CoreAnimation resets to initial value after animation completes [duplicate] - ios

I am using CABasicAnimation to move and resize an image view. I want the image view to be added to the superview, animate, and then be removed from the superview.
In order to achieve that I am listening for delegate call of my CAAnimationGroup, and as soon as it gets called I remove the image view from the superview.
The problem is that sometimes the image blinks in the initial location before being removed from the superview. What's the best way to avoid this behavior?
CAAnimationGroup *animGroup = [CAAnimationGroup animation];
animGroup.animations = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:moveAnim, scaleAnim, opacityAnim, nil];
animGroup.duration = .5;
animGroup.delegate = self;
[imageView.layer addAnimation:animGroup forKey:nil];

When you add an animation to a layer, the animation does not change the layer's properties. Instead, the system creates a copy of the layer. The original layer is called the model layer, and the duplicate is called the presentation layer. The presentation layer's properties change as the animation progresses, but the model layer's properties stay unchanged.
When you remove the animation, the system destroys the presentation layer, leaving only the model layer, and the model layer's properties then control how the layer is drawn. So if the model layer's properties don't match the final animated values of the presentation layer's properties, the layer will instantly reset to its appearance before the animation.
To fix this, you need to set the model layer's properties to the final values of the animation, and then add the animation to the layer. You want to do it in this order because changing a layer property can add an implicit animation for the property, which would conflict with the animation you want to explicitly add. You want to make sure your explicit animation overrides the implicit animation.
So how do you do all this? The basic recipe looks like this:
CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"position"];
animation.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:myLayer.position];
layer.position = newPosition; // HERE I UPDATE THE MODEL LAYER'S PROPERTY
animation.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:myLayer.position];
animation.duration = .5;
[myLayer addAnimation:animation forKey:animation.keyPath];
I haven't used an animation group so I don't know exactly what you might need to change. I just add each animation separately to the layer.
I also find it easier to use the +[CATransaction setCompletionBlock:] method to set a completion handler for one or several animations, instead of trying to use an animation's delegate. You set the transaction's completion block, then add the animations:
[CATransaction begin]; {
[CATransaction setCompletionBlock:^{
[self.imageView removeFromSuperview];
[self addPositionAnimation];
[self addScaleAnimation];
[self addOpacityAnimation];
} [CATransaction commit];

CAAnimations are removed automatically when complete. There is a property removedOnCompletion that controls this. You should set that to NO.
Additionally, there is something known as the fillMode which controls the animation's behavior before and after its duration. This is a property declared on CAMediaTiming (which CAAnimation conforms to). You should set this to kCAFillModeForwards.
With both of these changes the animation should persist after it's complete. However, I don't know if you need to change these on the group, or on the individual animations within the group, or both.

Heres an example in Swift that may help someone
It's an animation on a gradient layer. It's animating the .locations property.
The critical point as #robMayoff answer explains fully is that:
Surprisingly, when you do a layer animation, you actually set the final value, first, before you start the animation!
The following is a good example because the animation repeats endlessly.
When the animation repeats endlessly, you will see occasionally a "flash" between animations, if you make the classic mistake of "forgetting to set the value before you animate it!"
var previousLocations: [NSNumber] = []
func flexTheColors() { // "flex" the color bands randomly
let oldValues = previousTargetLocations
let newValues = randomLocations()
previousTargetLocations = newValues
theLayer.locations = newValues
// and by the way, this is how you endlessly animate:
CATransaction.setCompletionBlock{ [weak self] in
if self == nil { return }
let a = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "locations")
a.isCumulative = false
a.autoreverses = false
a.isRemovedOnCompletion = true
a.repeatCount = 0
a.fromValue = oldValues
a.toValue = newValues
a.duration = (2.0...4.0).random()
theLayer.add(a, forKey: nil)
The following may help clarify something for new programmers. Note that in my code I do this:
theLayer.locations = newValues
...set up the animation...
however in the code example in the other answer, it's like this:
...set up the animation...
theLayer.locations = newValues
Regarding the position of the line of code where you "set the values, before animating!" ..
It's actually perfectly OK to have that line actually "inside" the begin-commit lines of code. So long as you do it before the .commit().
I only mention this as it may confuse new animators.


how to reset/restart an animation and have it appear continuous?

