Dynamically extend Virtus instance attributes - ruby-on-rails

Let's say we have a Virtus model User
class User
include Virtus.model
attribute :name, String, default: 'John', lazy: true
Then we create an instance of this model and extend from Virtus.model to add another attribute on the fly:
user = User.new
user.attribute(:active, Virtus::Attribute::Boolean, default: true, lazy: true)
Current output:
user.active? # => true
user.name # => 'John'
But when I try to get either attributes or convert the object to JSON via as_json(or to_json) or Hash via to_h I get only post-extended attribute active:
user.to_h # => { active: true }
What is causing the problem and how can I get to convert the object without loosing the data?
I have found a github issue, but it seems that it was not fixed after all (the approach recommended there doesn't work stably as well).

Building on Adrian's finding, here is a way to modify Virtus to allow what you want. All specs pass with this modification.
Essentially, Virtus already has the concept of a parent AttributeSet, but it's only when including Virtus.model in a class.
We can extend it to consider instances as well, and even allow multiple extend(Virtus.model) in the same object (although that sounds sub-optimal):
require 'virtus'
module Virtus
class AttributeSet
def self.create(descendant)
if descendant.respond_to?(:superclass) && descendant.superclass.respond_to?(:attribute_set)
parent = descendant.superclass.public_send(:attribute_set)
elsif !descendant.is_a?(Module)
if descendant.respond_to?(:attribute_set, true) && descendant.send(:attribute_set)
parent = descendant.send(:attribute_set)
elsif descendant.class.respond_to?(:attribute_set)
parent = descendant.class.attribute_set
descendant.instance_variable_set('#attribute_set', AttributeSet.new(parent))
class User
include Virtus.model
attribute :name, String, default: 'John', lazy: true
user = User.new
user.attribute(:active, Virtus::Attribute::Boolean, default: true, lazy: true)
p user.to_h # => {:name=>"John", :active=>true}
user.extend(Virtus.model) # useless, but to show it works too
user.attribute(:foo, Virtus::Attribute::Boolean, default: false, lazy: true)
p user.to_h # => {:name=>"John", :active=>true, :foo=>false}
Maybe this is worth making a PR to Virtus, what do you think?

I haven't investigated it further, but it seems that every time you include or extend Virtus.model, it initializes a new AttributeSet and set it to #attribute_set instance variable of your User class (source). What the to_h or attributes do is they call the get method of the new attribute_set instance (source). Therefore, you can only get attributes after the last inclusion or the extension of Virtus.model.
class User
include Virtus.model
attribute :name, String, default: 'John', lazy: true
user = User.new
#=> []
#=> 70268060523540
user.attribute(:active, Virtus::Attribute::Boolean, default: true, lazy: true)
#=> [:#attribute_set, :#active, :#name]
#=> 70268061308160
As you can see, the object_id of attribute_set instance before and after the extension is different which means that the former and the latter attribute_set are two different objects.
A hack I can suggest for now is this:
(user.instance_variables - [:#attribute_set]).each_with_object({}) do |sym, hash|
hash[sym.to_s[1..-1].to_sym] = user.instance_variable_get(sym)


How to validate inclusion of array content in rails

Hi I have an array column in my model:
t.text :sphare, array: true, default: []
And I want to validate that it includes only the elements from the list ("Good", "Bad", "Neutral")
My first try was:
validates_inclusion_of :sphare, in: [ ["Good"], ["Bad"], ["Neutral"] ]
But when I wanted to create objects with more then one value in sphare ex(["Good", "Bad"] the validator cut it to just ["Good"].
My question is:
How to write a validation that will check only the values of the passed array, without comparing it to fix examples?
Edit added part of my FactoryGirl and test that failds:
Part of my FactoryGirl:
sphare ["Good", "Bad"]
and my rspec test:
it "is not valid with wrong sphare" do
expect(build(:skill, sphare: ["Alibaba"])).to_not be_valid
it "is valid with proper sphare" do
proper_sphare = ["Good", "Bad", "Neutral"]
expect(build(:skill, sphare: [proper_sphare.sample])).to be_valid
Do it this way:
validates :sphare, inclusion: { in: ["Good", "Bad", "Neutral"] }
or, you can be fancy by using the short form of creating the array of strings: %w(Good Bad Neutral):
validates :sphare, inclusion: { in: %w(Good Bad Neutral) }
See the Rails Documentation for more usage and example of inclusion.
As the Rails built-in validator does not fit your requirement, you can add a custom validator in your model like following:
validate :correct_sphare_types
def correct_sphare_types
if self.sphare.blank?
errors.add(:sphare, "sphare is blank/invalid")
elsif self.sphare.detect { |s| !(%w(Good Bad Neutral).include? s) }
errors.add(:sphare, "sphare is invalid")
You can implement your own ArrayInclusionValidator:
# app/validators/array_inclusion_validator.rb
class ArrayInclusionValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
# your code here
record.errors.add(attribute, "#{attribute_name} is not included in the list")
In the model it looks like this:
# app/models/model.rb
class YourModel < ApplicationRecord
ALLOWED_TYPES = %w[one two three]
validates :type_of_anything, array_inclusion: { in: ALLOWED_TYPES }
Examples can be found here:

