How to use ros::pluginlib to load multi-library - ros

I am trying to use ros::pluginlib to load a plugin called A_Plugin which has been registered to ROS Package System correctly. One thing to note is that A_Plugin depends on Opensplice DDS, and it need to link the DDS libraries "" ,"". In CmakeLists.txt file, I write like this:
It can be registered to ROS package system correctly, but when I use pluginlib::ClassLoader to load A_plugin, I got the following errors:terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pluginlib::CreateClassException'what(): MultiLibraryClassLoader: Could not create object of class type test::A_Plugin as no factory exists for it. Make sure that the library exists and was explicitly loaded through MultiLibraryClassLoader::loadLibrary(). How can I solve this problem? Thanks!

I had a similar problem, turns out I was missing the plugin class declaration in the *.cpp file. I included it and it worked fine. The declaration should be something like:
PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(rqt_example_cpp, MyPlugin, rqt_example_cpp::MyPlugin, rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin)
This can be seen in the example from the rqt tutorial github repo, line 62:


unable to find `as` method in `Config`

I saw the following code snippet
val settings =[CookieSecretSettings]("silhouette.oauth1TokenSecretProvider")
I believe configuration is of type play.api.Configuration and underlying is of typeConfig` (
I copied the code in my Apploader (as I am using Compile Time Injection). The BuiltInComponentsFromContext has a configuration variable. I thought to use that as follows val config =[CookieAuthenticatorSettings]("silhouette.authenticator") but the compiler cannot resolve as. What am I doing wrong?
The Config library seem to have asInstanceOf instead of as but I get other errors if I use that. I notice that the code for which as works uses play version 2.4.2 while I am using 2.6.12.
I realize this is an old question, but I stumbled upon this exact problem today and couldn't find anything helpful.
The as method is provided by a third-party library (Ficus) to read case classes and Scala types from Typesafe config. You need to include it in your build dependencies, then add to imports:
import net.ceedubs.ficus.Ficus._
import net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.ArbitraryTypeReader._

How to check object class type in Dart

In my code, there is a place where I need to take different actions based on the input class type.
So I write two lines to check an input object's class type.
debugPrint("Let me know the next action: $action");
debugPrint((action is LoadPomodorosAction).toString());
And the output is
I/flutter (24128): Let me know the next action: Instance of 'LoadPomodorosAction'
I/flutter (24128): false
What does this mean?
The object 'action' is "Instance of 'LoadPomodorosAction'" and at the same time its class type is not LoadPomodorosAction .
how do I adjust my code so that I can know the class type of action?
I was suspecting that maybe there is something wrong with runtimetype. But how do I get to know the runtimetype?
I've tried replicating your issue and I'm not able to reproduce it. But to explain your inquiry, here is a complete details about the difference between the relative path and absolute path when used in imports as discussed in this SO post:
package imports
'package:... imports work from everywhere to import files from
relative imports
Relative imports are always relative to the importing file. If
lib/model/test.dart imports 'example.dart', it imports
If you want to import test/model_tests/fixture.dart from any file
within test/*, you can only use relative imports because package
imports always assume lib/.
This also applies for all other non-lib/ top-level directories like
drive_test/, example/, tool/, ...
There is currently a known issue with entry-point files in lib/*
like lib/main.dart in Flutter.
Dart always assumed entry-point files to be in other top-level
directories then lib/ (like bin/, web/, tool/, example/,
...). Flutter broke this assumption. Therefore you currently must not
use relative imports in entry-point files inside lib/
See also
How to reference another file in Dart?
Previously, this bug was posted in GitHub as an issue between relative and absolute path. It seems that this was resolved per this GitHub post.

Atom snippets package not working

I created Atom snippets package
however I think its not working. What is wrong?
My snippets work if I add them in through > open your snippets and paste in snippets.cson
It looks like you fixed it with this push. You had a reference to a main file that didn't exist, and an activationCommand that called a method that didn't exist.
Methods called by activationCommands should exist on the object exported by file specified by main. In this case you had neither so it was failing.

How to add custom fields in ZFC-user module for zend 2 without doctrine?

I have tried using creating a different module and attaching the ZfcUser\Form\Register over init method. But it wasn't working.
I want to add few custom fields, with changing any thing in the vendor dir, as is it not a good practice. I also tried using user_entity_class ,creating a custom 'User' class, but it was creating some route issue in other modules, with zfc-user , I'm also using zfc-admin and zfc-adminuser, the error was coming in zfc-adminuser, Couldn't found the class was the error.
Thanks in advance.
Well there are some issue regarding the overriding of the module ZFC-User, But still you can overwrite it manually.
One way I have used is a bit old fashioned but working. What I have done is I have copied complete module the to module folder. Then pointing the form towards to my module where the changes are required, rest all are pointed to default.With this you can update your module. Make sure you point the user_entity_class to your module something like this:
'user_entity_class' => 'MyZfcUser\Entity\User',
you can find this in config\autoload\

is there a good way to find function define in header file in ace framework

As a ace framework newer, i always encounter some problem when using this framework.
I copy some example code from website and execute it in linux. however some error throw out because of no include correspond header file. for exmaple some error like this: error: ‘sleep’ is not a member of ‘ACE_OS’.
so how can i found this function define in which header file
Most easiest is just to do a "grep sleep $ACE_ROOT/ace/OS*.h", that tells you the file where this method is defined. Other option is to use the most recent doxygen tree at
