Populate data in to VSTS release summary tab - tfs

I am trying to create a release without mapping a existing build in TFS/VSTS and get data display in release summary once it is completed. in plain text steps are following
Release -> Empty Release Definition -> Add build task - > Create Release -> Deploy -> View Data in Summary Section
Summary data are view-able as expected without any issues with following two scenarios
Build - > Create build definition -> Add task - > Save and Queue build – Build Success - > View Summary Data
Release -> Empty Release Definition -> Link pre-defined Build definition -> Create Release -> provide successfully ran build version -> View Summary data.
As As per our understanding the issue occurs when we retrieving artifacts of the given release. We can retrieve results for builds but fail to do the same for releases. Below is the sample code we use to read release data. It will be much helpful if you can provide us guidance on retrieving artifacts details for given release. Right now we use following code in the client side for retrieving release artifacts but it complains release.artifacts is undefined. We have verified that the attachment file is saved to the given file location.
var c = VSS.getConfiguration();
c.onReleaseChanged(function (release) {
release.artifacts.forEach(function (art) {
var buildid = art.definitionReference.version.id;
// rest of the code is removed here
below are the references we followed to find solution,
How to retrieve build attachment from VSTS release summary tab

I was able to figure out an answer for this issue. I am herewith sharing same for others reference.
If we don’t link an artifact(build definition), then the artifacts for the release/release definition will not be filled with the data, so we won’t be able to refer to the attachment that got uploaded as part of the build.
Hence as per current API implementation, Below are the steps to follow to achieve this requirenment.
Writing data in to log while extension run as build task
Read above data once build completes (in client side)
Display retrieved (processed if required) data in release tab.
I found below code which explains retrieving data from log (reference : https://github.com/Dynatrace/Dynatrace-AppMon-TFS-Integration-Plugin/blob/master/src/enhancer/dynatrace-testautomation.ts)
public initialize(): void {
// Get configuration that's shared between extension and the extension host
var sharedConfig: TFS_Release_Extension_Contracts.IReleaseViewExtensionConfig = VSS.getConfiguration();
if(sharedConfig) {
// register your extension with host through callback
sharedConfig.onReleaseChanged((release: TFS_Release_Contracts.Release) => {
// get the dynatraceTestRun attachment from the build
var rmClient = RM_Client.getClient();
var LOOKFOR_TASK = "Collect Dynatrace Testrun Results";
var LOOKFOR_TESTRUNDATA = "\"testRunData\":";
var drcScope = this;
release.environments.forEach(function (env) {
var _env = env;
//project: string, releaseId: number, environmentId: number, taskId: number
rmClient.getTasks(VSS.getWebContext().project.id, release.id, env.id).then(function(tasks){
if (task.name == LOOKFOR_TASK){
rmClient.getLog(VSS.getWebContext().project.id, release.id, env.id, task.id).then(function(log){
var iTRD = log.indexOf(LOOKFOR_TESTRUNDATA);
if (iTRD > 0){
var testRunData = JSON.parse(log.substring(iTRD + LOOKFOR_TESTRUNDATA.length, log.indexOf('}',iTRD)+1));
drcScope.displayDynatraceTestRunData(_env.name, testRunData);
sharedConfig.onViewDisplayed(() => {


Reactive choice parameter to read from workspace file

I am trying to implement active reactive choice parameter .
In reactive parameter basically I am hard coding the different options based on the active parameter
Below is the sample code
if (Target_Environment.equals("Dev01")) {
return ["test_DEV"]
} else if (Target_Environment.equals("Dev02")) {
return ["test3_DEV02","test2_DEV02"]
} else if (Target_Environment.equals("Dev03")) {
return ["test3_DEV03"]
} else if (Target_Environment.equals("Sit03")) {
return ["test3_SIT03"]
}else if (Target_Environment.equals("PPTE")) {
return ["test3_PPTE"]
else {
return ["Please Select Target Environment"]
Instead hard coding the choices I want to read from a file in jenkins workspace and show the content as the choices , what would be an ideal way to go with that ?
The readFile is not working under return function
I am also trying with extended choice parameter but
there I am passing a property file with filename however how can I pass the property file with if else condition
I'm not 100% sure if this is accurate. But I would expect that you can't read from the job workspace in a parameter like that because workspaces are created after a build (see below error message).
So if you create the job with no previous builds, there will be no workspace file to read from?
Whenever I have seen that parameter type used in the past, they usually read from a file on the server instead of the workspace.
Error message from Jenkins jobs that have no previous builds:
Error: no workspace
A project won't have any workspace until at least one build is performed.
Run a build to have Jenkins create a workspace.

how to search build definitions in TFS those are no longer in use?