Ruby - Ignore protected attributes

How can I tell Ruby (Rails) to ignore protected variables which are present when mass-assigning?
class MyClass < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :age
Now I will mass-assign a hash to create a new MyClass.
MyClass.create!({:name => "John", :age => 25, :id => 2})
This will give me an exception:
ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error: Can't mass-assign protected attributes: id
I want it to create a new MyClass with the specified (unprotected) attributes and ignore the id attribute.
On the side note: How can I also ignore unknown attributes. For example, MyClass doesn't have a location attribute. If I try to mass-assign it, just ignore it.
Use Hash#slice to only select the keys you're actually interested in assigning:
# Pass only :name and :age to create!
MyClass.create!(params.slice(:name, :age))
Typically, I'll add wrapper method for params to my controller which filters it down to only the fields that I know I want assigned:
class MyController
# ...
def create
#my_instance = MyClass.create!(create_params)
def create_params
params.slice(:name, :age)
Setting mass_assignment_sanitizer to :logger solved the issue in development and test.
config.active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer = :logger
You can use strong_parameters gem, that will be in rails 4.
See the documentation here.
This way you can specify the params you want by action or role, for example.
If you want to get down and dirty with it, and dynamically let only a model's attributes through, without disabling ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Errors globally:
params = {:name => "John", :age => 25, :id => 2}
The .symbolize_keys is required if you are using symbols in your hash, like in this situation, but you might not need that.
Personally, I like to keep things in the model by overriding assign_attributes.
def assign_attributes(new_attributes, options = {})
if options[:safe_assign]
authorizer = mass_assignment_authorizer(options[:as])
new_attributes = new_attributes.reject { |key|
!has_attribute?(key) || authorizer.deny?(key)
super(new_attributes, options)
Use it similarly to :without_protection, but for when you want to ignore unknown or protected attributes:
{ :asdf => "invalid", :admin_field => "protected", :actual_data => 'hello world!' },
:safe_assign => true
# => #<MyModel actual_data: "hello world!">

