Implications of updating JHipster version - yeoman

Ok, I want to start working with Angular2 and I'd like to do it through a JHipster generated application as this is the line of work we follow on some of our applications at work
I've been looking through a number of questions in SO such as:
How to update the JHipster project after updating JHipster generator?
How to upgrade jhipster sub-generator?
And I've also gone through the documentation of JHipster release 4.0.0 here:
But with all of that what still remains unclear to me are the implications that updating the subgenerator to the latest version would have on my existing applications
My concern is:
I do not wish to upgrade the already existing applications to the latest JHipster version nor to change from Angular 1 to 2 in them (at least not for a length of time) so in which way could updating the sub-generator affect my already existing applications when trying to work on them?

JHipster (since version 3) installs itself into your project's local node_modules folder. It should be included in your package.json under the dependencies section.
This means that when you run yo jhipster inside of your previously generated project folder, it loads the locally installed version specified in package.json instead of your globally installed version (which could be a different version).
You can verify the version your project uses by running yo jhipster:info or looking for the version in your package.json


Is vaadin Java UI framework is supported by quarkus framework

I want to use the vaadin UI java framework in my quarkus framework, But I am unsuccessful in that. when I am loading any static resources(CSS, js, etc..) files it is not getting loaded And I guess not even default CSS is getting applied to the UI components, I am new to this framework, If anyone wants to suggest, please.
Here is the sample demo UI project which I am trying to implement.
run Command: $. mvn clean install && mvn compile quarkus:dev -pl ui
Vaadin is working on an integration with Quarkus. The target version is Vaadin 22. They might already have something running on Vaadin 21.
The current work can be seen in the GitHub repository of the extension and the repository of the project base.
Update: Vaadin 22 is released as a non-LTS version and integrates Quarkus.
As far as I know, Vaadin doesn't yet support Quarkus (see
However, experimental Quarkus extensions to use Vaadin with Quarkus are available here and here.
Why don’t you make a Quarkus backend and another Java project with Vaadin which communicates via Rest with the backend ?
I was able to get Vaadin 14 (vaadin-demo-business-app) working as native image in production mode using the quarkus-vaadin-lib example.
I did use the native-image-agent to generate the META-INF/native-image json files and added wildcard entries in resource-config.json
Only dev mode is harder, when running in Quarkus the browser can't resolve the frontend through webpack:// and webpack-internal:// and I do not know how to achieve this.
But this can work as long as you can keep the modules using Vaadin compatible to run as normal war, and compile the end product into a Quarkus+GraalVM executable. Only you can't use Quarkus specific code in the web ui modules then which still makes it all a bit hacky.

How to upgrade from Neo4J 2.0.4 to 3.3.3?

I'm trying to upgrade from Neo4J 2.0.4 to 3.3.3 and I followed all the procedures as outlined on the single-instance upgrade page:
I imported all the configs using the 2.x-config-migrator.jar utility and then ran neo4j-admin import to import the database from 2.0.4 into the 3.3.3, which seems to have worked.
However, when I try to start neo4j with the new database (running neo4j console to see errors as the normal neo4j start didn't work) I see the following error message after this:
2018-02-18 22:59:53.328+0000 INFO Starting upgrade of database
2018-02-18 22:59:53.335+0000 ERROR Failed to start Neo4j: Starting Neo4j failed: Component 'org.neo4j.server.database.LifecycleManagingDatabase#4ae9cfc1' was successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see the attached cause exception "Not possible to upgrade a store with version 'v0.A.1' to current store versionv0.A.8(Neo4j 3.3.3).
I tried researching for this problem, but there's absolutely no info. The upgrade path 2.0.x(latest) to 3.3.2 is supported, so I guess it's the same for 3.3.3 as it's only a minor upgrade.
When I remove the imported database graph.db from the data folder and just try to run neo4j console on a freshly installed database I also get this error:
2018-02-18 23:09:31.440+0000 ERROR The ResourceConfig instance does not contain any root resource classes.
2018-02-18 23:09:31.440+0000 WARN unavailable The ResourceConfig instance does not contain any root resource classes.
However, when I install a clean database through Neo4J Desktop it runs fine.
I'm using Mac OS X 10.12.6 and Java 1.8.
How could I try to resolve this problem?
In the end, I have to answer this question myself as I spent several hours sorting this out.
First of all, Neo4J claims they support the upgrade path from the latest 2.x release to 3.x but this is not true. I had the version 2.0.4 (which is the latest 2.0 release and there were numerous problems migrating the settings and the old database into the new structure. It would simply not start.
I had to first upgrade to the latest stable 2.x version of Neo4J, which is 2.3.8. I ran into some problems with settings (I used authentification in 2.0.4 but I had to use the newly built in authentication module that 2.3.x provides, so I had to change some settings and remove the auth plugin). You also need to upgrade the database storage from 2.0.x to 2.3.x (by uncommenting the setting in conf).
Once you install and check that 2.3.8 is running and that your old database works, you need to then download the latest 3.x release.
However, the settings migration tool doesn't work properly. It creates numerous settings which are not supported by the new version, so you have to move them manually or not move them at all. Besides, the migration tool doesn't run under Java 1.7 so you might have to install Java 1.8 for the migration tool to even launch... So don't use it.
After that's done, provided you already upgraded your DB to the latest 2.x release, you can run the neo4j-admin import tool to import that DB into the new 3.x version and to convert it.
The whole process is described in detail here:

