How to programatically set designtime height / width of TDatamodule in Delphi? - delphi

I generate a TDatamodule with a bunch of TFDQueries that it contains. Then, I save this Datamodule .DFM like so
lFileStream := TFileStream.Create('Datamodule.dfm', fmCreate);
lMemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
lMemoryStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
ObjectBinaryToText(lMemoryStream, lFileStream);
To be user-friendly, I need to set the width and height of this TDatamodule when I generate it. But I cannot use
lDatamodule.Width := 500; // Does not compile
lDatamodule.Height := 500; // Does not compile
Because Width and Height are registered design time properties. A similar strategy allowing to set the designtime Left and Top properties of TComponents is done using the DesignInfo property as such
procedure BootyShakin;
NewDesignInfo : LongRec;
NewDesignInfo.Lo := Word(100);
NewDesignInfo.Hi := Word(100);
lComponent.DesignInfo := Longint(NewDesignInfo);
I am looking for an analogous solution for setting the design time width and height of a TDatamodule before it is saved to .DFM

TDataModule offers a public property DesignSize, which is of type TPoint.
Documentation says:
Specifies the design size for the data module at design time.
An application should never need to set this value. It controls the size of the data module window at design time.
Despite the documentation does not recommend it - for normal applications, which use the TDataModule, I think - you can archieve what you are looking for with this property.


What causes a control to be placed more left-right-top-bottom than another which has same alignment? [duplicate]

In this particular case I'm using PowerPDF library to dynamically build a PDF document, but the same applies for the general concept of dynamically aligning controls sequentially inside of a parent control. In this library, TPRPage is the base control to contain all element controls, in this case, sequential instances of TPRLayoutPanel.
What I do when dynamically adding controls:
Create a control (TPRLayoutPanel)
Set the control's parent (TPRPage)
Align the control to top (PRLayoutPanel.Align:= alTop;)
The problem is it gets forced to the very beginning (top) instead of the very end (bottom) of the page.
I've tried setting its order PRLayoutPanel.SendToBack; or PRLayoutPanel.BringToFront but with no luck.
How can I dynamically create and align multiple controls within a parent control sequentially? My only current work-around is to add the controls in reverse order (from end to beginning) which is ridiculously unnecessary.
Here's my universal function which creates every new instance of an aligned control in this parent:
function TfrmReport.InsertPanel: TPRLayoutPanel;
Result:= TPRLayoutPanel.Create(PRPage);
Result.Parent:= PRPage;
Result.Align:= alTop;
Result.Height:= 40; //Default, may change later
Once again, DisableAlign and EnableAlign to the rescue:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
P: TPanel;
for I := 0 to 4 do
P := TPanel.Create(Self);
P.Caption := IntToStr(I);
P.Align := alTop;
P.Parent := Self;
When alignment is enabled, every single addition of a control to a container (the form itself in this specific case) will re-evaluate all alignment (and anchor) settings of all other controls within that container. In case that control has no specific Top property set, then Top will be 0. When there is already another control aligned to the top, then there are two controls with Top = 0, and the one which is about to inserted wins. I (currently) have no in-depth explanation for that, but it just is, and the position order indeed gets reversed from the creation order.
Now, when alignment of the container is disabled, then consecutive added controls are simply just inserted with all their positioning properties unaltered. When alignment is enabled again, then all those controls are re-evaluated in the same manner, with the difference that this takes place in one single loop in the order of the index in the Controls array; i.e. the order in which they were created.
You need to set the Top property to be the bottom of the previous panel. For example, like this:
PanelTop := 0;
for i := 0 to 5 do
Panel[i] := TPanel.Create(Self);
Panel[i].Parent := Self;
Panel[i].Height := PanelHeight;
Panel[i].Align := alTop;
Panel[i].Top := PanelTop;
inc(PanelTop, PanelHeight);
To fit it into your code you'd have to keep track of the location of the most recently added panel. Perhaps you could add a var parameter to your InsertPanel function:
function TfrmReport.InsertPanel(var PanelTop: Integer): TPRLayoutPanel;
Result:= TPRLayoutPanel.Create(PRPage);
Result.Parent:= PRPage;
Result.Top:= PanelTop;
Result.Height:= 40;
Result.Align:= alTop;
inc(PanelTop, Result.Height);
I trust you get the idea!
You may use alCustom align type and control all of your panels positions via CustomAlignPosition method (you will need to override it in parent control). This will give you more flexibility and control.

