discrepancy between the system time and the time which I'm not sure why!! Typing "date" command in Linux seems to give the right time. Looking at the production log file below:
sms parser(inparser) daemon is still running at Wed Jun 03 22:38:36 -0700 2009.
[4;35;1mUltrasmsin Load (0.5ms)ESC[0m ESC[0mSELECT * FROM `smsin` WHERE ((effective_end_date IS NULL OR effective_end_date > '2009-06-04 05:28:32')
AND (effective_start_date IS NULL OR effective_start_date < '2009-06-04 05:28:32') )
This the generated query from the following lines of code: "sms parser(inparser) daemon is still running at #{}.\n"
nonConvertedMsgs = Ultrasmsin.valid.find(:all)
The first command time displayed from "" is correct but the second time (fetched from the named scope) seems to be wrong!! (off by 10 minutes)
This is really puzzling me as I would think would just convert hours and wouldn't touch the minutes but it seems that hours are converted ok to GM Time but the minutes are off by 10 minutes!
Any ideas?
On your Mac development machine, everything - DBMS, Rails, browser - is probably running in a single time zone, and it is your time zone.
On your production machine, it is likely that something is running in a different time zone. How a DBMS handles differences between client time zone and the database time zone varies, depending on the DBMS. Some operate in the DBMS's time zone - whatever time zone was set in its environment when it was started. Some take into account the client's time zone. Sometimes, there is no easy way to find the client's time zone.
In general, time zones in the modern world are multiples of 1 hour off UTC. There are exceptions - both India (+05:30) and Newfoundland (-04:30) are a multiple of half an hour off UTC, and Nepal is on (+05:45). However, a malformed time zone setting could throw things off.
Also remember that the clocks on the client and server may not be synchronized to an atomic clock somewhere, so a ten minute drift could be due to the lack of SNTP (NTP) service on the machine.
