tcpSlaveAgentListener not found on Jenkins server - jenkins

I am trying to connect to a Jenkins master instance from a slave. From a connectivity standpoint, everything looks good. I am able to curl the selected "TCP port for JNLP agent" as set in "Configure Global Security" in Jenkins from where I am starting the slave node:
$ curl http://myjenkinsurl:7004/
Jenkins-Agent-Protocols: CLI-connect, CLI2-connect, JNLP-connect,
JNLP2-connect, JNLP4-connect, Ping
Jenkins-Version: 2.62
Jenkins-Session: 77c90621
However, when trying to get to start a slave node, I get this error reported on the slave node:
INFO: Locating server among [http://myjenkinsurl:7004]
May 25, 2017 12:22:12 PM hudson.remoting.jnlp.Main$CuiListener error
SEVERE: http://myjenkinsurl:7004/tcpSlaveAgentListener/ is invalid: 404 Not Found
I also get the 404 Not Found error when curling http://myjenkinsurl:7004/tcpSlaveAgentListener/
This is what my relevant section of Configure Global Security looks like:
I am getting this error since upgrading to Jenkins 2.62 and it was previously working with a similar configuration on Jenkins 2.19.
Most of the similar queries I can find to this question do not have this additional port configured correctly, but the output I get from curling Jenkins on this set port, 7004 in my case, seems to indicate that this is not where the problem lies.
How do I get the tcpSlaveAgentListener URL to function?

My case, I'm running both: master and the slaves on Kubernetes.
The challenge of getting this working under a ingress apart, I was getting a similar error, and if I understood it right:
the /tcpSlaveAgentListener/ should exist under Jenkins main port (usually 8080).
This URL, you configure at Manage Jenkins -> Configuration-> Cloud / Kubernetes
Jenkins URL: http://jenkins:8080
Then, under Manage Jenkins -> Global Security-> Agents
TCP Port for inbound agents: 50000.
Here you can't use the same port as your main service for Jenkins.

I'm running also master and slaves on kubernetes
What I did to correct the error is to set up two different jenkins urls:
ingress url
Manage Jenkins > System configuration > Configure system > Jenkins location > Jenkins url: https://jenkins.local/
jenkins service url
Configure clouds > Kubernetes > Jenkins url: http://jenkins-service:8080


Why can't I set up a jenkins agent on the same machine as the master (WIndows 10), Jenkins on localhost?

Can't set up an agent on the same machine as the master node in Jenkins. The Jenkins instance is on localhost as is the agent. The main problem I'm getting is:
yah de yah.....
at Source)
Caused by:
Here's what I tried:
1 - Configure agent launched via ssh, Host is (also tried and localhost here but the URL in Jenkins config is as shown) with Jenkins admin password. Used 'Known host file Verification Strategy' Advanced setting uses port 22. Tried Jenkins Global Security settings with fixed port 22, 50000 and random port setting.
Also toggled Windows OpenSSH for client and server with the above combinations.
Configure agent by Connecting it to the master; other options as default. Got 'Agent is offline because Jenkins failed to launch the agent process' and got the 'Launch' button for webstart. Clicked on that; nothing happened (that I saw) but the file did appear in my downloads folder.
Copied the file to another directory, opened a command window in that directory and entered the 'headless' command shown in the window with the webstart button. Got:
Error: Unable to access jarfile agent.jar
Seems no matter what I try I can't connect to
Is this some sort of tunneling issue where I need to expose localhost even though I'm not going over the Internet? I needed to do that to get my localhost Jenkins install to talk to GitHub.
Been reading numerous articles,watched videos - seems most of the material out there is for a 'real' use of creating agents on separate machines.
Any advice would be MOST appreciated.

Jenkins slave configuration issue

Have been trying for hours for setting up master-slave configuration in jenkins and getting this error when triggering the jnlp file from slave machine: "SEVERE: The server rejected the connection: None of the protocols were accepted
java.lang.Exception: The server rejected the connection: None of the protocols were accepted".. Everything seems set correctly from my end - Java 1.8.181 in both master and slave machines, jenkins 2.147 in both machines.
Here is the entire log:
My bad..for the Jenkins URL under Manage Jenkins-> Configure System I had entered localhost instead of the server IP which caused the issue.