Can anyone help me to understand the below query,Actually in our tfs we have huge number of build definition those are not in use so far hence i want to delete old build definition by seraching all the builds those are older more than one year.
how to search build definitions in TFS2013 those are no longer in use??
Please help.
You can query out the definitions those are older more than one year by this query in SQL Server.
SELECT [DefinitionId],[DefinitionVersion],[DefinitionName] FROM [Tfs_CollectionLC].[Build].[tbl_Definition]
WHERE [CreatedOn] < '2016-06-12 00:00:00.000'
But for the definitions are no longer in use, you have to get the last build for each definition and check whether the build FinishTime is before a year ago (Where [FinishTime] < '2016-06-12 00:00:00.000' ).
You can use TFS API/Client API to get the build details which including the build FinishTime, then filter them accordingly.You can reference below code which enumerates each team project and gets the latest build status for each of the definitions:
TfsTeamProjectCollection tfs = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("http://tfs:8080"));
var vcs = tfs.GetService<VersionControlServer>();
var teamProjects = vcs.GetAllTeamProjects(true);
IBuildServer buildServer = (IBuildServer)tfs.GetService(typeof(IBuildServer));
foreach (TeamProject proj in teamProjects)
var defs = buildServer.QueryBuildDefinitions(proj.Name);
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Team Project: {0}", proj.Name));
foreach(IBuildDefinition def in defs)
IBuildDetailSpec spec = buildServer.CreateBuildDetailSpec(proj.Name, def.Name);
spec.MaxBuildsPerDefinition = 1;
spec.QueryOrder = BuildQueryOrder.FinishTimeDescending;
var builds = buildServer.QueryBuilds(spec);
if (builds.Builds.Length > 0)
var buildDetail = builds.Builds[0];
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" {0} - {1} - {2}", def.Name, buildDetail.Status.ToString(), buildDetail.FinishTime));
Reference this thread:TFS API - How to query builds independent of which build definition they belong to
Update: Based on #Dhurva's comments below:
We can also use the utility from github TFS Manager that finds all build definition from team project:

