How to use Omniauth Asana with Rails API only app - ruby-on-rails

I have a Rails 5 API only app and an Angular JS Frontend app and would like to integrate with Asana API. I'm using the ruby-asana, omniauth and omniauth-asana gems.
I start the request using Asana's JS library like so:
var client = Asana.Client.create({
clientId: 172706773623703,
clientSecret: '<client_secret>',
redirectUri: '<redirect_url>'
flowType: Asana.auth.PopFlow
And the above does redirect me to Asana where I can login. On the redirectUri I'm giving a backend route (Rails 5 API only) which should handle the remaining on the authentication (using the JS only I get only a temporary token that cannot be self renewed meaning the user will have to authenticate every time the token expires. This is if I understood the documentation correctly).
So, on the controller I've created to handle the route, I have the following (from an example on Asana's documentation):
require 'omniauth-asana'
use OmniAuth::Strategies::Asana, <secret>, <secret>
creds = request.env["omniauth.auth"]["credentials"].tap { |h| h.delete('expires') }
strategy = request.env["omniauth.strategy"]
access_token = OAuth2::AccessToken.from_hash(strategy.client, creds).refresh!
$client = do |c|
c.authentication :oauth2, access_token
Now, the above doesn't work because 1) there's no request.env as this is an API only app, so I've followed the instruction on Omniauth and have added the following to my config/application.rb:
config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_interslice_session'
config.middleware.use ActionDispatch::Cookies # Required for all session management
config.middleware.use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore, config.session_options
Now, in the request.headers I have _interslice_session which has some numbers. How can I create a Asana client with the above?
Any ideas?

OK, I think I see what you're attempting to do here; I think the best way forward is to start with how OAuth's Authorization Code Grant happens in general, then move into specifics for OmniAuth.
You send the user to a URL that Asana owns; that is, your goal is to get the user to visit a particular url. For Asana, this is (Note that we respond with an error if you don't sent a correct client_id param, but feel free to check that link if you want). Do not send the client_secret during this request - it is intended to never be involved in client-side code, as this is insecure.
If they agree to give access, Asana sends back a redirect request to the user's browser with a short-lived code. That then means that your server will be called from the user's browser with this code as a parameter, so has to handle a new incoming request from the browser to whatever you specified as your redirect URI. Also, this location must be accessible by all users of your integration wherever they are.
You send this code from your server as a POST request to with your client_secret to Asana for a refresh token. This is where your application actually asks for credentials; the token given in the previous phases simply acknowledges that for a short time, the user has given your app permission to ask for these credentials, and your client_secret assures Asana that, for this server-side request, your app really is yours (it's like your application's password).
We send back an access_token which represents (approximately) a client-user credential pair that is valid for an hour.
You use these credentials to access our API on behalf of this user. We also send back a refresh_token which is long-lived, and used to get new short-lived access_tokens after they expire in a very similar way.
OK, so how this works with OmniAuth if I grok it correctly is that it expects to handle almost all of it. I'll be working through our omniauth example in our ruby-asana client library here:
You set up OmniAuth with your client id and client secret
use OmniAuth::Strategies::Asana, <client_id>, <client_secret>
A request comes in, and you don't have credentials for it.
get '/' do
if $client
'sign in to asana'
The user clicks the sign in link, which (code omitted) sends them to the sign_in endpoint. This endpoint issues a redirect to /auth/asana
The browser requests /auth/asana from our server. If you look at that example, it's not implemented in our code. That's because the /auth/:provider is magically handled by OmniAuth.
This is where all the magic happens. OmniAuth handles the entire login flow above: send browser to our oauth_authorize above, then receive the callback and sticks the relevant params in the environment such that it knows "we just got the short lived code". By the time these lines get hit:
creds = request.env["omniauth.auth"]["credentials"].tap { |h| h.delete('expires') }
strategy = request.env["omniauth.strategy"]
you are inside a callback that OmniAuth has intercepted, gotten the needed creds, and set the creds in the environment. You shouldn't have to handle the oauth callback and token exchange manually.
Now, with the code you provided, I notice a few things right off:
You are causing the popup cycle to happen client side. It may be (and I strongly suspect) that this won't work with OmniAuth - it expects to handle the whole OAuth flow.
Based on the code snippet you provided, you aren't serving this out of a request-response cycle in the controller, rather, it appears that this is in the controller body and not out of an instance method. It may be a typo, but this needs to be in a method that is called back to outside of Rails (that is, a route must point to this a controller method that Asana can use to handle the browser request).
You shouldn't have to look at request.headers, I think - I'm not sure what the issues might be with request.env, but I suspect they may be unrelated to the API-only nature of your app. Are you sure that this is because it's API-only? After adding in the middleware, did you double-check that you can't access request.env? My hunch would be that persistent data in request.env will still be there, only it would require on the middleware being added in to do this. The instructions on OmniAuth simply say that you need to have a session store for your API - which makes sense to me, because APIs don't necessarily need to store state across requests, OmniAuth is telling you to put a session store back in.
I know this is a lot of info, but hopefully it helps you get on the right track. Cheers!


