Jenkins pipeline "waitUntil" - change delay between attempts - jenkins

We use a Jenkins pipeline for our builds and tests. After the build, we run automated tests on several measurement devices.
For a better overview about the needed testing time, I created a test stage which is periodically checking the status of the tests. When all tests are finished, the pipeline is done. I use the "waitUntil" implementation of Jenkins pipeline for this functionality.
My problem is: The pause between the attemps gets more and more after every try. This is a quite good idea. BUT: After a while, the pause between the attemps gets up to 16 hours and more. This value is too high for my needs because I want to know the needed test time exactly.
My question is: Does anyone know a way to change this behaviour of "waitUntil"?
I know I could use a "while" loop but I would prefer to solve this using "waitUntil".
stage ">>> Waiting for testruns"
waitUntil {

New versions of Jenkins have capped this to never go over 15 seconds (see ).

In waitUntil, if the processing in the block returns false, then the waitUntil step waits a bit longer and tries again. “a bit longer” means, a 0.25 second wait time. If it needs to loop again, it multiplies that by a factor of 1.2 to get 0.3 seconds for the next wait cycle. On each succeeding cycle, the last wait time is multiplied again by 1.2 to get the time to wait. So, the sequence goes as 0.25, 0.3, 0.36, 0.43, 0.51... until 15 secs(as it is mentioned in one of the answers below, Jenkins solved it).
See the image below:
If you are using older Jenkins version then possible solution could be to use timeout
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS'){
// you can change format in seconds, minutes, hours
// you can decide your know timeout limit.
waitUntil {
try {
//sleep(10)// you don't need this
} catch (exception) {
return false
Please note the behavior is from Jenkins LTS 2.235.3.

Jenkins command waitUntil is not supposed to launch something synchronously.
To know the required time you must add a timestamp into the test output parse it and calc separately.


Is there a way to force a Dataflow job to stop after it is running for a long time

is there a way to force a DAtaflow job to kill itself if it is running longer than xxx hours?
Kind regards
Posting the comment as an answer.
We are in the process of implementing this for Batch Pipelines. It is not yet available as a Dataflow flag, but it will be within a month.
We recently implemented this feature for Dataflow. You would do it by passing an extra experiment:
Or whatever number of seconds.
Programatically this would be like so:
String experimentValue = String.format(
ExperimentalOptions.addExperiment(, experimentValue);
In Python:
experiment_value = "max_workflow_runtime_walltime_seconds=%d" % timeout_secs

Can I make flex template jobs take less than 10 minutes before they start to process data?

I am using terraform resource google_dataflow_flex_template_job to deploy a Dataflow flex template job.
resource "google_dataflow_flex_template_job" "streaming_beam" {
provider = google-beta
name = "streaming-beam"
container_spec_gcs_path = module.streaming_beam_flex_template_file[0].fully_qualified_path
parameters = {
"input_subscription" = google_pubsub_subscription.ratings[0].id
"output_table" = "${var.project}:beam_samples.streaming_beam_sql"
"service_account_email" =
"network" =
"subnetwork" = "regions/${google_compute_subnetwork.subnet.region}/subnetworks/${}"
Its all working fine however without my requesting it the job seems to be using flexible resource scheduling (flexRS) mode, I say this because the job takes about ten minutes to start and during that time has state=QUEUED which I think is only applicable to flexRS jobs.
Using flexRS mode is fine for production scenarios however I'm currently still developing my dataflow job and when doing so flexRS is massively inconvenient because it takes about 10 minutes to see the effect of any changes I might make, no matter how small.
In Enabling FlexRS it is stated
To enable a FlexRS job, use the following pipeline option:
--flexRSGoal=COST_OPTIMIZED, where the cost-optimized goal means that the Dataflow service chooses any available discounted resources or
--flexRSGoal=SPEED_OPTIMIZED, where it optimizes for lower execution time.
I then found the following statement:
To turn on FlexRS, you must specify the value COST_OPTIMIZED to allow the Dataflow service to choose any available discounted resources.
at Specifying pipeline execution parameters > Setting other Cloud Dataflow pipeline options
I interpret that to mean that flexrs_goal=SPEED_OPTIMIZED will turn off flexRS mode. However, I changed the definition of my google_dataflow_flex_template_job resource to:
resource "google_dataflow_flex_template_job" "streaming_beam" {
provider = google-beta
name = "streaming-beam"
container_spec_gcs_path = module.streaming_beam_flex_template_file[0].fully_qualified_path
parameters = {
"input_subscription" = google_pubsub_subscription.ratings[0].id
"output_table" = "${var.project}:beam_samples.streaming_beam_sql"
"service_account_email" =
"network" =
"subnetwork" = "regions/${google_compute_subnetwork.subnet.region}/subnetworks/${}"
"flexrs_goal" = "SPEED_OPTIMIZED"
(note the addition of "flexrs_goal" = "SPEED_OPTIMIZED") but it doesn't seem to make any difference. The Dataflow UI confirms I have set SPEED_OPTIMIZED:
but it still takes too long (9 minutes 46 seconds) for the job to start processing data, and it was in state=QUEUED for all that time:
2021-01-17 19:49:19.021 GMTStarting GCE instance, launcher-2021011711491611239867327455334861, to launch the template.
2021-01-17 19:59:05.381 GMTStarting 1 workers in europe-west1-d...
2021-01-17 19:59:12.256 GMTVM, launcher-2021011711491611239867327455334861, stopped.
I then tried explictly setting flexrs_goal=COST_OPTIMIZED just to see if it made any difference, but this only caused an error:
"The workflow could not be created. Causes: The workflow could not be
created due to misconfiguration. The experimental feature
flexible_resource_scheduling is not supported for streaming jobs.
Contact Google Cloud Support for further help. "
This makes sense. My job is indeed a streaming job and the documentation does indeed state that flexRS is only for batch jobs.
This page explains how to enable Flexible Resource Scheduling (FlexRS) for autoscaled batch pipelines in Dataflow.
This doesn't solve my problem though. As I said above if I deploy with flexrs_goal=SPEED_OPTIMIZED then still state=QUEUED for almost ten minutes, yet as far as I know QUEUED is only applicable to flexRS jobs:
Therefore, after you submit a FlexRS job, your job displays an ID and a Status of Queued
Hence I'm very confused:
Why is my job getting queued even though it is not a flexRS job?
Why does it take nearly ten minutes for my job to start processing any data?
How can I speed up the time it takes for my job to start processing data so that I can get quicker feedback during development/testing?
UPDATE, I dug a bit more into the logs to find out what was going on during those 9minutes 46 seconds. These two consecutive log messages are 7 minutes 23 seconds apart:
2021-01-17 19:51:03.381 GMT
"INFO:apache_beam.runners.portability.stager:Executing command: ['/usr/local/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'download', '--dest', '/tmp/dataflow-requirements-cache', '-r', '/dataflow/template/requirements.txt', '--exists-action', 'i', '--no-binary', ':all:']"
2021-01-17 19:58:26.459 GMT
"INFO:apache_beam.runners.portability.stager:Downloading source distribution of the SDK from PyPi"
Whatever is going on between those two log records is the main contributor to the long time spent in state=QUEUED. Anyone know what might be the cause?
As mentioned in the existing answer you need to extract the apache-beam modules inside your requirements.txt:
RUN pip install -U apache-beam==<version>
RUN pip install -U -r ./requirements.txt
While developing, I prefer to use DirectRunner, for the fastest feedback.

