How to tell if a key has been released in Love2d - lua

I want to add an ability in my game where if you hold t then the enemies are slowed down. love.keyboard.isDown won't let me put the enemies back to their original speed once the t key has been released. Is their another way I could do this?

Use love.keyreleased.
Note that unlike love.keyboard.isDown, it's a callback function. Use it to register the action when the key t is released.

Using love.keyboard.isDown will let you put their original speed back if you check when it's false, like so:
if love.keyboard.isDown('t') then
enemy_speed = 15
enemy_speed = 30 -- 't' key has been released
but there is an another way to do this. Use love.keypressed and love.keyreleased, like so:
function love.keypressed(key)
if key == 't' then
enemy_speed = 15
function love.keyreleased(key)
if key == 't' then
enemy_speed = 30 -- 't' key has been released

if I understand, love.keyboard.isDown("t") is for to the love.update() function, and it will just repeat the function no matter what. so in this case create a function like this in your main.lua file:
function love.keypressed(k)
if k == "t" then
// Code goes in here
like this, it should activate once the key is pressed.


What does "attempt to index function with 'Connect'" mean in Roblox?

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerCash = Player:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild("Strength")
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
local amount = 50
script.Parent.Activate:Connect(function() = + amount
I am trying to make a code to give Strength when you click. When I press 'Play' it doesn't work. All it says in the output is
'attempt to index function with 'Connect'.'
The error "attempt to index [type] with [field name]" means that you are incorrectly using something like an object, and you are trying to access some field on it.
In your case, this error is pointing at the line : script.Parent.Activate:Connect.This says that script.Parent.Activate is a function and not a table, and you cannot call Connect on a function. This is just to help us figure out what is wrong with our code.
Since you working with Tools, there is a simple fix. Instead of using the Activate function, you are looking for the Activated event. So just change update that line like this :
It connects a function to an event that happened, like this:
local tool = script.Parent
-- It connects the event (the tool being equipped) to a function.
Also, the answer above is how you can fix your problem and here's a shortcut: You have defined "Player" and you could've used it inside the function. Have a great day and God bless everyone here.

Is there a way to add time to a Wait class inside an If statement?

I started learning LUA a few days ago, started my own project inside Tabletop Simulator game, but I've hit a brick wall. I can't add time to a Wait class.
This is an example of what I tried:
function state_check()
--This function checks if the state of obj_1 and obj_2 is 0 or 1
function press_button()
--This function activates other functions based on the state of obj_1 and obj_2
i = 1 --Function starts with a wait of 1 second
if obj_1_state == 1 then --If state is 1, then the function is triggered and 1 second is added to i
Wait.time(func_1, i)
i = i + 1
if obj_2_state == 1 then
Wait.time(func_2, i)
I need for the function to check the first part and if true, do the second part 1 second later. If not, do the second part normally and skip the "i = i + 1".
My problem is that the function does everything at the same time. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what. Is there a way to create some for of gate to do everything in order or anything similar?
Your code seems correct.
I don't know what is the problem.
But I know that one of possible solutions is to follow the "callback hell" style of programming:
local function second_part(obj_2_state)
if obj_2_state == 1 then
Wait.time(func_2, 1)
local function first_part(obj_1_state, obj_2_state)
if obj_1_state == 1 then
end, 1)
function press_button()
local obj_1_state, obj_2_state = --calculate states of obj_1 and obj_2 here
first_part(obj_1_state, obj_2_state)

