How to export the data in docker container? - docker

I'm using the old version of docker(1.9), sometimes will meet a bug(deadlock), I cann't run any command of docker. like docker ps , docker insepct...
The container is still running, can I export the data in container? or where is the data stored in the host machine?

it depends if your data is in a volume or in the container.
See the doc for docker export
extract the docker export command does not export the contents of volumes associated with the container.
if you have volumes, see
the command docker cp
should copy whatever you want from a container to somewhere on the host, but this will be useless for you if most docker xxx commands hang
The data is usually stored in /var/lib/docker, but that can change depending upon your docker version and whether you run on Linux, Mac, or Windows


Where is the data in docker container stored in docker?

Similar question: mac image path
In mac, when I run docker inspect containerID
I see most of the stuff is coming from /var/lib/docker/
however, this path neither exists in the host (mac) nor the docker container.
where is this path refer to?
you can find your files in container:path and use the docker commands to copy them to your local machine and vice versa (I'm assuming you are trying to move files e.g. from your local machine to your container). I had the same exact issue you mentioned but I manage to move files with
docker cp local_path containerID:target_path
to see your container_ID simply run docker ps -a, it should show it even if unmounted.

Run Docker container from removable media

I want to put a Docker image onto a USB HD and then be able to plug that into any [Linux] machine that has Docker and run the image. How would I go about doing that?
So far, I've discovered that you can "export" a Docker image into a flat file, but it appears you can't do anything with it until you "import" it again. That's no good. My ultimate goal is to run this stuff from a boot CD, which obviously won't have any writable storage to "import" the data into.
So remember that Docker is a service running on your [Linux] machine.
What you can do is are the following options:
Build and run the Dockerfile located on your USB Drive
docker build -t my_image --file /path/to/Dockerfile/on/usb/drive . && docker container run -d my_image
Create a docker-compose file and run the docker-compose from the Dockerfile on your USB Drive
docker-compose up -d --build -f /path/to/Dockerfile/on/usb/drive
In the end, the container will always run on the host machine, but you can take that USB drive to any machine and run the Dockerfile anywhere
OK, so it appears there's two main locations that the Docker daemon uses:
/var/lib/docker holds all the Docker images.
/var/run/docker holds... actually I'm not sure.
The solution I came up with is this:
Delete (!!) the /var/lib/docker folder.
Create a symlink named /var/lib/docker which points to where you actually want the data stored.
Then (and only then) start the Docker daemon.
This seems to result in Docker storing its data where you tell it to. In particular, if you symlink to a folder on an external USB device, Docker will store its state there. You can then repeat this procedure on another machine (maybe one without Internet access) and access the image(s).
Mind you, this stores the entire state of the Docker daemon, not just one image. But I haven't yet found a way around that.
You also wouldn't want to do this to a "real" computer; I want this for a boot CD, where next time you reboot, all the changes to the filesystem will just disappear again.
Another possibility: It's possible to run two Docker daemons on the same host, and to pass images between them. So you could start one daemon running on USB storage, load the necessary image(s) into it, and then on another machine start Docker running on the same USB device.
To run an alternative Docker daemon, you need the following incantations:
containerd \
--state-dir /mnt/Docker/containerd \
--listen unix:///mnt/Docker/containerd.sock
dockerd \
--pidfile /mnt/Docker/ \
--data-root /mnt/Docker/Data \
--exec-root /mnt/Docker/Exec \
--containerd /mnt/Docker/containerd.sock \
--host unix:///mnt/Docker/dockerd.sock
For this to work, the directory /mnt/Docker needs to already exist. The other files, sockets and directories appear to get created automatically.
Both containerd and dockerd accept a --debug option that makes them output a lot more info to the console. Both of these are daemons, so the commands above never return.
Once the new dockerd is running, you can talk to it as normal if you manually specify the socket:
docker --host unix:///mnt/Docker/dockerd.sock info
You might want to define that as a shell alias to save some typing.
You can copy an image from the "normal" Docker daemon to the new one you just created like so:
docker save ubuntu:latest | docker --host unix:///mnt/Docker/dockerd.sock load

