aws dynamodb how to use object mapper with batch get in ios swift - ios

Thanks in advance for any help. I am trying to get Batch items (Load multiple) items from one DynamoDb table using the AWS iOS SDK (Swift). I can load one item using the Block syntax, but I need to load 10 or more than that. I don't want to use 10 Block calls to load them individually. I tried to follow the attach stackoverflow Link (where the similar solution is given) but I am getting the following compiler error message. I come from Java background, hence could also be a syntax issue. Is it the right way to load multiple items? I don't want to use low level API. Any help, where I am going wrong. Thanks.
aws dynamodb how to use object mapper with batch get in ios
let dynamoDBObjectMapper = AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper.default()
var tasksList = Array<AWSTask<AnyObject>>()
for i in 1...10 {
tasksList.append(dynamoDBObjectMapper.load(AWSCards.self, hashKey: "SH_"+String(i), rangeKey: nil))
AWSTask.init(forCompletionOfAllTasksWithResults: tasksList).continueWithBlock { (task) -> AnyObject? in
if let cards = task.result as? [AWSCards] {
else if let error = task.error {
return nil

Have a try with the following codes (Swift 4.1, Feb 9th, 2018):
let dynamoDBObjectMapper = AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper.default()
var tasksList = Array<AWSTask<AnyObject>>()
for i in 1...10 {
tasksList.append(dynamoDBObjectMapper.load(AWSCards.self, hashKey: "SH_"+String(i), rangeKey: nil))
AWSTask<AnyObject>.init(forCompletionOfAllTasksWithResults: tasksList).continueWith { (task) -> Any? in
if let cards = task.result as? [AWSCards] {
else if let error = task.error {
return nil

Your question is "how to use the object mapper" but it might be more efficient for you to not use it.
However, there is a way to use it. See Niklas's answer here and here (he copy & pasted), but something about it strikes me as fishy. I want to make the assertion that it is not as fast as the built-in batch-get function, but I am unsure. I suspect that this does not complete the items in parallel, or at least not as efficiently as in BatchGetItem.
See the docs: "In order to minimize response latency, BatchGetItem retrieves items in parallel."
According to Yosuke, "Currently, AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper does not support the batch get item. You need to load one item at a time if you want to use the object mapper" as of 2016. This still seems to be the case. I am using a version a couple versions behind, but not too far behind. Someone check.
In conclusion, if you are loading one item at a time, you are likely missing out on the whole purpose of BatchGetItem (low latency).
Pulling from various sources, including John Davis's question here, I have tested and ran this BatchGetItem result. Here ya go.
import AWSDynamoDB
let primaryKeyToSortKeyDict : [String : String] = .... // Your stuff
var keys = [Any]()
for key in primaryKeyToSortKeyDict.keys {
let partitionKeyValue = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue()
partitionKeyValue?.s = String(key)
let sortValue = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue()
sortValue?.s = String(primaryKeyToSortKeyDict[key]!)
keys.append(["partitionKeyAttributeName": partitionKeyValue, "sortKeyAttributeName": sortValue])
let keysAndAttributesMap = AWSDynamoDBKeysAndAttributes()
keysAndAttributesMap?.keys = keys as? [[String : AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue]]
keysAndAttributesMap?.consistentRead = true
let tableMap = [table : keysAndAttributesMap]
let request = AWSDynamoDBBatchGetItemInput()
request?.requestItems = tableMap as? [String : AWSDynamoDBKeysAndAttributes]
request?.returnConsumedCapacity =
guard request != nil else {
print("Handle some error")
AWSDynamoDB.default().batchGetItem(request!) { (output, error) in
print("Here is the batchgetitem output")
if error == nil {
// do output stuff
} else {
// handle error


I can't get array and put in the another array swift from Firebase storage

I want get folders and images from Firebase storage. On this code work all except one moment. I cant append array self.collectionImages in array self.collectionImagesArray. I don't have error but array self.collectionImagesArray is empty
class CollectionViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var collectionImagesArray: [[String]] = [[]]
#Published var collectionImages = [""]
init() {
var db = Firestore.firestore()
let storageRef ="img")
storageRef.listAll { (result, error) in
if error != nil {
for prefixName in result.prefixes {
let storageLocation = String(describing: prefixName)
let storageRefImg = storageLocation)
storageRefImg.listAll { (result, error) in
if error != nil {
for item in result.items {
// List storage reference
let storageLocation = String(describing: item)
let gsReference = storageLocation)
// Fetch the download URL
gsReference.downloadURL { url, error in
if let error = error {
// Handle any errors
} else {
// Get the download URL for each item storage location
let img = "\(url?.absoluteString ?? "placeholder")"
If i put self.collectionImagesArray.append(self.collectionImages) in closure its works but its not what i want
The problem is caused by the fact that calling downloadURL is an asynchronous operation, since it requires a call to the server. While that call is happening, your main code continues so that the user can continue to use the app. Then when the server returns a value, your closure/completion handler is invoked, which adds the URL to the array. So your print("\(self.collectionImagesArray)") happens before the self.collectionImages.append(img) has ever been called.
You can also see this in the order that the print statements occur in your output. You'll see the full, empty array first, and only then see the print("\(self.collectionImages)") outputs.
The solution for this problem is always the same: you need to make sure you only use the array after all the URLs have been added to it. There are many ways to do this, but a simple one is to check whether your array of URLs is the same length as result.items inside the callback:
if self.collectionImages.count == result.items.count {
Also see:
How to wait till download from Firebase Storage is completed before executing a completion swift
Closure returning data before async work is done
Return image from asynchronous call
SwiftUI: View does not update after image changed asynchronous

