How can I skip back a few seconds after pause in VLC Media Player? - vlc

I've searched this on the internet, but can't seem to find anything. I know there are hotkeys to skip back a few seconds, and I know there are hotkeys to to pause and play audio/video in VLC Media Player. However, I am using a single foot pedal for transcription and essentially need it to do both. I would like the pedal tap to pause the audio. Then, after tapping again, I would like it to play the audio, but skipping a few seconds back when doing so. Is this possible?

Save this code as rollback.lua and place it in Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions folder. Then activate it through View > Rollback X Seconds.
function descriptor()
return {
title = "Rollback X Seconds",
capabilities = {"input-listener", "playing-listener"}
function activate()
function close()
function deactivate()
function input_changed()
function playing_changed()
local TIME_DELTA = -3
if vlc.playlist.status()=="paused" then
local timePassed = vlc.var.get(vlc.object.input(), "time")
local newTime = timePassed + TIME_DELTA
vlc.osd.message(TIME_DELTA, vlc.osd.channel_register(), "top-left", 1400000)
vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(), "time", newTime)
Change the variable TIME_DELTA to whatever time change you want on pause

I expanded on the code provided by Tee by adding a GUI.
I would also like to add a few details of how to get it working.
Create a empty file, name it rollback.lua.
Copy the code provided underneath this list, paste into the file and save.
Move the file to VLCs folder for lua extensions, it should look something like this:
c:/Program Files/VideoLAN/VLC/lua/extensions
Restart VLC player.
Activate the script by going to (Note! Needs to be done each time you start VLC to use the plugin)
view > Rollback X Seconds
Select time in seconds you want to rollback and hit save (or save and close).
In order to get your pedal working with this script, simply configure the hotkey in VLC for play/pause toggle.
VLC > Tools > Preferences > Hotkeys > Set "Play/Pause" Global value to be your pedal.
(After you change a Global hotkey, you need to restart VLC in order to get it working...)
The code:
micro_second_unit = 1000000
TIME_DELTA = 1 --Default,
TIME_TO_DISPLAY = 1.5 --Default
function descriptor()
return {
title = "Rollback X Seconds",
capabilities = {"input-listener", "playing-listener"}
function activate()
dlg = vlc.dialog("Rollback X Seconds")
rollback_input = dlg:add_text_input("1", 2, 1 )
rollback_input_label = dlg:add_label("Seconds to back", 1, 1)
checkBox = dlg:add_check_box("Show output time ", wasChecked, 3, 3 )
timeTo_display_box = dlg:add_text_input(1.5, 2 ,3)
timeTo_display_box_label = dlg:add_label("Seconds To Display", 1, 3)
w2 = dlg:add_button("Save settings", change_step, 3, 4, 1, 1)
w2 = dlg:add_button("Save and close", updateAndClose, 3, 5, 1, 1)
done = dlg:add_label( "" , 3, 6)
function close()
function deactivate()
function input_changed()
function playing_changed()
if vlc.playlist.status()=="paused" then
local timePassed = tonumber(vlc.var.get(vlc.object.input(), "time"))
local newTime = timePassed - seconds_to_microsecond(TIME_DELTA)
local newTime_inSeconds = (newTime/1000000)
local newTime_inMinutes = (newTime_inSeconds/60)
local newTime_inSeconds_restOfMin = math.fmod(newTime_inSeconds,60)
local newTime_str = math.floor(newTime_inMinutes) .. "min " .. round(newTime_inSeconds_restOfMin,1) .."sec"
local timePassed_inSeconds = (timePassed/1000000)
local timePassed_inMinutes = (timePassed_inSeconds/60)
local timePassed_inSeconds_restOfMin = math.fmod(timePassed_inSeconds,60)
local timePassed_str = math.floor(timePassed_inMinutes) .. "min " .. round(timePassed_inSeconds_restOfMin,1) .."sec"
if SHOW_OUTPUT == true then
vlc.osd.message("Seconds to Back:" .. TIME_DELTA .. "sec", vlc.osd.channel_register(), "top-right", seconds_to_microsecond(TIME_TO_DISPLAY))
vlc.osd.message("New time:" .. newTime_str, vlc.osd.channel_register(), "top-left", seconds_to_microsecond(TIME_TO_DISPLAY))
vlc.osd.message("Old time:" .. timePassed_str, vlc.osd.channel_register(), "bottom-left", seconds_to_microsecond(TIME_TO_DISPLAY))
vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(), "time", newTime)
function updateAndClose()
function change_step()
TIME_DELTA = tonumber(rollback_input:get_text())
SHOW_OUTPUT = checkBox:get_checked()
if SHOW_OUTPUT == true then
TIME_TO_DISPLAY = tonumber(timeTo_display_box:get_text())
function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
function microsecond_to_seconds(timeToConvert)
return timeToConvert / micro_second_unit;
function seconds_to_microsecond(timeToConvert)
return timeToConvert * micro_second_unit;
This will work just like Tee's script, the video will jump back each time it's paused.
Only difference is that you can set the amount of time to jump back each time you start the script.
The amount is given in seconds, however you can use decimals for more control...
There's also a checkbox you can tick if you want to display information about the jump.
I also want to thank Tee for his answer!
This is the first lua code I've written (or rather, modified) and it's a bit messy, but it works and I have used it every day since so I thought I might as well share it.


