Statistics of Installation of my app in Apple App Analytics - ios

I'm wondering, if it's possible to get a overview about the Installations on active devices, splitted by versions like I can do it in the google play console.

Yes, you can! But all data is "opt-in" only and usually captures something like 20-30% of your users.
You can see how many users agreed to share the data by clicking on the question mark next to "About App Analytics Data" in the top right corner


How to work with Firebase App Indexing for IOS Apps

i am in the process of making my app with firebase i am pretty much done with that except Firebase App Indexing. I am very exited with this feature because it could help me to increase my app get more traffic from the web but the problem is i really can't able to see how to implement this. According to Firebase Docs i just need to register my app with this pice of code
[[FIRAppIndexing sharedInstance] registerApp:your Apple ID from iTunes Connect];
I have done that but what should i do after that?
1.My app is firebase app that means i don't have any website to host my content except firebase realtime database. Does my content is available for crawlers? if not how can i make available to them?
2.If i can able to show my content in the google search results i don't wanna show all the content and i wanna show just some of my content for example i have a social app for sharing General Knowledge questions, i wanna show just the question like "What is the highest mountain" in the search results and if the user want to see the answer it should take them to my app how can i do that?
3.As per docs i came to know that i need to create univiersal links for my app content to direct users from google search but how shold i do that ? Lets say should i crate universal links when the user create question?? if so how can i do that ??
Thank you very much for the help.
This is not currently possible on iOS using Firebase App Indexing. The situation is slightly different on Android, but that is not applicable to your question.
On iOS, Firebase App Indexing is simply highlighting pages on your website in Google search results that have corresponding content inside your app. This is achieved by piggybacking on Apple's Universal Links standard, and there is no proactive 'crawling' going on inside your app. This means unless you have a corresponding web page for your app with 1:1 content parity, you can't really benefit from Firebase App Indexing on iOS as it comes out-of-the-box.
The best workaround is to generate little 'placeholder pages' for every piece of content in your app, which the sole purpose of opening your app (if it is installed) or redirecting to the App Store (if it is not installed). Ideally you'll need some sort of deferred deep linking system so that users still see the correct content after downloading. Fun fact: this is essentially how HotelTonight operates their entire business model. Unfortunately Firebase's implementation is not mature enough to support this full flow, and Google hasn't quite figured out how to rank app-only content properly yet in search results so you will probably need to pro-actively submit your placeholder pages to them.
Shameless plug: at Branch, we provide all of the above as a free service. You can read more about it here and take a look at the set up docs here.

Want to track the iOS installs if the user install from Google ADs instead of directly from app store.

I am trying to track source of the App whether it is coming from Google Ads. If it is installed by clicking from Google Ads then I want to get the confirmation when a user registers.
I have followed but can't get any solution.
I guess, you could find the solution here:
It's a set of articles which describe how to add an app publisher (like Google Ads), to view the related statistics, etc.

Google Analytics to track converstion from Lite to Pro

Having the following scenario:
I have two separate apps, Something Lite and Something Pro, both having analytics.
User1 downloads Something Lite and uses it, when he tries to use a Pro feature, it got prompted to upgrade to the Pro version he then accepted and got redirected to Something Pro, he bought it and opened it.
Is possible to know if User1 bought Something Lite and after it Something Pro
If so, what should i take care of to get it working?
Additional notes:
i'm using google analytics for iOS as an app.
I'm not using in-app purchase, at least not for this app at this
I can think of one way you should be able to do this:
Set up Custom Variables, and segment people as users like, for example, "Lite Users" and "Pro User".
Depending on which GA library your using here are two tutorials:
After that, set up a goal like "Pro download". I don't know how your app is set up, but perhaps you can make it run this code the first time the app is launched. One way to accomplish this could be to load a page that is only visited the first time a user starts the Pro app, and set up the goal towards that page. But there are probably other ways you could do it with your app.
Tutorials for that:
Finally, using Advanced Segments, you can filter you visitors to only show users of the Lite app, and see how many of those convert into Pro by looking at the Goal you set up earlier.

How to open AppStore and show specific apps?

From within an app, I'd like to open up the iOS App Store and show some specific apps. They'll be from different developers, so I can't take that shortcut. Is there a way to list apps by ID, or somehow use specific search terms?
For example, how could I show just the Facebook and Twitter apps?
Here are some links that work, but will just show one app or one search term...
If I could use separate search terms, that should work. For example, if you try to search for "angryninjarunner", you'll get one result for iPhone and iPad: Angry Ninja Runner. If you search for "rescuejumplite" - you'll get Rescue Jump Lite. But how can I combine those two terms, so I could show both apps, if I wanted to?
For the Google Play Store, you can just add a simple "OR" between app IDs, and it'll bring 'em up, nice and easy. Trying to do the same for iOS, but it has mostly resulted in me banging my head against the keyboard.
Unfortunately currently there is no option available for this. If both the app contains any common terms in it's name, you can query with that term.
App review guideline
2.25 Apps that display Apps other than your own for
purchase or promotion in a manner similar to or confusing
with the App Store will be rejected
AppGratis got kicked out and banned from appstore for this violation and this was added last year by Apple. So don't do it unless you plan to show your own apps.

linking to content available on itunes,, google play and others

Okay so I'm building a web app that aggregates entertainment (TV shows, movies, other videos, podcast's ) and it's basically all sorted into genre's recent release etc. now I would like to link to legal places on the internet that you can buy this content ie. apple itunes store,, google play and maybe some other's. Now for the itune's store i found this handy called link maker. Now my Problem is that if I have a couple of thousand title's I have to enter each one and then again for each country to get each link... Okay I can write a script php curl or python's scrapy but is there anything similar tool for amazon? Is there a better tool then the one I have altogether for apple? I figured I can't be the first person who's run into this problem and just looking for any help, yes/no's that anyone else has found useful as my last 4 hours of googling has returned fairly little minus the link maker tool. Ideally an api but i'm now doubting those exist
iTunes offers an API for what you are attempting to do - see the documentation here:
