Is filterrific still being worked on? - filterrific

I'm trying to get a PR reviewed and it's going nowhere. I'm asking on SO to see if anybody here might know, is Filterrific still being worked on? There are a few PR's, lots of issues, and the author has yet to respond.

I am using filterrific gem myself. I have also experienced bad respond on issues & seems like the author is not so active himself.
Gem authors are also not obligated to give support but if they do its always a plus.
But to be fare author himself has used a lot of times to create good documents. At first when I was setting up the gem, I also had issue but if you read his documents carefully (read here), you will understand the most.
I also recommend you to take a look at his demo app source code (found here)
By looking at the codes you will always set together stuff to create your own scope.
You can also follow all questions related to filterrific gem on SO (here)


Acts_as_taggable_on implementation tutorial

I've been trying to allow for tags to be placed on posts so that I could partition them into different sections of my app. I've looked through various gems and have found that acts_as_taggable_on seems to be the most popular one. After various attempts of implementation from the examples in the github of the gem I have not been able to successfully use it. I've searched extensively for a tutorial on implementation but have found none and was hoping someone would have one for such a thing. I'm sorry for the simple question as I am still relatively new to programming.
Railscasts now has an excellent tutorial on acts_as_taggable.
This is also a nice and simple text intro on how to get it working.
There are a number of tutorials that are just fine. The one mentioned in the previous answer is a good one.
One point that is not obvious to someone new to the RoR world is that there is no actual column in the database for the tags on the target table. I have seen many folks add a "tags" column to their database. No need for that at all and it just confuses things.
When you add the "acts_as_taggable_on :tags" to the model it becomes a virtual column (I know its not a RoR way to express this but if you have a database background its easier to think this way).
If you are going to require that tags have owners follow the example on how to get an objects tags carefully. You can only get that objects tags via "tags_from". You will get a null if you try a simple tags_list.
Hope this helps

How to fix the Rails mass assignment issue?

After the big news yesterday, I've been trying to find a solid article about how to fix this issue with regard to different versions of Rails, and I'm unable to do so.
The best resource that I have found so far is, but it only provides one solution: adding ActiveRecord::Base.send(:attr_accessible, nil) to the initializer. This is also the solution presented here at at a much earlier time.
However, at the same time, I remember seeing at another place that just turn on the configuration: config.active_record.whitelist_attributes = true should be suffice.
I am thoroughly confused, from all these different resources, I'm in need to decide between two solutions that doesn't have any reference to which versions of Rails they apply to.
Perhaps I had missed a generic article on the fix after the incident, but I had not found a single article on the rails blog that shows this. I was not able to find it elsewhere, could someone please enlighten me on this. Thanks!
I found this in the gist
Add the following initializer:
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:attr_accessible, nil)
Looks like a temporary fix to me until rails core comes up with something better !!

Standard Rails Gem for storing what User created/updated/deleted any Record?

What's the standard/best option out there for this kind of version control? The main thing I'm looking for is to track what user edited a record.
I've seen these so far and am wondering what your take is:
The plugins you mentioned all seem to take the same approach, and seem to be somewhat similar in approach: use a seperate table to store the old versions.
None of them seem to be really rails3-ready (looking at the generators), but PaperTrail reportedly should work with rails3, and has the most recent commit.
You could also look at the ruby-toolbox user-stamping and versioning. There you can see which project has the most "traction", which has the most recent commits. Which sometimes can help to make a choice between similar options.
For stamping user_ids onto rows there is the the userstamp plugin
Based on the requirement mentioned in your comment, I would recommend act_as_audited
We are using it successfully for a very large application.
I think PaperTrail is what you need to solve this problem.
With PaperTrail you can track and see all changes ,to any model, with user id of who made the changes.
It is currently the best maintained project of the three you linked
HI #viatropos I thought that these two links might prove to be helpful

Solution for comments for a Rails application

I'm introducing comments into a Rails application, and, being exceptionally lazy, I'm looking for a plugin to do it for me. I came across acts-as-commentable, but I didn't find much else. Acts-as-commentable seems fine, but it doesn't have support for threading.
Of course, it wouldn't be too hard just to home-brew the entire thing, but I think that surely commenting is such a common feature that there should be a canonical plugin to handle it. Can somebody with perhaps more Google Fu than me point me in the right direction?
This is acts_as_commentable_with_threading plugin which help you for threaded comment.
The most lazy approach would be to use third-party commenting system like DISQUS : just copypaste a couple of javascripts and you're done.
Surely, it can't be used if your app has an authentication system of its own.
If you do not want to integrate a third-party service like Disqus, you have Juvia The Comments and Commontator. Also you can count with opinio as alternative. but only with Rails 3 and at the moment and as notice the development seems stalled.

Which CouchDB API to use for Rails?

I am currently investigating possible applications of CouchDB on my current project (written in Rails) and would like to get some feedback from people who have actually used these APIs. Which would you recommend and why?
The basic layer of CouchRest is probably the best to get started, CouchPotato is the most active for Rails integration, SimplyStored adds some nicities on top of CouchPotato
With Rails 3 use (or at least seriously consider using) CouchRest Model. It appears to be well maintained, since as of this update on 2013/12/19 I see several changes that are only 2 weeks old.
Before considering SimplyStored, you should note that they give this warning on Github:
Development work as stopped as we don't use SimplyStored anymore. Please do not expect any future commits and fixes.
Perhaps someone will pick it up, as it looks very useful.
I am going through the same process. You might find SimplyStored interesting if you haven't already given it a look.
