Apostrophes in the same string in QUERY Google Sheets function - google-sheets

=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(sorting!A57:A,"select * where A contains '"&$A57&"'"))
This is what I'm currently using to make a word tree based on my A column. I want to find all instances of A57 in the A column and fill the rest of the row with those. I have 2 issues that I can't seem to squash:
If I have an apostrophe it fails (circled in green in the screenshot)
I want whole word matches and not parts of words (circled in red) e.g. "is" should return "is he" "is it" "is it the" and NOT "fish" "wish" etc.
Google Sheet Screenshot

=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(sorting!A1:A,"select * where A matches '.\b"&$A1&"\b.'"))
This solves problem 2. Still affected by problem 1.

=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(sorting!A1:A,"select * where A matches "".\b"&$A1&"\b."""))
both problems 1 and 2 solved. thanks.


Match table with database based on input and return multiple rows - index Match / vlookup?

I'll try to explain this the best i can.
I've got a database that hardly ever changes on 1 tab and i've got a dynamic table on other tab which is generated with data from the web.
I am trying to set up a formula that changes the outcome based on the colors i selected.
i can't link the original sheet but i tried to put together a small test sheet to make it more clear
The linked sheet discribes what i want to get.
i tried allot of formulas and the closest i got gave me only the first result and it was combination of filter and vlookup but i accidently deleted that and can't really reproduce it...
added formula to your sheet. Please test it out:
=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY(LAMBDA(ax,{PROPER(INDEX(ax,,1)),IFERROR(SPLIT(VLOOKUP(INDEX(ax,,2),A:A&"🐠"&B:B,1,),"🐠"))})(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(D3:D&"|"&E3:E&"🐠"&TRANSPOSE(G3:G10)),"|",0,0),"Select * Where Col1!=''")),"Select * Where Col2!=''"))
Another option it stacks up different queries with REDUCE, also gives you a message if product is not found in that colour:
=REDUCE({A2:B2,"colour"},SEQUENCE(COUNTA(E3:E)),LAMBDA(a,v,{a; IFERROR (QUERY(A3:B100,"SELECT '"&INDEX(D3:D,v)&"',A,B where A = '"&INDEX(E3:E,v)&"' and B matches '"&JOIN("|",FILTER(G3:G,G3:G<>""))&"' label '"&INDEX(D3:D,v)&"' ''",),{INDEX(D3:D,v),INDEX(E3:E,v),"not found in any colour"})}))
=INDEX(QUERY({VLOOKUP(A3:A10, {E3:E10, D3:D10}, 2, ), A3:B10},
"where Col3 matches '"&TEXTJOIN("|", 1, G3:G10)&"'", ))

Google Sheets formula for "if 1: select A, if 2: concat A and B, else leave blank"

This is an updated question to a previous one I had. I realized I had left a very important part out when submitting the last one because I was so hung up on trying to concatenate A and B.
I'm working with a sheet that has a column of names and their rows signal 1, 2, or 0 for 'coming', 'unsure', or 'not coming'. The idea was that by filling in the 0's, 1's and 2's this would translate to a visible table below that printed their names if coming, or printed their names with question marks if unsure and blank if not coming. I had thought to make a column of question marks and if c = 2, concat the name with the mark and print it. Alas, I have had no such luck getting any kind of combination of formulas to work. So I turn to you stack masters. Sheet
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(C2:E8*1=2, A2:A8&B2:B8, IF(C2:E8*1=1, A2:A8, )))
or more compact:
IF(C2:E8*1=2, A2:A8&B2:B8&"×", IF(C2:E8*1=1, A2:A8&"×", )),,9^9)), "×"))))

Trying to filter a query using data validation drop down - numerical options work, but not a combination of numbers/letters [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Query is ignoring string (non numeric) value
(2 answers)
Closed 5 months ago.
Here is a copy of my sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b7ofD9f02yKiIvGYfCBi_GdhkRtgTAoY2NpftJmZaDQ/edit?usp=sharing
So my query is on the front tab 'Overall' in D1
=query(Data!A1:G,"SELECT * WHERE 1=1 "&IF(A2="All Raids",""," AND A contains "&A2&" ") &IF(B2="All Classes",""," AND LOWER(B) = LOWER('"&B2&"') "),1)
On the datasheet, I have people listen in raids 1,2 and 3.. and it works fine. However, if I were to change a value to something like BWL1 or BWL2, it will not display.
I got this code from a youtube tutorial, so I don't understand it 100%, but basically the "a2=all raids","" part is just to remove any filters, then the remaining is filtered by my drop-down menus, &A2& and &B2&.
Any ideas?
I've tried using A CONTAINS "&A2" instead of A = "&A2&", I just cant figure out a workaround to where any value (numberical+lettered) listed in my Datasheet column A works.
Thank you in advance for your time, I hope this makes sense :)
That's a known issue with query() function: query() has trouble with mixed datatypes (numeric and text in column A). To avoid this you can convert column A to text. See if this formula works
=query({ArrayFormula(to_text(Data!A1:A)), Data!B1:G},"SELECT * WHERE 1=1 "&IF(A2="All Raids","", " AND Col1 contains '"&A2&"'") &IF(B2="All Classes",""," AND LOWER(Col2) = LOWER('"&B2&"') "),1)
Note that, because of the use of 'contains' when '1' is selected in A2, it will also show rows containing BWL1. If you don't want that, change 'contains' to '='.