Webhook execution failed: execution expired

I am trying to trigger jenkins build whenever there is a push to GitLab.
I am referring to
When I test the connection for webhook it shows execution expired.
I am using:
Jenkins ver. 2.60.1
GitLab version 9.4.0-rc2-ee
Git lab plugin 1.4.6
The exact error message, clicking "Test setting" from GitLab:
We tried to send a request to the provided URL but an error occurred: execution expired
As mentioned in issue 128:
This looks and sounds like a configuration or network error.
Maybe your machine is not publicly available on the webhook address (firewall etc).
For instance, on Digital Ocean server, you would need to open up the port (mentioned in git-auto-deploy.conf.json) in the firewall:
sudo ufw allow 8866/tcp
Double-check though what you put in Manage Jenkins > Configure in term of Gitlab information (connection name, host url, credentials), as mentioned in jenkinsci/gitlab-plugin issue 391.
See GitLab Integration Jenkins: Configure the Jenkins server
It means issues in between jenkins server and gitlab or github server.
Like what I did:
I have set my local-IP:port/project/jenkins_project_name
and set the above URL in the gitlab webhook, it shouldn't work - right?
Because it's an IP that's private and not routable.
SO later I realized and set the public-IP and then hook worked.
Note: To routable public-IP, you should expose port in your router [e.g. 8080 was for me or anything want ]
Hope this works.
I have faced the same issue.
In my case Jenkins is running in an AWS EC2 instance. I have resolved the issue by whitelisting the Public IP addresses of Gitlab on port 443 into the instance security group.

There is no "Launch agent via Java Web Start" option in my jenkins when I adding a windows slave node

I have already configured the java enviroment and installtion
This is a duplicate question from Server Fault: Answer Here
Java Web Start utilizes TCP so it has to be enabled and configured in Jenkins...
Login to Jenkins as admin
Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security > TCP port for JNLP agents
Do yourself a favor and pick a static port assignment...
As of Jenkins version 2.176.3, there is option enabled when "Launch agent by connecting it to the master" which is same as "launch agent via java web start" once you enable the "Manage Jenkins => Configure Global Security => Agents => TCP port for inbound agents" as mentioned above.
e.g. Fixed: 50000
Make sure that you've enabled a JNLP port in Manager Jenkins -> Configure Global Security. If no JNLP port is specified, then the JNLP slave option will not appear.
I had similar issue after updating my Jenkins, I then used "Launch agent by connecting it to the master" method to launch and my port "TCP port for inbound agents" under
- Manage Jenkins => Configure Global Security => Agents => TCP port for inbound agents got changed to 8888. I have updated it back to 50000 and that resolved the issue. Hope it helps.
On some systems I used to get a button to download the agent's JNLP. On my new linux mint system, I instead get the "JNLP not available" message. So was lost as to where to get the JNLP file. However, looking in the command below I saw the URL for downloading it, eg:
Go to the slave machine, paste the URL in the browser to download it!
This might also be due to missing permissions for the user trying to setup the agent via java web start, at least that was the case in my scenario;
To verify this, try to download the jnlp directly; URL would be of the form [jenkins url]/computer/[agent name]/slave-agent.jnlp, if there is a permissions issue you will get something along the lines of:
Access Denied
xxxx is missing the Agent/Connect permission

Jenkins Build Slave - Connection not possible

I would like to connected via JNLP to the Master Jenkins server and getting always following error
Failing to obtain https://<master-server>/buildserver/computer/CaptainBrowser/slave-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true https://<master-server>/buildserver/computer/CaptainBrowser/slave-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true doesn't look like a JNLP file; content type was text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(
I had a similar problem. For me the issue was that the Jenkins URL in 'Configure System' was set to 'http://...' instead of 'https://...'. This meant that when I set up a node, it showed the java command to run to be also use http. E.g it said
java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http:///computer//slave-agent.jnlp -secret
Running it yielded
'Failing to obtain http:///computer//slave-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true'
Changing the server URL to 'https' enabled it to work for me. It changed the command for a Jenkins node to be a 'https' URL and running that worked.
Goto jenkins --> Manage jenkins --> configure system --> http://yoursystem ip:8080/ Make sue it will be http not https. Manage Jenkins --> Global security--> Agent -->
TCP port select fixed 50000 and Inbound TCP Agent Protocol/4 (TLS encryption) under agent protocol
Create Agent node gain it will work
In my case, it started working after adding HTTPS protocol to my security group for EC2 machines. Then again run jnlp command on to jenkins slave terminal and it will be connected.