How can I programmatically cancel a Dataflow job that has run for too long?

I'm using Apache Beam on Dataflow through Python API to read data from Bigquery, process it, and dump it into Datastore sink.
Unfortunately, quite often the job just hangs indefinitely and I have to manually stop it. While the data gets written into Datastore and Redis, from the Dataflow graph I've noticed that it's only a couple of entries that get stuck and leave the job hanging.
As a result, when a job with fifteen 16-core machines is left running for 9 hours (normally, the job runs for 30 minutes), it leads to huge costs.
Maybe there is a way to set a timer that would stop a Dataflow job if it exceeds a time limit?
It would be great if you can create a customer support ticket where we would could try to debug this with you.
Maybe there is a way to set a timer that would stop a Dataflow job if
it exceeds a time limit?
Unfortunately the answer is no, Dataflow does not have an automatic way to cancel a job after a certain time. However, it is possible to do this using the APIs. It is possible to wait_until_finish() with a timeout then cancel() the pipeline.
You would do this like so:
p = beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options)
p | ... # Define your pipeline code
pipeline_result = # doesn't do anything
pipeline_result.cancel() # If the pipeline has not finished, you can cancel it
To sum up, with the help of #ankitk answer, this works for me (python 2.7, sdk 2.14):
pipe = beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options)
... # main pipeline code
run = # doesn't do anything
run.wait_until_finish(duration=3600000) # (ms) actually starts a job
run.cancel() # cancels if can be cancelled
Thus, in case if a job was successfully finished within the duration time in wait_until_finished() then cancel() will just print a warning "already closed", otherwise it will close a running job.
P.S. if you try to print the state of a job
state = run.wait_until_finish(duration=3600000)
it will be RUNNING for the job that wasn't finished within wait_until_finished(), and DONE for finished job.
Note: this technique will not work when running Beam from within a Flex Template Job...
The run.cancel() method doesn't work if you are writing a template and I haven't seen any successful work around it...

How to make Postman/Newman to fail a test after certain time has passed?

So, in my collection I have about ten requests, with the last two being:
/Wait 10 seconds
/Check Complete
The first makes a call to the postman's echo (delay by 10 seconds) and the second is the call to my system to check for the status complete. Now, if status is unavailable I wait another 10s:
postman.setNextRequest("Wait 10 seconds");
The complete status on my system can appear in a minute or so. Now, as one can see - it is an infinite loop if something goes wrong with the system and status is never complete. Is there a way in postman/newman test to fail a test if it has been going for more than 2 minutes, for example.
Additionally, this will be executed in jenkins with command line, so I am not really looking into postman settings or delays between requests in the runner.
you may have a look to newman options here : The interesting option is
--timeout-request : it will surely fulfill your need.
In Postman itself, you may test the responseTime. I recall that there is a snippet, on the right part, which looks like this:
tests["Response time is less than 200ms"] = responseTime < 200;
and which could help you as the test fails if response does not occur within the requested time.
If you are going to be using Jenkins pipeline you can use the timeout step to cause long running jobs to result in failure, here's on for 2 mins.
timeout(120) {
node {
sh 'newman command'
Check out the "Pipeline Syntax" editor in Jenkins to generated your code block and look for other useful functions.

jenkins triggered job runs only at certain time of day

I have a JobA which once complete triggers JobB, JobC, JobD.
I am trying to have JobB start immediately. Then, JobC and JobD to have the build requests in queue until is 10PM at night.
JobA is triggered at 12PM. So right now, I am using the option of Quiet period of 5hrs. It would be really nice if JobC and JobD could do as mentioned above.
Is this possible in Jenkins?
One way you could do it is by writing a small Groovy Postbuild script.
You would basically call scheduleBuild and supply a quiet period based on how many more seconds till 10PM.
Here is some untested pseudo code:
def duration = tenPM - now; duration.seconds, new Cause.UpstreamCause( build ), new ParametersAction(params));