Rails model.valid? flushing custom errors and falsely returning true

I am trying to add a custom error to an instance of my User model, but when I call valid? it is wiping the custom errors and returning true.
[99] pry(main)> u.email = "test#test.com"
[100] pry(main)> u.status = 1
[101] pry(main)> u.valid?
[102] pry(main)> u.errors.add(:status, "must be YES or NO")
[0] "must be YES or NO"
[103] pry(main)> u.errors
#<ActiveModel::Errors:[...]#messages={:status=>["must be YES or NO"]}>
[104] pry(main)> u.valid?
[105] pry(main)> u.errors
If I use the validate method from within the model, then it works, but this specific validation is being added from within a different method (which requires params to be passed):
def do_something_with(arg1, arg2)
errors.add(:field, "etc") if arg1 != arg2
Because of the above, user.valid? is returning true even when that error is added to the instance.
In ActiveModel, valid? is defined as following:
def valid?(context = nil)
current_context, self.validation_context = validation_context, context
self.validation_context = current_context
So existing errors are cleared is expected. You have to put all your custom validations into some validate callbacks. Like this:
validate :check_status
def check_status
errors.add(:status, "must be YES or NO") unless ['YES', 'NO'].include?(status)
If you want to force your model to show the errors you could do something as dirty as this:
your_object = YourModel.new
your_object.add(:your_field, "your message")
your_object.define_singleton_method(:valid?) { false }
# later on...
# => false
# => {:your_field =>["your message"]}
The define_singleton_method method can override the .valid? behaviour.
This is not a replacement for using the provided validations/framework. However, in some exceptional scenarios, you want to gracefully return an errd model. I would only use this when other alternatives aren't possible. One of the few scenarios I have had to use this approach is inside of a service object creating a model where some portion of the create fails (like resolving a dependent entity). It doesn't make sense for our domain model to be responsible for this type of validation, so we don't store it there (which is why the service object is doing the creation in the first place). However for simplicity of the API design it can be convenient to hang a domain error like 'associated entity foo not found' and return via the normal rails 422/unprocessible entity flow.
class ModelWithErrors
def self.new(*errors)
Module.new do
define_method(:valid?) { false }
define_method(:invalid?) { true }
define_method(:errors) do
errors.each_slice(2).with_object(ActiveModel::Errors.new(self)) do |(name, message), errs|
errs.add(name, message)
Use as some_instance.extend(ModelWithErrors.new(:name, "is gibberish", :height, "is nonsense")
create new concerns
module StaticError
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
validate :check_static_errors
def add_static_error(*args)
#static_errors = [] if #static_errors.nil?
#static_errors << args
def clear_static_error
#static_errors = nil
def check_static_errors
#static_errors&.each do |error|
include the model
class Model < ApplicationRecord
include StaticError
model = Model.new
model.add_static_error(:base, "STATIC ERROR")
model.valid? #=> false
model.errors.messages #=> {:base=>["STATIC ERROR"]}
A clean way to achieve your needs is contexts, but if you want a quick fix, do:
#in your model
attr_accessor :with_foo_validation
validate :foo_validation, if: :with_foo_validation
def foo_validation
#where you need it
your_object.with_foo_validation = true

Ransack: How to use existing scope?

Converting a Rails 2 application to Rails 3, I have to replace the gem searchlogic. Now, using Rails 3.2.8 with the gem Ransack I want to build a search form which uses an existing scope. Example:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :year, lambda { |year|
where("posts.date BETWEEN '#{year}-01-01' AND '#{year}-12-31'")
So far as I know, this can be achieved by defining a custom ransacker. Sadly, I don't find any documentation about this. I tried this in the Postclass:
ransacker :year,
:formatter => proc {|v|
But this does not work:
Post.ransack(:year_eq => 2012).result.to_sql
=> TypeError: Cannot visit ActiveRecord::Relation
I tried some variations of the ransacker declaration, but none of them work. I Need some help...
UPDATE: The scope above is just on example. I'm looking for a way to use every single existing scope within Ransack. In MetaSearch, the predecessor of Ransack, there is a feature called search_methods for using scopes. Ransack has no support for this out of the box yet.
ransack supports it out of the box after merging https://github.com/activerecord-hackery/ransack/pull/390 . you should declare ransakable_scopes method to add scopes visible for ransack.
From manual
Continuing on from the preceding section, searching by scopes requires defining a whitelist of ransackable_scopes on the model class. The whitelist should be an array of symbols. By default, all class methods (e.g. scopes) are ignored. Scopes will be applied for matching true values, or for given values if the scope accepts a value:
class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :activated, ->(boolean = true) { where(active: boolean) }
scope :salary_gt, ->(amount) { where('salary > ?', amount) }
# Scopes are just syntactical sugar for class methods, which may also be used:
def self.hired_since(date)
where('start_date >= ?', date)
def self.ransackable_scopes(auth_object = nil)
if auth_object.try(:admin?)
# allow admin users access to all three methods
%i(activated hired_since salary_gt)
# allow other users to search on `activated` and `hired_since` only
%i(activated hired_since)
Employee.ransack({ activated: true, hired_since: '2013-01-01' })
Employee.ransack({ salary_gt: 100_000 }, { auth_object: current_user })
Ransack let's you create custom predicates for this, unfortunately the documentation leaves room for improvement however checkout: https://github.com/ernie/ransack/wiki/Custom-Predicates
Also I believe the problem you're trying to tackle is up on their issue tracker. There's a good discussion going on there: https://github.com/ernie/ransack/issues/34
I wrote a gem called siphon which helps you translate parameters into activerelation scopes. Combining it with ransack can achieves this.
You can read full explanation here. Meanwhile here's the gist of it
The View
= form_for #product_search, url: "/admin/products", method: 'GET' do |f|
= f.label "has_orders"
= f.select :has_orders, [true, false], include_blank: true
-# And the ransack part is right here...
= f.fields_for #product_search.q, as: :q do |ransack|
= ransack.select :category_id_eq, Category.grouped_options
ok so now params[:product_search] holds the scopes and params[:product_search][:q] has the ransack goodness. We need to find a way, now, to distribute that data to the form object. So first let ProductSearch swallow it up in the controller:
The Controller
# products_controller.rb
def index
#product_search = ProductSearch.new(params[:product_search])
#products ||= #product_formobject.result.page(params[:page])
The Form Object
# product_search.rb
class ProductSearch
include Virtus.model
include ActiveModel::Model
# These are Product.scopes for the siphon part
attribute :has_orders, Boolean
attribute :sort_by, String
# The q attribute is holding the ransack object
attr_accessor :q
def initialize(params = {})
#params = params || {}
#q = Product.search( #params.fetch("q") { Hash.new } )
# siphon takes self since its the formobject
def siphoned
Siphon::Base.new(Product.scoped).scope( self )
# and here we merge everything
def result