So, I am fairly new to iOS programming, and have inherited a project from a former coworker. We are building an app that contains a gauge UI. When data comes in, we want to smoothly rotate our "layer" (which is a needle image) from the current angle to a new target angle. Here is what we have, which worked well with slow data:
-(void) MoveNeedleToAngle:(float) target
static float old_Value = 0.0;
CABasicAnimation *rotateCurrentPressureTick = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"transform.rotation");
[rotateCurrentPressureTick setDelegate:self];
rotateCurrentPressureTick.fromValue = [NSSNumber numberWithFloat:old_value/57.2958];
rotateCurrentPressureTick.toValue=[NSSNumber numberWithFloat:target/57.2958];
rotateCurrentPressureTick.duration=3; // constant 3 second sweep
[imageView_Needle.layer addAnimation:rotateCurrentPressureTick forKey:#"rotateTick"];
old_Value = target;
The problem is we have a new data scheme in which new data can come in (and the above method called) faster, before the animation is complete. What's happening I think is that the animation is restarted from the old target to the new target, which makes it very jumpy.
So I was wondering how to modify the above function to add a continuous/restartable behavior, as follows:
Check if the current animation is in progress and
If so, figure out where the current animation angle is, and then
Cancel the current and start a new animation from the current rotation to the new target rotation
Is it possible to build that behavior into the above function?
Thanks. Sorry if the question seems uninformed, I have studied and understand the above objects/methods, but am not an expert.
Yes you can do this using your existing method, if you add this bit of magic:
- (void)removeAnimationsFromView:(UIView*)view {
CALayer *layer = view.layer.presentationLayer;
CGAffineTransform transform = layer.affineTransform;
[layer removeAllAnimations];
view.transform = transform;
The presentation layer encapsulates the actual state of the animation. The view itself doesn't carry the animation state properties, basically when you set an animation end state, the view acquires that state as soon as you trigger the animation. It is the presentation layer that you 'see' during the animation.
This method captures the state of the presentation layer at the exact moment you cancel the animation, and then applies that state to the view.
Now you can use this method in your animation method, which will look something like this:
-(void) MoveNeedleToAngle:(float) target{
[self removeAnimationsFromView:imageView_Needle];
id rotation = [imageView_Needle valueForKeyPath:#"layer.transform.rotation.z"];
CGFloat old_value = [rotation floatValue]*57.2958;
// static float old_value = 0.0;
CABasicAnimation *rotateCurrentPressureTick = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"transform.rotation"];
[rotateCurrentPressureTick setDelegate:self];
rotateCurrentPressureTick.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:old_value/57.2958];
rotateCurrentPressureTick.toValue=[NSNumber numberWithFloat:target/57.2958];
rotateCurrentPressureTick.duration=3; // constant 3 second sweep
[imageView_Needle.layer addAnimation:rotateCurrentPressureTick forKey:#"rotateTick"];
old_value = target;
(I have made minimal changes to your method: there are a few coding style changes i would also make, but they are not relevant to your problem)
By the way, I suggest you feed your method in radians, not degrees, that will mean you can remove those 57.2958 constants.
You can get the current rotation from presentation layer and just set the toValue angle. No need to keep old_value
-(void) MoveNeedleToAngle:(float) targetRadians{
CABasicAnimation *animation =[CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"transform.rotation"];
animation.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseOut];
animation.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat: [[layer.presentationLayer valueForKeyPath: #"transform.rotation"] floatValue]];
animation.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:targetRadians];
// layer.transform= CATransform3DMakeRotation(rads, 0, 0, 1);
[layer addAnimation:animation forKey:#"rotate"];
Another way i found (commented line above) is instead of using fromValue and toValue just set the layer transform. This will produce the same animation but the presentationLayer and the model will be in sync.

