Swift 3 - No 'sort' candidates produce the expected contextual result type 'NSMutableArray' - ios

I am attempting to sort a mutable array in Swift 3.1.1, but get the same error every time:
No 'sort' candidates produce the expected contextual result type 'NSMutableArray'.
Is there a way to sort a mutable array (Ints only) in ascending order?
In my code, elements from options are being removed. Removed (the array) is adding the removed elements. At the end of the code I am attempting to add the elements from the removed array back to options and sort it.
// set up tiles
var options = NSMutableArray()
var removed = NSMutableArray()
for i in 1...49 {
options.add(i as Int)
for i in 1...49 {
print("i = \(i)")
let tilea: Int = options[Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(options.count)))] as! Int
let tileb: Int = options[Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(options.count)))] as! Int
removed.add([i, tilea, tileb])
if options.count < 20 {
options = options.sort {
$0 < $1

As already mentioned, in Swift you should really be using the Array<T> for this (aka, [T]) instead of NSMutableArray. For instance:
var options = [Int]()
when adding elements to it, use append (and, by the way, you can drop the type cast as well):
options.append(contentsOf: [i, j, k])
finally, when sorting the array, use the sort function (it doesn't return a value; the array is sorted in-place):
and you don't need even to provide a comparation function since integers conform to the Comparable protocol.

NSMutableArray, among other Objective C types, was implicitly bridged to/from its Swift counterparts. In a move to lessen peoples (usually unnecessary) reliance on these Objective C types, this implicit bridging has been changed in Swift 3, and now needs an explicit type coercion (e.g nsArray as [Int])


How to have a function accept all types of arrays

I'm kinda new to Swift and I was wondering how do I make a function accept an array that contains all kinds of variables types. I want the function to just accept 'Array' without a specific type but it throws an error. Here's my code:
func length(arry arry: Array)
I know I have to put a <> after the Array but I need the function to universally accept all arrays.
Whenever I add an extension I get these ridiculous errors. My code is:
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
extension Array {
var length: Int {
return self.count
var arrY = ["Hello", 0]
for(var i = 0; i < length(arry: arrY); i++)
var h = arrY.removeAtIndex(0);
I get errors saying:
1 On line ten Extensions may not contain stored properties
2 On line eleven Expected Declaration
3 On line eighteen Expected Declaration
If you want, you can write a generic function:
func length<T>(arry arry: Array<T>)
In Swift, Apple introduced the concept of Generics which you can also now find it on Xcode 7 and Objective-C. This feature allows you to define the type of each element in the Array or the collection class that you're using. You can define a generic class or a generic method like the sample given. This feature gives you the ability of writing your code in a way that it can work safely with different types, while taking advantage of being type-safe. For example, in the sample that I gave, it's saying that length is a generic method which takes an Array of type T as input. Writing a method like this, allows you to write one method which is capable of accepting arrays of different types. For example, following sample code, is showing that you can use the same method for both array of Int and array of Double:
var arr = [13, 23, 32]
var arr2 = [12.3, 23.5, 13.14, 2.75]
var arr3 = ["foo", "boo"]
For more information on Generics you can check online documents at this Link, and/or watch Swift introduction videos for WWDC 2014, and/or reading generic section of The Swift Programming Language
Using a generic function is the better answer. But you could also use [Any] as a parameter for this function.
func length(array: [Any])->Int{
return array.count
If you're used to .length then make an extension to Array with a length property:
extension Array {
var length: Int {
return self.count
Then you can call it on arrays like you're used to:
["a", "b"].length // 2
[0, 1].length // 2

How would I properly format this Swift function to map an array?