Set text alignment listboxitem Delphi XE5 FM during runtime not working

I want to change the alignment of a litboxitem that is creatd at runtim and added to a simple listbox.
If you add a listview item in the design window before runtime, you can easily adjust the alignment by:
listboxitem1.VertTextAlign := TTextAlign.taTrailing;
listboxitem1.TextAlign := TTextAlign.taCenter;
However when the object is created during runtime it simply does not work that way. While the height for instance does:
listboxitem2 := Tlistboxitem.Create(self);
listboxitem2.Text := 'itemtext';
listboxitem2.Height := 100;
listboxitem2.VertTextAlign := TTextAlign.taTrailing;
listboxitem2.TextAlign := TTextAlign.taCenter;
listboxitem2.Name := 'itemname';
What is wrong about this code?
Settings such as this are normally pulled from the style. The StyledSettings property tells FM which properties should be pulled from the style, others will be set from properties. If you edit a property at design time the editor will adjust the StyledSettings property for you. At run time you need to do that manually.
Try adding:
listboxitem2.StyledSettings := listboxitem2.StyledSettings - [TStyledSetting.ssOther];

Workaround for anchors being broken when recreating a window?

This happens in all Delphi up to XE3:
Create a form and put a panel on it. Anchor the panel to [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom], but leave space between it and the borders.
Add a button which calls RecreateWnd()
Run the app. Resize the form so that the panel is hidden because it's less than 0 pixels in size due to anchoring. Press the RecreateWnd button.
Resize the form back and note that the panel's anchoring is broken.
As long as I can remember myself using Delphi, anchors were always impossible to use because of this. Resize the form, then dock it: the window is recreated, your layout is broken.
I wonder if there's some sort of workaround?
Two workarounds are available in the comments, one proven and stable but with form blinking, another one experimental but potentially more thorough and clean.
I'm not going to vote for either one for a while, as one of those is mine and I'm not even sure it is stable. Instead, I'll wait for some public input.
The two options I have used of which neither is really ideal for problems with the bottom and right anchors are:
Make the window big again before calling or causing to be called RecreateWnd();, then make it small again. Has to be visible before you make it small again however.
Set the Form's constraints so it can't be re-sized so small that stuff ends up hidden.
An example that flashes the larger form, use height and width large values enough so the panel is not hidden:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
OldWidth, OldHeight : integer;
OldWidth := Form1.Width;
OldHeight := Form1.Height;
Form1.Visible := false;
Form1.Width := 1000;
Form1.Height := 800;
Form1.Visible := true;
Form1.Width := OldWidth;
Form1.Height := OldHeight;
Turns out that the function which breaks everything is UpdateAnchorRules. TControl stores FOriginalParentSize and it's own original size in FAnchorRules, and uses that to auto-resize as parent resizes. UpdateAnchorRules() takes current parent size and current control Width and Height and saves those into FOriginalParentSize and FAnchorRules.
If everything worked properly that would have no effect during normal resizes, as the control and it's parent change size in accord.
But when the control Width is less than zero due to anchoring, Windows, and consequently Delphi still considers it 0. If UpdateAnchorRules is called at that point, it saves wrong, out-of-accord 0 value for original width. After this the layout is beyond repair.
(If it's not called, Width continues to be updated in proper relation to parent Width due to original sizes preserved)
Turns out anything which involves creating a window handle calls UpdateAnchorRules twice: first in WinAPI CreateWindow as it dispatches WM_SIZE before returning (and WM_SIZE handler calls UpdateAnchorRules), and second, explicitly in CreateHandle after handle creation.
It would seem that as long as we can disable UpdateAnchorRules for the duration of CreateHandle, we will succeed. But there are explicit calls to UpdateAnchorRules in CreateHandle, which means someone thought there needs to be an adjustment of Anchor rules after handle creation.
So perhaps I'm missing something, and by disabling it something will break?
Anyway, there are two ready ways to disable UpdateAnchorRules: to set FAnchorMove or to set csLoading. First one is no good as there's code which clears it midway through RecreateWnd and then calls UpdateAnchorRules again.
Second one works and here's a solution:
TComponentHack = class helper for TComponent
procedure SetCsLoading(Value: boolean);
procedure TComponentHack.SetCsLoading(Value: boolean);
var i: integer;
if Value then
Self.FComponentState := Self.FComponentState + [csLoading]
Self.FComponentState := Self.FComponentState - [csLoading];
for i := 0 to Self.ComponentCount-1 do
if Self.Components[i] is TControl then
procedure SafeRecreateWnd();
MyControl.RecreateWnd(); //or any operation which triggers it -- such as docking or making the window visible first time after RecreateWnd()
I have no idea what else will be broken by running TControl operations with csLoading set.
Better alternative would be to hook UpdateAnchorRules procedure and add another flag check specifically for this purpose, but that'd require either reimplementing UpdateAnchorRules completely (prone to breaking on different versions of Delphi with different original UpdateAnchorRules) or inventing some way to call original UpdateAnchorRules which is usually destroyed by rewriting it with a hook.