Sticky variable value in lua vim.keymap

I want to create a mapping in my neovim lua setup such that when I have a visual selection and hit <leader>ps, a telescope search is initiated with the selected text.
Here is what I have for the moment:
local builtin = require('telescope.builtin')
local function get_visual_selection()
local s_start = vim.fn.getpos("'<")
local s_end = vim.fn.getpos("'>")
local n_lines = math.abs(s_end[2] - s_start[2]) + 1
local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, s_start[2] - 1, s_end[2], false)
lines[1] = string.sub(lines[1], s_start[3], -1)
if n_lines == 1 then
lines[n_lines] = string.sub(lines[n_lines], 1, s_end[3] - s_start[3] + 1)
lines[n_lines] = string.sub(lines[n_lines], 1, s_end[3])
return table.concat(lines, '\n')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ps', function() -- works fine
builtin.grep_string({ search = vim.fn.input("Grep > ") });
vim.keymap.set('v', '<leader>ps', function() -- gets the same first value for sel everytime!
local sel = get_visual_selection();
builtin.grep_string({ search = vim.fn.input("Grep > " .. sel) });
This code works on the first time; but then the first text retrieved from selection never changes! I get the first text I selected over and over. I don't understand what is causing that. It seems the function gets hit by some sort of caching mechanism from lua...?
I finally used a different and simpler way of doing this exact thing using a remap, yank and paste; I still don't know what's wrong in my question's lua script though.
Here is the working lua map:
vim.keymap.set('v', '<leader>ps', 'y<leader>ps<C-r>*', { remap = true });

/Lua/ How to do this (idk how to call that lol)

I need to make a trolleybus number, which won't repeat for game. For example, there is a number "101" and there musn't be more "101". How to do that? I have a code, but I know, he won't work and I won't test it lol
function giveNumber()
local number = math.random(100, 199)
local takedNumbers = {}
local i = 0
local massiv = i+1
script.Parent.pered.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = number
script.Parent.zad.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = number
script.Parent.levo.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = number
script.Parent.pravo.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = number
takedNumbers[massiv] = {number}
script.Parent.Script:giveNumber() // what I wrote here? idk...
if number == takedNumbers[massiv] then
i didn't test it, because I think it won't work because this code is something bad
I think this will serve your needs.
In the function generateUniqueNumber, the script loops until it found a number that is not yet in the array. (in other words, that it hasn't given out yet)
Once it found that number, it will insert it into the table to remember that it has given it out, and then it will return the number.
Then on the bottom of the script we just give the numbers to the buses :-)
Goal: Give all buses a unique number
-- Variables
local takenNumbers = {};
-- This function returns a random number in the range [100, 199] that has not been taken yet
function generateUniqueNumber()
local foundNumber = false;
while not foundNumber do
randomNumber = math.random(100, 199);
if not table.find(takenNumbers, randomNumber) then
table.insert(takenNumbers, randomNumber);
return randomNumber;
-- This function sets the number of the bus
script.Parent.pered.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = tostring(generateUniqueNumber());
script.Parent.zad.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = tostring(generateUniqueNumber());
script.Parent.levo.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = tostring(generateUniqueNumber());
script.Parent.pravo.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = tostring(generateUniqueNumber());
2 things:
I didn't test this code as Roblox is not installed on the pc I'm currently on.
Please try formatting your code nicely next time. It greatly improves the readability! For example, you can use this website:
Fill a table with free numbers...
local freenumbers = {}
for i = 1, 99 do freenumbers[i] = i + 100 end
...for every new takennumbers use table.remove() on freenumbers
local takennumbers = {}
if #freenumbers > 0 then
takennumbers[#takennumbers + 1] = table.remove(freenumbers, math.random(1, #freenumbers))

WoW Lua error; attempt to call a global(a nil value)