CABasicAnimation not interpolating when I set the end value in animationDidStart:

I've made a wrapper for compact creation of CABasicAnimation instances.
It's implemented through a category for UIView as an instance method named change:from:to:in:ease:delay:done:. So for example, I can do:
from:nil // Use current self.logo.layer.position.y
in:1 // Finish in 1000 ms
ease:#"easeOutQuad" // A selector for a CAMediaTimingFunction category method
The problem
When the CABasicAnimation starts, animationDidStart: handles setting self.logo.layer.position.y to 80 (the end value). Before it worked like this, I tried using animationDidStop:finished: to do the same thing, but found the layer flickering after completing the animation. Now, the layer goes straight to the end value, and no interpolation occurs. I implemented animationDidStart: in my UIView category like so:
- (void)animationDidStart:(CAAnimation *)animation
setValue:[animation valueForKey:#"toValue"]
forKeyPath:[animation valueForKey:#"keyPath"]];
I'm setting the end value in order to match the model layer with the presentation layer (in other words, to prevent resetting back to the start position).
Here's the implementation to change:from:to:in:ease:delay:done:...
- (CABasicAnimation*) change:(NSString*)propertyPath
NSString* keyPath = [app.CALayerAnimationKeyPaths objectForKey:propertyPath];
if (keyPath == nil) keyPath = propertyPath;
CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:keyPath];
if (delay > 0) animation.beginTime = CACurrentMediaTime() + delay;
if (easeName != nil) animation.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(easeName)];
if (from != nil) animation.fromValue = from;
animation.toValue = to;
animation.duration = seconds;
animation.delegate = self;
[self.layer setValue:done forKey:#"onDone"];
[self.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:keyPath];
return animation;
In the first line of the above code, this is the NSDictionary I use to convert property shortcuts to the real keyPath. This is so I can just type #"y" instead of #"position.y" every time.
app.CALayerAnimationKeyPaths = #{
#"scale": #"transform.scale",
#"y": #"position.y",
#"x": #"position.x",
#"width": #"frame.size.width",
#"height": #"frame.size.height",
#"alpha": #"opacity",
#"rotate": #"transform.rotation"
Any questions?
What you're seeing is, I think, expected behavior. You are setting an animatable property after animation of that property has started. That is in fact the most common and recommended way to do exactly what you are seeing happen, i.e. cancel the animation and jump right to the final position now. So you are deliberately canceling your own animation the minute it gets going.
If that's not what you want, don't do that. Just set the animated property to its final value before the animation is attached to the layer - being careful, of course, not to trigger implicit animation as you do so.

