Create MSSticker from UIImage - ios

How do I create an MSSticker from a UIImage? The only initializer for an MSSticker is from a local URL, which makes me believe that I first must write the UIImage to a file. If that's the case, could someone explain how to do this because I have had trouble doing so. I was successfully able to write to a file using NSData.writeToFile(), but I could not figure out what URL to pass to the MSSticker initializer.

There's a solution readily available in this other thread: iOS 10 Message Extension app: How can I get the MSSticker created by this function?
The idea is the same you mention in your question: save the images to disk, and then load the MSSticker instance from them.

You can create MSSticker using UIImage , first you need to put resources in bundle not is assets.xcassets folder. after that just use this simple method to create sticker object.
let imagePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: imgName, ofType: ".png")
let pathurl = URL(fileURLWithPath: imagePath!)
do {
try cell.stickerview.sticker = MSSticker(contentsOfFileURL: pathurl, localizedDescription: "anything that you want")
catch {
fatalError("Failed to create sticker: \(error)")


how to load image from local image path Ios Swift 4

I have one JSON which contain path of images from one local folder of Project as Followed
The issue is i want to get image from that path, How do i achieve it?
I had try to convert String to URL and set URL as Image using Kingfisher Library
let url = URL(string: "/VWiOSProjects/CollageMakerDemo/Development/CollageMaker/CollageMaker/Goodies.xcassets/Goodies-1.imageset/Goodies-1.png")!
cell.imgTool.kf.setImage(with: url)
But it don't work I had Tried this one also
let url = URL(string: "/VWiOSProjects/CollageMakerDemo/Development/CollageMaker/CollageMaker/Goodies.xcassets/Goodies-1.imageset/Goodies-1.png")!
let imageData:NSData = NSData(contentsOf: url)!
let image = UIImage(data: imageData as Data)
cell.imgTool.image = image
NOTE: I can't upload this JSON file on Server, I need to use it Locally
I have solved my issue using fileURLWithPath
let url = URL.init(fileURLWithPath: "/VWiOSProjects/CollageMakerDemo/Development/CollageMaker/CollageMaker/Goodies.xcassets/Goodies-1.imageset/Goodies-1.png")
let imageData:NSData = NSData(contentsOf: url)!
let image = UIImage(data: imageData as Data)
cell.imgTool.image = image
If the images are in Assets(*.xcassets) folder, the you can access it by init(named:) method.
cell.imgTool.image = UIImage(named: "img1")
Actually you no need to store the entire path. You could store image names in array or something.
In my point of view, the best way is to add All Images to *.xcassets folder.(Because you have preloaded 5-10 images)
In case you needs to display it in collection view or TableView,
let imageName = "Goodies-\(indexPath.row)"
cell.imgTool.image = UIImage(named: imageName)
If images are in assets folder itself then go for #Lal Krishna's method. And if they are on server then you should add http:// or https:// and the URL of server followed by JSON's URL.
If still you are not getting it then let me know.

MSConversation.insertAttachment with UIImage downloaded via SDWebImage

I have an iMessage app that displays some remote content using SDWebImage. The images are downloaded and cached on disk. After choosing an image, I want to attach it to the message as a plain UIImage (not a MSMessage).
Here's the code I'm using
// image is already downloaded
let cache = SDImageCache.shared()
let key = remoteImageUrl
let fileUrlString = cache.defaultCachePath(forKey: key)!
let fileUrl = URL(string: fileUrlString)!
// image holds the correct UIImage
let image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: fileUrlString)
activeConversation?.insertAttachment(fileUrl, withAlternateFilename: "a funny gif", completionHandler: { (error) in
// error is nil here
print("error: \(error)")
Here's what the message looks like
It seems like the Messages framework can't find the image at that path.
Note: after tapping send, I the iMessage app crashes "MobileSMS quit unexpectedly."
I found out that I needed to use
let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: fileUrlString)
Hope this helps someone else

Save image from xcode playground to resources folder in swift

How would one programmatically save an image generated from a playground to the resources folder?
I have generated some photos through filters in my playground that I would like to save somehow. The resources folder seems like a good fit. What if I wanted to save the image to the desktop?
I've seen this done with saving images for apps, but I just want to save it to my desktop (or a specified folder in a specified location.)
Create folder first in 'Documents' with name 'Shared Playground Data' otherwise app will give error.
let image = // your UIImage
let filepath = playgroundSharedDataDirectory.appendingPathComponent("export.jpg")
let imagedata = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.0)
try! imagedata?.write(to: URL.init(fileURLWithPath: filepath.path))
print("write to \(filepath)")
In Xcode 11, the folder is not in ~/Documents anymore for iOS playgrounds but buried deep in ~/Library/Developer/. You have to print the path and create the Shared Playground Data folder manually to save a file from a playground:
import PlaygroundSupport
// ...
let url = playgroundSharedDataDirectory.appendingPathComponent("example.png")
try! image.pngData()!.write(to: url)
Here's how to save it to the shared data directory:
Create a path to the image:
let path = XCPlaygroundSharedDataDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent("export.jpg")!
(you may need to create the directory ~/Documents/Shared Playground Data/)
Then to save your output (in this case a CIImage from a filter)
let temp:CGImage = context.createCGImage(output, from: output.extent)!
let image = UIImage(cgImage: temp)
let data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0)
try! data?.write(to: path)
While the first answer helped point me in the right direction, the lack of ability to validate the required playgroundSharedDataDirectory path exists, the requirement to create that directory in order for the path to work, as well as force unwrapping (using !) the try can lead to frustration as well as drag out the process.
Here is a safer, more convenient solution that checks the name you provide for extra safety:
func writeImage(_ image: UIImage, name: String) {
if name.isEmpty || name.count < 3 {
print("Name cannot be empty or less than 3 characters.")
guard let documentsDirectory = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first else {
print("No documents directory found.")
let imagePath = documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent("\(name).png")
let imagedata = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.0)
do {
try imagedata?.write(to: imagePath)
print("Image successfully written to path:\n\n \(documentsDirectory) \n\n")
} catch {
print("Error writing image: \(error)")
Call using:
writeImage(image, name: "MyNewImage")
A break down of what is happening:
The method writeImage checks to see if the documents directory exists.
If the documents directory does not exist (unlikely), stop process.
If the documents directory exists, carry on and write the image to the path.

