How to troubleshoot Microsoft Graph authentication? - microsoft-graph-api

How do I go about troubleshooting login problem with the Microsoft Graph API?
I'm using the new nodejs-connect-rest-sample on node 6.9.1, and used the quick-start page to generate and an AppID. After pressing the "Connect to Microsoft Graph" button, and choosing my normal Hotmail account for login, I'm redirected to an error page saying:
We're unable to complete your request
Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later.
What's the next step in troubleshooting this sort of error?

The error page URL actually contains a query string with a more detailed explanation than the displayed web page does... In my case:'redirect_uri'+is+not+valid.+The+expected+value+is+''+or+a+URL+which+matches+the+redirect+URI+registered+for+this+client+application.&state=a9SlXZGisoIQrPQUbDHX732izad7LJzM
The page should be able to display this more detail description, but currently fails to, but I'm going to mark this answered as far as a "next step", because I found I could correct the problem by changing the redirect URL registered for the app.


The name of the IdentityProvider is "(null)" in iOS redirect dialog

I've created an app using react native and which is using an IdentityServer 4 server to for authentication. I'm using react-native-app-auth to perform the authentication.
When I click login the app tries to open the Identity Server login page in Safari and iOS shows a standard dialog to say:
"myApp" Wants to Use "myIdServerUrl" to Sign In.
The problem is, where it should say myIdServerUrl, it actually says (null) as you can see in the screenshot.
Does anyone know why this might be? I'm not sure if its something I've misconfigured on the app side or something I'm not sending back from IdentityServer that I should be. I would have thought it would have just shown the URL that I'm requesting but that's not the case as the login page opens correctly when I click continue, so I haven't provided a null URL or anything.
If anyone knows where iOS looks when populating this dialog that would be a great help.
Thanks a lot!
After a bit more investigation I've found that a CONNECT request is made to the Identity Server before showing the dialog. This suggests to me that the data it's using is somewhere in the certificate as the CONNECT request is where an SSL connection is requested for HTTPS sites. I'm still not sure what field I'm missing though. I have the Subject Alternative Name populated so I'm not sure what else it could be looking for.
It seems, if the URL has a recognizable top-level domain, the domain name (as defined here) will be reported by the dialog. For example, will be referred as and as
Otherwise, ("null") is produced, as in case of, etc.
It is still an empirical finding, I don't have any official reference to this, but one that is easy to test.

Bug with Instagram API Login - This page could not be loaded

Since few days I have problems with the API instagram. Instagram sending this error page after the user has entered this login information.
"This page could not be loaded. If you have cookies disabled in your browser, or you are browsing in private mode"
Do you know why ? How to do ? Need help
On webapp authentication... the problem is related to instagram platform. I found that the problem arise only if your browser don't have the instagram cookie "ig_cb" set. This is set when you accept cookie policy on The workaround is to go on instagram and accept cookie policy then go back to your social auth and proceed.
This happens for both mobile and desktop users (browser).
Being a block on instagram login process... I guess there's no definitive solution other than wait for instagram bug fix.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we also had this problem, which flagged on the Facebook Dev page:
They have looked into the problem, as a number of us have had this exact issue too. It is only affecting EU user, as our US users are logging in and signing up without problems, and it seems that Facebook are refusing to look into it - their Instagram Platform API forum has already stopped accepting issues.
In terms of what we have learnt since last week, we think:
It is likely GDPR related
Not all apps have been affected, Bumble does not have this problem but Tinder does
It is happening with both the old Platform API and Graph API, according to a developer who has already migrated to Graph.
No one seems to know anything!
So it seem's it is in fact a cookie issue on mobile. When a user goes to sign in on mobile view, the 'accept cookie' message that typically appears on web doesn't appear. However, when the error screen pops up, if you click 'Log in' in the top right, it will redirect you to the web view, which lets you accept the new terms and conditions. Then, once you direct back to mobile the cookie seems to have been saved and you can now login. This has worked for us on iOS so far, but not Android, and we still haven't come up with a work-around yet.
This bug has now been fixed.
Thank you all for your comments, individual input, and patience while we worked to address this issue for everyone.
I am happy to report that this particular issue with Instagram login should now be resolved, but if you are still seeing any issues related to this fix, please let us know on this report only.

