Installing Vapor Toolbox on Ubuntu 17.04 - toolbox

$ curl -sL | bash
This script is deprecated.
Please install through Homebrew or APT
$ eval "$(curl -sL"
Only Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, and 16.10 are supported.
You are running 17.04
I'm using Ubuntu 17.04
or i have to wait Vapor support.

You can go through the scripts at manually to install everything you need. Be warned though that Swift itself doesn't support Ubuntu 17 so there is a high possibility it may not work.


Installing docker 17 version on centos 7

I want install docker 17 on centos,can you please suggest me on this.
once i have used below yum command to install docker
yum install docker*
I got 1.12.6 version.
The 1.12.6 version you have installed is a package that is maintained by Red Hat / CentOS.
To install the official Docker package, that is maintained by Docker, follow the instructions in the documentation;
Be sure to uninstall the package you have installed before installing the official package.
You're installing last Docker version that is in your CentOS repos.
To install last Docker stable version, first, uninstall your current Docker installation. Then, you can easily install last version using Docker official installation script.
wget -qO- | sh

Docker can not be installed on CentOS

I am trying to install docker on machine which is
Distributor ID: CentOS
Description: CentOS release 6.7 (Final)
Release: 6.7
Codename: Final
I followed article
I am at the step where is says
$ sudo systemctl start docker
And when I run it I get
$ sudo systemctl start docker
sudo: systemctl: command not found
What am I missing?
As already commented, the later versions of Docker only install on CentOS 7. See the OS requirements section at I believe CentOS 6 uses a SysV init system while CentOS 7 is based on systemd. This is why there is no systemctl command on your CentOS 6 system.
Docker 1.7.1 is available on EPEL as the docker-io package. After that support for RHEL6 was dropped.

Docker - Bash: IP: command not found

I'm currently trying to set up a hyperledger fabric network using docker toolbox, based on the guide HERE
When it comes to "Starting up validating peers" step, I followed and entered ip add into the terminal, but it returns bash: ip: command not found. Any solution? I've tried ifconfig as well and it's the same issue, command not found.
Using Docker Toolbox on Windows 10 Home
Install ip command package for Ubuntu.
apt update
apt install iproute2
I have tried hostname -I. Working fine for me.No need to install a new package.
Unfortunately, your link has been broken (or it might be inaccessible from Iran). Although there is not enough evidence of which Linux OS you are trying to use, a solution is provided as follow work under .deb (e.g. Ubuntu) and .rpm (e.g. Fedora) package managers.
At first, update the container's repository:
apt-get update
yum update
dnf update
Secondly, install net-tools package.
apt-get install net-tools
yum install net-tools
dnf install net-tools
Lately, ifconfig has been replaced with ip command. So make sure to check both commands, some Linux distributions have not changed the command yet.
for command ip not found in centos 7, you can use yum install iproute -y to fix.
for command ifconfig not found in centos 7, you can use yum install net-tools -y to fix.
Although OP was on Windows 10. I landed on this question searching for a fix for macOS and didn't find this answer for a while. So I'm linking it here as well just in case
You can install ip tool on OS X via brew:
brew install iproute2mac
Your link doesn't work.
Do docker ps or docker images in GitBash to see if the docker containers and images are running.
I recommend installing Docker Community Edition if you are running Win 10. Make sure u have Hyper-V enabled.

Docker-engine confilcts with

OS: Ubuntu 16.04
Docker version: 1.11.2
I have already installed docker 1.11.2 on my Ubuntu and I want to upgrade it to 1.12. All the steps are as follows:
I download the deb pkg named docker-engine_1.12.3-0~xenial_amd64.
Execute command: dpkg -i docker-engine_1.12.3-0~xenial_amd64 but notes with errors:
docker-engine conficts with (version 1.11.2-0ubuntu5~16.04) has already been installed .
So I have to remove docker first by using commands as below:
service docker stop
apt-get remove docker
apt-get remove --auto-remove docker
rm -rf /var/lib/docker
Go to step 2, but with the same errors.
So, I hope someone would help me solve this problem.
The conflicting packages (which fight over the same binary) are (from the distribution) and docker-engine (from Docker itself).
Your command above does apt-get remove ... docker. Which achieve nothing for the aforementioned problem.
I have different machines running 16.04 and some use (easier, no extra repo) whereas others use docker-engine. I am indifferent. Pick on, docker should work just fine.
Firstly restart the ubuntu server with linux command(sudo shutdown -r now), and run the command : apt-get -f install(this command is suggested by the error information), then I install the docker-engine by the following site(

Not able to install rvm on ubuntu 12.04

I'm trying to install ruby on rails on ubuntu 12.04 through rvm
I did apt-get update and installed curl. Then i entered below command in the terminal
curl -L | bash -s stable
But after few seconds i get an error "(7) couldn't connect to host".
Any help in getting rvm installed?
Maybe some HTTPS issue, try it:
curl -kL | bash -s stable
If the error persists:
1) Are you under a NAT?
2) Is there a firewall in your network, or maybe in this machine?
3) Is there some proxy configured in your browser? If so, then curl won't be able to connect with HTTP or HTTPS without passing through this proxy. Read this: Linux curl command with proxy