call a function from inside a table that's inside another table in lua

I am attempting to build my first game using love2D, I have hit a problem.
The game is a bubble popping game, I want to assign a bubble to each letter on the keyboard so that when a letter is pressed, the bubble will pop.
I have an external file called "bubble.lua" which I have tried to make an object "bubble" with.
to do that I have created a table "bubble" in the bubble.lua which contains functions and variables. Now, this file works when called from main.lua using just one bubble, however I am going to need 26 bubbles so I thought it would be best to store each bubble in another table. For the purpose of trying this I just stored one bubble using 1 as the key.This is where I have problems.
require "bubble"
local bubbles = {}
function love.load()
bubbles[1] = bubble.load(100, 100)
function love.draw()
for bubble in bubbles do
function love.keypressed(key)
Firstly, I know that the for loop in love.draw() does not work, and the line "bubble[key].bubble.pop" seems to return nil as well
The for loop I can probably find the solution myself online, my main problem is the "bubble[key].bubble.pop()" line, I cannot work out what's wrong or how to fix it.
Can anybody help me?
You may want to look at this as well:
bubble = {}
function bubble.load(posX, posY)
bubble.x = posX
bubble.y = posY
bubble.popped = false
function bubble.draw()
if not bubble.popped then"line", bubble.x, bubble.y, 37, 37)
else"line", bubble.x, bubble.y, 37, 100)
function bubble.pop()
bubble.popped = true
Following the advice of the answer below I now have the following error when I press "a":
main.lua:14: attempt to index a nil value
the updated code is below
require "bubble"
local bubbles = {}
function love.load()
bubbles["a"] = bubble.load(100, 100)
function love.draw()
for key, bubble in pairs(bubbles) do
function love.keypressed(key)
any thoughts?
There are several issues with this code. First, you index by number when you initialize bubbles (bubbles[1]), but access them using the key as the index (bubbles[key]), which is NOT a number. You need to settle on one mechanism to index the bubbles. Let's say you picked using key as the index (instead of the number).
This loop:
for bubble in bubbles do
should be written as:
for key, bubble in pairs(bubbles) do
and instead of bubbles[key].bubble.pop() you can simply do bubbles[key].pop() as bubbles[key] already returns the bubble you can pop.
To initialize, instead of bubbles[1] you need to do bubbles['a'] (or whatever other value is used by key in love.keypressed(key)).

Having trouble with some computercraft/lua code

Hi I want my lua code in Computercraft to allow the user to turn the redstone signal on/off by right clicking on a monitor on top, but I can't get it to work.
monitor = peripheral.wrap("top")
monitor.setCursorPos(1, 1)
function rubber()
monitor.setCursorPos(1, 2)
if rs.getOutput("right", true) then
monitor.write("Rubber farm is on")
elseif rs.getOutput("right", false) then
monitor.write("Rubber farm is off")
local event = { os.pullEvent() }
if event == "monitor_touch" then
if rs.getOutput("right") == true then
rs.setOutput("right", false)
rs.setOutput("right", true)
Right now all it displays is 'hello' and I don't know how to fix it, anyone know how? Also I'm a beginner at Lua so I've probably made some pretty simple mistakes. Thanks
local event = { os.pullEvent() }
if event == "monitor_touch" then
os.pullEvent returns a tuple. In your code, you're packing this tuple into a table. That's fine, but you then compare that table to a string. Tables can't be equal to strings - they're a table. Either don't pack the tuple into a table, and keep the first return value (the type):
local event = os.pullEvent()
if event == "monitor_touch" then
Or extract the first element when comparing
local event = { os.pullEvent() }
if event[1] == "monitor_touch" then
The problem is you wanted to have that function infinitly looping, but you have not called your function outside your function.... also you should look into using while loops
while true do
//stuff here
just add
to the last line after your last end tag.
You have to call the function.
You need to close your function
function rubber()
The end is it you need to make this little word
this is a simple fix, simply add rubber() after you finish the function rubber, cause while you have created the function rubber, you have not called for it to start yet.
The "monitor_touch" event is what you should be using. Also, make sure the monitor you are using is an advanced monitor (the one with the yellow border).
If you need help in understanding the event, check out this page:

World of Warcraft Lua - If statement flow

I'm trying to create an addon for World of Warcraft. I have created a function that checks whether a buff has been added to the current player.
local function auraGained(self, event, ...)
if (UnitAura("player", "Heating Up")) then
if (heatingUpIsActive ~= 1) then
heatingUpIsActive = heatingUpIsActive + 1
print (heatingUpIsActive)
Button:SetScript("OnEvent", auraGained);
This works great, but how do I check if UnitAura is not "Heating Up"?
Also, I would prefer if heatingUpIsActive were a boolean, but it seems to not like when I do that. What is the correct way to create a boolean in Lua?
Your function isn't checking the aura that caused the event. It's looking for "Heating Up" any time any UNIT_AURA event comes by. In fact, it looks like the UNIT_AURA event doesn't actually tell you which aura triggered it. So you can't "check if UnitAura is not "Heating Up"", because you simply don't know what aura caused the event. Perhaps it was even several auras at once.
However, the event does tell you what unit got the aura. It's the first vararg. You should probably check to make sure it's player before doing something
local unitid = ...
if unitid ~= "player" then return end
Also, you didn't explain what problems you had with booleans. You should just be able to say something like
if not heatingUpIsActive then
heatingUpIsActive = true
-- do whatever you want
although I never saw any declaration of the variable in your code. It's a bad idea to use globals for things like this, so you should declare
local heatingUpIsActive
before the function declaration, e.g.
local heatingUpIsActive
local function auraGained(self, event, ...)
-- ...
