Chaos monkey testing for Microsoft Orleans cluster - orleans

I’m looking for some guidance that will help to design a “chaos monkey” testing approach for Orleans cluster.
I’m new on that, so what I can think is a script that can randomly restart silo’s, stop/move grains, and do other destructive actions. Something similar to Induce Controlled Chaos in Service Fabric Clusters.
I’ll highly appreciate a help to get me on speed by sharing
Good articles, whitepapers, blog post on Orleans cluster chaos testing
Examples of using build in facilities like TestingSiloHost to conduct chaos tests
Related Orleans Contrib projects
Higher level tools/APIs that can help when hosting in VMs, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud


Azure CI container per customer

I have a monolithic application based on .NET , the application itself is a web based app.
I am looking at multiple articles and trying to figure out if the Azure CI or similar would be an correct service to use.
The application will run 24/7 and i guess this is where confusion comes in, wouldn't it be normal to have always on application running on CI?
What i am trying to achieve is a container per customer where each customer gets one or more instances that he owns. The other question would be costs and scalability, i would expect to have thousands of containers so perhaps i should be looking at Kubernetes ?
Here is my understanding. I'm pretty new to both ACI and Kubernetes, so treat this as a suggestions and not a definitive answers 🙂.
Azure Container Instances is a quick, easy and cheap way to run a single-instance of a container in Azure. However, it doesn't scale very well on its own (it can scale up, but not out, and not automatically..), and it lacks the many container-orchestration features that kubernetes offers.
Kubernetes offers a lot more, such as zero-downtime deployments, scaling out with multiple replicates, and many more features. It is also a lot more complex, costs more, and takes much longer to set up.
I think ACI is a bit too simple to meet your use-case.

difference between spring-cloud-starter-dataflow-server (Data Flow Server Starter) and spring-cloud-starter-dataflow-server-local (Local Data Flow Se

I've recently started understanding the Spring Cloud Data Flow, also called as SCDF. I've just started looking at which seems very nice example, also would need more examples to really understand the use of Spring Cloud Data Flow with Spring Batch, as I've good experience with Spring Batch.
What's the difference between spring-cloud-starter-dataflow-server (Data Flow Server Starter) and spring-cloud-starter-dataflow-server-local (Local Data Flow Server Starter) ?
We used to ship spring-cloud-starter-dataflow-server-local as a standalone uber-jar for local deployments a few years ago. Similarly, we used to have spring-cloud-starter-dataflow-server-kubernetes, spring-cloud-starter-dataflow-server-cloudfoundry, and others.
However, we have consolidated all the supported platform implementations of SCDF into a single uber-jar, and that is spring-cloud-starter-dataflow-server. Please only use this artifact for any development/deployment, even if it is only used locally.
As for feature capabilities, we have a dedicated page that lists them. Once you dig into the relevant sections ranging from developer guides [example: batch developer guide] to recipes, hopefully, you will have an idea.
And, likewise, you might find the architecture and concepts useful for your research, which will cover the broad set of capabilities that SCDF supports including first-class orchestration experience for Spring Batch workloads.

Stateful Containers with Kubernetes/Docker is it possible?

I apologize if this is an ignorant question but I am building out a Kubernetes cluster and I really like the idea of abstracting my computing infrastructure from a single cloud provider and steering away from a VM platform but what about statefulness? I want to be able to setup a mysql server for example and keep that data for life, I want Kubernetes to load balance a mysql container with a data drive, we speak about containers and we think life and death within seconds but what about when we want to keep data around and build a kick ass data center without VM's is there a concept of of being stateful in this paradigm?
Kubernetes provides StatefulSets for Deploying stateful containers like databases. Follow the below link to understand how to deploy mysql database In highly available mode
Not ignorant at all, in fact, stateful apps (often DBs) require special consideration in Kubernetes.
StatefulSets are one of the primary Kubernetes objects that exist to help support the use of stateful apps.
This is a decent guide to solving some of the challenges. It's written by Google for Kubernetes Engine but the concepts apply to Kubernetes broadly. There is also a GKE-specific overview.

How to implement microservices [Node.js]?

I am new to this, what is a best approach to implement microservices?
I found fw like seneca but it is little bit confusing...
Is there any tut how to create jwt auth, mongodb and other staff in microservices?
Take a look on Docker.
With docker-compose you can play with several services with an easy integration without worrying about the IP addresses to connect them.
Also if you add nginx to your stack, it's gonna be very easy to scale those services, there are several videos and tutorials that you can lookup to help you get started.
I've heard aboutseneca, but I haven't used, I think you shouldn't depend on a specific framework because one of the ideas behind of Microservices is the low coupling.
To make the jump into the real micro-services world is not trivial. It's not about plumbing some APIs, but a radical change in architecture thinking that, well, at the beginning will make you a bit uncomfortable (e.g. every service with its own database) :)
The best book I have read so far about micro-services is The Tao of Microservices, by Richard Rodger the author of Seneca himself. It exposes very well the shift from monolithic and object-oriented software towards micro-services.
I have personally struggled a bit with Seneca because of the average quality of documentation (inconsistencies, etc...). I would rather recommend Hemera, which took its inspiration from the message-pattern approach from Seneca, but is better documented and much more production-ready.
1) Build services and deploy it with Docker Containers
2) Let them communicate via gRPC coz it is really fast for inter services communication.
3) Use error reporter like Bugsnag or Rollbar. Error reporting is really important to catch error quickly.
4) Integrate tracing using opentracing or opencensus. Tracing is important too because it will be so hard to monitor all microservices with logs only.

What do people think of jira studio?

What are peoples opinions on jira studio? i.e. using the hosted product for a large company. Especially with hosted source control and reliability of the service?
Is this product up to large scale implementations yet?
I've been using JIRA Studio (hosted) extensively over the last few weeks with a Java project. So far my experience has been resoundingly positive, with the following caveats:
Setting up Elastic Bamboo requires filing a support ticket. While admittedly the process is fully automated and very easy, it can still take a day or two before you can begin setting up your builds;
In my opinion, SVN hosting is limiting. I've been very much looking forward to working with git or Mercurial, but I'm not aware of any plans to add support for those. You can certainly find a separate host for your sources, but you'd be losing on ease of use, out-of-the-box integration with issue tracking and the JIRA dashboard (which I've grown to absolutely love) and will have to sign with a second provider.
I would rate the primary advantages as:
Very low integration cost (compared to e.g. setting up your own Bugzilla+Mediawiki+Hudson setup);
Relatively low TCO, particularly if you have a small staff and no Linux hackers to get you started up;
Very smooth administration and usage experience. I've very rarely had to look in the documentation, and then it was usually clean and informative.
