iggrid append on rows feature issue with igHierarchicalGrid - iggrid

i am using append on rows feature on igHierarchicalGrid.
everything loads correctly but when i expand any row and then click load more button then it sends page=1 instead of correct page like 3(if we are going to click 3rd time on load more button) due to this server sends data according to page.
have anyone encountered this issue?
any help will be appreciated.

igGrid's AppendRowsOnDemand feature is not supported in igHierarchicalGrid.


Is it possible to use Google sheet's IMPORTXML to extract data from a website document which file format is unknown to me?

I'm wondering if there's a way to extract data/information from the document shown in the link below, using Google sheets' IMPORTXML?
I tried understanding and using XPath, but can't make it work.
I would greatly appreciate any help from someone.
Thank you very much.
The site you're trying to extract data from, loads with JavaScript and the IMPORT function can’t extract content that loads with JavaScript. You can check this thread.
You can check that the website is JavaScript controlled by clicking on the ‘Lock’ icon beside the browser’s address bar, select ‘Site settings’ and set JavaScript to ‘Block’. Reload the page and as you can see the screenshot below, the site needs JavaScript enabled to load data.

importxml function in Googlesheet

First of all, I'm completely incompetent and my hours-long attempts at trying to make this work have been fruitless. So, please, there's someone that can help me.
I have
table id="..........." tablesorter class="........"
They are in the same line of code ad I'm able to scrape until the first element. For me it's important to scrape by the second one. I'm tryng different way but nothing
In the image, in the part highlighted on the left where there is the drop-down menu, it's possible to select the different American markets (Nasdaq, DowJones,
S&P500 etc.). When I select a market other than DowJones, the URL of the page always remains the same, while the part that I highlighted on the right changes (tablesorter class = "............").
In my sheet, I've done this but it can't allow me to scrape different market (only the default table thay you see when open the webpage)
Your main problem is that IMPORTXML can only retrieve information from static content in websites. Therefore, any content inserted dynamically can't be retrieved by this function.
In your case, you can check what content is not static by heading over to the website https://it.investing.com/equities/americas and then disabling JavaScript on it. To do so if you are using Chrome please follow this guide.
As Javascript will add dynamic content to the site, when you disable it you will observe that the information subject to change with the dropdown doesn't actually change which means that it was dynamically inserted and therefore can't be accessed by IMPORTXML. I have attached an image below showing this.
As a workaround to this you will need to use other web scraping techniques.

twitter typeahead dropbown suggestion not working

I am using twitter typeahead for auto completing and its a great plug-in for auto-completion. However I had one issue using it.
It doesn't show the top suggestions at the beginning of a drop down as shown in image attached
Here the word started with magic, but the suggestion dropdown is showing "Altered Art Magic singles" as first suggestion. I know it has the word magic in it, but shouldn't it be listed at the last of suggestion as there are other words that started with "Magic"
How do I make the drop down to show those suggestions first, that begin with the letter typed and rest at the bottom.
In case of the image, I want to show "Altered Art Magic Singles" at the bottom of drop down list.
It will show them in the order received from the server (assuming you're using remote: or prefetch:). Just sort them on the server. (Or if using local, sort them locally :)

Backbone and jQuery Mobile App resetting after browser back button

I am building an app using Backbone.js and jQuery Mobile. On some pages in my app I have external href links and I'm running into an issue.
When a user clicks and external href link, get taken to the external site and then hits the back button. My app does not load from the proper page where the user originally left the app from.
In fact my entire DOM is reset so it looks like my site gets a complete refresh and doesn't keep any of its former state.
I have been trying to search for a solution but this issue is kind of hard to word out. I hope it makes sense.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Stupid error on my part.. I had a bad id set on the page and it didn't load the data I had saved in the session for it when a user returns to the page.. Changed the id and all is well. Thanks!
Make you external links open up new tabs.
If you have used one html with multiple pages solution then there's an explanation for this.
rel="external" will cause a full page refresh so last page location will not be remebered. When you return to the last location it will trigger new refresh and the first page will be shown again.
This can be prevented with a multiple html page solution.

Click on Print gives a screen shot to save in rails3

I may fall under the list of possible duplicates but still i could not find the answer according to my req.In my rails application i have some web pages with a link of print option.
Now what i need is when i click on this print ,i should get a screen shot of the current web page and a popup box to save the image .Is there any plugin available for the same.
Also any queries for code are welcome
You could go for phantomJs. Where you can alter the page HTML, manipulate CSS, insert & call javascript snippets, the way you need it.
Good documentation available and also you can find great deal of help in stackoverflow-phantomjs
May i suggest that you use http://www.w3.org/TR/css-print/
if you want to make a screeenshot you have to work with the user env, so i suggest you look at this topic How do I take screenshots of web pages using ruby and a unix server?