TFS2010 - Wrong changeset appearing at SourceGetVersion

I am currently setting up a Team Foundation Server 2010 and I found a very strange behavior when performing a build:
The situation explained:
We have 2 Branches
All developers check in code into the Development branch only. Once per day, the build manager merges some changesets over to the Main branch. On the Development brach, a continuous build at each check in is running. On the Main branch, once per day (in the night) a build is triggered.
Now suppose that the changesets 1-100 are being merged into the Main brach at 5pm, giving changeset 101 as the merge operation. Some developers check in changesets 102-106 after 5 o'clock into the Development branch. Now at 11pm the daily build is automatically triggered and runs on the Main branch. The last changeset of the Main branch is changeset 101. However, the Build details shows changeset 106:
I could imagine that this behavior is intended, because if you check out changeset 106 on the Main branch, you will in fact get the content of changeset 101. But it would be much more readable if this Build summary showed the correct number.
Question 1: Is there a way of manipulating the ouput of the SourceGetVersion information? Maybe through the Build Process Template?
The second scenario, where the TFS behaves strange is even worse:
When queuing a new build, there is the option of entering the "Get Version" Parameter, as shown in the following picture:
If I now click on "queue", the build is triggered and AGAIN the build detail outputs the changeset 106 although I specifically set it to get changeset 76.
Question 2: Is this a bug? Is there a hotfix or something to fix this? Or is there any option flag that has to be set?
I hope someone knows more about this. I don't really believe that this is a bug, because it is such a vital functionality that other people must have encountered it before.
Thanks for any help!!
The folder structure of the Team Project is:
Development <-- this is a branch
Main <-- this is a branch
The build only pulls the Main branch and everything below it.
Here is a picture of the Workspace tab in the build definition:
Finally I found out what is going on:
Basically The changeset that can be seen in my picture 1 is always the latest changeset of the entire Team Project Collection. It is the property "SourceGetVersion" on the object "BuildDetails" of type "IBuildDetails".
I think this is a bug which can be worked around:
If you change the BuildDetails.SourceGetVersion (which is a string) to some other value, then the build summary will show the updated string. Furthermore, it is then saved correctly to the collection database.
What I have done in order to add the correct changeset number is I have created a custom build activity that takes the branch which should be build as input parameter. It outputs the correct changeset. The activity finds out the correct changeset by connecting to the TFS and downloading the History. Then it looks at all the items in the history and outputs the largest changeset number. Here is the code of that activity:
using System.Activities;
using System.Collections;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client;
namespace SourceGetVersionActivity
public sealed class SourceGetVersionActivity : CodeActivity<string>
// Define an activity input argument of type string
public InArgument<string> Branch { get; set; }
// If your activity returns a value, derive from CodeActivity<TResult>
// and return the value from the Execute method.
protected override string Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
// Obtain the runtime value of the Text input argument
string branch = context.GetValue(this.Branch);
ICredentials account = new NetworkCredential("Useranme", "password", "domain");
// connect / authenticate with tfs
TeamFoundationServer tfs = new TeamFoundationServer("http://tfs:8080/tfs/CollectionName", account);
// get the version control service
VersionControlServer versionControl = (VersionControlServer)tfs.GetService(typeof(VersionControlServer));
IEnumerable changesets = versionControl.QueryHistory(branch, VersionSpec.Latest, 0, RecursionType.Full,
null, null, null, int.MaxValue, false, false, false, false);
int maxVersion = 0;
foreach (Changeset c in changesets)
if (c.ChangesetId > maxVersion)
maxVersion = c.ChangesetId;
return string.Concat('C', maxVersion.ToString());
I call this activity as soon as possible (after the GetBuild activity).
Basically in the BuildProcessTemplate I have added an Argument (string) "Branch" which needs to be filled with a string that points to the top folder that is being build. The custom activity takes that as input and outputs a string which is the correct changeset id. The BuildDetail.SourceGetVersion property will then be overriden by the correct changeset id.
I find it really strange that no-one else seems to have encountered this problem. I could not find any person on the internet with the same problem. Anyway, I hope this answer helps someone else in the future as well.
EDIT - Writing the above code directly in Workflow Foundation:
To get the correct changeset using more compact code and avoiding custom activites, it is also possible to use Workflow Foundation directly. Below is the "code" (doing exactly what is done in above C# code):
(1) The GetTeamProjectCollection activity gets the current collection. I am saving it inside the TeamProjectCollection variable (see bottom of the picture). Important: The variable needs to be defined inside this sequence, if you define it in outer scope, an error will occur: "Unable to serialize type 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollection'. Verify that the type is public and either has a default constructor or an instance descriptor."
(2) Foreach "changeset" in "TeamProjectCollection.GetService(Of VersionControlServer).QueryHistory(Branch, VersionSpec.Latest, 0, RecursionType.Full, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Integer.MaxValue, False, False, False).Cast(Of Changeset)()"
The TypeArgument of the Foreach loop is "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.Changeset".
This expression gets the version control object from the collection, calls it "QueryHistory" method which returns an IEnumerable with all changesets.
(3) So we are iterating over all changesets and looking at the ChangesetId. Then saving the maximum ChangesetId to the variable "maxId".
(4) At the end, BuildDetails.SourceGetVersion = "C" + maxId.ToString(). The "C" indicates, that the version is a changeset.
I hope someone finds this piece of "Code" useful!

TFS2010 Custom Build Activity : to Merge branches

I'm working on customizing our build activity. I'd like to have your help for an issue.
Following is our version control hierarchy.
|- Dev
|- QA
we are working on Dev branch and while taking the build we need to merge Dev branch to Main then to QA.
Main is the root branch as you might know.
In our build template, I've added two custom activities to merge one from Dev to Main and another one to merge from Main to QA. Following is the code for the custom activity.
protected override string Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
string lstrStatus = string.Empty;
string lstrSourceBranchPath = context.GetValue(this.SourceBranchPath);
string lstrTargetBranchPath = context.GetValue(this.TargetBranchPath);
// Obtain the runtime value of the input arguments
Workspace workspace = context.GetValue(this.Workspace);
GetStatus status = workspace.Merge(lstrSourceBranchPath,
// resolve the conflicts, if any
if (status.NumConflicts > 0)
Conflict[] conflicts = workspace.QueryConflicts(new string[]
{ lstrTargetBranchPath }, true);
foreach (Conflict conflict in conflicts)
conflict.Resolution = Resolution.AcceptTheirs;
// checkin the changes
PendingChange[] pendingChanges = workspace.GetPendingChanges();
if (pendingChanges != null && pendingChanges.Length > 0)
workspace.CheckIn(pendingChanges, "Merged by MERGE BRANCHES activity");
return lstrStatus;
Problem is, merging happens perfectly in the server. But, it's not getting reflected in the local folder. I tried to add SyncWorkspace activity after each Merge custom activity. Still not working.
My guess was that a SyncWorkspace should be the only thing to do.
You could try doing a RevertWorkspace before that.
After you now stated that even this wouldn't work, I would generate a bug against MS at least to get an official answer.
In the meanwhile you can try with the following method, which I absolutely see as an overkill: Once you have checked in, redo all the steps within sequence Initialize Workspace.
If even that doesn't work I'd consider two different builds, one that does your merge & one that does the actual build. You can then organize a scheme where your first build, once it's done, triggers the second one. Here is a good resource for that.