I'm new to Lua and was following the tutorial on but i just cant get it to work; i have copied the code but i get the error message "attempt to call a global 'functionname' (a nil value)" on both the SetMapToCurrentZone() and the GetPlayerMapPosition("player") functions.
This is the entire Lua file;
local zone = nil
local TimeSinceLastUpdate = 0
local function UpdateCoordinates(self, elapsed)
if zone ~= GetRealZoneText() then
zone = GetRealZoneText()
TimeSinceLastUpdate = TimeSinceLastUpdate + elapsed
if TimeSinceLastUpdate > .5 then
TimeSinceLastUpdate = 0
local posX, posY = GetPlayerMapPosition("player");
local x = math.floor(posX * 10000)/100
local y = math.floor(posY*10000)/100
eCoordinatesFontString:SetText("|c98FB98ff("..x..", "..y..")")
function eCoordinates_OnLoad(self, event,...)
function eCoordinates_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and ... == "eCoordinates" then
eCoordinates:SetSize(100, 50)
eCoordinates:SetPoint("TOP", "Minimap", "BOTTOM", 5, -5)
eCoordinates:SetScript("OnUpdate", UpdateCoordinates)
local coordsFont = eCoordinates:CreateFontString("eCoordinatesFontString", "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
coordsFont:SetPoint("CENTER", "eCoordinates", "CENTER", 0, 0)
How do i fix it?
These functions have been renamed and moved to a wrapper object in 8.0, to C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit (requiring "player" as parameter to yield the same result) and C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition respectively.
You can probably expect more functions that are called later to throw the same error, their lines just couldn't be reached before. I can check the whole code example when I'm at a desktop again, but you may simply look up these functions on Wowpedia, especially other map-related functions.
I suggest using Wowpedia over Wowwiki, it's a personal preference/impression, the former seems to receive more constant updates.
(The two seem to be merging again now, after splitting 10 years ago)

LUA: Looking for a specific table by its variable

I'm currently starting work on a text adventure game in Lua--no addons, just pure Lua for my first project. In essence, here is my problem; I'm trying to find out how I can do a "reverse lookup" of a table using one of its variables. Here's an example of what I've tried to do:
print("What are you trying to take?")
bag = {}
gold = {name="Gold",ap=3}
x ="*l")
if x == "Gold" then
print("You took the " .. .. ".")
Obviously, writing a line like this with every single object in the game would be very... exhausting--especially since I think I'll be able to use this solution for not just taking items but movement from room to room using a reverse lookup with each room's (x,y) coordinates. Anyone have any ideas on how to make a more flexible system that can find a table by the player typing in one of its variables? Thanks in advance!
This doesn't directly answer your question as you asked it, but I think it would serve the purpose of what you are trying to do. I create a table called 'loot' which can hold many objects, and the player can place any of these in their 'bag' by typing the name.
bag = {}
loot = {
{name="Gold", qty=3},
{name="Axe", qty=1},
print("What are you trying to take?")
x ="*l")
i = 1
while loot[i] do
if (x == loot[i].name) then
table.insert(bag, table.remove(loot,i))
i = i + 1
For bonus points, you could check 'bag' to see if the player has some of that item already and then just update the quantity...
while loot[i] do
if (x == loot[i].name) then
j, found = 1, nil
while bag[j] do
if (x == bag[j].name) then
found = true
bag[j].qty = bag[j].qty + loot[i].qty
j = j + 1
if (not found) then
table.insert(bag, table.remove(loot,i))
i = i + 1
Again, this isn't a 'reverse lookup' solution like you asked for... but I think it is closer to what you are trying to do by letting a user choose to loot something.
My disclaimer is that I don't use IO functions in my own lua usage, so I have to assume that your x ="*l") is correct.
PS. If you only ever want objects to have a name and qty, and never any other properties (like condition, enchantment, or whatever) then you could also simplify my solution by using key/val pairs:
bag = {}
loot = { ["Gold"] = 3, ["Axe"] = 1 }
print("What are you trying to take?")
x ="*l")
for name, qty in pairs(loot) do
if x == name then = ( or 0) + qty = nil
I have a few notes to start before I specifically address your question. (I just want to do this before I forget, so please bear with me!)
I recommend printing to the terminal using stderr instead of stdout--the Lua function print uses the latter. When I am writing a Lua script, I often create a C-style function called eprintf to print formatted output to stderr. I implement it like this:
local function eprintf(fmt, ...)
io.stderr:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
Just be aware that, unlike print, this function does not automatically append a newline character to the output string; to do so, remember to put \n at the end of your fmt string.
Next, it may be useful to define a helper function that calls"*l") to get an entire line of input. In writing some example code to help answer your question, I called my function getline--like the C++ function that has similar behavior--and defined it like this:
local function getline()
local read = tostring("*l"))
return read
If I correctly understand what it is you are trying to do, the player will have an inventory--which you have called bag--and he can put items into it by entering item names into stdin. So, for instance, if the player found a treasure chest with gold, a sword, and a potion in it and he wanted to take the gold, he would type Gold into stdin and it would be placed in his inventory.
Based on what you have so far, it looks like you are using Lua tables to create these items: each table has a name index and another called ap; and, if a player's text input matches an item's name, the player picks that up item.
I would recommend creating an Item class, which you could abstract nicely by placing it in its own script and then loading it as needed with require. This is a very basic Item class module I wrote:
-- Item class --
local Item = {__name = "Item"}
Item.__metatable = "metatable"
Item.__index = Item
-- __newindex metamethod.
function Item.__newindex(self, k, v)
local err = string.format(
"type `Item` does not have member `%s`",
return error(err, 2)
-- Item constructor
function, ap_in)
assert((name_in ~= nil) and (ap_in ~= nil))
local self = {
name = name_in,
ap = ap_in
return setmetatable(self, Item)
return Item
From there, I wrote a main driver to encapsulate some of the behavior you described in your question. (Yes, I know my Lua code looks more like C.)
-- Modules --
local Item = assert(require("Item"))
local function eprintf(fmt, ...)
io.stderr:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
local function printf(fmt, ...)
io.stdout:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
local function getline()
local read = tostring("*l"))
return read
local function main(argc, argv)
local gold ="Gold", 3)
printf(" = %s\ngold.ap = %i\n",, gold.ap)
return 0
main(#arg, arg)
Now, as for the reverse search which you described, at this point all you should have to do is check the user's input against an Item's name. Here it is in the main function:
local function main(argc, argv)
local gold ="Gold", 3)
local bag = {}
eprintf("What are you trying to take? ")
local input = getline()
if (input == then
table.insert(bag, gold)
eprintf("You took the %s.\n",
eprintf("Unrecognized item `%s`.\n", input)
return 0
I hope this helps!

