Create external customer from Devise user via HTTP request - ruby-on-rails

What I need is, immediately after a new user was created with Devise, my app to send an HTTP request (POST) with the ID of this user to an external API (which will create a Customer on that platform). The request will return a Customer_ID that needs to be stored in the database for the user.
What is the best way to do this?

after_create callback can come handy here.
In your User model,
after_create :set_customer_id
def set_customer_id
response = API_REQUEST
update_attribute(:customer_id, response.body[:customer_id])
Assuming, response body is json and required key is customer_id.
You can read about before_create and other callbacks here as pointed out in comments.


Authenticating docusign via Rails API (Omniauth + Devise) + JS Frontend

I'm trying to create an authentication flow using Auth Code Grant where I've added necessary omniauth strategy for Docusign to create /auth/docusign routes in Rails API only application.
Here are the steps followed
I'm issuing a request to the route from VueJS client."http://localhost:4000/auth/docusign", "targetWindow", "width=350,height=250")
After user enters credentials and on successful login I'm calling the callback:
class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
def docusign
#success = false
userinfo = request.env['omniauth.auth']
request_info = request.env['omniauth.params']
if userinfo
info =
cred = userinfo.credentials
user = User.find_by(email: info['email']) || User.find_by(id: session[:user_id])
if user
organization = user.organization
organization.organization_providers.where(provider_name: 'Docusign').destroy_all
OrganizationProvider.create(email: info['email'], token_expires_at:['expires_at']), token_expires_at:, provider_name: 'Docusign', organization_id:, token: cred.token)
#success = true
render 'sessions/docusign'
I'd like to pass some params (which I'm accessing in the callback as request.env['omniauth.params']) for executing some backend tasks in the method.
When I try"http://localhost:4000/auth/docusign?email='"+email+"'", "targetWindow", "width=350,height=250")
It says that the url doesn't match with any redirect urls
I have also tried passing in redirect_to('/auth/docusign', query: query) but on doing so, it doesn't open in a browser due to CORS.
I'm also trying to set it in session cookie, but since it's an API only server, I'm still working towards setting up cookie store.
Which is the best way to achieve this? To pass some params in the callback and retrieve it.
Then the execution flow continues on the Rails server and the window serves a page with an appropriate response as per authentication status. However during this time, the client window which started the request is not aware of the authentication outcome.
How can I communicate to the VueJS client that the authentication process is completed?
Am I doing the above flow correctly or are there any better ways to achieve the same?
Thanks in advance
You need to log into your DocuSign Developer Account, Click on Admin and go on the left nav down to "API and Keys" where you can find the integration key you set. Did you set one?
If you did, you should find it and then add the redirectUri to the OAuth settings for that key (client ID in OAuth).
That is why DocuSign login tells you that the redirectURI doesn't match. You can add http://localhost:4000/auth to the list and that should work for your local env.
You cannot past custom variables on the redirectUri, it has to match exactly to the one you entered. If you need to pass values to it, there's a way to do that using state.
Here is how the URL should look, notice the &state= part of it:
You can put whatever you want in there (URI encoded of course) and that value would come back to you when redirected back also with &state= parameter.
This solves the problem and allows you to pass arguments back to your redirect URI.

Rails: HTTP Get request from Callback Method (in model)

I want to create a callback in my User model. after a user is created, a callback is initiated to run get_followers to get that users twitter followers (via full contact API).
This is all a bit new to me...
Is this the correct approach putting the request in a callback or should it be in the controller somewhere? And then how do I make the request to the endpoint in rails, and where should I be processing the data that is returned?
EDIT... Is something like this okay?
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :get_twitter
def get_twitter
source = ""
#data = JSON.parse(JSON.load(source))
A few things to consider:
The callback will run for every Customer that is created, not just those created in the controller. That may or may not be desirable, depending on your specific needs. For example, you will need to handle this in your tests by mocking out the external API call.
Errors could occur in the callback if the service is down, or if a bad response is returned. You have to decide how to handle those errors.
You should consider having the code in the callback run in a background process rather than in the web request, if it is not required to run immediately. That way errors in the callback will not produce a 500 page, and will improve performance since the response can be returned without waiting for the callback to complete. In such a case the rest of the application must be able to handle a user for whom the callback has not yet completed.

How to handle Shopify API connection with Shopify gem?

