How to make a UIButton open up a SideView - ios

I am making an app that has multiple view controllers that has a side view that you can go to navigate to each one, etc. I have everything set up and you can navigate to the side view by swiping from left to right to revealViewController, and that works splendid; however, what I would also like as well is to have a button that looks like 3 rectangles (not important to this, as I already designed the button) like on most apps, that you click and it would take you to that side view as if you where swiping like I have it set up right now. Does anyone know how to do this? I know it's pretty easy, but I am not quite sure.
An example of what I am trying to do, is in the Chase Mobile App. Even though this is a function that is in MANY different apps.
This is EXACTLY what I am trying to do in the example/image above
All help is gladly appreciated!!
I need to have that button open up the side menu just like this. Right now I have it were you slide from one side to the other to get this.

Please try this code to toggle the sideview appear and disappear as :
[self.revealViewController revealToggleAnimated:YES];
-(void)backButtonPressed {
[self.revealViewController rightRevealToggleAnimated:YES];
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];

This is called a hamburger menu (or sidebar menu) and is typically frowned upon for iOS design. There are a number of reasons for this, but they are still used in many applications. Basically, they hide links and information from the user that should be quickly accessible.
Disney recently recreated the navigation in their Disney World app. Previously they used this method to navigate the app, but they changed it up pretty well. I personally like the change and that they were able to fit a large amount of information and features into their app without a sidebar.
While I don't recommend using this design, it is a great method to learn if only to better understand making custom views. There are many tutorials that will help you set this up online. A good example is at Appcoda.
Basically, you will need a root view controller with two views in it: the menu and the content. You will switch the content view controller with the view that is selected and active in the menu. You can show and hide the menu a number of ways, but one of the easiest is to move the menu left or right to place it in the frame or out of the frame. The tutorial linked above will get you pretty far. I would have gone into more detail, but there are so many resources regarding this that I don't see the point in copy/pasting it here.

What I ended up doing was from each tableView cell, instead of connecting it straight to the view I want it to show when you click that table cell, I had it go to a navigationaController with a segue (reveal view controller push controller) and then from that NavigationController I connected it to the view that I wanted it to display and connected it to that view controller by having a segue (root view controller), and then having the button in each view, and in each of the files .swift for those view controllers I connected the button up as you normally would, and for the code inside of the ViewDidLoad I have " = self.revealViewController()" and "menuBars.action = #selector(SWRevealViewController.revealToggle(_:))"


How to present navigation controller from a seperate viewcontroller

I am building an Onboarding/Welcome screen for my app, but the problem is that my app has a tab bar, so my Onboarding somehow interferes with that and doesn't look like a seamless interface. My solution is to put the Onboarding thing on a separate view controller and once a user is done with that screen, it presents the navigation controller and all of ITS views. I have done some research on this, but I'm still lost. If you have any other ideas, or have solutions, please let me know, thanks.
Here is what I want to achieve:
In order to do this in a way that looks nice and works well you should not be pushing or presenting the tab bar but updating the root view controller of the whole window.
I can’t provide a code example right now but there will be several online sources for this.
You should be changing the view controller so it essentially toggles the app between “logged in” and “logged out”.
That way you don’t have to worry about how to get from one to the other. They act separately just dealing with their own stuff.

How to implement the Facebook App iOS UI with Xcode Storyboard?

I'm trying to build an app that has lots of similarities to the Facebook App in terms of the "Storyboard". I'm tempted to do everything in code as I know best but I'd really like to figure out how to storyboard these more complicated UI's.
The Facebook App starts with a login view. When you log in, you get a tab view. In the main tab view, you have a table view. Within each table view are a user, post, and comment buttons which push to a new view.
So the way I am understanding it is we have UINavigationController with the .navigationBarHidden set to false. The first view controller here is the loginViewController. When the login button is pressed and the user is logged in, we performSegueWithIdentifier to a UITabBarController. The first tab is a UINavigationController with a UITableViewController as the first view controller. Clicking user, post, or comment pushes the appropriate view controller onto the NavigationController.
This all begins to seems a bit more complicated than just writing this all out in code. I'm also not even sure this implementation is correct with all these nested view controllers. I'm not sure this is all possible with storyboard as well: for example a navigation controller for pushing to comment, user, or post views doesn't seem possible with storyboard.
I'd like to know the correct way of implementing this kind of UI design. And should / could this be implemented using Storyboards?
Your design team may layout the app using a "storyboard" (physical objects -- not the digital version). Large apps are hard to piece all the little things together on a storyboard. Just too many wires going every which way.
Look at the FB app without internet access and you can see their basic building blocks easier. Its built in units (post at a time) that are added to a scrolled view. Search bar and menus at the top and buttons at the bottom with the scrolled view in the middle. The posts probably have some common base class with various types derived from it (picture, video, links, etc).
There is some sort of background process monitoring the position of the scroll view to dynamically load new stories if you get down within 1/3 of the way to the bottom. Within each post you can see the components if you look closely and think about what sort of block that is.