Trying to delay CABasicAnimation position and opacity of layer by 3 seconds but

I am trying to delay the animation of layer's opacity and position by 3 seconds using setBeginTime. I have called the layer boxLayer. The animation is going well however during the first 3 seconds (the layer is not supposed to show yet) the layer is displayed at its final position and opacity. It should not. Group animation does not resolve the issue. Could anyone help? See code below:
// Create an animation that will change the opacity of a layer
CABasicAnimation *fader = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"opacity"];
// It will last 1 second and will be delayed by 3 seconds
[fader setDuration:1.0];
[fader setBeginTime:CACurrentMediaTime()+3.0];
// The layer's opacity will start at 0.0 (completely transparent)
[fader setFromValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:startOpacity]];
// And the layer will end at 1.0 (completely opaque)
[fader setToValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:endOpacity]];
// Add it to the layer
[boxLayer addAnimation:fader forKey:#"BigFade"];
[boxLayer setOpacity:endOpacity];
// Create an animation that will change the position of a layer
CABasicAnimation *mover = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"position"];
// It will last 1 second and will be delayed by 3 seconds
[mover setDuration:1.0];
[mover setBeginTime:CACurrentMediaTime()+3.0];
// Setting starting position
[mover setFromValue:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(startX, startY)]];
// Setting ending position
[mover setToValue:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(endX, endY)]];
// Add it to the layer
[boxLayer addAnimation:mover forKey:#"BigMove"];
// Maintain the end position at 400.0 450.0 OTHERWISE IT IS GOING BACK TO ORIGINAL POSITION
[boxLayer setPosition:CGPointMake(endX, endY)];
The problem is that you're setting the boxLayer properties of position and of opacity to their end values. You need to:
Set the boxLayer properties to their starting values, not their ending values (this is why it's starting in the ending position/opacity ... usually if the animation starts immediately, this isn't an issue, but because you're deferring the start, using the ending positions is problematic);
For your two animations, you have to change removedOnCompletion to NO and fillMode to kCAFillModeForwards (this is the correct way to keep it from reverting back to the original position upon completion).
// Create an animation that will change the opacity of a layer
CABasicAnimation *fader = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"opacity"];
// It will last 1 second and will be delayed by 3 seconds
[fader setDuration:1.0];
[fader setBeginTime:CACurrentMediaTime()+3.0];
// The layer's opacity will start at 0.0 (completely transparent)
[fader setFromValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:startOpacity]];
// And the layer will end at 1.0 (completely opaque)
[fader setToValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:endOpacity]];
[fader setRemovedOnCompletion:NO];
[fader setFillMode:kCAFillModeForwards];
// Add it to the layer
[boxLayer addAnimation:fader forKey:#"BigFade"];
[boxLayer setOpacity:startOpacity];
// Create an animation that will change the position of a layer
CABasicAnimation *mover = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"position"];
// It will last 1 second and will be delayed by 3 seconds
[mover setDuration:1.0];
[mover setBeginTime:CACurrentMediaTime()+3.0];
// Setting starting position
[mover setFromValue:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(startX, startY)]];
// Setting ending position
[mover setToValue:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(endX, endY)]];
[mover setRemovedOnCompletion:NO];
[mover setFillMode:kCAFillModeForwards];
// Add it to the layer
[boxLayer addAnimation:mover forKey:#"BigMove"];
[boxLayer setPosition:CGPointMake(startX, startY)];
Personally, I think you're doing a lot of work for something that's done far more easily with block-based animation on the view (for the purposes of this demonstration, I'm assuming your boxLayer is a CALayer for a control called box). You don't need Quartz 2D, either, if you do it this way:
box.alpha = startOpacity;
box.frame = CGRectMake(startX, startY, box.frame.size.width, box.frame.size.height);
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
box.alpha = endOpacity;
box.frame = CGRectMake(endX, endY, box.frame.size.width, box.frame.size.height);
For using beginTime you should make necessary configuration of your animation object and set fillMode to kCAFillModeBackwards like
zoomAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeBackwards;
That's said in Apple documentation:
Use the beginTime property to set the start time of an animation. Normally, animations begin during the next update cycle. You can use the beginTime parameter to delay the animation start time by several seconds. The way to chain two animations together is to set the begin time of one animation to match the end time of the other animation.
If you delay the start of an animation, you might also want to set the fillMode property to kCAFillModeBackwards. This fill mode causes the layer to display the animation’s start value, even if the layer object in the layer tree contains a different value. Without this fill mode, you would see a jump to the final value before the animation starts executing. Other fill modes are available too.
Also, from Rob's answer:
For your two animations, you have to change removedOnCompletion to NO and fillMode to kCAFillModeForwards (this is the correct way to keep it from reverting back to the original position upon completion).
It's a kind of controversial statement, because:
Once the animation is removed, the presentation layer will fall back to the values of the model layer, and since we’ve never modified that layer’s position, our spaceship reappears right where it started.
There are two ways to deal with this issue:
The first approach is to update the property directly on the model layer. This is the recommended approach, since it makes the animation completely optional.
Alternatively, you can tell the animation to remain in its final state by setting its fillMode property to kCAFillModeForwards and prevent it from being automatically removed by setting removedOnCompletion to NO. However, it’s a good practice to keep the model and presentation layers in sync, so this approach should be used carefully.
This article explains well why you shouldn't use removedOnCompletion with fillMode
In my case I'm animating the layer of a view that functions as a navigation but delaying a bounce animation that is inside that view ; I NEED BOTH OF THESE POSITIONS UPDATED ON THE LAYER since it can be dismissed and then shown again. Using removedOnCompletion will not update the layer's value once the animation completes
The way I do it is update the layer in a CATransaction completion block
CATransaction.setCompletionBlock {
// update the layer value
// setup and add your animation

