How does sqlcounter/data limit in Freeradius 3 work? - freeradius

Have my captive portal environment setup using pfSense 2.3.4 with Freeradius 3.0.13 hosted on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with Rasparian Jessie. Authentication and everything is working as expected but can't get the sql counter for volume limit to work.
According to the documentation there are only examples how to set a max session time, daily usage (in time) but nothing for limiting the volume.
Have added this custom function in the sqlcounter file:
sqlcounter totalbytecounter {
sql_module_instance = sql
dialect = mysql
counter_name = Max-Volume
check_name = Acct-Output-Octets
reply_name = Session-Timeout
key = User-Name
reset = never
query = "SELECT ((SUM(`acctinputoctets`)+SUM(`acctoutputoctets`))) FROM radacct WHERE `username`='%{${key}}'"
But debug says
(34) totalbytecounter: WARNING: Couldn't find check attribute, control:Acct-Output-Octets, doing nothing...
Anyone that can help me in the right direction`? Thanks!

You need to provide a value for control:Acct-Output-Octets for the module to check against.
That can be in unlang with
update control {
Acct-Output-Octets := 1024
or in the users file with
<username> Acct-Output-Octets := 1024
or as an entry in the radcheck table.


Trying to access to a DBF file using Advantage OLE DB provider throws an exception when opening a connection

I have an ASP.NET MVC application which is trying to open below OLE DB connection:
string conString = #"Provider=Advantage OLE DB Provider;Data Source=" + dbfFilePath + ";Extended Properties=dBASE IV;";
using (dBaseConnection = new OleDbConnection(conString))
// Some stuff
I have installed below package from here.
I am using this provider in order to access a dbf file (specified on the dbfFilePath variable) and then later add some information into it. When I perform the Open command on the above code snippet I get below exception message:
Error 6420: The 'Discovery' process for the Advantage Database Server failed. Unable to connect to the Advantage Database Server. axServerConnect AdsConnect.
Previously I was using VFPOLEDB.4 provider and it was working ok when reading and modifying the dbf file. The problem is that it is only available in 32-bit (there is no version in 64-bit) and now I need it to be in 64-bit so I decided to use Advantage OLE DB provider that is available in 64-bit and as far as I know it does the same as VFPOLEDB.
What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE 2020/11/16:
If I add some parameters to connection string:
string conString = #"Provider=Advantage OLE DB Provider;Data Source=" + dbfFilePath + ";ServerType=ADS_LOCAL_SERVER;TableType=ADS_VFP;Extended Properties=dBASE IV;";
Then when opening connection I get below exception:
Error 7077: The Advantage Data Dictionary cannot be opened. axServerConnect AdsConnect
UPDATE 2020/11/20:
var dbfFilePath =#"C:\MyApp\Temp"; // using c:\MyApp\Temp\myTable.dbf does not work (below open command fails)
string conString = #"Provider=Advantage OLE DB Provider;Data Source=" + dbfFilePath + ";ServerType=ADS_LOCAL_SERVER; TableType=ADS_VFP;";
using (dBaseConnection = new OleDbConnection(conString))
OleDbCommand insertCommand = dBaseConnection.CreateCommand();
insertCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [myTable] VALUES (2,100)";
Note: [myTable] has the same name that the dbf file within C:\MyApp\Temp.
Now open command works but when performing insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() it gets stuck (it does nothing).
UPDATE 2020/11/27:
Ok,I think I have detected what is happening. It works ok when using Advantage OLE DB provider in 32-bit, however, using Advantage OLE DB provider in 64-bit is not working. In both cases I use it on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64-Bit and Advantage OLE DB provider is version 11.10.
I have checked this using LINQPad 5, and it works but when performing
... and before doing the insert to the dbf file below warning modal window appears waiting for you to click on 'Accept' button. Once you click on the button, insert is done in dbf file correctly.
