Can not install Groovy plugin in Jenkins - jenkins

when I install Groovy 2.0 plugin in Jenkins version 2.46.2, the installation is ok, no error, but I did not see "Groovy Installation" in configure system like the instruction link, i aslo re-installed this plugin and restart jenkins service, but no luck. Is there something I miss? Pls advise me how to fix this issue.

Tool configurations have been moved over to "Global Tool Configuration" page under "Manage Jenkins" link in recent Jenkins versions (Sorry, I don't know the exact version when this change happened). "Groovy Installations" should be present under this page.


PRQA frame configuration not showing in Jenkins

I have installed Jenkins 2.111 version and I installed the PRQA plugin.Then i tried to configure PRQA. In that only QA verify configuration is showing,PRQA framework configuration is not showing.
Please help me,i have to install which version of PRQA plugin and Jenkins. Thank you in advance.
PRQA is only running on an old version of Jenkins. jenkins-2.107.2.
In latest version of Jenkins, the devil-Jenkins will appear when you change settings.
In some browsers, the output is really nice.

jenkins 2 dependency errors loading some plugins

I have a newly intalled jenkins v 2.36 on ubuntu 14.04 LTS. during the installation process jenkins installed all plugins except pipeline and got stuck on installation. After that i restarted jenkins with
service jenkins restart and was able to create new administrative user, Here is the screen shot of error on jenkins dashboard, the correct button doesnt fix this error.
what should i do to resolve this error ?
The error is
There are dependency errors loading some plugins:
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin v2.4
pipeline-rest-api v2.4 is missing. To fix, install v2.4 or later.
Pipeline v2.4
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin v2.4 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
It is always good to install the plugin via "Manage Jenkins -> Plugin Manager" , so that the plugin will install its dependencies automatically.
But sometimes due to slow internet connection or other reasons, it fails to do automatically. In that case, we need to do it manually under the Manage Plugins -> Advances Option -> Upload plugin.
So, in your case, it is failing for the below two dependent plugins:
pipeline-rest-api v2.4 is missing. To fix, install v2.4 or later.
Please install the pipeline-rest-api plugin. Also, please install other dependent plugins too for safer side.
List of dependent plugins for any Jenkins plugin.:
Helpful link jenkins_dependency_error that helped me solve this issue
Download the plugin from here latest pipeline.
Go to jenkins dashboard > Manage jenkins> Manage Plugin > [select Advanced Tab]
select upload plugin file (select the option "restart after installation" )

Jenkins find installed plugins

I am new to Jenkins. I have installed some plugins like maven, JDK parameter on my local jenkins server. After installing the same it doesn't appear in the "Configure system" page. I tried to restart my machine, to see if its required but it didn't help. Could someone guide on what are the steps to be followed to use the installed plug in in the configure system page.
Take a look at the official Jenkins wiki:
Make sure your Jenkins version supports the version of the plugins you want to install.

Jenkins - MSBuild section is missing in system configuration

From MSBuild Plugin Page:
To use this plugin, specify the location directory of MSBuild.exe on
Jenkin's configuration page.
Jenkins 2.7.2 LTS is installed on Windows as a service with recommended plugins on startup.
Then I installed MSBuild plugin v1.26
Restarted Jenkins, but still I cannot see any MSBuild section in 'Configure System' page.
Can anyone help?
I've seen some of my plugin's settings going into "Global Tool Configuration". See the image:

Jenkins: cannot automatically install gradle. No version list from

in Jenkins, I have always used the option to install Gradle automatically from the server (Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Gradle Installations.
Now I have set up a new Jenkins installation on an Ubuntu 14 System.
I installed the Gradle plugin, but now, when I choose "Install automatically" in the Gradle configuration, I am not able to choose the Gradle version that should be downloaded. Usually you get a select box with all available Gradle versions, but in my case, I only get an empty text field under "Install from".
Please see the screenshot
The list of available Gradle versions shown in that UI is download perodically by Jenkins.
However, for Jenkins versions older than 1.619, the list was not fetched after installing a plugin for the first time.
So if you just have the empty text field, most likely the downloading has failed, or you have an older Jenkins version.
As a workaround, you can visit Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Advanced, and click on Check now at the bottom of the page. This will trigger an update of the Gradle versions.
Using Check now button did not work for me.
Nor re-installing the Gradle plugin.
I only got an empty text field under "Install from".
Although, changing browser from Firefox to Chrome helped.
I've lost 2 hours with this when I've finally figured this out. :)
