swift: what does arc4andom_uniform() means - ios

This might be a lame question and even have already answered in SO.i have even searched about this but could not understand in a proper way. what is happening here..??please help me out to understand this.
let size = Double(arc4random_uniform(5)) + 1
for index in 0..<ITEM_COUNT
let y = Double(arc4random_uniform(100)) + 50.0
let size = Double(arc4random_uniform(5)) + 1
entries.append(ChartEntry(x: Double(index) + 0.5, y: y, size: CGFloat(size)))

arc4random_uniform(x) returns a random value between 0 and x-1
arc4random_uniform(2) -> returns 0 or 1 randomly
arc4random_uniform(2) == 0 returns true or false randomly
arc4random_uniform(6) + 1 returns a number between 1 and 6 (like a dice roll)
There are a multitude of reasons that arc4random_uniform(5) returns a number between 0 and 5, but the main one is that this is a basic functionality in programming, where numbers start at zero. An example of why this would be useful would be returning a random value from an array. Example:
func randomArrayValue(array: [Int]) -> Int {
let index = arc4random_uniform(array.count)
return array[index]
let arrayOfInt = [10,20,30]
print("Random Int: \(randomArrayValue(array: arrayOfInt))")
//"Random Int: 10"
//"Random Int: 20"
//"Random Int: 30"
For these three lines of code in your questions:
let y = Double(arc4random_uniform(100)) + 50.0
let size = Double(arc4random_uniform(5)) + 1
entries.append(ChartEntry(x: Double(index) + 0.5, y: y, size: CGFloat(size)))
y is a random variable between 50 and 149
size is a random variable between 1 and 5
you then add an item onto an array that goes onto a chart. The value being added specifies the x location (the index) and the y location (the random y value). Size is some code specific requirement, which we wouldn't be able to help with without seeing the functionality.


Generate all numbers for 0 to 1 using a loop

This question might seem a bit silly..:) But I think I'm missing something somewhere..so bit confused...
I wanted to generate all numbers from 0 to 1. In other words, if I do 1/2, I get 0.5. Then 0.5/2 = 0.25. Then 0.25/2 = 0.125. This will go on until 0.00000001 (A total of 26 divisions)
But I want to generate all numbers in an increasing order from 0.00000001 to 1.
I tried doing something like so...
let first = 0.00000001
let last = 1.0
let interval = first * 2
let sequence = stride(from: first, to: last, by: interval)
for element in sequence {
But it's not working. It seemed it just prints infinitely...
How can I properly use a for loop and print from 0.00000001 to 1 in a limited number of iterations..? Or any other loops to be used in this case..?
You can't use stride. stride produces an arithmetic sequence with a difference of interval, which is 0.00000002:
You want a geometric sequence between 0 and 1.
You could use sequence instead, which generates an infinite sequence:
let first = 0.00000001
let last = 1.0
for item in sequence(first: first, next: { $0 * 2 }).prefix(while: { $0 < last }) {
{ $0 * 2 } is the function that generates the next element, and prefix(while:) is used to get first elements that satisfy the < last condition.
Here is another way you could approach it. Use stride to count down the powers of 2 from 26 to 0 and divide 1.0 by that power of 2 and display only the first 8 decimal places:
for n in stride(from: 26, through: 0, by: -1) {
print(String(format: "%.8f", 1.0 / pow(2.0, Double(n))))
or equivalently (removing the 1/n by using negative exponents):
for n in -26...0 {
print(String(format: "%.8f", pow(2.0, Double(n))))

How to return 0 instead of Nan in Swift?

let need = (Singleton.shared.getTotalExpense(category: .need) / Singleton.shared.getTotalIncome()) * 100
needsLabel.text = "" + String(format: "%.f%%", need)
If total expenses and total income are both zero I don't want NaN to be returned. How can I make it so if need = Nan, it returns 0
You'd need to conditionally check if you both numerator and denominator are zero, which is one reason it would result in NaN, and conditionally assign zero to the result.
let expenses = Singleton.shared.getTotalExpense(category: .need)
let income = Singleton.shared.getTotalIncome()
let need = expenses == 0 && income == 0 ? 0.0 : expenses / income * 100
You could also check if the result of division is NaN (which could be if any of the operands was NaN):
let ratio = expenses / income * 100
let need = ratio.isNaN ? 0.0 : ratio
Be aware that you might also need to handle a scenario where you divide non-zero by zero - this would result in Inf - it all depends on your use case:
if ratio.isInfinite {
// do something else, like throw an exception

why my code is slow when finding Fibonacci sum?