Adding a subview that stays in place as you navigate through views

I am looking to create a subview that looks like a banner drop down view from the Navigation Bar.
or like this
I feel like I see this effect all the time but have been struggling for a while to recreate this. I have it working on single view applications but I would like it to stay in place as I navigate from view to view. Right now I have the view setup in the storyboard and would like use this because I had issues attempting this programatically.
To create this "drop down banner view" and have it stay in place (until the user dismisses it) as a user navigates from screen to screen I see two solutions, each of which I have stumped myself on.
Create my own master view as the window.rootViewController
I see this as the cleaner solution in the end, but a bit harder to implement. Would it be possible to create a blank UIView as the rootViewController and whenever the app needs to drop down an alertBanner it could tell the rootController to do so? The view hierarchy would be something like
window -> masterViewController -> alertBannerController -> Navigation Controller -> otherViewControllers
but I cannot seem to have this set up the proper way.
Create an instance of my AlertBannerView from a subclass of the UINavigationController
Instead of calling the method to create a dropDownBanner from the rootViewController another option I see is subclassing the navigationController to be able to drop down this subview. This way it could still persist as the user navigates around views.
Once again I am having problems setting this up properly to work with the existing NavigationControllers
I do not know what is the best approach here.
This is different than the Apple Push Notifications drop down screen because I would like to customize it for the apps UI
Any tips on how to properly set up a custom view as the rootViewController would be great (where do I do this? what methods do I need to call?)
The problem to solve here is to have the alert banner view remain in the window until the user dismisses it even if they are navigating from screen to screen.
Depending on which version of iOS you're working with, yeah there are a lot of possibilities and ways of doing this. In fact, there are a lot of people who already have.
Best place for getting some ideas on how to attack this problem, to me, is by looking at an existing solution. CocoaControls is a great place for this.
For instance, here is a relatively recent one:
And here is a list of a bunch of them ( they aren't sorted in any particular order unfortunately though ) :

Nested UINavigationController

I'm fairly new to iOS development and I want to make something like the attached screenshot.
I've read the nested UINavigationControllers is not a good idea, if not impossible, so I'm more than willing to accept ideas on how to implement what I want.
On my second screen there are two views I want to switch back and forth between (NOT using gestures and push animated), while maintaining a static header and footer.
The only way I know how to do a push segue is with a UINavigationController, hence why I see the need for nested ones.
How do I implement this? I thought that in my second UIViewController I could programmatically create a UINavigationController and add it to self.view, but I ended up doing this:
self.subNavigationController = [UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:[someVC alloc] init]];
[self.view addSubview: self.subNavigationController.view]
But that only adds the view of self.subNavigationController to self.view, not self.subNavigationController itself.
Like I said, I could easily be way off base on how I should be handling it, any advice is appreciated.
OK, if I've got this right then what you want is an app where you can navigate between different views (like any other app).
This will use a UINavigationController (lets call this "nav1") and this is the bit that you're OK with.
However, you also want a view that will have a static navigation bar. i.e. as far as nav1 is concerned this is only a single part of the navigation through the app. It also wants to have two potential views in there. (the map and the table view) and it will have a static bar along the bottom too (in IB this is a ToolBar I think). Lets call this the "mapAndTableViewController".
You haven't said exactly how this works but you don't want swipe gestures between them. So I'm guessing you will have a button or something to swap between them?
Something like this...
The way I've done this is to use a single view controller with a scroll view. On the scrollview set scrolling disabled and set paging enabled. This sounds odd but this removes the touch scrolling from the scrollview while still allowing code access.
Now, in the mapAndTableViewController you populate the left and the right hand side of the scroll view.
What you do here is now take the two view controllers... mapViewController and yourTableViewController and instantiate them. Then add the views of these controllers in to the scrollview left and right sides accordingly.
Essentially you will have THREE view controllers. One for the scroll view, one for the map view and one for the table view.
Without any further explanation from you I can't really help beyond this as I don't fully understand what it is you're trying to achieve.
Hope this helps...

Linking different views to tableview/viewcontroller without using a navigation controller

I apologize in advance for not being able to efficiently describe my problem statement. But, I shall include a link to an image to better describe what I'm looking for. Basically I have a Viewcontroller with a TableView inside it and I have a toolbar on top with three bar button items on it. Now what, I want is to be able to have a functionality whereby the user taps on any of these buttons and we go to different views. Now, I would like a design where if possible I stay on the same screen and render the information in the tableview below depending on which button has been pressed. Visually, I'm trying to go for an effect where the button that is pressed is shown as being depressed and information is rendered and on pressing a different button a different view is rendered. I'm familiar with attaching different view controllers to all the buttons and then segueing into those viewers. However, I would like to know if there's a way in which I can stay on the same view controller and just use sub views. If there is, how can I do this from storyboards? Again,, I apologize for being verbose, my picture should hopefully be able to tell you what I'm trying to do.
The link to what I'm trying to achieve:
Well, one basic solution is simply to add these other views in your controller. Now that subview is set to hidden on viewDidLoad:. Then just create an action, and show the subView. You can size that view however you want, and play around with the other view as well.
Now, there might be a better way to do this, but that is how I would do it.
EDIT - Concerning Apple's method on Calender
Now, I have never tried anything like this, so this is all theory.
First, you create three classes. Each with it's own custom view. This view should be the size you need it on the other (Main View). You can set the size to freeform in the Interface Builder.
Once you have that done, you head to your main view. That view will have the three buttons. Set an IBAction for each of those that creates an instance of each view and places it on the screen. (I am not sure how to accomplish this, but I am sure there is a way. Take a look here: Objective-c Adding subViews in my controller
You should dealloc each view after you head to another view as well for memory management.
