Tracking Volunteer Hours Using Google Sheets - google-sheets

I'm trying to find an efficient way to keep track of volunteer hours for each member of a high school volunteer club using Google Sheets. Right now, I have four sheets, one for members of each grade. On the horizontal axis, I list every event and how many hours they volunteer for (or don't volunteer). However, it takes up a lot of columns and I end up having to continually add columns which is a pain, especially when passing the document on for the next "generation" of club officers.
I was thinking of having one sheet for all the members and another for all the events with names and hours of each person who volunteered. The only problem is, I want the main sheet to be able to search through the event sheet for a certain name and then add the hours that correspond to that found name to the total hours on the main sheet.
Is it even possible to search through a different sheet and return a value other than the index? To return a value in a cell next to that of the name?

There are many ways to do this. For a one function solution use QUERY.


Google Sheets - Add Hours for All Instance of Names

I am rewriting a botched Google Sheet my wife uses for keeping track of kids who volunteer at her library. Each day, the kids select a Group from a drop-down, their name, and enter their time in and out. The main sheet calculates their total hours rounded as well as the total hours of the day and total number of kids who volunteered.
What she wants me to do now is list out all of the kids who are part of the volunteer program and calculate how many hours they volunteered this week. I'll end up getting a total hour count and etc, but for right now I need to figure out how to get all instances of "Kid A" and get the sum of their hours worked.
I was trying to use countifs but I am not sure that's the best function to use. Written as a formula, it'd be something like:
For-Each (name in C9:C74) Sum corresponding value in G9:74
So if Kid A worked 3 times, thus his name is listed 3 times, and his hour counts are 1.25, 2.5, and 0.75, next to his name I'd want it to return 4.5.
To make it even more simple, you can use SUMIFS...
=SUMIFS(G9:G74, C9:C74, "Kid A")
It's always easier to answer questions when you supply some representative data as part of the question, but 'blindly' based on your description you should be able to do the following to get the required answer:
=query(C9:G74,"select C,sum(G) group by C",0)

Using Google Sheets to create lists

Let's see if I can explain this in a comprehensible manner:
To make the administration around certain field days easier, I want to make a spreadsheet where class teachers can put in the names of their students. Next to the student's name, there will be a drop-down menu (I seem to have figured that one out).
The next thing I want is for Google Sheets to take those names and sort them into lists. So, all the students who chose "softball" will end up in list, and the ones who chose "golf" ends up on another, and so on.
How do I do this?
Check out this sheet, it should have your answers.
I have used data validation for the dropdowns and then transposed that into headers, with the FILTER formula to find matches.

Google sheets sum if within specific week

I have a Google Sheets budget and I am trying to write something to keep track of how much money I have spent in a specific week.
Link to my example budget below.
I am already using sumif() to say, if the entry's CATEGORY says "Gas" then add theAMOUNT to the Gas row in the table. I want to add another parameter that will sum the amounts if the entry's CATEGORY says Gas AND is within the specified week above the table...(WEEK 31).
I hope this makes sense if you need more clarification I will try my best to do so.
As Diego suggested, SUMIFS()should work. Example
=sumifs($C$4:$C$9, $D$4:$D$9, "=week "&$I$3, $B$4:$B$9,$F4)
An alternative would be to use sumproduct().
=sumproduct($D$4:$D$9="week "&$I$3, $B$4:$B$9=$F4, $C$4:$C$9)
You should be able to fill down this formula (as far as needed) for the other categories.

Summing based on multiple criteria

I have a problem similar to the one described in Excel: Sum values based on values in another column and mapped values
Solution there works in excel but unfortunately it doesn't work in google sheets.
How can this be done in google sheets and does anyone know why excel solution is not working in google sheets?
Edit 1:
Per request I am duplicating relevant info here:
On each day a single sport activity is organized and attending students receive bonus points. Students can attend activities each day to receive points.
Based on existing columns I need to calculate total bonus points for each student (column I)

Conditional Query and Retrieval

I'm making a Google Sheet for our handyman business and need to collect totals on multiple client labor and material activities. I have a pretty decent sheet going, but, since we work for different clients on different days, with lots of other information in between, it would be nice if I could make a cell collect totals from any cell that has their name at the top of the column instead of chasing all over the sheet to get the client's grand total at the end of the week. Kind of like, if any cell in Row 3 has the word (name) Doe in it, return the value in row 10 of the corresponding column (where the labor for that day has been added up for that client on that day). It'd be great if it could add everything up for that client for the week every time their name is mentioned.
Too much to ask? Thanks for any help!!
If you can standardize the column that the name will occur in you can use vlookup to do exactly what you want. You may need to use partial matches as well if you want only check for part of the name