I'm writing answers for project Euler Questions in this repo
but having some performance issues in my solution
Question 2:
Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms.
By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.
My Solution is
func solution2()
func fibonacci(number: Int) -> (Int)
if number <= 1
return number
return fibonacci(number - 1) + fibonacci(number - 2)
var sum = 0
for index in 2..<50
print (index)
if (fibonacci(index) % 2 == 0)
sum += fibonacci(index)
My Question is, why it gets super slow after iteration 42, i want to do it for 4000000 as the question says, any help?
solution 2
func solution2_fast()
var phiOne : Double = (1.0 + sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0
var phiTwo : Double = (1.0 - sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0
func findFibonacciNumber (nthNumber : Double) -> Int64
let nthNumber : Double = (pow(phiOne, nthNumber) - (pow(phiTwo, nthNumber))) / sqrt(5.0)
return Int64(nthNumber)
var sum : Int64 = 0
for index in 2..<4000000
print (index)
let f = findFibonacciNumber(Double(index))
if (f % 2 == 0)
sum += f
The most important thing about PE questions is to think about what it is asking.
This is not asking you to produce all Fibonacci numbers F(n) less than 4000000. It is asking for the sum of all even F(n) less than 4000000.
Think about the sum of all F(n) where F(n) < 10.
1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8
I could do this by calculating F(1), then F(2), then F(3), and so on... and then checking they are less than 10 before adding them up.
Or I could store two variables...
F1 = 1
F2 = 2
And a total...
Total = 3
Now I can turn this into a while loop and lose the recursion altogether. In fact, the most complex thing I'm doing is adding two numbers together...
I came up with this...
func sumEvenFibonacci(lessThan limit: Int) -> Int {
// store the first two Fibonacci numbers
var n1 = 1
var n2 = 2
// and a cumulative total
var total = 0
// repeat until you hit the limit
while n2 < limit {
// if the current Fibonacci is even then add to total
if n2 % 2 == 0 {
total += n2
// move the stored Fibonacci numbers up by one.
let temp = n2
n2 = n2 + n1
n1 = temp
return total
It runs in a fraction of a second.
sumEvenFibonacci(lessThan: 4000000)
Finds the correct answer.
In fact this... sumEvenFibonacci(lessThan: 1000000000000000000) runs in about half a second.
The second solution seems to be fast(er) although an Int64 will not be sufficient to store the result. The sum of Fibonacci numbers from 2..91 is 7,527,100,471,027,205,936 but the largest number you can store in an Int64 is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. For this you need to use some other types like BigInteger
Because you use the recursive, and it cache in the memory.If you iteration 42, it maybe has so many fibonacci function in your memory, and recursive.So it isn't suitable for recursive, and you can store the result in the array, not the reason of the swift.
this is the answer in two different ways
func solution2_recursive()
func fibonacci(number: Int) -> (Int)
if number <= 1
return number
return fibonacci(number - 1) + fibonacci(number - 2)
var sum = 0
for index in 2..<50
print (index)
let f = fibonacci(index)
if( f < 4000000)
if (f % 2 == 0)
sum += f
solution 2
func solution2()
var phiOne : Double = (1.0 + sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0
var phiTwo : Double = (1.0 - sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0
func findFibonacciNumber (nthNumber : Double) -> Int64
let nthNumber : Double = (pow(phiOne, nthNumber) - (pow(phiTwo, nthNumber))) / sqrt(5.0)
return Int64(nthNumber)
var sum : Int64 = 0
for index in 2..<50
let f = findFibonacciNumber(Double(index))
if(f < 4000000)
if (f % 2 == 0)
sum += f