Custom method in model to return an object

In the database I have a field named 'body' that has an XML in it. The
method I created in the model looks like this:
def self.get_personal_data_module(person_id)
person_module = find_by_person_id(person_id)
item_module = Hpricot(person_module.body)
personal_info = Array.new
personal_info = {:studies => (item_module/"studies").inner_html,
:birth_place => (item_module/"birth_place").inner_html,
:marrital_status => (item_module/"marrital_status").inner_html}
return personal_info
I want the function to return an object instead of an array. So I can
use Module.studies instead of Model[:studies].
This is relatively simple; you're getting an Array because the code is building one. If you wanted to return an object, you'd do something like this:
class PersonalData
attr_accessor :studies
attr_accessor :birth_place
attr_accessor :marital_status
def initialize(studies,birth_place,marital_status)
#studies = studies
#birth_place = birth_place
#marital_status = marital_status
And your translation code would look like:
def self.get_personal_data_module(person_id)
person_module = find_by_person_id(person_id)
item_module = Hpricot(person_module.body)
personal_info = PersonalData.new((item_module/"studies").inner_html,
return personal_info
Or, if you want to avoid a model class, you could do something weird:
class Hash
def to_obj
self.inject(Object.new) do |obj, ary| # ary is [:key, "value"]
obj.instance_variable_set("##{ary[0]}", ary[1])
class << obj; self; end.instance_eval do # do this on obj's metaclass
attr_reader ary[0].to_sym # add getter method for this ivar
obj # return obj for next iteration
h = {:foo => "bar", :baz => "wibble"}
o = h.to_obj # => #<Object:0x30bf38 #foo="bar", #baz="wibble">
o.foo # => "bar"
o.baz # => "wibble"
It's like magic!
on a slightly different tack.
The idea of using a class method to do this feels wrong from an OO point of view.
You should really refactor this so that it works from an instance method.
def personal_data_module
item_module = Hpricot(body)
:studies => (item_module/"studies").inner_html,
:birth_place => (item_module/"birth_place").inner_html,
:marrital_status => (item_module/"marrital_status").inner_html
Then, where you need to use it, instead of doing....
you would do
This looks worse, but in fact, thats a bit artificial, normally, you would be
referencing this from some other object, where in fact you would have a 'handle' on the person object, so would not have to construct it yourself.
For instance, if you have another class, where you reference person_id as a foreign key, you would have
class Organisation
belongs_to :person
then, where you have an organisation, you could go
Yes, I know, that breaks demeter, so it would be better to wrap it in a delegate
class Organisation
belongs_to :person
def personal_info_module
And then from controller code, you could just say
without worrying about where it comes from at all.
This is because a 'personal_data_module' is really an attribute of that class, not something to be accessed through a class method.
But this also brings up some questions, for instance, is person_id the primary key of this table? is this a legacy situation where the primary key of the table is not called 'id'?
If this is the case, have you told ActiveRecord about this or do you have to use 'find_by_person_id' all over where you would really want to write 'find'?