NSBatchDeleteRequest causes Merge Conflict

I have an application that will sync with a server with data that can change daily. During the sync, I remove all the data for some entities and reload it with new data. I am using the following code:
func SyncronizeUserComments(theData : [[AnyHashable : Any]])
// Delete User Comments for this User and Connection
let commentRequest : NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult> = PT_UserComments.fetchRequest()
commentRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "connection = %# AND user == %#", Global_CurrentConnection!, Global_CurrentUser!)
coreData.processDeleteRequest(request: commentRequest)
// ADD the Comments to CoreData
for index in 0..<theData.count {
let result : [AnyHashable : Any] = theData[index]
if let commentID = result["Comment_ID"] as? String, let commentText = result["Comment_Text"] as? String, let commentTitle = result["Comment_Title"] as? String
let newUserComment = PT_UserComments(context: coreData.persistentContainer.viewContext)
newUserComment.connection = Global_CurrentConnection
newUserComment.user = Global_CurrentUser
newUserComment.comment_ID = commentID
newUserComment.comment_Text = commentText
newUserComment.comment_Title = commentTitle
// Add the User Comments
print("Added New User Comments: \(theData.count)")
func processDeleteRequest(request : NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>)
let deleteRequest = NSBatchDeleteRequest(fetchRequest: request)
deleteRequest.resultType = .resultTypeObjectIDs
do {
let result = try coreData.persistentContainer.viewContext.execute(deleteRequest) as? NSBatchDeleteResult
let objectIDArray = result?.result as? [NSManagedObjectID]
let changes = [NSDeletedObjectsKey : objectIDArray]
NSManagedObjectContext.mergeChanges(fromRemoteContextSave: changes as Any as! [AnyHashable : Any], into: [coreData.persistentContainer.viewContext])
} catch {
fatalError("Fatal Error Deleting Data: \(error)")
When I call coreData.saveContext() I will get a Merge Conflict against the deleted data.
In reading about CoreData and the NSBatchDeleteRequest, this deletes at the SQL LITE level and bypasses the in memory cache.
The only way I have been able to get this to work is by setting:
context.mergePolicy = NSMergeByPropertyStoreTrumpMergePolicy
Is this correct, or am I doing something wrong? I am also setting this merge policy in my saveContext() in the Core Data Stack.
I just spent hours debugging the same issue, hopefully this can help someone.
The problem is that NSManagedObjectContext.mergeChanges(fromRemoteContextSave:, into:) updates the managed object context but does not update the row cache version number of the deleted objects relationships to match the updated version number (Z_OPT) in the database file, causing a mismatch at time of the save.
If you're using NSErrorMergePolicyType this will cause the next save to fail, (or even a later one when the relationships become flagged for save), even though everything but the version numbers match. I've not seen this mentioned in the related docs or WWDC video, but I guess Apple assumed people would always pick a non-default merge policy.
So picking NSMergeByPropertyStoreTrumpMergePolicy solves it, as mentioned in the question, but you might not want this policy for all your save operations. To avoid that I ended up writing a custom merge policy that only resolves version mismatches. The code is below (this is untested Swift as I originally wrote in Obj-C, but should be equivalent):
//Configure the merge as below before saving
context.mergePolicy = AllowVersionMismatchMergePolicy(merge: .errorMergePolicyType)
//The custom merge policy
class AllowVersionMismatchMergePolicy: NSMergePolicy {
override func resolve(optimisticLockingConflicts list: [NSMergeConflict]) throws {
do {
//if the default resolve worked leave it alone
return try super.resolve(optimisticLockingConflicts: list)
} catch {
//if any of the conflict is not a simple version mismatch (all other keys being equal), fail
let hasValueConflict = list.contains { conflict -> Bool in
//compare object and row cache
if let objectSnapshot = conflict.objectSnapshot as NSObject?,
let cachedSnapshot = conflict.cachedSnapshot as NSObject? {
return !objectSnapshot.isEqual(cachedSnapshot)
//compare row cache and database
if let cachedSnapshot = conflict.cachedSnapshot as NSObject?,
let persistedSnapshot = conflict.persistedSnapshot as NSObject? {
return !cachedSnapshot.isEqual(persistedSnapshot)
//never happens, see NSMergePolicy.h
return true
if hasValueConflict {
throw error
//Use store rollback merge policy to resolve all the version mismatches
return try NSMergePolicy.rollback.resolve(optimisticLockingConflicts: list)