Check if data that satisfies multiple criteria exists in both sheet 1 and sheet 2

My table contains 2 sheets with a different number of columns. I want to add a column that will display true or false (or any other 2 opposite values ) for each row depending on whether this row satisfies 2 criteria which are: sheet1!col1=sheet2!col1 and sheet1!col2=sheet2!col2.
You'll find an illustration below.
I've tried using
ARRAYFORMULA(VLOOKUP(A1&B1, {Sheet1!A1:A4&Sheet1!B1:B4,Sheet1!C1}, 3))
but I get an error message
vlookup evaluates to an out of bound range
So I wanted to try
QUERY({Sheet1!A1:B4,A1:B5}, "Select C where ")
but I couldn't figure out how to write the condition where (sheet1)col1=(sheet2)col1 & (sheet1)col2=(sheet2)col2 and I also don't know if I can work with tables of different dimensions. I finally tried
but it always returns 1.
Any idea please?
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Your first formula is almost right. You are getting the error message because there is only one column in the curly brackets so you have to change it to
and add the 'false' to make sure it only does exact matches.
To make the query work you need the right syntax to access cells in the current sheet:
=query(Sheet2!A:B," select A,B where A='"&A1&"' and B='"&B1&"'")
To make the match work, you need to enter it as an array formula and add a zero to specify exact match:
However I would take flak from my colleagues if I didn't point out that there is an issue with the vlookup and match as shown above - toto&moto would match with not just toto&moto, but also with tot&omoto etc. The way round this is to add a separator character e.g.
These still need some tidying up if they are to report Yes and No, and also not to give false positive on blank rows - also the vlookup and match can be written as self-expanding array formulas - but that is the short answer to the question.

Google Sheets, need to edit a column based on two columns on a second sheet

Good morning!
I've been searching high and low for how to do this, and while I feel like I get close I can't get anything more than 'invalid formula' from the conditional formatting in google sheets. So here's what I'm trying to do;
Column C on sheet 1 (Working List) needs to have a red background if the following conditions are met;
Column 'P' on sheet 2 (Complete) has the 'Address Changed' option in the drop down box (its the first one on the drop down, I've been struggling to figure out if it needs to be a '0' given its position in the list or if its 'Address Changed')
Column 'C' on sheet 2 has the same account numbers in Column 'C' on sheet 1.
I can set it up to find duplicate accounts, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the first rule for the drop down box to work. Advice?
Attempts thus far, none of them worked, all were tried separately and not in conjunction with each other. Google just says 'invalid formula' and won't save it or do anything with it.
=and(EQ(Complete!$O, "Address Changed"), EQ('Working List'!$C, Complete!$C))
=match($C2, indirect("Complete!$C:$C"), 0)
=if(EQ, indirect("Complete!$O, "Address Changed""), EQ('Working List'!$C, "Completed!$C"))
=and(indirect("Complete!$O:$O,$O="Address Changed""))
so I've tried to figure out a better way to get it working, and this is what I think might be closer to the answer.
***Friend helped me solve this. The following worked for what I needed....
=index(indirect("Sheet2!O:O"), match(C1, indirect("Sheet2!C:C"), 0)) = "Address Changed"
Take a look at this sheet with some foo data I built based on your sheet.
I used some helper column, as you see.
if sheet2!P1 is changed to "Address Changed" K1 will have value of 1. This is a simple IF function.
if sheet2!C = sheet1!C, L will change to 1. This is another simple ARRAYFORMULA(IF())
Finally, column C will be formatted with the data from K1 and L by this formula
: =AND(L2=1, $K$2=1)
You can then hide the helper column / cell.
If you don't want to use helper column, look at the formula in column D :
=AND(INDIRECT("Sheet2!C2:C") = C2:C, INDIRECT("Sheet2!P1")="Address Changed")
This will serve your purpose.
You cannot refer to another sheet directly in conditional format formula, hence if you don't want to use helper column, you will have to use INDIRECT. This is also the reason why your formula failed in the first place.
I personally wouldn't recommend you to use INDIRECT though...
