Active Choices: Single Map backing two single-select dropdowns - jenkins

I have a set of data that is returned as a single JSON blob that deserializes into a map. The keys of the map should back one dropdown, and the values of each key are an array of strings that, when that key is chosen in the first dropdown, populate the second dropdown. Changing the first dropdown should repopulate the second with the new set of values corresponding to the array that is the value of the new key.
['foo': ['bar','baz'], 'zoo': ['rab','zab']]
The above data should have one dropdown with 'foo' and 'zoo' as choices. When 'foo' is chosen, the other dropdown should have 'bar' and 'baz'. If 'zoo' is chosen, the other dropdown should change to 'rab' and 'zab'.
I don't want to make the API call more than once as it's not a cheap call, but I am having trouble figuring out if it's possible to back two controls with a single map... I know that I can use reactive controls to make one change based on the value in another dynamically, but not how to have both looking at one data structure.
Either I'm missing something silly, or it's not possible. I'm not sure which it is.


Delphi Combo Edit from CSV File

I have an application that will load a CSV file containing two columns. At program load I need to have the first column as items in a combo edit control. Once the user selects (or enters a value) I need to populate a label with the value from the second column. My thought was to use an in memory data set, FDMemTable which would be loaded at form create. Then once the user selects, or enters an item, I would run a query to pull the description. I've tried but have been unsuccessful with the simple loading of the combo edit.
Is this the best way to achieve the desired results, and is there samples similar to what I'm looking to do?
Read the file.
Parse it into an array of name/value pairs.
Populate the combo drop down list with the names.
When the combo's selection is changed to a new index, read the value from the array using that index. Update the label.
Database tables and queries seem somewhat over the top for a single simple task like this.

Orbeon Form Builder 4.4 - can database services & actions work with repeats?

Say we have a form built in Form Builder that consists of one repeat, containing two controls: a text input (id) and a text output (name). In addition we have a populated database table with two columns, id & name.
This is how the form should behave: the user can add as many rows as needed. In each row, when an ID is entered for a row, a database service is called which looks up name for the given id, and the Name text output is populated on that row.
It's easy to get such a scheme to work if a repeat isn't involved, but with the repeat, it seems that Orbeon doesn't know from which row to get the id parameter value, or to set the returned name value. Any options for accomplishing this that would work in Form Builder?
Apparently the answer is "no" for 4.4 but forthcoming v4.5 should introduce actions that work with repeats (see here and here).

Generating values for dropdown ONLY for 'C' of CRUD

When choosing 'Add' in CRUD, how best to generate a list of choices to pick from a dropdown?
For U/update - just display what's there...
The field contents starts with a letter, followed by five numeric digits:{A-I,K-N,Z}#####
Each letter has a different 'max' value for the numeric part.
So when adding a new record, I'd like to offer a listbox with one of each letter and that letter's highest numeric value + 10.
So, if the max 'A' as A00120, and max 'B' B00030 (etc) the listbox would have A00130 and B00040.. etc
Save the user having to figure out which is 'next' when generating a new record.
? Thanks,
This time I'll not be able to come up with ready to use solution, but I must say - everything is possible with ATK4. You just have to customize and extend it to fit your needs :)
Speaking about your question above - I guess you have to split it in multiple parts.
First part is about how to show select box on Create and readonly or disabled field on Update. I guess you can make some custom Form field or pin some action to existing Form Field hook. Not sure exactly what's better in this case.
Second one is about data structure. I believe that this field actually should be 2 fields in DB and maybe (only maybe) merged together in ATK model with addExpression() just for user interface needs to display these 2 fields as one field easily in UI. Maybe such concatenated field will be useful also for searching, but definitely not as only one field stored in DB. Imagine how hard it'll be for DB engine to find max value if such field. Store it like type = letter, num = number and then search like SELECT max(num)+10 FROM t WHERE type='A'
Finally Third part is about how to generate this next number. I read your question 3 times and came to conclusion that actually you don't have to show this +10 numeric value in UI at all if it's hardly predefined anyway. Actually that'll not work correctly if this will be multi-user system which I guess it will. Instead just show simple select box with letters {A-I,K-N,Z} and calculate this next value exactly before inserting data in DB. That can be done using models insert hook. This will be much more appropriate solution and will be better for UI and also more stable because calculated in model not incorrectly in UI part.