Event listener on Alamofire

I used to build my app on Firebase before and there was a method which listens for value updates, something like this:
refHandle = postRef.observeEventType(FIRDataEventType.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
let postDict = snapshot.value as! [String : AnyObject]
// ...
Now I'm not using firebase anymore, I'm using deployd and I use Alamofire to retrieve data in JSON. I wonder if there is an event listener in Alamofire that can execute code if the value is changing in the database, instead of retrieving the value every 2 minutes.
Okay so I found this thing called TRVSEventSource which is meant for handling SSE events.
So I added the following code after adding the header files and bridging them like this:
let configs = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()
configs.HTTPAdditionalHeaders = ["Accept" : "text/event-stream"]
let eventsource = TRVSEventSource(URL: NSURL(string: "<Your Database Secret>"), sessionConfiguration: configs)
eventsource.delegate = self
After that using the TRVSEventSourceDelegate, I added this delegate to get the information:
func eventSource(eventSource: TRVSEventSource!, didReceiveEvent event: TRVSServerSentEvent!) {
let data = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(, options: .MutableContainers)
catch let error
The following prints something like this {
data = {
desc = "My Data";
path = "/";
And with that also tells you within what path of the JSOn file has been edited or added, idk how to handle things separately and stuff but I think you can handle the rest XD. Not a good answer but I hope I helped XD (First time properly answering something)

aws dynamodb how to use object mapper with batch get in ios

I need to get ~50 items with their primary keys from dynamodb using ios sdk. i am able to get the items by AWSDynamoDB.defaultDynamoDB().batchGetItem but couldn't figure out if it is possible to use object mapper with the response. Unfortunately objectmapper class in ios doesn't have batchGet function. As far as i know i cant use query in this situation.
Is it possible to use object mapper? If not which one makes more sense: parsing the response to get the desired class instance or calling objectMapper.load on each item?
Currently, AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper does not support the batch get item. You need to load one item at a time if you want to use the object mapper.
I solved it by doing this,
let dynamoDBObjectMapper = AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper.defaultDynamoDBObjectMapper()
let task1 = dynamoDBObjectMapper.load(User.self, hashKey: "rtP1oQ5DJG", rangeKey: nil)
let task2 = dynamoDBObjectMapper.load(User.self, hashKey: "dbqb1zyUq1", rangeKey: nil)
AWSTask.init(forCompletionOfAllTasksWithResults: [task1, task2]).continueWithBlock { (task) -> AnyObject? in
if let users = task.result as? [User] {
else if let error = task.error {
return nil

execute put item request - AWS DynamoDB ios SDK

Looked all over SO and through Amazon's docs as well, but couldn't find any solid documentation on how to make a put request using iOS SDK, specifically using Swift.
I gather that I need to instantiate an AWSDynamoDBClient first ( but don't see that appear as a type when I'm working in xcode.
I've honestly only got two lines of code after all this struggle:
var myDynamoDBPutRequest:AWSDynamoDBPutRequest = AWSDynamoDBPutRequest()
myDynamoDBPutRequest.item = ["fbid": "test"]
I can't figure out how to run it, and doubt that request is set up properly anyway. I've also looked at PutItemInputs, but not sure how that differs from putRequest.item. If anyone can just point me in the right direction I'll be happy to investigate on my own - I'm just running out of places to look for good documentation :/
I've made a bit of progress, but still can't figure out how to properly create a put item input . Here is the code I have now:
var myPutItemInput:AWSDynamoDBPutItemInput = AWSDynamoDBPutItemInput()
myPutItemInput.tableName = "mytable"
var myDynamoDB = AWSDynamoDB.defaultDynamoDB()
myDynamoDB.putItem(myPutItemInput).continueWithBlock { (task:BFTask!) -> AnyObject! in
if(task.result != nil){
let myPutOutput = task.result as AWSDynamoDBPutItemOutput
println("task.result was nil for put item request")
return nil
}//end put item task
right now I at least figured out how to execute the request, but the result is nil each time.
Here is an example of - putItem:
let dynamoDB = AWSDynamoDB.defaultDynamoDB()
let putItemInput = AWSDynamoDBPutItemInput()
putItemInput.tableName = "testTableName"
let hashValue = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue()
hashValue.S = "testPutItem"
let stringValue = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue()
stringValue.S = "stringValue";
putItemInput.item = [
"hashKey" : hashValue,
"stringKey" : stringValue
dynamoDB.putItem(putItemInput).continueWithBlock { (task:AWSTask?) -> AnyObject? in
if(task.error != nil) {
if (task.result != nil) {
let putItemOutput = task.result as AWSDynamoDBPutItemOutput
return nil
Even though it's in Objective-C, looking at the integration tests may help understand how to use Amazon DynamoDB with the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS v2.