So, I guess that when running my web application (ASP.NET MVC app) in production environment this warning modal windows does not appear but in fact, it is waiting for you to click on the button to proceed inserting data in the dbf file but as this warning window is not visible (it is not shown) I can click on that button and consequently ExecuteNonQuery never ends (it stalls) and it stays waiting for you to click that button indefinitely.
How can I solve this error? can I modify ads.ini in some way in order to avoid this waring message to appear so application can work?
I see you removed the VFP tag which I think most relevant to this question :)
I again tested that with these codes as a sample and it worked without a glitch:
void Main()
string conString = $#"Provider=Advantage OLE DB Provider;Data Source={dbfFilesPath};ServerType=ADS_LOCAL_SERVER;TableType=ADS_VFP;";
DataTable t = new DataTable();
using (OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(conString))
using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand($#"insert into Customer
(cust_id, company, contact)
(?,?,?)", cn))
cmd.Parameters.Add("#cId", OleDbType.VarChar);
cmd.Parameters.Add("#company", OleDbType.VarChar);
cmd.Parameters.Add("#contact", OleDbType.VarChar);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cmd.Parameters["#cId"].Value = $"XYZ#{i}";
cmd.Parameters["#company"].Value = $"Company XYZ#{i}";
cmd.Parameters["#contact"].Value = $"Contact XYZ#{i}";
t.Load(new OleDbCommand($"select * from Customer order by cust_id desc", cn).ExecuteReader());
t.Dump(); // tested in LinqPad AnyCPU version
Here is the partial result I got:
XYZ#9 Company XYZ#9 Contact XYZ#9 0.0000
XYZ#8 Company XYZ#8 Contact XYZ#8 0.0000
XYZ#7 Company XYZ#7 Contact XYZ#7 0.0000
XYZ#6 Company XYZ#6 Contact XYZ#6 0.0000
XYZ#5 Company XYZ#5 Contact XYZ#5 0.0000
XYZ#4 Company XYZ#4 Contact XYZ#4 0.0000
XYZ#3 Company XYZ#3 Contact XYZ#3 0.0000
XYZ#2 Company XYZ#2 Contact XYZ#2 0.0000
XYZ#1 Company XYZ#1 Contact XYZ#1 0.0000
XYZ#0 Company XYZ#0 Contact XYZ#0 0.0000
XXXXXX Linked Server Company 0.0000
WOLZA Wolski Zajazd Zbyszek Piestrzeniewicz Owner ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland (26) 642-7012 (26) 642-7012 3694
WINCA Wenna Wines Vladimir Yakovski Owner 0.0000
WILMK Wilman Kala Matti Karttunen Owner/Marketing Assistant Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland 90-224 8858 90-224 8858 4400
WHITC White Clover Markets Karl Jablonski Owner 305 - 14th Ave. S., Suite 3B Seattle WA 98128 USA (206) 555-4112 (206) 555-4115 38900
WELLI Wellington Importadora Paula Parente Sales Manager Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil (14) 555-8122 3600
WARTH Wartian Herkku Pirkko Koskitalo Accounting Manager Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland 981-443655 981-443655 24200
As it is not working for you, I think it might have to do with:
Access rights. You say, you use with ASP.Net MVC, I wonder if the 'connecting account' has only read access? In IIS, basic settings as I remember there were a setting for connect as. You might at least set it to connect by an account that has full rights to that directory.
Sharing. The file might be in use shared elsewhere and for some reason your insert is waiting trying to get lock?
SET NULL ON ? Another slight possibility. You might need to execute this first, on the same connection. If there are fields that you are not supplying a value in insert but "not null" in table structure would otherwise cause it to fail.
You might start testing the same file from say within LinqPad running with administrator rights to eliminate the access rights stuff alltogether (if data directory is under program files or program files (x86), then it is a problem by itself.
I would expect an immediate error message, but who knows maybe driver is waiting for a timeout in case of write access failure?
Some ideas (the way I do it:)
Instead of trying to use VFP data with 64 bits access, you might create a server that runs in 32 bits IIS Application pool (or use its own web serving) and handles the data access via REST API (or WCF). I use 32 bits ASP.Net MVC application(s) since years with success using VFOLEDB itself.
If you think of REST API path, you might either use ASP.Net core (which is fast unlike the pre core) or use something else, say Go for building it. Go and Iris framework, for an example is an excellent fit to build a REST API server for your data over night (unlikely you would think Go, but if you do, remember to compile with x86 architecture).