I'm trying to build a function with swift that will map an array, divide each value in the array by 3, then spit out a new array. This is what I have so far:
func divideby3Map<T, U>(y: [T], z: T -> U) -> [U] {
let array = [int]()
let divideby3Array = array.map { [y] / 3 }
return dividedby3Array
Where T and U are the original array, and the new array being returned respectively, and it's done using generics.
I'm sure this isn't written properly, I'm stuck in terms of the right syntax. For example, since the array being returned is represented by the generic [U], I assume I have to use it somewhere in the array being returned, not sure where though.
When writing a generic function, it’s sometimes easier to approach it in 3 steps: first write the code stand-alone using a specific type. Then write the code as a function, still with a specific type. Finally, change the function to be generic.
The first part, dividing an array by 3, can be done like this:
let a = [1,2,3,4,5]
// map is run on the array of integers, and returns a new
// array with the operation performed on each element in a:
let b = a.map { $0 / 3 }
// so b will be [0,0,1,1,1]
// (don’t forget, integer division truncates)
Note the closure you provide between the { } is an operation that will be applied to each element of the array. $0 represents the element, and you divide it by 3. You could also write it as a.map { i in i / 3 }.
To put this into its own function:
func divideby3Map(source: [Int]) -> [Int] {
return source.map { $0 / 3 }
No need to declare a fresh array – map will create one for you. You can then return that directly (you can assign it to a temporary if you prefer, but that isn’t really necessary).
Finally, if you want to make it generic, start by adding a placeholder:
func divideby3Map<T>(source: [T]) -> [T] {
return source.map { $0 / 3 }
Note, there’s only a need for one placeholder, T, because you are returning the exact same type you are passed in.
Except… this won’t compile, because the compiler doesn’t know that T is guaranteed to provide two critical things: the ability to divide (a / operator), and the ability to create new T from integer literals (i.e. to create a T with value 3 to divide by). Otherwise, what if we passed an array of strings or an array of arrays in?
To do this, we need to “constrain” T so our function will only accept as arguments types that provide these features. One such protocol we can use to constrain T is IntegerType, which does guarantee these features (as well as some other ones like +, * etc):
func divideby3Map<T: IntegerType>(source: [T]) -> [T] {
return source.map { $0 / 3 }
divideby3Map(a) // returns [0,0,1,1,1]
let smallInts: [UInt8] = [3,6,9]
divideby3Map(smallInts) // returns [1,2,3]

Adding objects of a specific type to a generic Array<Any> in Swift?

How do you add an object of a specific type to a generic Array:[Any]? My understanding is that Any should be able to contain any other object. Is this correct? Unfortunately I get an error message when I add specific objects to the generic array.
An array of objects of type "SpecificItemType"
var results:[SpecificItemType] = []
... // adding various objects to this array
The generic target array for these objects
var matchedResults:[Any] = []
matchedResults += results
Error Message
[Any] is not identical to UInt8
What's the problem here? The error message didn't really help.
One more note: Interestingly it is possible to add single objects using append. so the following works
The compiler cannot resolve the type constraints on
func +=<T, C : CollectionType where T == T>(inout lhs: ContiguousArray<T>, rhs: C)
because you're trying to add [SpecificType] to [Any], hence T != T.
You can fix this by upcasting the most specific array.
var r = results.map { $0 as Any }
matchedResults += r
Concerning the puzzling error, it's due to the overloading on the += operator. The compiler tries to resolve the various versions of the operator, eventually finding this one here:
func +=(inout lhs: UInt8, rhs: UInt8)
Probably it's the last one it tries to resolve, so it throws an error here, telling you that [Any] is different than the expected type for lhs, i.e. UInt8 in this case.
First of all change Any to AnyObject and try following:
matchedResults += (results as [AnyObject])