Devise Omniauth : POST data using href link

I would like to create a link that could POST data.
Actually, I have a front in vuejs and a backend in rails.
I already have my own authentication system with Devise gem.
And I would like a user (who is already logged in) to be able to connect to other omniauth services (github, google...).
The problem is that as soon as I go on the link /auth/github (for example) my backend tells me that I didn't send the user's authentication token because i don't know how to send it.
That's why I would like to send datas (here, the auth token) directly from the link
Like #Eyeslandic pointed out, your title is misleading, you have an OAuth or OAuth2 problem not a link problem.
If I can guess correctly you are getting a Get response (the token is in the link) and you want it to be a post response (the token in the request body) ... Are you using passport.js ? Must be a matter of configuration.
There is nothing wrong with receiving the token in the link, OAuth protocols are secure enough, whether it's a Get or a Post response.
If you want to read the token from the link, check this answer.
login.get('/p', function(req, res) {
const token = req.query.theReturnedTokenNameInTheLink
res.send("My token is " + token);
And the token is just a key that give you access to the host (github, google, facebook ...) Api, you should make another request to those API's, in order to get the user data, you could use a library like passport.js to simplify things, here is one of the tutorials, I found on how to use passport.js
Good luck.

Session empty after redirect

I've a React JS app, which makes this request to my back-end API. i.e
window.location = "" + "/gmail/add_account";
cannot set HTTP headers for window.location see this
this server endpoint redirects to Google OAuth page, which returns a response to my redirect_uri.
def add_account
# no auth headers sent here, because front-end has used window.location
gmail_service =
session[:uid] = params["uid"]
redirect_to gmail_service.generate_authorization_url()
def oauth_postback
# session object is {} here
# Since there are no authorization headers, I cannot identify my app's user
# How can I identify my app's user here?
The problem I'm facing is that when the OAuth flow sends the response to my redirect_uri it does not return include any authorization header, due to which I'm unable to identify which user of my app has launched this OAuth flow.
I've tried setting up a session variable in the /gmail/add_account endpoint, which works fine. After this endpoint redirects to the OAuth screen, and the Oauth flow sends a response to my Oauth redirect_uri, there my session object is {}.
How can I implement this flow such that I know which user has launched this OAuth flow?
You have basically two options:
the state parameter
The state parameter is part of the OAuth2 spec (and is supported by Google). It's a random string of characters that you add to the authorization URL (as a query parameter), and will be included when the user is redirected back to your site (as a query parameter). It's used for CSRF protection, and can also be used to identify a user. Be sure that if you use it, it's a one-time value (e.g. a random value that you store in your db, not the user's ID).
sessions with cookies
If the user has previously logged in, you should be able to identify them by their session cookie. It sounds like this is the approach you're currently taking, but the session is getting reset.
It's difficult to debug this without knowing more about your stack/code, but a good first step would be just trying to load your callback URL without the redirection to Google to see the session object is still empty. If so, that would indicate an issue with how you've implemented sessions generally and not something specific to this flow.
As a note, based on the code you've shared, I'm not sure how params["uid"] is getting set if you're doing a redirect without any query parameters or path parameters.
Finally, you may consider using a managed OAuth service for something like this, like Xkit, where I work. If you have a logged in user, you can use Xkit to connect to the user's Gmail account with one line of code, and retrieve their (always refreshed) access tokens anywhere else in your stack (backend, frontend, cloud functions) with one API call.

Should I move the auth code to Access Token exchange to the API for a Web API/SPA OpenID Connect implementation?