Animating CAEmitterLayer's emitterPosition

I am trying to animate a CAEmitterLayer's emitterPosition like this:
CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"emitterPosition.x"] ;
animation.toValue = (id) toValue ;
animation.removedOnCompletion = NO ;
animation.duration = self.translationDuration ;
animation.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut] ;
animation.completion = ^(BOOL finished)
[self animateToOtherSide] ;
} ;
[_emitterLayer addAnimation:animation forKey:#"emitterPosition"] ;
CGPoint newEmitterPosition = CGPointMake(toValue.floatValue, self.bounds.size.height/2.0) ;
_emitterLayer.emitterPosition = newEmitterPosition ;
Note that animation.completion is declared in a category that just calls the corresponding CAAnimation delegate method.
The problem is that this doesn't animate at all and shows the emitter in its final position. I was under the impression that once you add the animation to the layer, you should change the actual model behind it to its final position so that when the animation completes the model is in its final state; i.e., to prevent the animation from "snapping back" to its original position.
I have tried placing the last two lines in the animation.completion block, and this does indeed animate as expected. However, when the animation finishes some particles are intermittently emitted at the emitter's original position. If you put the system under load (for example, scrolling a tableview while the animation is playing), this happens more often.
Another solution I was thinking about is to not move the emitterPosition at all but just move the CAEmitterLayer itself, although I haven't tried that yet.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Perhaps emitterPosition.x is not a valid key path for animation. Try using emitterPosition instead (and so you'll have to provide CGPoint values wrapped up in an NSValue).
I just tried this on my own machine and it works fine:
CABasicAnimation* ba = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"emitterPosition"];
ba.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(30,100)];
ba.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(200,100)];
ba.duration = 6;
ba.autoreverses = YES;
ba.repeatCount = HUGE_VALF;
[emit addAnimation:ba forKey:nil];
Other things to think about:
You can typically use nil as the key in addAnimation:forKey:, unless you're going to need to find this animation later (e.g. to remove it or override it in some way). The key path is the important thing.
Setting removedOnCompletion to NO is almost always wrong and is typically the last refuge of a scoundrel (i.e. due to not understanding how animation works).
If, as you say, setting _emitterLayer.emitterPosition = newEmitterPosition inside the completion block does animate, then when why are you using CABasicAnimation at all? Why not just call UIView animate... and set the emitterPosition in the animations block? If that works, it will kill two birds with one stone, moving the position and animating it too.

UIView displays improperly after its layer has been animated

I have a problem I don't understand regarding UIViews and Core Animation. Here's what I want to do:
A small view is presented above a bigger view by putting it as one of its subviews.
When I click a button inside this view, the view should minimize and move to a specified CGRect.
Then the view is removed from its superview.
The first time I present, minimize-and-move and remove the view, everything works fine. But when I present the view again, it displays at the modified position (even though it's supposed to be set at the original position by a call to theView.frame = CGRectMake(600.0, 160.0, 339.0, 327.0);), while all the different responder elements (buttons, textviews, etc.) contained in the view act as if they were at the original position. It's like the view and the layer gets dissynchronized by the animation, and I do not know how to get them back in sync.
Having something like self.view.layer.frame = CGRectMake(600.0, 160.0, 339.0, 327.0); does not get anything right.
My minimize-and-move animation code is given below:
[CATransaction flush];
CABasicAnimation *scale, *translateX, *translateY;
CAAnimationGroup *group = [CAAnimationGroup animation];
group.delegate = delegate;
group.duration = duration;
scale = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"transform.scale"];
translateX = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"transform.translation.x"];
translateY = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"transform.translation.y"];
scale.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.13];
translateX.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:137.0];
translateY.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:-290.0];
group.animations = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: scale, translateX, translateY, nil];
group.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
group.removedOnCompletion = NO;
[theView.layer addAnimation:group forKey:#"MyAnimation"];
How to get the layer back to the view after the animation?
What happens if you remove these two lines?
group.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
group.removedOnCompletion = NO;
What you are telling core animation with those lines is that you want it to continue to display in the forward (final) state of the animation. Meanwhile, you didn't actually set the transform on the layer to have the properties you used for the animation. This would make things appear to be out of sync.
Now, the issue you're going to run into is that removing those lines will cause your transforms to revert back to the starting state when the animation has completed. What you need to do is actually set the transforms on the layer in order for them to hold their position when the animation completes.
Another option is to leave the two lines in and then actually explicitly remove the animation from the layer instead of setting the layer frame as you mentioned when you are ready to revert back to the original state. You do this with:
[theView.layer removeAnimationForKey:#"MyAnimation"];
The -removedOnCompletion property told the layer not to remove the animation when it finished. Now you can explicitly remove it and it should revert back.