Why to use tuples when we can use array to return multiple values in swift

Today I was just going through some basic swift concepts and was working with some examples to understand those concepts. Right now I have completed studying tuples.
I have got one doubt i.e, what is the need of using tuples ? Ya I did some digging on this here is what I got :
We can be able to return multiple values from a function. Ok but we can also do this by returning an array.
Array ok but we can return an multiple values of different types. Ok cool but this can also be done by array of AnyObject like this :
func calculateStatistics (scores:[Int])->[AnyObject]
var min = scores[0]
var max = scores[0]
var sum = 0
for score in scores
if score > max{
max = score
else if score < min{
min = score
sum += score
return [min,max,"Hello"]
let statistics = calculateStatistics([25,39,78,66,74,80])
var min = statistics[0]
var max = statistics[1]
var msg = statistics[2] // Contains hello
We can name the objects present in the tuples. Ok but I can use a dictionary of AnyObject.
I am not saying that Why to use tuples when we have got this . But there should be something only tuple can be able to do or its easy to do it only with tuples. Moreover the people who created swift wouldn't have involved tuples in swift if there wasn't a good reason. So there should have been some good reason for them to involve it.
So guys please let me know if there's any specific cases where tuples are the best bet.
Thanks in advance.
Tuples are anonymous structs that can be used in many ways, and one of them is to make returning multiple values from a function much easier.
The advantages of using a tuple instead of an array are:
multiple types can be stored in a tuple, whereas in an array you are restricted to one type only (unless you use [AnyObject])
fixed number of values: you cannot pass less or more parameters than expected, whereas in an array you can put any number of arguments
strongly typed: if parameters of different types are passed in the wrong positions, the compiler will detect that, whereas using an array that won't happen
refactoring: if the number of parameters, or their type, change, the compiler will produce a relevant compilation error, whereas with arrays that will pass unnoticed
named: it's possible to associate a name with each parameter
assignment is easier and more flexible - for example, the return value can be assigned to a tuple:
let tuple = functionReturningTuple()
or all parameters can be automatically extracted and assigned to variables
let (param1, param2, param3) = functionReturningTuple()
and it's possible to ignore some values
let (param1, _, _) = functionReturningTuple()
similarity with function parameters: when a function is called, the parameters you pass are actually a tuple. Example:
// SWIFT 2
func doSomething(number: Int, text: String) {
println("\(number): \(text)")
doSomething(1, "one")
// SWIFT 3
func doSomething(number: Int, text: String) {
print("\(number): \(text)")
doSomething(number: 1, text: "one")
(Deprecated in Swift 2) The function can also be invoked as:
let params = (1, "one")
This list is probably not exhaustive, but I think there's enough to make you favor tuples to arrays for returning multiple values
For example, consider this simple example:
enum MyType {
case A, B, C
func foo() -> (MyType, Int, String) {
// ...
return (.B, 42, "bar")
let (type, amount, desc) = foo()
Using Array, to get the same result, you have to do this:
func foo() -> [Any] {
// ...
return [MyType.B, 42, "bar"]
let result = foo()
let type = result[0] as MyType, amount = result[1] as Int, desc = result[2] as String
Tuple is much simpler and safer, isn't it?
Tuple is a datastructure which is lighter weight than heterogeneous Array. Though they're very similar, in accessing the elements by index, the advantage is tuples can be constructed very easily in Swift. And the intention to introduce/interpolate this(Tuple) data structure is Multiple return types. Returning multiple data from the 'callee' with minimal effort, that's the advantage of having Tuples. Hope this helps!
A tuple is ideally used to return multiple named data from a function for temporary use. If the scope of the tuple is persistent across a program you might want to model that data structure as a class or struct.

Swift: different objects in one array?

Is there a possibility to have two different custom objects in one array?
I want to show two different objects in a UITableView and I think the easiest way of doing this is to have all objects in one array.
Depending on how much control you want over the array, you can create a protocol that both object types implement. The protocol doesn't need to have anything in it (would be a marker interface in Java, not sure if there is a specific name in Swift). This would allow you to limit the array to only the object types you desire. See the sample code below.
protocol MyType {
class A: MyType {
class B: MyType {
var array = [MyType]()
let a = A()
let b = B()
If you know the types of what you will store beforehand, you could wrap them in an enumeration. This gives you more control over the types than using [Any/AnyObject]:
enum Container {
case IntegerValue(Int)
case StringValue(String)
var arr: [Container] = [
for item in arr {
switch item {
case .IntegerValue(let val):
println("Integer: \(val)")
case .StringValue(let val):
println("String: \(val)")
Integer: 10
String: Hello
Integer: 42
You can use AnyObject array to hold any kind of objects in the same array:
var objectsArray = [AnyObject]()
// And also the inmutable version
let objectsArray: [AnyObject] = ["Foo", 2]
// This way you can let the compiler infer the type
let objectsArray = ["Foo", 2]
You can use the "type" AnyObject which allows you to store objects of different type in an array. If you also want to use structs, use Any:
let array: [Any] = [1, "Hi"]
