Is it possible to use libsvm for multilabel regression problems - machine-learning

I have a scenario where I need to predict spherical co-ordinates (r,theta,phi) depending upon the values of 6 attributes.I am using Libsvm with regression option. If I individually predict labels according to the object instance, it doesnt make sense. Also if I combine labels and assign a specific label for each r,theta,phi, it is not meaningful and SVM not converging in prediction. I want SVM to analyse the combination of three coordinates and accordingly create a training model. Is it possible? Please advise.

Not really: SVM is a classification algorithm, not a prediction algorithm. So far as SVM is concerned, a label of (0, 0, 1) is just as distinct from (0, 0, 2) as it is from (20, 3, -1): "not the same".
If you have a regression problem, then use a regression model: do a little research to find one that matches whatever your data set characteristics suggest.
From what little you've said, it sounds to me as if you want a multivariate regression, with a single loss function that describes the deviation from the desired output triple. You're correct that three separate regressions won't work for this scenario: the position in space depends on a non-linear combination of the three outputs.
I suggest that you make your loss function some useful distance function between the true and predicted positions. You will need to experiment with your model features, using linear, squared, and other terms for each of the six inputs. I can't suggest anything, as you haven't adequately described the problem.


Difference between linear regression and gradient descent

based assignment and I chose machine learning as my topic. I'm still in highschool so I don't know much about calculus.
My end goal is to try using a machine learning algorithm to predict stock values. But I want to understand what I'm doing without copying and analyzing existing codes that perform my required function.
This also isn't programming-related but mostly concerns over the theory part of it? I read through articles on linear regression and watched the lecture that Stanford has on its youtube. But I don't get it. These are my main confusions:
Are linear regression and gradient descent different algorithms or a set of algorithms used together to predict or classify stuff?
Are y = mx + c and f(x) = ϴ0 + ϴx same? What can I calculate with this?
This equation is shown in the linear regression part so what exactly does this do?
I will try to answer all three questions you asked.
First, let me classify ML into some categories.
Regression - Predicting continuous valued output (example, stock prediction)
Classification - Predicting discrete valued output (example, spam classification)
Now regression can be also classified as linear regression or polynomial regression.
Linear Regression is the simplest one. This is how it works.
Suppose I have this data.
These are the house prices plotted against size of the house. Now I want a straight line that can best fit this data. Maybe I will try this line.
And I will try more and more lines to see which actually fit best to the data. Now, to obtain different lines I will vary parameters like a and b in y=a+bx. This answers your second question, this equation represents a straight line which you are trying to fit to the data.
But, how will I decide if one line is better fit than the other. I will calculate some value which represents the error my line makes in correctly predicting the y values of all the x values in my data. This is actually called cost function. I can choose a cost function like this :
(Ignore if it doesn't make sense).
But basically I want my cost function (error representing value) to be minimum and Gradient Descent is one such algorithm that can minimize my cost function. Gradient Descent can actually minimize any general function and hence it is not exclusive to Linear Regression but still it is popular for linear regression. This answers your first question.
Next step is to know how Gradient descent work. This is the algo:
This is what you have asked in your third question. This is the line of code which actually adjusts your fitting line(called hypothesis) while minimizing the cost function.

Logistic Regression is sensitive to outliers? Using on synthetic 2D dataset

I am currently using sklearn's Logistic Regression function to work on a synthetic 2d problem. The dataset is shown as below:
I'm basic plugging the data into sklearn's model, and this is what I'm getting (the light green; disregard the dark green):
The code for this is only two lines; model = LogisticRegression();,tr_labels). I've checked the plotting function; that's fine as well. I'm using no regularizer (should that affect it?)
It seems really strange to me that the boundaries behave in this way. Intuitively I feel they should be more diagonal, as the data is (mostly) located top-right and bottom-left, and from testing some things out it seems a few stray datapoints are what's causing the boundaries to behave in this manner.
For example here's another dataset and its boundaries
Would anyone know what might be causing this? From my understanding Logistic Regression shouldn't be this sensitive to outliers.
Your model is overfitting the data (The decision regions it found perform indeed better on the training set than the diagonal line you would expect).
The loss is optimal when all the data is classified correctly with probability 1. The distances to the decision boundary enter in the probability computation. The unregularized algorithm can use large weights to make the decision region very sharp, so in your example it finds an optimal solution, where (some of) the outliers are classified correctly.
By a stronger regularization you prevent that and the distances play a bigger role. Try different values for the inverse regularization strength C, e.g.
model = LogisticRegression(C=0.1),tr_labels)
Note: the default value C=1.0 corresponds already to a regularized version of logistic regression.
Let us further qualify why logistic regression overfits here: After all, there's just a few outliers, but hundreds of other data points. To see why it helps to note that
logistic loss is kind of a smoothed version of hinge loss (used in SVM).
SVM does not 'care' about samples on the correct side of the margin at all - as long as they do not cross the margin they inflict zero cost. Since logistic regression is a smoothed version of SVM, the far-away samples do inflict a cost but it is negligible compared to the cost inflicted by samples near the decision boundary.
So, unlike e.g. Linear Discriminant Analysis, samples close to the decision boundary have disproportionately more impact on the solution than far-away samples.

Pre-processing data: Normalizing data labels in regression?