How to design a "Dynamic inventory system" for a point and click game?

I have done lots of research on invetory system for point and click game in Lua and corona.
I have come across this example,I am doing something similar to this,but I need a dynamic inventory system.
I mean if I have 4 slots,and all them are full the fifth object go to next slot,so there will be an arrow to the right so I can click on ;and go to the next page.
And imagine there are 5 items,and I have 4 slots,the fifth slot would be on the next page.
I use the third item,and third slot would then be empty,so I want the fourth and fifth item automatically move back to third and fourth slot.
I have hard time figuring this out.
Thanks for advance.
local myInventoryBag={}
local maxItems = 10 -- change this to how many you want
myInventoryBag[5]=3 -- Hammer for instance
myInventoryBag[4]=7 -- A metal Pipe for instance
local function getImageForItem(thisItem)
local itemNumber = tonumber(thisItem)
local theImage=""
if itemNumber==3 then
elseif itemNumber == 7 then
elseif ... -- for other options
return nil
local image = display.newImage(theImage)
return image
local function displayItems()
local i
for i=1,#myInventoryBag do
local x = 0 -- calculate based on the i
local y = 0 -- calculate based on the i
local image = getImageForItem(myInventoryBag[i])
if image==nil then return end
image.x = x
image.y = y
local itemImages =
[0] = display.newImage('MISSING_ITEM_IMAGE.PNG'),
[3] = display.newImage('hammer.png'),
[7] = display.newImage('metalpipe.png'),
function getImageForItem(itemId)
return itemImages[itemId] or itemImages[0]
local myInventoryBag={}
local maxItems = 10 -- change this to how many you want
local visibleItems = 4 -- show this many items at a time (with arrows to scroll to others)
-- show inventory items at index [first,last]
local function displayInventoryItems(first,last)
local x = 0 -- first item goes here
local y = 0 -- top of inventory row
for i=first,last do
image = getImageForItem(myInventoryBag[i])
image.x = x
image.y = y
x = x + image.width
-- show inventory items on a given "page"
local function displayInventoryPage(page)
page = page or 1 -- default to showing the first page
if page > maxItems then
-- error! handle me!
local first = (page - 1) * visibleItems + 1
local last = first + visibleItems - 1
displayInventoryItems(first, last)
myInventoryBag[5] = 3 -- Hammer for instance
myInventoryBag[4] = 7 -- A metal Pipe for instance
Basically what you would do is loop through all the inventory slots and check if the slot is empty. If it's empty, place the item in that slot and stop the loop. If it's not, go to the next one.
If you want to remove an item from the inventory, you can simply call table.delete(myInventoryBag, slotToEmpty).
For pages, you'd simply have a page variable. When drawing the inventory slots, just loop from slots (page-1) * 4 + 1 to page * 4.
(Edit: I'd highly recommend using proper indentation, as it will make the code much much more readable.)
