"...?ecver=x..." parameter on the youtube embed URL - youtube

I've Noticed when embedding Youtube videos the following 2 URLs achieve the same result:
embeded youtube video with parameter set
What does the ecver parameter on the youtube embed URL set ?
After checking The Documentation and searching the internet I couldn't seem to find anything to explain this parameter.
The name would suggest its setting the Ecmascript version? but this is just a stab in the dark and i can't seem to find anything to confirm this.

ecver=1 can be deleted. This is a forced display at the top of the video title, + watch later, + share.

The ecver=2 is for getting rid of ads on pausing the video - like the rel=0 is for having no ads at the end of the video, but this seems to work no more.


How to find a youtube channel with a private video url only?

I'm trying to open a .rar file but it has password and it's in the description of a video on Youtube but when I checked the link again it was private and I don't remember the channel's name, so I just want to know if there's a way to find this channel because I just wanna ask to the user if I could have the password. This is the url if it helps, thanks.
I typed "6rTPvftDHtQ" on Google in order to have only webpages containing exactly 6rTPvftDHtQ.
I let you find more details about the other interesting result except this StackOverflow post. The video gaming creator Mataraxu posted the URL of the video as a comment of a Facebook post and the post shares this YouTube channel URL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1OnhcSrtZcaI4cgKAfsxsw. If he isn't the man you are looking for, I let you ask him more details.
I WebArchived the webpage from the Google cache because his Facebook webpage doesn't seem to contain anymore this post (and comment), I let you delve this result.
By the way don't hesitate to check your web-browser history as you said that you already went to the video webpage. Maybe with luck you also went on the main webpage of the YouTube channel and then in the URL you would have its name or id.
As far as I know there is no way to do that. One hope would be the waybackmachine, but that has no snapshot of this video page either. So unfortunately you won't be able to search him I guess.
Best Regards!

YouTube data API change video id

I need to change video I'd, so the URL got changed. Is it possible? As far as I can see from docs - its not supported... So is there any other way to change video URL programmatically?
When I uploaded video i received URL: youtube.com/watch?v=EMSGJdnDN8U Now (next day) I want to keep uploaded video on server, but i don't want URL youtube.com/watch?v=EMSGJdnDN8U to be available anymore, but the original video should be available on youtube.com/watch?=nEwUrL100500 (new url) and so on...
Of course I know that i can reupload video and delete original one but i dont like that solution.
Sorry, I don’t think so. The video id is a very important identifier for YouTube and it’s very unlikely that they give you control over it.

How to get video id from new share url pattern

I see YouTube app updated new function to share videos with the url like this:
My app is using YouTube API/videos/list to get video informations and it required the Video ID field.
How can we get youtube video id from the url above.
This is maybe not a good way to do it, but since there seems to be no API for that, check this:
What they do is fetching the content and search for the meta tag with the name videoId. Again: Not a good way, maybe this approach stops working in a month or a year or maybe never.

Stream to VLC for iOS via URL Scheme

I'm trying to link to the iOS VLC app via its URL scheme. I need to open a FLV file(preferably as a stream, rather than downloading). I have tried vlc://http://domain.com/path/to/video.flv which opens VLC with a popup asking if I would like to play or download. Tapping download works, however play doesn't do anything except close the popup(I can get it to eventually work if I tap Play in the popup -> Play in Control Centre -> tap back in VLC). Is there a way to get it to play by directly through the URL?
Bonus points if you figure out how to select the "Scan for Subtitles" option in the "Open Network Stream" section of VLC. ;)
I've looked all over Google and can't find any documentation of the URL scheme. Any help is greatly appreciated.
the vlc:// pseudo protocol is broken in the current 2.6.4 release - it is fixed in 2.6.5 which is currently waiting for review by Apple. I hope that it will be out this week but this is beyond our control.
Generally speaking, I recommend to use another protocol though based on x-callback-url, documented on our wiki: https://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:IOS/#x-callback-url
Regarding an extra subtitles URL, this is currently not supported. We could add it though, it's just that nobody asked for it so far.
For those who want to add subtitle it has been added in this commit and can be used like this:

Youtube ?rel=0 tag no longer working

I was trying to share a Youtube link and wanted the person to just see that clip without any of the irrelevant suggestions that pop up next to it. I knew that adding ?rel=0 (or &rel=0) at the end of the URL used to achieve this, but this doesn't seem to be working anymore. After googling a bit, I found suggestions to use the youtu.be domain instead of youtube.com, but suggestions were shown nonetheless, or the URL gave an error. How else can I share this link and have no 'related' clips shown on the side? Thanks!
rel=0 is used to disable related videos shown at the end of a video, not to remove the suggested videos in the sidebars.
You can use the embed URL to access the video on it's own - http://youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ. Add ?rel=0 to disable the related videos at the end too.
Note, that rel=0 no longer works if you are signed into your Google account (YouTube, Gmail, etc).
&rel=0 only works when not signed in. However, you can get around this by using the enhanced privacy mode:
As of August 23, 2018,
The behavior for the rel parameter is changing on or after September
25, 2018. The effect of the change is that you will not be able to
disable related videos. However, you will have the option of
specifying that the related videos shown in the player should be from
the same channel as the video that was just played.
To be more specific:
Prior to the change, if the parameter's value is set to 0, then the player does not show related videos.
After the change, if the rel parameter is set to 0, the player will show related videos that are from the same channel as the video that was just played.