I'm trying to get my head around setting up an OpenID Connect server for SSO authentication. I think my basic setup/requirements are pretty standard, but I'm having a little difficulty putting it all together.
The broad setup is a single page application, a web API, and an identity server. The SPA is served from the same domain name as the web API and the ID server is on a different domain, so I might have several SPA/Web API combinations, but of course every case is the same setup (single host with static content and an API). At the moment I'm working with IdentityServer4 to create the identity server; I'm flexible to trying other providers if there's some kind of problem with that one, but so far so good.
My login requirements are also pretty standard I think; I want to have short-lived access tokens and I also want to use refresh tokens to implement a sliding expiration so users don't have to be redirected off of my SPA until they've been inactive for "a while" (however I end up defining that).
After a bit of research, I think what I want is to use the authorization code flow. So generally, the way I thought this would work is:
A user visits the application host (that serves the web API and SPA); the static SPA is served
The SPA loads and determines that there is no access token in local storage. The SPA kicks off the login process by producing a random identifier and storing it in session storage, then navigates the browser to the ID server host
The user authenticates with the ID server host
The ID server hosts redirects to the client and includes in the redirect the random identifier the SPA originally generated along with an authorization code
Upon loading and detecting that it got an access code, the SPA checks session storage for the identifier stored in step 2. Finding it, the SPA calls the web API to exchange the authorization code for an access token
The web API uses a back channel with the ID server to produce an access token and refresh token
The web API stores the refresh token and access token then issues the access token to the client
In all future requests, the client uses the access token with the Web API. When the SPA determines that the access token it has is expired or about to expire, it request a refresh somehow (I'm going to hand-wave the refresh a bit for now)
So I went through the tutorial on the IdentityServer4 site, and to my surprise I ended up in a bit of a different state. It took me a while to work through it; the step I'm talking about if anyone wants to follow along is "Adding a JavaScript Client", but I'd be willing to be the result is common among people implementing OpenID Connect. The resulting flow differed from what I expected starting with step 5; instead of the SPA calling the web API with an authorization code and requesting an access token, the SPA uses CORS and makes a cross-domain request back to the ID server to request the access token. The tutorial didn't really cover refresh tokens all that much (there's other parts of the docs that do, but only briefly), but I think the implication is that if I wanted to use refresh tokens they'd be issued to the client and it would use local storage to store them; then for future refreshes it'd also do a cross-domain request back to the ID server. As a side note, another bit of surprise was that the tutorial has you use PKCE, which on research seems to be unnecessary for a web application; it's somewhat important as including a SHA-2 implementation client-side increases the size of my application by a fair bit.
I believe it is a bad practice to issue a refresh token to a web client and ask it to store it; I'm somewhat vague on the specific vulnerabilities that opens up, but the general idea is that if someone subverts your client somehow, a refresh token is considerably more powerful than a short-lived access token.
So, getting my head around this, I believe the way I originally though this would work was that the web API is the "Relying party" in OAuth 2 parlance, and the tutorial set it up so that the client is the "Relying party". It makes me think that if I want to get a sliding expiration, I have to go past where the tutorial went and move the functionality for token exchange from the client into the web API like I had originally envisioned. It would end up looking a bit like the web API functionally being a proxy for the SPA to exchange the authorization code for an access token.