Get PHAsset from iOS Share Extension

I am developing a share extension for photos for my iOS app. Inside the extension, I am able to successfully retrieve the UIImage object from the NSItemProvider.
However, I would like to be able to share the image with my container app, without having to store the entire image data inside my shared user defaults. Is there a way to get the PHAsset of the image that the user has chosen in the share extension (if they have picked from their device)?
The documentation on the photos framework ( has a line that says "This architecture makes it easy, safe, and efficient to work with the same assets from multiple threads or multiple apps and app extensions."
That line makes me think there is a way to share the same PHAsset between extension and container app, but I have yet to figure out any way to do that? Is there a way to do that?
This only works if the NSItemProvider gives you a URL with the format:
which is not always true for all your assets, but if it returns a URL as:
then PHAsset will never find your asset. Further more, the latter is a copy of your file, so if you happen to have a very large image/video, iOS will duplicate it in that OutgoingTemp directory. Nowhere in the documentation says when it's going to be deleted, hopefully soon enough.
I think this is a big gap Apple has left between Sharing Extensions and PHPhotoLibrary framework. Apple should've be creating an API to close it, and soon.
You can get PHAsset if image is shared from Photos app. The item provider will give you a URL that contains the image's filename, you use this to match PHAsset.
/// Assets that handle through handleImageItem:completionHandler:
private var handledAssets = [PHAsset]()
/// Key is the matched asset's original file name without suffix. E.g. IMG_193
private lazy var imageAssetDictionary: [String : PHAsset] = {
let options = PHFetchOptions()
options.includeHiddenAssets = true
let fetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssetsWithOptions(options)
var assetDictionary = [String : PHAsset]()
for i in 0 ..< fetchResult.count {
let asset = fetchResult[i] as! PHAsset
let fileName = asset.valueForKey("filename") as! String
let fileNameWithoutSuffix = fileName.componentsSeparatedByString(".").first!
assetDictionary[fileNameWithoutSuffix] = asset
return assetDictionary
provider.loadItemForTypeIdentifier(imageIdentifier, options: nil) { imageItem, _ in
if let image = imageItem as? UIImage {
// handle UIImage
} else if let data = imageItem as? NSData {
// handle NSData
} else if let url = imageItem as? NSURL {
// Prefix check: image is shared from Photos app
if let imageFilePath = imageURL.path where imageFilePath.hasPrefix("/var/mobile/Media/") {
for component in imageFilePath.componentsSeparatedByString("/") where component.containsString("IMG_") {
// photo: /var/mobile/Media/DCIM/101APPLE/IMG_1320.PNG
// edited photo: /var/mobile/Media/PhotoData/Mutations/DCIM/101APPLE/IMG_1309/Adjustments/FullSizeRender.jpg
// cut file's suffix if have, get file name like IMG_1309.
let fileName = component.componentsSeparatedByString(".").first!
if let asset = imageAssetDictionary[fileName] {
imageCreationDate = asset.creationDate

Get File Extension from a PHAsset in iOS 8?

Is there any way to distinguish a PHAsset's file extension? My app needs to know if the photo is a .GIF or not. I'm not seeing any way to do this.
A better approach would be to use uniformTypeIdentifier. Files can be named anything and may or may not contain a file extension.
[asset valueForKey:#"uniformTypeIdentifier"];
Using valueForKey: you can get the PHAsset file name from that you extract file extension using "pathExtension"
For Example:
PHAsset *selectedAsset = ...
NSString *fileName =[selectedAsset valueForKey:#"filename"];
NSString * fileExtension = [fileName pathExtension];
File names are an implementation detail, and may or may not tell you what the content of a file really is.
When you call requestImageDataForAsset, the dataUTI parameter that Photos passes to your completion handler tells you the Uniform Type Identifier for the image data.
PHAssetResource.uniformTypeIdentifier seems to do the job.
PHAssets can be fetched by using the class function PHAssetResource. assetResources(for:).
An image does NOT mean only there will be only one item in the list, so check out the documentation.
Swift 5 Elegant Solution
extension PHAsset {
func getFileName() -> String? {
return self.value(forKey: "filename") as? String
func getExtension() -> String? {
guard let fileName = self.getFileName() else {
return nil
return URL(fileURLWithPath: fileName).pathExtension
In Swift, Use:
URL(fileURLWithPath: (asset.value(forKey: "filename") as! String)).pathExtension