Copy files from within a docker container to local machine

Is it possible to copy files to a local machine by running a command inside of a docker container. I am aware of docker cp <containerId>:container/file/path /host/file/path However, my understanding is that this has to be run from outside of the docker container. Is there a way to do it or something similar from within?
For some context I have a python script that is run inside of a docker container with something like the following command docker run -ti -rm --net=host buildServer:5000/myProgram / -h. I would like to retrieve the files that are generated from this program so they can be edited. I could run the docker container in detached mode, docker cp the desired file and the shutdown the container. However, I would like to be able to abstract this away from the user.
Docker containers by design don't have any access to the host filesystem unless you provide it explicitly via volume mounts. So, in your example, you could do something like:
docker run -ti -v /tmp/data:/data -rm --net=host buildServer:5000/myProgram / -h
And within the container, the /data directory would be mapped to /tmp/data on your host. You could then copy files into /data to get at them on your host.
This assumes that you're running Docker on Linux. If you are using Windows or OS X there may be additional steps, since in those environments Docker is actually running on a Linux virtual machine and volume access may or may not behave as expected (I don't use those platforms so I can't comment authoritatively).
For more information:

Sharing files between container and host

I'm running a docker container with a volume /var/my_folder. The data there is persistent: When I close the container it is still there.
But also want to have the data available on my host, because I want to work on code with an IDE, which is not installed in my container.
So how can I have a folder /var/my_folder on my host machine which is also available in my container?
I'm working on Linux Mint.
I appreciate your help.
Thanks. :)
Link : Manage data in containers
The basic run command you want is ...
docker run -dt --name containerName -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container
The problem is that mounting the volume will, (for your purposes), overwrite the volume in the container
the best way to overcome this is to create the files (inside the container) that you want to share AFTER mounting.
The ENTRYPOINT command is executed on docker run. Therefore, if your files are generated as part of your entrypoint script AND not as part of your build THEN they will be available from the host machine once mounted.
The solution is therefore, to run the commands that creates the files in the ENTRYPOINT script.
Failing this, during the build copy the files to another directory and then COPY them back in your ENTRYPOINT script.

Docker exec command not using the mounted directory for /

I am new to docker containers and I and am trying to solve a problem I am facing right now.
These are my understanding based on limited knowledge.
When we create a docker container, Docker creates a local mount and use it as the root file system for the docker container.
Now, if I run any commands in the container from the host server using docker exec the docker is not using the mounted partition as the / file system for the container. I mean, it still pics up the binaries and env variables from the host server. Is there any option/alternate solution for making the docker use the original mounted directory for docker exec too ?
If I access/start the container with docker attach or docker run -i -t /bin/bash, I get the mounted directory as my / file system, which gives me an entirely independent environment from my host system. But this doesn't happen with the docker exec command.
Please help !!
You are operating under a misconception. The docker image only contains what was installed in it. This is usually a very cut down version of an operating system for efficiency reasons.
The docker container is started from an image - and that's a running version, which can change and store state - but may be discarded.
docker run starts a container from an image. You can run the same image multiple times to create completely different containers (which happen to have the same starting point for their content).
docker exec attaches to one of those containers to run a command. So you will only see the things inside it that ... were inside the image, or added post start (like log files). It has no vision of the host filesystem, and may not be the same OS - the only requirement is that it shares elements of the kernel ... although it usually has a selection of the commonly used binaries.
And when you run an image to create a container, you can specify a mount. One of the options when you do this is passing through a host filesystem, with e.g. -v /path/on/host:/path_in/container. But you don't have to, you can use data containers or use a docker volume mount instead. e.g. docker run -v /mount creates a mount point within the container, using the docker filesystem, which isn't part of the parent host. This can be used to make a data container with: docker create -v /path/to/data --name data_for_acontainer some_basic_image
And then mount volumes from that data container on a new one:
docker run -d --volumes-from data_for_acontainer some_app_image
Which will attach that data container onto the /path/to/data mount. But in neither case is the 'host' filesystem touched directly - this is the whole point of dockerising things.