Ultimately, my question is: am I getting this right? It looks like there are really two different models for implementing OpenID Connect for SPA/API web applications; one where the API is the RP, and another where the SPA is the RP. If you want to use refresh tokens, I think you should go with option 1, but maybe if you care that the API could impersonate the client you'd go with option 2? That still seems like it wouldn't matter to me; that authorization code/access token swap can only be used for a particular application, so it's not like one API could suddenly authenticate as a different backend in that setup. I'm just nervous about going off on my own to structurally alter the setup the tutorial had since this is security-related.
I used the authorization code flow instead of the implicit flow despite the accepted answer, since that's the most recent recommendation of the IETF (see, and a great writeup at I accepted that answer because using a silent refresh via iframe instead of a refresh token seems to be the most standard approach for what I'm trying to do; using that I was able to build a working system that looks like the tutorial. In fact, the client library it recommends (oidc-client) has a built-in function to handle the details. For completeness, what I'm starting off with is this service:
import oidc from "oidc-client";
import Url from "url-parse";
let baseUrl = new Url(window.location.href).set("pathname", "").set("query", "").set("hash", "");
let redirectUrl = (new Url(baseUrl)).set("query", "redirect=fromIdentityProvider");
let silentRedirectUrl = (new Url(baseUrl)).set("pathname", "silent-refresh.html");
let identitySettings = {
authority: "[my application's id server domain]",
client_id: "[my client's id]",
redirect_uri: redirectUrl.toString(),
response_type: "code",
scope: "openid profile [my application's resource name]",
post_logout_redirect_uri: baseUrl,
automaticSilentRenew: true,
silent_redirect_uri: silentRedirectUrl.toString()
let userManager = new oidc.UserManager(identitySettings);
let user = null;
export default {
async logIn() {
await userManager.signinRedirect();
async isLoggedIn() {
return !!(await this.getAccessToken());
async logOut() {
await userManager.signoutRedirect();
async getAccessToken() {
user = await userManager.getUser();
return user ? user.access_token : null;
async initializeApp() {
let url = new Url(window.location.href, true);
if (url.query && url.query.redirect === "fromIdentityProvider") {
await new oidc.UserManager({
response_mode: "query"
window.location = "/";
return false;
user = await userManager.getUser();
return true;
Then in my application I call initializeApp when the app starts and getAccessToken before any API calls. I still need to eventually add the ability to automatically redirect on 401 from the API, but that's pretty easy.
To make the silent redirect work, I created silent-redirect.html based on instructions here: I also integrated Google authentication as an external provider and verified that it also works for silent refreshes, so no trade-off there.
To round it out, for me the answer to my original question is basically "no", I don't want to move the exchange step to the backend. I did also decide to use PKCE even though it seems to me like it shouldn't be necessary, it's in the IETF recommendation I mentioned, so I'll stick with that.
There is a special OAuth2 flow for SPAs - the Implicit grant. If you want just an access token, specify &response_type=token when accessing the /auth endpoint. Alternatively, you can ask for an ID token as well with &response_type=token id_token&scope=openid. The SPA gets the token in the redirect URL from the autorization provider (in the hash part #access_token=...) along with its life-time expires_in=.... So the token stays in your browser - the hash part doesn't get sent to the server hosting the SPA files.
Your SPA should validate and keep both values and before the token expiration, it should call the /auth endpoint in an iframe with &prompt=none parameter. If your authorization provider supports Single Sign On (SSO), then you should get a fresh access token without the user noticing it. So it works similarly to a refresh token, without requiring CORS, PKCE or a client secret.
If you wanted to implement some more sophisticated SSO management, take a look at the OpenID Connect Session management RFC.