Build .NET Core Console Application into Docker

I created a new .NET Core Console Application with Visual Studio 2017 (RTM). Then added Docker support and got the docker file + compose files just fine. However there are few issues with them.
Docker compose files have version 2 which makes the build fail to the following error message
Microsoft.DotNet.Docker.CommandLineClientException: client version 1.22 is too old. Minimum supported API version is 1.24, please upgrade your client to a newer version.
This can be fixed by manually changing the compose file versions to 2.1. (not sure if valid fix) Then you'll get another error message
MSB4006 There is a circular dependency in the target dependency graph involving target "DockerCleanServiceReferences".
This I have no idea how to fix. I know the error message is due to some configuration that causes circular reference (e.g. post build event that does build)
So, any resources or tips how to package the .NET Core console application into docker container manually? I'm just getting to know Docker so don't assume I know anything of it yet.
Another question, that is there some place where I could get updated versions of these Visual Studio templates or are these known issues?
It turned out the problem for me was having my DockerFile, SLN file, and CSPROJ file all in the same folder. You know how when you create a solution, it asks you if you want to create a subdirectory? If you do not, and your SLN and CSPROJ files share the same folder, inevitably the Docker files will be added to this same folder, creating the circular reference. If your SLN file lives in the directory above your CSPROJ file, the DockerFile et al will be put into your parent directory with the SLN file, and all will be well. This solved it for me.
Can you please check if your Docker for Windows is targeting Linux? It's likely you were targeting Windows container, which is not supported with .NET Core yet.
On my first spin of VS2017 with docker, using the default template, I ran in to the same issue.
I referred to this article -
This is what worked for me - As recommended, made this changes in docker-compose project's :
The 'version' parameter on the top of the file which was set to 2, was change to 2.1
Repeated the same changes on the other files in the project including:
Regarding your question on how to package a .NET Core console application into a Docker image manually. The are intended to answer that very question. Check them out. If you run into issues with them or have suggestions please log an issue (
Thanks for the post. We will be adding Nano Server container tooling "soon". Until then, you can work with Linux containers which will give a similar experience.

Upgrade (unisntall/install) Windows Service using InstallShield Setup Project

My question, is there a way to configure the InstallShield setup and deployment project so that when I attempt to install the service it will uninstall the previously installed version of the service.
I've created a Windows Service and an InstallShield setup and deployment project to be able to install it onto my machine. The process of installing and uninstalling the service all works fine. When I go to update the service, at the moment, I need to stop the service, uninstall the service manually, and then run the installer. What I am trying to get to is a point where I can run the installer and it will uninstall the previous version of the service before installing the current version.
I have seen this process of running the install and having the previous versions uninstalled work. Through creating a test project using a windows form application. I was able to install the application. Then I: incremented the product version, created a new product code, added a new upgrade entry in the upgrade path area, and configured that upgrade entry setting the min and max version. After doing this, I rebuilt the setup project and ran the installer and the upgrade from version A to version B was complete.
The only difference I believe from the original test project (where I saw the process work) and my Windows Service project is that my test project was a Windows Forms application versus a Windows Service. In all the research I have been doing I have seen people ask similar questions, but I have not seen any real suggestions on what actions to take. So if anyone knows if this is possible or has any suggestions that I could try to accomplish this task they would be greatly appreciated.
I was able to resolve this issue, so it is possible. The setting I mentioned above are the correct settings needed to allow the service to update. This was just a case of human error that was causing my problems.

How to deploy Ruby on Rails application via cPanel on shared host?

I am in the process of learning Ruby on Rails and things have been going smoothly - up until I tried to deploy one of my test applications to my shared hosting account.
I use Host Gator and was able to successfully create a new Ruby on Rails app via cPanel and run it. The only problem is that when you create a new app this way, it populates its directory with a blank application - as would rails new app_name locally. When I delete the files and folders in this directory and replace them with my own, then attempt to run the app, cPanel says that it is running on the confirmation page but it never actually starts. I am not receiving any error messages either.
The host seemed rather stumped, stating that it should be a matter of deleting the initial files and folders and replacing them, then running. The app works fine locally so I do not think that it is a code issue. In my research I came across Passenger, although it is way over my head and it would appear that you really need to have total control over Apache to make it all work, including ssh.
If it makes any difference, the apps I made locally were put together using an installation of Rails Installer and are scaffolded. For testing I am using a bare minimum app with about three fields in the table.
What am I missing? Any help would be appreciated.
Maximum supported versions on 26/10/2013 are:
Ruby 1.8.7
RubyGems 1.8.25
Rails 2.3.18
Anything newer than that is a near guaranteed breakage and cPanel & WHM will be incapable of utilizing it in any way, shape, or form.
We can assist you with removing your existing Ruby on Rails installations and reverting them back to cPanel supported and sanctioned versions (Ruby 1.8, RubyGems 1.8, and Rails 2). That is the only thing we can do for you at this time.
If you want to use any versions newer than this, then you will be unable to use the cPanel & WHM interfaces or management tools for it -- they simply will not work. You will then have to manually manage your RoR install by yourself through command line exclusively. None of it would fall under the scope of cPanel support.
You can use which is a third party plugin to integrate Rails Hosting via Phsuion Passenger in cPanel .
Just to let others who is using Cpanel with rails know.
I was able to use Cpanel to create a rails app, start it, and do the redirection all within Cpanel.
Nothing to modify or change. Quite straightforward for me.
So I guess it would be easier to do the development work straight on the server itself.
Have not tried to deploy a locally developed rails to shared server, or any per se. But I'm guessing we could create rails with Cpanel and replace the files in the directory generated.