Recently I was told that the labels of regression data should also be normalized for better result but I am pretty doubtful of that. I have never tried normalizing labels in both regression and classification that's why I don't know if that state is true or not. Can you please give me a clear explanation (mathematically or in experience) about this problem?
Thank you so much.
Any help would be appreciated.
When you say "normalize" labels, it is not clear what you mean (i.e. whether you mean this in a statistical sense or something else). Can you please provide an example?
On Making labels uniform in data analysis
If you are trying to neaten labels for use with the text() function, you could try the abbreviate() function to shorten them, or the format() function to align them better.
The pretty() function works well for rounding labels on plot axes. For instance, the base function hist() for drawing histograms calls on Sturges or other algorithms and then uses pretty() to choose nice bin sizes.
The scale() function will standardize values by subtracting their mean and dividing by the standard deviation, which in some circles is referred to as normalization.
On the reasons for scaling in regression (in response to comment by questor). Suppose you regress Y on covariates X1, X2, ... The reasons for scaling covariates Xk depend on the context. It can enable comparison of the coefficients (effect sizes) of each covariate. It can help ensure numerical accuracy (these days not usually an issue unless covariates on hugely different scales and/or data is big). For a readable intro see Psychosomatic medicine editors' guide. For a mathematically intense discussion see Sylvain Sardy's guide.
In particular, in Bayesian regression, rescaling is advisable to ensure convergence of MCMC estimation; e.g. see this discussion.
You mean features not labels.
It is not necessary to normalize your features for regression or classification, even though in some cases, it is a trick that can help converging faster. You might want to check this post.
To my experience, when using a simple model like a linear regression with only a few variables, keeping the features as they are (without normalization) is preferable since the model is more interpretable.
It may be that what you mean is that you should scale your labels. The reason is so convergence is faster, and you don't get numeric instability.
For example, if your labels are in the range (1000, 1000000) and the weights are initialized close to zero, a mse loss would be so large, you'd likely get NaN errors.
See for a similar discussion.
for a regression problem with algorithms including decision tree or logistic regression and linear regression I tested in two modes: 1- with label scaling using MinMaxScaler 2- without label scaling the result that i got was : r2 score is the same in 2 mode mse and mae scales
for diabetes dataset using linear regression the result before and after is
without scaling:
Mean Squared Error: 3424.3166
Mean Absolute Error: 46.1742
R2_score : 0.33
after scaling labels:
Mean Squared Error: 0.0332
Mean Absolute Error: 0.1438
R2_score : 0.33
also below link can be useful which says scaling can be helpful in fast convergence enter scale or not scale labels in deep leaning?

How many learning curves should I plot for a multi-class logistic regression classifier?

If we have K classes, do I have to plot K learning curves?
Because it seems impossible to me to calculate the train/validation error against all K theta vectors at once.
To clarify, the learning curve is a plot of the training & cross validation/test set error/cost vs training set size. This plot should allow you to see if increasing the training set size improves performance. More generally, the learning curve allows you to identify whether your algorithm suffers from a bias (under fitting) or variance (over fitting) problem.
It depends. Learning curves do not concern themselves with the number of classes. Like you said, it is a plot of training set and test set error, where that error is a numerical value. This is all learning curves are.
That error can be anything you want: accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score etc. (even MAE, MSE and others for regression).
However, the error you choose to use is the one that does or does not apply to your specific problem, which in turn indirectly affects how you should use learning curves.
Accuracy is well defined for any number of classes, so if you use this, a single plot should suffice.
Precision and recall, however, are defined only for binary problems. You can somewhat generalize them (see here for example) by considering the binary problem with classes x and not x for each class x. In that case, you will probably want to plot learning curves for each class. This will also help you identify problems relating to certain classes better.
If you want to read more about performance metrics, I like this paper a lot.

Using an ANN to calculate a position vector's length and the angle between it and the x-axis

I'm new to neural networks and trying to get the hang of it by solving the following task:
Given a semi circle which defines an area above the x-axis, I would like to teach an ANN to output the length of a vector pointing to any position within that area. In addition, I would also like to know the angle between it and the x-axis.
I thought of this as a classical example of supervised learning and used Backpropagation to train a feed-forward network. The network is built by two Input-, two Output-, and variable amount of Hidden-neurons organised in a variable amount of hidden layers.
My training data is a random and unsorted sample of points within that area and the respective desired values. The coordinates of the points serve as the input of the net while I use the calculated values to minimise the error.
However, even after thousands of training iterations and empirical changes of the networks topology, I am unable to produce results with an error below ~0.2 (Radius: 20.0, Topology: 2/4/2).
Are there any obvious pitfalls I'm failing to see or does the chosen approach just not fit the task? Which other network types and/or learning techniques could be used to complete the task?
I wouldn't use variable amounts of hidden layers, I would use just one.
Then, I wouldn't use two output neurons, I would use two separate ANNs, one for each of the values you're after. This should do better, since your outputs aren't clearly related in my opinion.
Then, I would experiment with number of hidden neurons between 2 and 10 and different activation functions (logistic and tanh, maybe ReLUs).
After that, do you scale your data? It might be worth scaling both your inputs and outputs. Sigmoid units return small numbers, so it is good if you can adapt your outputs to be small as well (in [-1 , 1] or [0, 1]). For example, if want your angles in degrees, divide all of your targets by 360 before training the ANN on them. Then when the ANN returns a result, multiply it by 360 and see if that helps.
Finally, there are a number of ways to train your neural network. Gradient descent is the classic, but probably not the best. Better methods are conjugate gradient, BFGS etc. See here for optimizers if you're using python - even if not, they might give you an idea of what to search for in your language.