Min and Max Functions Not Working Swift

I'm making a game and I've been trying to produce random movement. This is my code.
let actualDuration = NSTimeInterval(random(min(): CGFloat(3.0), max: CGFloat(4.0)))
The min and max aren't working please help.
Unlike the .NET Framework or the JDK, there isn't a function that takes min and max parameters to generate a random number. :(
If you want to generate a random number between 3 and 4, you should use the arc4random_uniform function to generate a number between 0 and 999 first and then divide that number by 1000 and plus 3:
let randomNumber = Double(arc4random_uniform(1000))
let actualDuration = CGFloat(randomNumber / 1000 + 3)
Let me explain how this works.
randomNumber is between 0 and 999 right? Now when you divide it by 1000, it becomes a number less than 1. i.e. 0 ~ 0.999. And you add this number to 3, the result becomes a random number between 3 and 4, which is what you wanted.
If you want a more precise double, you can generate a number between 0 and 9999 and divide it by 10000. You know what I mean!
#Ethan Marcus
try like this
let minValue = 3
let maxValue = 4
let actualDuration = NSTimeInterval(minValue + (random() % (maxValue - minValue)))

List comprehensions with float iterator in F#

Consider the following code:
let dl = 9.5 / 11.
let min = 21.5 + dl
let max = 40.5 - dl
let a = [ for z in min .. dl .. max -> z ] // should have 21 elements
let b = a.Length
"a" should have 21 elements but has got only 20 elements. The "max - dl" value is missing. I understand that float numbers are not precise, but I hoped that F# could work with that. If not then why F# supports List comprehensions with float iterator? To me, it is a source of bugs.
Online trial: http://tryfs.net/snippets/snippet-3H
Converting to decimals and looking at the numbers, it seems the 21st item would 'overshoot' max:
let dl = 9.5m / 11.m
let min = 21.5m + dl
let max = 40.5m - dl
let a = [ for z in min .. dl .. max -> z ] // should have 21 elements
let b = a.Length
let lastelement = List.nth a 19
let onemore = lastelement + dl
let overshoot = onemore - max
That is probably due to lack of precision in let dl = 9.5m / 11.m?
To get rid of this compounding error, you'll have to use another number system, i.e. Rational. F# Powerpack comes with a BigRational class that can be used like so:
let dl = 95N / 110N
let min = 215N / 10N + dl
let max = 405N / 10N - dl
let a = [ for z in min .. dl .. max -> z ] // Has 21 elements
let b = a.Length
Properly handling float precision issues can be tricky. You should not rely on float equality (that's what list comprehension implicitely does for the last element). List comprehensions on float are useful when you generate an infinite stream. In other cases, you should pay attention to the last comparison.
If you want a fixed number of elements, and include both lower and upper endpoints, I suggest you write this kind of function:
let range from to_ count =
assert (count > 1)
let count = count - 1
[ for i = 0 to count do yield from + float i * (to_ - from) / float count]
range 21.5 40.5 21
When I know the last element should be included, I sometimes do:
let a = [ for z in min .. dl .. max + dl*0.5 -> z ]
I suspect the problem is with the precision of floating point values. F# adds dl to the current value each time and checks if current <= max. Because of precision problems, it might jump over max and then check if max+ε <= max (which will yield false). And so the result will have only 20 items, and not 21.
After running your code, if you do:
> compare a.[19] max;;
val it : int = -1
It means max is greater than a.[19]
If we do calculations the same way the range operator does but grouping in two different ways and then compare them:
> compare (21.5+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl) ((21.5+dl)+(dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl));;
val it : int = 0
> compare (21.5+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl) ((21.5+dl)+(dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl+dl));;
val it : int = -1
In this sample you can see how adding 7 times the same value in different order results in exactly the same value but if we try it 8 times the result changes depending on the grouping.
You're doing it 20 times.
So if you use the range operator with floats you should be aware of the precision problem.
But the same applies to any other calculation with floats.