Centering a Tframe within a TTabSheet;

I have a delphi application that used a PageControl with a number of TabSheets. I also create new TabSheets at runtime and populate them with instances of predefined frames. These frames work well, except for the cosmetic problem of not centering on the TabSheet. I have tried to use Frame.Align := alClient, but that didn't do it. The relevant code follows:
NewLimitedChoiceFrame := TLimitedChoiceFrame.Create(NewInputPage);
NewLimitedChoiceFrame.Parent := NewInputPage;
CreateNewPage creates a new instance of a TabSheet and makes the PageControl it's owner and parent. The result is assigned to the global variable NewInputPage.
To centre a control in its parent do this:
procedure CentreControl(Control: TControl);
Control.Left := (Control.Parent.ClientWidth-Control.Width) div 2;
Control.Top := (Control.Parent.ClientHeight-Control.Height) div 2;
Call this function, passing the frame. Obviously you need to wait until you've assigned the parent before doing so.
If the page control can be re-sized at runtime, add a call to this function from the tabsheet's OnResize event. Or, as NGLN points out simply set the control's Anchors to [] and the VCL framework will take care off centring the control when its parent is resized.

Font consistency throughout Project?

Is there a quick and effective way of applying a global Font to be used in a project?
By this I mean I would like to set a specific Font name that all controls in my project will use such as TButton, TEdit, TLabel etc.
Typically setting the Font for the Form rather than a specific control will change all the controls on that Form to the Font specified.
There is a slight issue with this however, if you have manually changed a Font on a specific control, then setting the Font by the Form will no longer update those controls that have previously been changed manually.
Idea 1
I was thinking of using a For loop and iterating through each component on my Forms and setting the Font this way, such as:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
with TForm(Self) do
for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do
if Components[i] is TButton then
TButton(Components[i]).Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif';
TButton(Components[i]).Font.Size := 8;
TButton(Components[i]).Font.Style := [fsBold];
if Components[i] is TLabel then
TLabel(Components[i]).Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif';
TLabel(Components[i]).Font.Size := 8;
TLabel(Components[i]).Font.Style := [fsBold];
But doing this seems very messy, it will also be a considerable amount of code for a simple task.
Idea 2
I know I could manually change the fonts at design time one by one for each control, but with several forms to go through this could take time and even then I might of missed a control.
Idea 3
Similar to Idea 2, another way could be to view the Form as Text (DFM) and Find and Replace the font that way.
Basically I am going for consistency within my Application, and having one Font used throughout is what I was looking to achieve.
Am I missing something completely obvious here, is what I am trying to do overkill for such a task?
As discussed in the comments, the key to this is the ParentFont property. This property is defined at various points in the VCL hierarchy. If you set ParentFont to be True for all components in the chain, then you can change the fonts for the entire application simply by modifying
By default most components set ParentFont to True and so you have nothing to do. The odd one out though is TForm. A brand new default form has ParentFont set to False. This is somewhat disappointing but I suspect reflects the fact that the original designers of the VCL did not anticipate this and that ParentFont was grafted on relatively late in the development of the VCL.
No matter, in an ideal world, all forms in your application should be derived from a common base class that you control. If that is so then you can simply make the change there, set ParentFont to be True, make sure no explicit font settings are applied to any components on you forms, and you are golden. Control the entire application's fonts through a single property. If you don't have a common base class for your forms, here's an ideal time to add it. If you don't want to do that then you need to set ParentFont for each form.
Other related properties are Screen.MessageFont and Screen.MenuFont. These provide global control over the fonts used in message boxes and menus. However, recent versions of Delphi have handed back to Windows control over the painting of message boxes and menus and so these properties have no effect.
The real key, as was mentioned, is to ensure that all your forms descend from your own application base form.
Then, you can view each form and button etc, and review the properties, where any modified font property should be displayed in bold, and is easily identified. Most properties have a "Revert to inherited" menu choice. This should essentially undo any previous selection, without having to go to the text version for editting. (Although it probably does exactly that, deleting any text entry resulting from previous font-setting).
I would definitely want to fix each form once rather than leaving it defined incorrectly and adding more code to fix it at runtime. That change will leave you with a worse problem if you later decide to do something different.
If you want to do this runtime, like you describe it in Idea 1, you should consider making it a recursive function, like this:
procedure SetFontProperties(Control: TControl; Name: TFontName; Size: Integer; Styles: TFontStyles);
// Set font properties
Index: Integer;
Font: TFont;
AnObject: TObject;
ChildControl: TControl;
// Set font properties
AnObject := GetObjectProp(Control, 'Font', nil);
if AnObject is TFont then
// Set properties
Font := TFont(AnObject);
Font.Name := Name;
Font.Size := Size;
Font.Style := Styles;
// Set child font properties
if Control is TWinControl then
// Set
for Index := 0 to TWinControl(Control).ControlCount - 1 do
// Child control
ChildControl := TWinControl(Control).Controls[Index];
// Set font properties
SetFontProperties(ChildControl, Name, Size, Styles);
You can then switch fonts for all controls within a form by using it like this:
SetFontProperties(Self, 'Courier', 14, []);
The function will then set the font properties of the form, and the font properties of all child controls on the form, including controls nested within TPanels or other container controls.
However I do agree with you that it's sort of a half messy way of doing it.