What request should be made to exchange a code for a token in Authorization Code Grant workflow?

I'm trying to set up Pac4j in my back end (BE) application and in order to configure my Angular front end (FE), I need to understand the workflow that it expects in order to configure the back end properly.
I've been reading reams of documentation and trawling through Pac4j source to find how I get the token from the code without exposing the client secret.
I try to log in FE->BE (without auth)
I receive a 401
I take the 'Location' (the Google auth uri) from the 401 and redirect to it, providing a callback uri
I log in to Google
I am redirected back to my callback uri with a code
(What request do I make to BE in order to get a token back? i.e. where is the token URI that doesn't require a client_secret)
I use the retrieved token to access and continue as normal using BE
If you don't want to use client_secret, then you need public client. I'm not sure if public client is supported by Google.
IMHO better approach will be implicit flow in the FE. It will generate access token, which will be used for BE api calls.

Passport & JWT & Google/Facebook Strategy - How do I combine JWT and Google/Facebook Strategy?

This question is for anyone who is familiar with
JWT Authentication with passport (JSON Web Tokens)
Facebook OAuth2.0 OR Google OAuth2.0
I have been doing some online courses and understand how to do the two following things:
Authentication using Passport Local Strategy + JWT Tokens
Authentication using Passport Google/Facebook Strategy + Cookie/sessions.
I am trying to combine the content from these two courses basically. I want to use Google Strategy + JWT Authentication. I want to use JWT instead of cookies because my app is going to be a web/mobile/tablet app, and I need to be accessing the api from different domains.
There are two issues I am having with this:
To kick off the Google/facebook OAuth pipelines, you need to call either '/auth/facebook' or '/auth/google'. Both Oauth flows work basically the same so when I say '/auth/google' from now on, I am referring to either. Now the issue I'm having is: On the client, do I call the '/auth/google' route with a href button link or an axios/ajax call? If I use the href or axios/ajax approach I am still getting problems with both solutions.
The href approach problem:
When I assign an <a> tag with a href to '/auth/google' the authentication works perfectly fine. The user gets pushed through the Google Auth flow, they log in and the '/auth/google/callback' route gets called. The problem I have now is how do I correctly send the JWT token back to the client from '/auth/google/callback'?
After a lot of googling I have seen that people have simply passed the the JWT back to the client from the oauth callback in the redirect query param. For example:
res.redirect(301, `/dashboard?token=${tokenForUser(req.user)}`);
The issue I have with this is that now the the ability to authenticate is saved in my browser history! I could log out (destroying the token saved in localStorage), and then simply look at my browser url history, go back to the url that contains the token in the query param, and I would automatically log in again without having to go through the Google Strategy! This is a huge security flaw and is obviously the incorrect way to approach it.
The axios/ajax approach problem:
Now before I explain the problem with this issue, I know for sure that If I get this working, it will solve all issues I was having with the previous href problem. If I manage to call '/google/auth' from an axios.get() call and receive the JWT in the response body, I will not be sending the token as url param, and it will not get saved in the browser history! Perfect right? well there is still some problems with this approach :(
When try to call axios.get('/auth/google') I get the following error:
How I've tried to solve the problem:
I installed cors to my npm server, and added app.use(cors()); to my index.js.
I took a stab and added "http://localhost:3000" to the "Authorised JavaScript origins" in Google developer console.
Neither of these solutions solved the issue, so now I really feel stuck. I want to use the axios/ajax approach, but I'm not sure how to get past this cors error.
Sorry for such a long message, but I really felt I had to give you all the information in order for you to properly help me.
Thanks again, looking forward to hear from you!
I solved this in this way:
On Front-End (can be mobile app) I made login request to Google (or Facebook) and after the user selected his account and logged in I got back response that contained google auth token and basic user info.
Then I sent that google auth token to backend where my API sent one more request to the Google API to confirm that token. (See step 5)
After successful request comes you get basic user info and e-mail. At this point, you can assume that user login via Google is good since google check returned that it's okay.
Then you just signup or login user with that email and create that JWT token.
Return token to your client and just use it for future requests.
I hope it helps. I implemented this multiple times and it showed like a good solution.
Though there is good answer, I wanted to add more information with example.
Passport's google/facebook strategy is session based, it stores user info in cookie which is not advisable. So we need to disable it first
To disable session we need modify our redirect router. For example if we have redirect path /google/redirect like following, we need to pass { session: false } object as parameter.
router.get('/google/redirect', passport.authenticate('google', { session: false }), (req, res)=> {
console.log(":::::::::: user in the redirect", req.user);
So where does this user come from? This user comes from passport's callback function. In the previous snippet we have added passport.authenticate(....) This middlewire initiates passport's google-strategy's callback which deals with the user. For example
new GoogleStrategy({
callbackURL: '/google/redirect',
(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done)=>{
console.log('passport callback function fired');
done(null, user);
That's it. We have successfully combined JWT and Google/Facebook Strategy.
The solution I found was to do the OAuth flow in a pop-up (, that makes use of a pre-defined callback to pass the token to the front-end upon successful authentication.
Below are the relevant code samples, taken from this tutorial:
Here is the pre-defined callback and initial open method, called from your front-end:
window.authenticateCallback = function(token) {
accessToken = token;
};'/api/authentication/' + provider + '/start');
And here is what your OAuth Callback URL should return, upon successful authentication (which is the last step/page inside your pop-up):
<!-- src/public/authenticated.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
Authenticated successfully.
<script type="text/javascript">
Your token would now be available to your front-end's pre-defined callback function, where you could easily save it in localStorage.
I suppose though, you could do the OAuth flow in the same window then (sans pop-up) and return an HTML page (similar to the above) that just saves the token and redirects the user to a dashboard immediately.
If your front-end domain was different from your api/auth server, however, you would probably need to redirect from your api/auth server to your front-end with a single-use, time-sensitive token (generated by your api/auth server), that your front-end could then use to call and receive (with axios) your actual token. This way you wouldn't have that browser history security problem.
