IOS/Autolayout: Set constraints for tableview - ios

I am trying to set the constraints for a tableview. However, I cannot CTRL-Drag from the tableview to the view controller and when I select the tableview, the autlayout controls are inactive. Can anyone suggest the proper way to apply auto layout so that a tableview acts correctly for all screen sizes?
Pin in autolayout


Multipage UICollectionView with View

I am trying to create a collection view layout similar to the one used by Twitter and Product Hunt. I want to have a horizontal collection view to tab between data while also maintaining vertical scrolling in the tab I am in. I do not want to just change the datasource that is loaded into the UICollectionView. I have tried several different layouts but none of them have been successful.
Right now, I have a UIViewController with a UICollectionView & UIImageView object inside of it. The UIImageView's size is (3/8) of the UIViewController's frame and begins at (0,0). The UICollectionView's frame is equal to the UIViewController's frame but the cv is offset to be below UIImageView & its size is equal to the size of the UIViewController's view. The (1) cell inside the UICollectionView has a UICollectionView inside of it -- this can be configured with the data you want (multiple cells). This layout works fine for a single datasource.
However, when you want to have multiple datasources accessed by scrolling horizontally the layout breaks down. You have to change the flow layout of the outermost UICollectionView to horizontal. When you do this, you get a layout error because the size of the collection view is larger than than the view and you cannot scroll vertically.
If you reference the image I provided, I think you can infer what the desired layout should behave like. You should be able to access the other datasource by horizontal scrolling but also be able to scroll the current collection view full screen and not have it fixed to the bottom of the UIImageView. I tried adding logic to the scrollview delegate methods but that didn't work either. Thanks]2

How to give constraints to a tableview when tableview cell is on xib. And table view is on storyboard

I have a table view on storyboard i.e. FirstStory.Storyboard. And for this tableview I have created a table view cell on xib file where I give size to its width as per my current storyboard width. But when I launch my app it runs fine on the landscape position. But when I rotate it in the portrait mode. Width is unable to show the all item which I placed in tableviewcell.xib. How we mutually combine these two item in storyboard (table view on storyboard while cell on xib). Which follow a single constraints with above condition.
UITableViewCell's contentView property is always the size of the cell. So you have to setup the constraints of your UI components in the xib file with the Cell's contentView properly. The issue you are facing must be because you did not setup these constraints properly.
To see which views or constraints have been placed wrong, use the XCode's 'Debug View Hierarcy' feature.
Launch it from here
Run your app, navigate to your tableView, then press the above button to launch the view debugger. It provides very good insight into your constraints and where the issue may lie

How do I add a footer to a UITableView using Storyboard?

Same as this question, only the proposed solution doesn't work for me. When I drag a view to the bottom area of a tableView, it tries to add it to the list of cells higher up:
I'm sure I'm missing something simple... I'm new to storyboards.
Maybe it is adding a "footer" (though, it doesn't label it as such), it's just not adding it low enough. I was ultimately hoping to add an item that would appear at the bottom of the screen (and stick to the bottom of the screen).
TIP: You can use the Tree view (outline view) on the left to arrange the Views (and sub views). I have done a lot of storyboard editing, and dropping things into table views rarely go to the correct hierarchy level in the tree view.
Create a New UIViewController
Insert a UITableView
Resize the tableview by dragging its dimensions
The attached picture has a UITableView on TOP of a UIViewController's UIView. Make sure that you set the delegates in the UIViewController's .m, assign the tableView as a property of the view controller, and then set the tableview's delegate property to the UIViewController object. i.e.: tableView.delegate = self or [tableView setDelegate:self]; also with datasource.
OR you can just click the tableView, on story board, and then drag its delegate and datasource property to THE UIVIEWCONTROLLER! not the view! You can do this by dragging it to the this highlighted part of the view controller's toolbar on the storyboard:
Either you can create a footer view programatically or you can load a view from UIView outlet
UIView *tempFooter=[[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:self.Footerview.frame];
[tempFooter addSubview:self.Footerview];
self.Footerview //View outlet
You need to set all the needed constraints of the self.Footerview to get the required layout of the footer view.But you don't need to set constraints for tableview footer itself.

UITableView and Another View inside ScrollView

I have UITableView and UIView(used to show image slideshow) inside UIScrollView. The tableview is dynamic and i want to automatically adjust height of table view to show all the cells(and disable scrolling of tableview) and scrollview should show both slideshow and tableview and could be scrollable, I know how to do this with code but i want to know if is possible to do in Interface builder(without using iOS6 auto layout) using previous(iOS5 and early) autoresize method in the xcode size inspecter tab(see image)
I think this is hard to do only using interface builder.
You can set your objects via interface builder. But for maintaing scrolling conditions you need to do it programmatically. Also for table view height to be dynamic you need to be done programmatically.

Why UITableView on the device smaller than in IB

When I create my UI in IB I can't do it right because UITableView height not equals its height on the device.
I don't understand why?
This is happening because the view is being resized when it is pushed on the navigation stack. You can fix this several ways. The best thing to do it setup your nib so it matches the displayed size. You can also remove te autoresize flags from the UITableView. Finally you could programmatically resize the view inside of the view controller's viewWillShow:(BOOL)animated.