Asterisk. Get number of active calls in dialplan

I have production asterisk 16.4 with dialplan on LUA and two SIP providers. The first provider give me trunk with maximum 5 connections and the second provider give trunck with 20 connections. I prefer to use the first provider for outgoing calls because it is cheaper, but it have only 5 lines. So, when user makes an outgoing call, I want to check current number of active calls on the trunk of first provider, and if that number is 5 then route the call throught second provider.
The question is - How can I get in dialplan number of active calls? Is there some functions or core variables? I know that I can get list of active channels in CLI by command "core show channels verbose", but how can I get somthing like this in lua dialplan?
Thanks to #arheops for the clue. This is a working example on lua.
ext = extension:sub(1); -- Remove leading 9
local providerA = tonumber(channel['GROUP_COUNT(provA)']:get());
app.Verbose("Active channels on provider A = "..providerA);
if providerA < 5 then
app.Verbose("Outgoing call throught Provider A "..ext);
app.Verbose("Outgoing call throught Provider B "..ext);
You can set GROUP for each channel and after that cont GROUP_COUNT in dialplan

How to iterate thru all google cloud kms keys in an organization without running into read quotas?

I am trying to find out if there are keys which have versions that are older than one year and setting their rotation period to 24 hours from now. Unfortunately, each list keyring call is counting as a which there is a quota which is very small (~300/min) is there a way to work around these quotas besides increasing them? I am trying to run this code periodically in a cloud function so there is a runtime limit such that I cannot just wait for the quota to reset.
def list_keys(project):
client = kms_v1.KeyManagementServiceClient()
#this location list is based on a running of `gcloud kms locations list` and represents a where a key could be created
location_list = ['asia','asia-east1','asia-east2','asia-northeast1','asia-northeast2',
for location in location_list:
key_ring_parent = client.location_path(project,location)
key_ring_list = client.list_key_rings(key_ring_parent)
for key_ring in key_ring_list:
parent = client.key_ring_path(project,location,format_keyring_name(
for key in client.list_crypto_keys(parent):
start_time = key.primary.create_time # need to use primary to get latest version of the key
now = time.time()
now_seconds = int(now)
elapsed = now_seconds - start_time.seconds
next_rotate_age =(key.next_rotation_time.seconds - now_seconds) + elapsed
days_elapsed = elapsed/3600/24
print(," is this many days old: ", days_elapsed)
print(," will be this many days old when it is scheduled to rotate: ", next_rotate_age/3600/24)
#if the key is a year old set it to rotate tomorrow
if days_elapsed > 364:
update_mask = kms_v1.types.UpdateCryptoKeyRequest.update_mask
new_rotation_time = now_seconds + (3600*24) # 1 day from now because can't set less than 24 hrs notice on certain keys
key.next_rotation_time.seconds = new_rotation_time
update_mask = {'paths':{'next_rotation_time': new_rotation_time}}
print(client.update_crypto_key(key, update_mask))
Is cloud asset inventory an option? You could run something like
$ gcloud asset export --organization YOUR_ORG_ID \
--asset_types \
--content-type RESOURCE \
--output-path "gs://YOUR_BUCKET/NEW_FILE"
The output file will contain the full CryptoKey resource for every single key in the organization so you don't need to send a ton of List/Get requests to the KMS API.
Having looking into your request, it would seem that it would not be possible to work around the quotas besides increasing them.
I would suggest looking at these following documentations on the following:
Resource quotas
Working with Quotas
Quotas and Limits
These documents should provide you with the information you need on quotas.

TICK stack - adding multiple influxdb sources to chronograf / kapacitor

This is my first time posting to stackoverflow, so I apologize in advance if I am not following certain protocols. I will fix and / or expand my question as needed.
I am trying to add 2 different influxdb sources that are hosted on 2 different servers to chronograf kapacitor but I cannot get it working.
Can you connect to 2 different influxdb instances through the UI?
How do you configure kapacitor.conf to read from 2 different influxdb instances?
Through the Chronograf UI I can get either source working correctly but not both at the same time. This seems to be expected through the UI so I must be missing something.
If I set the sources in kapacifor.conf, chronograf does not read from them. There are also no errors in kapacitor logs.
This is my kapacitor.conf influxdb settings that do not work:
enabled = true
default = true
name = "localcluster"
urls = ["http://localhost:8086"]
username = ""
password = ""
timeout = 0
enabled = true
default = false
name = "remoteCluster"
urls = ["http://remotehost:8086"]
username = ""
password = ""
timeout = 0
I have read the documentation and also have the latest TICK stack packages.
I have also searched online and found some references that look like my configuration and are said to work, but they do not seem to work for me.
TICK stack host information:
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I got it working but I am not sure if the configuration is recommended:
Add a new InfluxDB connection through the Chronograf web UI.
Do not create another Kapacitor Connection as only one can be active at a time.
In the graph Queries tab, select the new
InfluxDB connection from the drop down list.
Metrics from the alternate InfluxDB instance will appear and can be queried.

Play 2.6, URI length exceeds the configured limit of 2048 characters

I am trying to migrate a Play 2.5 version to 2.6.2. I keep getting the URI-length exceeds error. Anyone knows how to override this?
I tried below Akka setting but still no luck.
http.server.parsing.max-uri-length = infinite
http.client.parsing.max-uri-length = infinite = infinite
http.max-uri-length = infinite
max-uri-length = infinite
Simply add
akka.http {
parsing {
max-uri-length = 16k
to your application.conf. The prefix play.server is only used for a small subset of convenience features for Akka-HTTP integration into the Playframework, e.g. play.server.akka.requestTimeout. Those are documented in the Configuring the Akka HTTP server backend documentation.
I was getting error due to header length exceeding default 8 KB(8192). Added the following to build.sbt and it worked for me :D
javaOptions += "-Dakka.http.parsing.max-header-value-length=16k"
You can try similar for uri length if other options don't work
This took me way to long to figure out. It is somehow NOT to be found in the documentation.
Here is a snippet (confirmed working with play 2.8) to put in your application.conf which is also configurable via an environment variable and works for BOTH dev and prod mode:
# Dev Mode = 16384 = ${?PLAY_MAX_URI_LENGTH}
# Prod Mode
akka.http.parsing.max-uri-length = 16384
akka.http.parsing.max-uri-length = ${?PLAY_MAX_URI_LENGTH}
You can then edit the config or with an already deployed application just set PLAY_MAX_URI_LENGTH and it is dynamically configurable without the need to modify commandline arguments.
env PLAY_MAX_URI_LENGTH=16384 sbt run
If anyone getting this type of error in chrome browser when trying to access a site or login. [HTTP header value exceeds the configured limit of 8192 characters]
, Go to chrome
settings -> Security and Privacy -> Site Settings , View Permission and data stored across sites
Search for the specific website and on that site do Clear all data.