Benefit of using DBComboBox over CombBox?

So I'm messing around with a new project in Delphi 2009 and the default components that can be dropped onto a form for accessing data consist of a SQLConnection, DataSource and SQLQuery. If I add a simple select to the query component, say:
select name from customers
and then drop a DBComboBox on the form and link it up with the DataSource I get a single record in the combo box. After using Google for half and hour to figure out what I was doing wrong it looks like you have to manually add some code to your project which loops through the dataset and adds all the records to the drop down box. Something like:
while not SQLQuery.eof do
And that actually sort of works, but then you get a list in the drop down which you can't actually select anything from. Regardless of the result though I'm wondering why would you even use a DBComboBox if you have to manually add the result of your query to it? Seems to me that if it doesn't automatically populate the db combo box with the result of the query then we might as well be using a non-data-aware component like tcombobox.
I guess what I'm asking is why does it work this way? Isn't the purpose of data aware drag-and-drop controls to minimize the amount of actual written code and speed development? Is there a method that I'm missing that is supposed to make this easier?
A TDBComboBox doesn't get its list of values from the database; it gets its current value from the database. Link it to a field in your dataset, and when you change the active record, the combo box's current value will change. Change the combo box's current value, and the corresponding field's value will change.
If you want to get the list of values from the database as well, then use a TDBLookupComboBox.
This is all covered in the help:
Using TDBListBox and TDBComboBox
Displaying and Editing Data in Lookup List and Combo Boxes
Defining a Lookup List Column
I think you want the TDBLookupComboBox because that allows you to lookup from a list of items where the list comes from a dataset.
In the TDBComboBox, the list is just a TStrings manually filled with data.
DbCombox is a dbaware version of the standard combobox component.

Why would a SharePoint lookup menu require a double-click to select an item?

I have a SharePoint feature which programatically creates 3 lookups in a custom list, one from each of 3 different lists via extremely similar CAML markup.
The only differences in the CAML are the List, ID, Name, DisplayName and StaticName properties yet one of these lookups looks slightly different (has a slightly more "modern" drop-down arrow) than the other two and this same menu requires I double-click in order to select an item instead of single-clicking as I do with the other lookups.
Might anyone have seen this before and have an idea of what I might look into to make this lookup operate as a single-click menu?
The style of dropdown displayed is usually related to the number of items, although it also renders as a standard select element when viewed in firefox.
For any other field type it would make sense to create a custom field control, but due to code that expects things to be named "Lookup", lookup fields are next to impossible to extend.
The best way to customize a specific field is probably with javascript/jquery. When you click on the dropdown arrow, ShowDropdown (in core.js) is called. This creates a select element with options set from the pipe delimited list in the choices attribute of the textbox.
Add some code to the page so that on load EnsureSelect and FilterChoice or similar are called to create the select element. Set properties on the textbox and select elements so that the textbox as hidden and the select element is a visible dropdown. Have SetCtrlFromOpt called on change rather than on blur/double click so that the control that the server will read and save is properly updated.
The same approach could be used to keep the combo box but add a click event to set the value rather than requiring a double click.
How many items has the source list of every lookup field?
Lookup fields shows a "Combo" when the source list has 10 items (I'm not sure if 10 item is the exact limit). When the source list has more than 10 items the lookup field shows a "ListArea" control that works as you said.
I have exactly the same problem. One difference I have noticed is that the one listbox that requires a double-click is a lookup field, whereas the one that doesn't is a choice field with pre-populated choices. Don't know if that helps.