Hi I'm using the Shopify gem in my Shopify app and I'm looking for suggestions on how to handle the API connection to Shopify.
I'm using webhooks and delayed_jobs so I need a way to open the connection outside of the controller.
At the moment I added this method to my Shop model:
def connect_to_store
session =, self.access_token)
So I can open the connection very easily, for example:
The problem is that, inside my Product module, I need the connection open inside several methods but I end up calling the connect_to_store method several times and I'm worried about opening several connections to the same store, without a real need.
Is there a way to check if a connection is already opened and open a new one only if another one is not found?
------------------- UPDATE -------------------
I explain better my issue.
Let's say that in my Product model I want to see if a given product has a compare_at_price greater than its price and, in this case, I want to add a "sale" tag to the Shopify product.
In my Product model I have:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :shop
def get_from_shopify
#shopify_p = ShopifyAPI::Product.find(self.shopify_id)
def add_tag(tag)
#shopify_p = self.get_from_shopify
shopify_p_tags = shopify_p.tags.split(",")
shopify_p_tags.collect{|x| x.strip!}
unless shopify_p_tags.include?(tag)
shopify_p_tags << tag
shopify_p.tags = shopify_p_tags
def on_sale?
#shopify_p = self.get_from_shopify
sale = false
shopify_p.variants.each do |v|
unless v.compare_at_price.nil?
if v.compare_at_price > v.price
sale = true
return sale
def update_sale_tag
if self.on_sale?
My problem is that if I call:
the Shop.connect_to_store is called several times and I authenticate several times while I'm already authenticated.
How would you refactor this code?
I approach this by storing the OAuth token that is returned by Shopify with the store (you should be doing this anyway). All you need to access the API is the token, so in your shop model you would have a method like:
def shopify_api_path
Then if you want to access the API for a particular store in a Delayed Job worker, you would simply:
begin = shop.shopify_api_path
# Make whatever calls to the API that you want here.
products = ShopifyAPI::Product.all
ensure = nil
Hopefully that helps a little. I find working with Sessions outside of controllers to be a bit messy, particularly since this is nice and easy.
Once your application has authenticated once, you can hold on to that computed password – it’s good until the app is uninstalled for that particular store.
In other words, authenticate just the once when the merchant first installs the app, save the password to a db, and load it up whenever you need it. Your call should then just set the ShopifyAPI::Session instance.
I think there is some misunderstanding here. You do know that you are really just using Active Resource for all your API work? And therefore when you authenticate, you are probably authenticating a session? And that once authenticated, no matter how many times you actually use the API, you're not actually opening "new" connections.
You are doing it wrong if you are constantly authenticating in a single session to do more than one API call.
If you happen to be in a block of code that has no authentication (for example your App may process a WebHook from N shops) or a Delayed Job, simply pass the myshopify_domain string to those code blocks, look up the Shop in your DB, find the auth token, authenticate (once)... and away you go... it really quite simple.

rails architecture/best practice question

i have been brainstorming the best way to do this, and figured i should reach out to the community for some ideas/clarity.
basically from a single payment controller, i want to be able to handle various payment options that a user might select. for example, my controller gets hit with a post request with :payment_option => paypal. i want to pass off logic to handle the paypal specific operations, then hand back to the controller a url (to paypal) to redirect to.
i was doing a params[:payment_option].constantize to initialize a Paypal class, but the problem i ran into was not able to access various pieces of data that paypal requires (ie current user information, request IP address, cookie data, url helpers, etc.)
then i thought maybe i could have a paypal module, but how to include the correct payment module programmatically? and it seemed that i might be mis-using the module concept because i would be using the module for specific logic, rather than shared logic.
so if the user instead chooses google checkout, the controller regardless of payment method, should only need generic instructions
take params[:payment_option]
get the payment_option_url
receive payment_option_response
any thoughts on a good approach to doing something like this? i have run into similar scenarios in the past, but was never to sure it was the best route.
class Payment
def self.handle
raise 'must impliment in subclass'
class PaypalPayment < Payment
class GooglePayment < Payment
class PaymentController < ApplicationController
def show_me_the_money
case params[:payment_option]
when 'paypal': url = PaypalPayment.handle params
when 'google': url = GooglePayment.handle params
redirect_to url

custom parameter for activeresource

I wanna create a new customer through activeresource. without authentication_key its not a big deal. i'm using devise authentication and cancan.
customer = Customer.create(:fname=>'sampath , :last_name=>'munasinghe' ,:auth_token=>'af34afafasfasfasaf')
if I use above code to create a new customer , xml request to web server is
Parameters: {"customer"=>{"first_name"=>'sampath', "last_name"=>"munasinghe", "auth_token"=>"af34afafasfasfasaf"}}
problem id auth_token wrapped by the customer model. so , authentication failed and returned 401 response.
is there any solution to create this format of request?
Parameters: {"customer"=>{"first_name"=>'sampath', "last_name"=>"munasinghe"}, "auth_token"=>"af34afafasfasfasaf"}}
note : auth_token is outside the customer block.
For json the simplest way to do that is setting Customer.include_root_in_json to false.
Then use this code:
customer = Customer.create(:customer => [:fname=>'sampath' , :last_name=>'munasinghe'],:auth_token=>'af34afafasfasfasaf')