How can I copy a TFS 2010 Build Definition?

Is there any way to copy a build definition? I work in a mainline source control methodology which utilizes many different branches that live for very short periods (ie. a few days to a week). I'd really like to copy a build template and just change the solution to build. Is there any way to do this?
You can download the new TFS 2010 power tools. It has the option to clone a build definition.
See http://msmvps.com/blogs/molausson/archive/2010/10/21/clone-a-build-definition.aspx for an example
Note: Be aware that the Clone only works when you did NOT pop out the Build window.
You can write an add-in to do it. Here's the code to copy an existing build definition:
static IBuildDefinition CloneBuildDefinition(IBuildDefinition buildDefinition)
var buildDefinitionClone = buildDefinition.BuildServer.CreateBuildDefinition(
buildDefinitionClone.BuildController = buildDefinition.BuildController;
buildDefinitionClone.ContinuousIntegrationType = buildDefinition.ContinuousIntegrationType;
buildDefinitionClone.ContinuousIntegrationQuietPeriod = buildDefinition.ContinuousIntegrationQuietPeriod;
buildDefinitionClone.DefaultDropLocation = buildDefinition.DefaultDropLocation;
buildDefinitionClone.Description = buildDefinition.Description;
buildDefinitionClone.Enabled = buildDefinition.Enabled;
buildDefinitionClone.Name = String.Format("Copy of {0}", buildDefinition.Name);
buildDefinitionClone.Process = buildDefinition.Process;
buildDefinitionClone.ProcessParameters = buildDefinition.ProcessParameters;
foreach (var schedule in buildDefinition.Schedules)
var newSchedule = buildDefinitionClone.AddSchedule();
newSchedule.DaysToBuild = schedule.DaysToBuild;
newSchedule.StartTime = schedule.StartTime;
newSchedule.TimeZone = schedule.TimeZone;
foreach (var mapping in buildDefinition.Workspace.Mappings)
mapping.ServerItem, mapping.LocalItem, mapping.MappingType, mapping.Depth);
foreach (var policy in buildDefinition.RetentionPolicyList)
policy.BuildReason, policy.BuildStatus, policy.NumberToKeep, policy.DeleteOptions);
return buildDefinitionClone;
The following tool (VS Addin) will satisfy your requirement>
Community TFS Build Manager
I just had a need to copy build definitions, and found Jim's answer above to be helpful. However, being new to the TFS API, I needed help connecting to the server and getting the existing build definition through code. These two links helped fill in the gaps:
You can right click the build definition and select 'clone build definition' to copy the definition file. You can then edit it from there.
Here is the soltion if you want to move the Build definition from one Team Project to other Team project.
public void MoveBuild(string fromTeamProject, string toTeamProject, string buildName, string newBuildName)
var _server = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(new
IBuildServer _buildServer = _server.GetService<IBuildServer>();
var buildDetails = _buildServer.QueryBuildDefinitions(fromTeamProject);
foreach (var fromBuild in buildDetails)
if (fromBuild.Name != buildName) continue;
var newBuildDefinition = _buildServer.CreateBuildDefinition(toTeamProject);
newBuildDefinition.Name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newBuildName) ? newBuildName : fromBuild.Name;
newBuildDefinition.BuildController = fromBuild.BuildController;
// This finds the template to use
foreach (var mapping in fromBuild.Workspace.Mappings)
mapping.ServerItem, mapping.LocalItem, mapping.MappingType, mapping.Depth);
newBuildDefinition.DefaultDropLocation = fromBuild.DefaultDropLocation;
newBuildDefinition.Description = fromBuild.Description;
// buildDefinition.Workspace.AddMapping(build.Workspace.);
newBuildDefinition.Process = _buildServer.QueryProcessTemplates(fromBuild)[2];
newBuildDefinition.ProcessParameters = fromBuild.ProcessParameters;
newBuildDefinition.Enabled = false;
}//end of for each loop
From your message it is not clear which template is your build definition using (default, upgrade or lab management). If I understand correctly you would like to easily set up a build definition which builds the same solution but from a different branch.
One thing that you could try instead of copying the definition is to edit it. When the branch dies, rename the build definition (might help with reporting), change the workspace mapping of the build and you should be done.
Thanks, Ladislau