Diaglogflow account linking failed for Visual Studio Online

I have spent a lot of time lately trying to link MS VSTS account with Dialogflow. Unfortunately all my attempts failed and I am unable to find out the reason for this.
What I have done so far is:
Went to registered new VSO application (, filling in the correct callback URI ( also defining the proper scopes.
Got back to Google's action console overview page ( to fill in the details for the newly created application (authorize URL, token URL etc.) selecting Authentication Code grant type.
Went to Dialogflow to set the "sign in required" for the welcome intent.
Update the action and got the "It looks like your account is not linked yet" message in simulator, but after using the DEBUG URL to complete the process, I received "account linking failed" message for no obvious reason.
I have also tried the linking procedure with 2 other OAUTH providers and it was working flawlessly, but the MS implementation apparently is not standard.

OAuth v2 Issues with Microsoft Account connection

I have been trying to implement the OAuth v2 for Microsoft Accounts for my website. Its currently in development stage and so am testing on localhost. The Website is an ASP.NET Core MVC 5 Application.
I have followed the tutorial here to implement OAuth for Twitter, Google and Facebook accounts. I found this to be quite simple with only a few small issues that I was able to solve with simple google searches.
However I have spent several days trying to understand what is happening when trying to use Microsoft Account authentication on my site.
I have watched the video here on registering an application in the Microsoft App Registration Portal. At around minute 6 in the video a short demo shows how to set up the App. You can see my App details in the following screen shot:
In the video at about 7.5 mins in, there is a small section explaining how to test the App by building a URL string.
On submitting the query string to the browser the page is redirected as expected to my App page as you can see here:
In this instance I was all ready signed into my Microsoft Outlook account. If I wasn't signed in I would be prompted to login to a Microsoft account. Logging in, in this case choosing my already signed in Outlook account causes the page to be redirected back to my site as seen in the following screen shot but because the site didn't send the request its not expecting a token sent back for login so nothing really happens. This is expected behaviour, at this point as I was only testing that the Apps end point was working as expected.
The next stage is to test the functionality from my website. This is where I always have issues. To activate the OAuth functionality for Microsoft Account login requires simply un-commenting a couple of lines of code within the Startup.Auth.cs file in my websites App_Start folder and passing in the Apps ClientKey and ClientSecret values as can bee seen in the following code snippet:
clientId: System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MicrosoftOAuthClientID"],
clientSecret: System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MicrosoftOAuthClientSecret"]);
This code basically adds a little button to the login page that allows you to choose Microsoft login as can be seen here:
When I click the Microsoft button I get the following error page:
And the query string returned contains the following:
Anybody know why or what is happening????
Now I have read in several of my many searches while trying to understand whats happening when I try to test the App from my site rather than a URL directly in the browser that I should have
appended to my Redirect URL in the App Portals configuration. I have Tested with my Redirect URL set like that and this does not work. I get a HTTP ERROR 500 sent back because the page signin-microsoft does not exist. So this is not my problem.
Please help if anyone has had the same issues and solved it.
EDIT: I should have mentioned that I was initially trying this using Local IISExpress but after reading some posts saying it can be done only on IIS so I published my site locally to IIS.

Invalid Facebook token

I'm having some trouble handling Facebook errors.
My app displays a page that tells users they've blocked the app when the login fails.
This page tells the users to go to settings>>privacy>>facebook and unblock the app.
I navigate to this page if the sessionStageChanged method contains an error.
I am however noticing a problem when a user changes their password, which will invalidate the iOS Facebook integration login, this will off course result in the error message not being correct anymore.
I've created another error page that tells the user that their password within ios integration has expired but I'm having trouble to figure out when I need to navigate to it.
-Both the different types of failure return Facebook error 2, which is a pretty generic error so I can't find what caused the problem from this error code.
-I've found another answer on here that used the [FBSession renewSystemCredentials] method but I am noticing that this will also return the ACAccountCredentialRenewResultFailed || Rejected error in both cases so this also won't work.
-I found the official documentation with this page: but this does not have a solution only an explaination.
What should I do in this case?
How do I now when to navigate to the app blocked page and when to navigate to the password changed page?
I'm using Facebook SDK version: 3.10.0.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the comments.
After Ming Li's answer I found some stuff on this page:
But after testing it in my app the Facebook error returned the same error for an invalid login.
I'm going to handle this by letting my user manually navigate trough the different types of solutions.
See the "Handling Errors" section of this page for strategies on how to notify users of different types of errors:
